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a rant. [26 Aug 2005|02:30pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

we have not had any entries here in awhile so here is one. i wrote this today on paper when i was bored, so it probably has better grammar than anything i'd ever type. i'm making the capital letters small, since i like small letters more. here ya go.

you could almost say that nobody is completely useless to society. even if someone is an adult who dropped out of high school and therefore can only get work at a grocery storey, they still contribute something. after all, what if we had no one working at grocery stores? life would be a bit difficult then.

however, there is one type of person that is totally useless to everyone. these kinds of people should be collected and used for scientific testing, since no one will care if anything bad happens to them.* the kind of person who has a house full of crap they bought at discount stores yet they never use... and they're a fat pig for eating all mcdonald's all the time... and they're on welfare. sure, maybe they only work at a convenience store, and they probably don't have a real lot of money, but they sure do have more than enough of it if they can afford all those lawn decorations and big macs. hell, if you can afford a house with a substantial lawn, you probably have enough money to live pretty well. meanwhile, there are people with no house and no food, working their asses off for what little they can get, and they need welfare. but they can't get it, because fat pigs with plenty of extra money as is are using it up. in conclusion, if you're on welfare but you really don't deserve it, then you probably also don't deserve all the other stuff you have. like your house. and your job. and your life. because you are nothing more than a complete drain on society. way to go.

nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. it's the people that don't do anything that are worthless.

* = my reasoning behind this is that so many people are worried about the issues of animal testing and the death penalty. they all bring up some good points - animals have rights too, but if we don't test on them, who do we test on? and, maybe death row inmates deserve a right to life too, but they certainly shouldn't be wandering around the streets, free to kill some more. these people are all overlooking one good solution - simply test products on death row inmates. no animals are harmed, but the products are still being tested. likewise, the people still have the right to be alive, but they're still not free- and they're not watching tv all day and using up our tax dollars that could be going to better places. an added benefit is that the product testing is more accurate. after all, humans and animals are different, and even though something is tested to work on an animal it might still not work on a human. plus if anything goes wrong with the people, it won't matter because they're only a death row inmate thatwould only be a drain on society anyway. so it's obvious that testing things like medicines and cosmetics on death row inmates, instead of testing the things on animals, or using the death penalty on the inmates, is the best idea.

... ya it's a bit long but hey i was bored and there's a lot of points to illustrate so nyeah.

think i could send the test-stuff-on-death-row-inmates thingie to our state representative or something if i wrote it and typed it up properly in a nice letter? o_oU

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dickmen fuck off [04 Jul 2005|08:40pm]

[ mood | disappointed ]

okay here's a little something to dwell on for a while. let's say i go into a chat room looking to have a nice conversation and maybe find some cool people to talk to on a regular basis but while the time i am there it's all porn bots and people looking to cyber so within five seconds people im me looking to cyber and then i have go on blocking people that are fucking stupid. why are people so concerned about getting off? these fucking dirtbags that can't go pick up a real dumb drunk slut and bring them down to their house instead they jerk off in front of their computer expressing every sexual whim to some thirteen year old from california. people need to get social lives that don't involve sexual interaction. maybe in today's society where the hottest shows are "Sex in the City" and "Desperate Housesluts" have molded their brains into thinking that the only way to make life not boring is by having sex. firstly to correct people from the teachings of that glowing box in the living room computer sorta excluded, you can have a relationship with a member of the opposite gender without devloping a sexual relationship and maintaining only friendly feeling for each other, secondly your life can be interesting even if you sex life isn't or non existant, you fifth graders don't have to run around the playground trying to loose your virginity so you can be "hott" like Paris Hilton whom is a slut, she's not cool stop showing her off as if she's the shit no one cares about her except for the same people willing to beat off to the text of a thirtten year old and lame ass conformist whose holy word come from Entertainment Tonight instead of the real cool people ,or at least sensible, whose holy words come from the lord and master Foamy. so untill next rant All Hails Foamy.
<3 b477y.

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The hair warning to all [31 May 2005|08:24pm]

[ mood | crushed ]

to all of you reading a sad sad thing has happened.... Gerard cut his hair. along with Gerard many other people are going along and cutting off their sexy hair, in their cases unlike Gerard, is much more tragic since their hair is the only thing they've got going for them. for all of you males out there with pretty hair take this advice please DON'T CUT THE HAIR!!!! treat your hair with luff because for some of thouse it is the only luffly thing you've got. as a new movement of the Foaminian Church I am starting the Gerard's Hair Campainge against the cutting of sexy hair. too much loss has been given to the sexy hair and we should, as Foaminians spread this message to keep the sexy hair growing strong. thank you and please do whatever you can to support the sexy hair.
<3 b477y

in memoriam of Gerard's hair may the hole they've put you in been not deep enough. we still love you.
~RIP~ @>---------^-------v------------------~

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help? [25 Apr 2005|04:43pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

today our certain someone discussed in the previous post asked me what is wrong with her and why it's bad that she's going out with a seventh grader and why she gets called a slut. i think it's time she gets told what's wrong with her, so we shall prepare her a special rant. help please?

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TEEN SEX RANT [24 Apr 2005|08:37pm]

[ mood | ranty (duh) ]

it's so stupid wen your friends loose their virginity after that they just try to brag about it then they bitch about it it's stupid if you loose your virginity don't go blabing around about it that's how most of my friendly relations seem to end most of the time what happens behind closed doors should STAY behind closed doors and the only time you should speculate that some one has had sex is if their stomach is buldging past thier breasts with ih seven or six months and you know i'm just tired of everyone going OMGZ THEY/I HAD SEX!! CAN'T BELIEVE IT OMGZ!! you know just keep your virginity untill your married legally/religiously/ or otherwise (cafeteria/recess cermony NOT included since only compleete shitheads do that) that way it's not gab worthy and most importantly SO I DON'T HAVE TO HEAR IT. and you know this person that they let fuck them because they're "liek tooooootalllllyyy in luuuuuuuv" is probaly gonna dump their ass when an easier piece of trash walks by. then they are all sobby because they "let fucking faggot bastard asshole fuck" them. it would just be easier to let the relatonship build (sorry a week or month isn't gonna cut it) get to know each other, maybe live with them for a while (living with someone really lets you see if you actually want to be with them) then maybe do the deed. the most preferable time is when you respect each other more than a piece of ass,or cash, what ever. by the way most of these kids are attention whores do't envy them for "having a better sex life". and if you are going to do so maybe settle for going home and wanking off or if you must be mature enough to not parade the news to your buddies/ the school. besides if you love some one can't you settle with just being able to be in their prescence rather that having to fuck them 24/7? i would much rather prefer long cuddles. well anywho please and your view points ect. by the way i'm not pissing around the whole AIDS crisis for all i care we can all get AIDS and we can all die.
<3 b477y

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A kind of stupid rant [09 Apr 2005|07:01pm]

[ mood | exhausted ]

Today I was getting a hamburger at Wendy's. Wendy's burgers kick ass because they put lettuce and stuff on their burgers. Sadly not many people like Wendy's burgers because not many people want any more than ketchup and mustard slathered all over everything. Which is stupid. Because if you're going to get unhealthy fast food, you can at least make it a little less unhealthy by having some more healthy food groups in it.

Which brings us to another issue - Americans are lazy. I mean... they have peanut butter and jelly in the same freakin' jar. It supposedly saves time of you having to wipe your knife off so you don't mix the peanut butter and jelly into each other's jars... but what's the point if you're just going to get them mixed in the same jar anyway? Can't you just not wipe them? Does it really make that big of a difference? And also you could say that it saves money because you only have to buy one thing instead of two, but... think of it this way. You are getting one jar full of peanut butter and jelly. Which means you have half a jar of peanut butter and half a jar of jelly. Which means you run out of peanut butter and jelly twice as fast, since you only have half a jar of each. So basically instead of having to buy 2 different jars every 2 weeks (random time estimate here), you have to buy 1 jar every week. It's still paying for 1 jar per week, not saving anything. So, not only is peanut butter and jelly in the same jar a manifestation of how lazy we are, but also... just plain stupid.

This rant drifted towards stupid topics such as peanut butter because I just spent 7 hours cleaning my room... so, point a - it's not my fault I'm stupid right now, b - gimme a cookie?

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Entry exam [03 Apr 2005|01:52pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

Check out the info page to look at the entry exam I made. Hopefully you already got the number code if you need it. Right now the site the entry exam is on isn't working, for me at least. If it's working for you let me know.

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freeloaders another stupid people [03 Apr 2005|09:38am]

here's an entry on my compisition notebook on april first:
april bullshit day

first and foremost you're not fooling anyone, fuck you. Secondly freeloaders, they are a new breed of scum that needs to die. Let's take our buddy *** (confidecialty crap) for example, he asked hi ex for a blowjob. Luckily she was smart enough to realize that he was a goddamn freloader and dumped his ass. If you want a blowjob take the fucking yoga classes don't freeload off some poor woman. If the whore wants to fullfil your sexual wants by her own freedoing fine but go running to some woman, man, whatever demanding a blowjob. take the yoga classes or just wank off and just settle with not exactly having oral pleasure. Also in the act of stabbing yourself with a pen don't freeload a pen from someone get your own pen. Stabbing is cool and all but the penowner probaly doesn't want your shit for brains blood all over their pen. Plus blood mixing is not cool with strangers. You don't know if they have STD's. So don't be a freeloader cause that makes you a moron.
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Letting people in? [31 Mar 2005|04:27pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

There was just a request from somebody we don't know to join our church, and I looked at their LJ and stuff, and ended up deleting the email deciding they would be a nuisance to us, but I almost let them in. They looked sane enough, they could spell and they appeared to not really care what people thought of them and about fitting in a group. However they looked annoying and like they probably were stupid even though they can type. So I was just randomly wondering what the criteria should be for letting random people in. If anyone has any ideas put them.

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school can die for all i care [23 Mar 2005|07:03pm]

[ mood | sick ]

school, well all have our dislikes, hates, muderous rages about it like it's ablity to twist the days into a swirling vortex of repeated hum drum routine. yes and the teacher that you know wears a wig, does drugs, have seen them sniff some coke. then there are the students, the ones that act like sluts/wiggers/ what have you. yes it's full of shit. well we want to hear your rants on the shittyness of your school so feel free to post.

well here's my grudge on the wonderful scumbag marketing schemes. the early year NMHS was stuck with the tragic death of some dumbass that decided to go driving drunk after a keg party. now in comemoration of the idiot's death the school has come out with "79 joe south" livestrong like braclets going for $5 a pop. now the family isn't needy by any reasons but what about the school hrmmm how generous use the name of the deceased classmate to market a school fad for their own profit. this is the depth of lowness that the schools will go to for a profit benefiting new chalk. well that's what i've got so far so add something. -jazz

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Welcome all! [14 Mar 2005|03:09pm]

[ mood | blah ]

This is the Foaminian Church LJ community... to be used for ranting and other random discussions.

Therefore,this would be a good place for me to say that Jazz came up with the idea of doing weekly or monthly "group rants," that are done with her, me, and Vonn all working together on them. The first one's topic would be education, and they would be encouraged to be very long, like a true rant. So, if you think this is a good idea, post a comment.

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