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Two fics, PG and G

Title: Reconstruction
Author: cheryl_bites
Pairing: Javier Zanetti/everyone
Disclaimer: This is not true.
Rating: PG

“...and our form does seem to be picking up at last,” Moratti finished, pushing his final paper into the outbox.

“Yes,” beamed Javier. “They’re finally recovering from the Champions League celebrations.”

Moratti froze. “Recovering? After seven months?!”

“Yes, Mr Moratti,” Zanetti said matter-of-factly.


“Ah. Remind me. Julio is injured...”


“Belec went to Crotone...”


“Maicon wants to leave...”

“I don’t see your point!”

“Toldo retired?”

Javier shuffled in his chair a little and said, “We were very happy.”

Moratti contemplated the damage the 2012 Champions League cup might suffer if someone used it to bludgeon his captain unconscious.

[I’m trying to move away from Javi and his uncontrollable urges, so I also offer this:]

Title: There is only one that is a little bit better than me and he is Marek Hamsik.
Author: cheryl_bites
Pairing: Sort of Marek Hamsik/Mario Balotelli. Crack.
Disclaimer: This is not true.
Rating: G

Thank you for my tags, mods!

Hamsik was stalking him; Mario could tell. Little glances kept flying in his direction, footsteps following close behind his, and when he peered more closely he saw that Hamsik’s lips were parted in awe and the giant teeth appeared to be staring at him. That didn’t seem good. Hamsik wasn’t someone you would choose as an admirer; he was irritatingly skilled at football and not stylish enough. Admiration was admiration, however, so Mario automatically adjusted his jacket and rose his chin a little higher as Marek sidled up to him.

“Excuse me,” Hamsik whispered, “but I really like your hat.”


( 2 spoke — Speak )
Jan. 12th, 2011 08:41 pm (UTC)
“Excuse me,” Hamsik whispered, “but I really like your hat.”

this is as hilarious as it is amazing.
Jan. 12th, 2011 08:57 pm (UTC)
I bet he's spent years trying to find a hat that fits over his hair. That one would be just perfect!
( 2 spoke — Speak )


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