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we have not had any entries here in awhile so here is one. i wrote this today on paper when i was bored, so it probably has better grammar than anything i'd ever type. i'm making the capital letters small, since i like small letters more. here ya go.
you could almost say that nobody is completely useless to society. even if someone is an adult who dropped out of high school and therefore can only get work at a grocery storey, they still contribute something. after all, what if we had no one working at grocery stores? life would be a bit difficult then.
however, there is one type of person that is totally useless to everyone. these kinds of people should be collected and used for scientific testing, since no one will care if anything bad happens to them.* the kind of person who has a house full of crap they bought at discount stores yet they never use... and they're a fat pig for eating all mcdonald's all the time... and they're on welfare. sure, maybe they only work at a convenience store, and they probably don't have a real lot of money, but they sure do have more than enough of it if they can afford all those lawn decorations and big macs. hell, if you can afford a house with a substantial lawn, you probably have enough money to live pretty well. meanwhile, there are people with no house and no food, working their asses off for what little they can get, and they need welfare. but they can't get it, because fat pigs with plenty of extra money as is are using it up. in conclusion, if you're on welfare but you really don't deserve it, then you probably also don't deserve all the other stuff you have. like your house. and your job. and your life. because you are nothing more than a complete drain on society. way to go.
nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. it's the people that don't do anything that are worthless.
* = my reasoning behind this is that so many people are worried about the issues of animal testing and the death penalty. they all bring up some good points - animals have rights too, but if we don't test on them, who do we test on? and, maybe death row inmates deserve a right to life too, but they certainly shouldn't be wandering around the streets, free to kill some more. these people are all overlooking one good solution - simply test products on death row inmates. no animals are harmed, but the products are still being tested. likewise, the people still have the right to be alive, but they're still not free- and they're not watching tv all day and using up our tax dollars that could be going to better places. an added benefit is that the product testing is more accurate. after all, humans and animals are different, and even though something is tested to work on an animal it might still not work on a human. plus if anything goes wrong with the people, it won't matter because they're only a death row inmate thatwould only be a drain on society anyway. so it's obvious that testing things like medicines and cosmetics on death row inmates, instead of testing the things on animals, or using the death penalty on the inmates, is the best idea.
... ya it's a bit long but hey i was bored and there's a lot of points to illustrate so nyeah.
think i could send the test-stuff-on-death-row-inmates thingie to our state representative or something if i wrote it and typed it up properly in a nice letter? o_oU