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Entries by tag: author: nikki1804

Title: MINE , Team: Man Utd

Title: MINE
Author: an_inside_job
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Ink
Pairing (if needed): Gary Neville/David Beckham
Rating: PG

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Two Drabbles. Team: Manchester United

Okay so Man U are seriously needing points...that is the only reason I am making you suffer these *g*

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Title: Caught in a Moment, Team: Man Utd

This is the first drabble I have ever written...I have been forced persuaded gently to post it by petiole and yanks02 so here it is.

Title: Caught in a Moment
Author: an_inside_job
Team of Choice: Man United
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing: David Beckham/Iker Casillas
Rating: g

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