Papers by Ana Paula Brito

Aquaculture, 2012
The main bottleneck for seahorse aquaculture is the low survival of newly released juveniles. Alt... more The main bottleneck for seahorse aquaculture is the low survival of newly released juveniles. Although the reasons for low survival are poorly understood, proper nutrition is considered crucial. This study therefore evaluated the ingestion rate (IR), survival and growth of newly released Hippocampus reidi reared under different management protocols. The indirect method was used to estimate the IR of different live food items (newly hatched Artemia nauplii, rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and the offspring of the copepod Tisbe biminiensis). A 14 day-long rearing trial was conducted on 38 L aquaria connected to a seawater recirculation system. Six treatments were tested: Art00hnewly hatched Artemia nauplii (5 ind.mL −1 ); Art24h -24-h enriched Artemia (5 ind.mL −1 ); Rot + Art24hrotifers (B. plicatilis; 10 ind.mL −1 ) from day 1 until day 7 followed by enriched Artemia metanauplii (5 ind.mL −1 ); Cop -Copepods (T. biminiensis; 2 ind.mL −1 ); and Art24h + Cop -T. biminiensis (2 ind.mL −1 ) and 24-h enriched Artemia (5 ind.mL −1 ). In the treatment Starvation, no feed was provided. All treatments, except Starvation, received the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata every other day. The IR trials indicated that the offspring of the copepod was the main live food ingested by the seahorses. Treatment Art24h + Cop resulted in a significantly higher survival (33.5 ± 5.4%), followed by Cop (6.6 ± 4.8%) and Art00h (6.0 ± 8.3%) which were not significantly different from each other, but significantly higher than juveniles fed rotifers and Artemia (Rot + Art24h) with a survival of only 0.3% (± 0.5). No survivors were observed in the remaining treatments. Growth parameters were significantly higher in Art24h + Cop and Art00h. Results showed that the feeding of copepods T. biminiensis combined with enriched Artemia increases growth and survival of H. reidi during the first two weeks of life.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Patient profile and nursing workload at the nephrology unit]](
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem / EENFUFRGS, 2013
Chronic kidney failure (CKF), which is frequently silent, can lead to considerable changes in the... more Chronic kidney failure (CKF), which is frequently silent, can lead to considerable changes in the lives of patients. Depending on the stage, hospitalization and hours of nursing care are required to ensure medical and surgical treatment. The aim of this descriptive and quantitative study is to measure nursing workload at a nephrology unit based on daily application of the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) for 47 consecutive days. Patients were mostly young male adults in the chronic stage of the disease or admitted for kidney transplant. A total of 833 observations were obtained from 62 patients. The resulting NAS workload upon admission was 52%, corresponding to 12.5 hours of care per patient for 24 hours, which is similar to the workload found in intensive care units. This profile allows calculation of nursing work hours required for each patient and is a valuable tool for nursing managers when determining the number of staff members required to ensure assistance. Other studies should be conducted for clinical validation.

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004
In a previous study aimed to compare the bioavailability of two levothyroxine tablets, we found a... more In a previous study aimed to compare the bioavailability of two levothyroxine tablets, we found a good relation between their pharmacokinetics parameters and dissolution profiles, employing the USP dissolution conditions in use at that time (24th edition). Despite the formulations were considered bioequivalent, the test product presented values of AUC and concentrations at steady-state significantly lower (about 10%) than the reference ones. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate if the actual pharmacopeial conditions (with alterations introduced in the first supplement of USP 24) would also allow a good correlation between bioavailability and dissolution data. The partial AUCs were correlated with cumulative levothyroxine amount dissolved at three different times, for each dissolution condition. Employing the old method, test tablets had a slower dissolution rate than the reference ones, resulting in a quite good multiple level C in vitro/in vivo (IVIV) correlation. On the other hand, the very fast dissolution profiles obtained in the actual condition lead to a worse IVIV correlation. Present work indicates that the mild conditions proposed in the older US Pharmacopeia were better than the actual in order to discriminate dissolution profiles of levothyroxine tablets which present subtle, but significant, differences in their pattern of absorption.
Phytochemistry, 2000
A butanolide, marliolide, was isolated from the hexane extract of leaves of Mollinedia marliae (M... more A butanolide, marliolide, was isolated from the hexane extract of leaves of Mollinedia marliae (Monimiacae) along with the long chain fatty alcohol hexacosanol. Phytol and a mixture of sitosterol and stigmasterol were also isolated from leaves of both M. marliae and M. gilgiana. trans-N-Feruloyltyramine, a ferulic acid derivative, is the major constituent of the stems of M. gilgiana.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1999
The chemistry and pharmacology of species of the family Monimiaceae are reviewed, with special at... more The chemistry and pharmacology of species of the family Monimiaceae are reviewed, with special attention given to the genera Mollinedia and Siparuna, the two most important and representative in Brazil. The isolation of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and kaempferol derivatives from Siparuna apiosyce is reported, as well as the isolation of aporphines from the fruits of Siparuna arianeae. Cinnamic acid derivatives and a γ-lactone were isolated from Mollinedia gilgiana and Mollinedia marliae.
Cheminform, 2001
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was e... more ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
Papers by Ana Paula Brito