Papers by Renato Miguel Tavares

O papel da diplomacia na extensão das plataformas continentais de Portugal e de Espanha
É inegável a importância que a extensão da Plataforma Continental (PC) constitui para uma nação p... more É inegável a importância que a extensão da Plataforma Continental (PC) constitui para uma nação predominantemente marítima como Portugal. Ao analisar o recente litígio diplomático entre Portugal e Espanha, relativamente à extensão das respetivas PC's, importa destacar o papel da diplomacia. O conflito de interesses entre os dois Estados, relativamente a uma zona que se sobrepõe e que está patente nos pedidos
de ambos os países às Nações Unidas, leva-nos a entender que a diplomacia é um instrumento essencial de que as nações dispõem e que lhes permite ajudar a resolver conflitos que, por vezes, surgem do ponto de vista de relacionamento bilateral. Neste caso específico da proposta de extensão das plataformas continentais de Portugal e Espanha, estão em causa interesses divergentes que devem ser analisados à luz do direito internacional nesta matéria.
É nosso objetivo aferir os fundamentos, motivações, interesses e possíveis desfechos para o presente litígio. Para a obtenção da resposta à problemática, começamos por apresentar uma breve concetualização de diplomacia, dando destaque às funções desta atividade na resolução pacífica de diferendos entre Estados, seguindo-se uma apresentação da relação diplomática entre Portugal e Espanha nos últimos anos. Na terceira
e última parte é tratado o conflito de interesses entre os dois países, analisando-se as respetivas propostas de
extensão das plataformas continentais e os interesses em causa.
Para o efeito, será usado o método qualitativo, dando-se o consequente enfoque dedutivo à análise de fontes primárias, como a Convenção de Viena, a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM), propostas oficiais de extensão das plataformas de Espanha e Portugal e fontes secundárias, como artigos científicos, jornais, monografias e ensaios.

o Atlantico como novo desígnio nacional
The independence of Portugal dates back to 1143, when it was ratified the Treaty of Zamora. Howev... more The independence of Portugal dates back to 1143, when it was ratified the Treaty of Zamora. However, the country had to continue its long journey to preserve and enhance their sovereignty due to continental threats of those times. It was in this context – achieve a greater geopolitical balance in relation to the kingdoms of Leon and Castile – which the country left to the sea, making it a national goal, when the ocean was a mystery to the mankind. Using a Virgílio de Carvalho’s expression, Portugal became a "predominantly maritime Nation", using the sea as a lever of its foreign policy, expanding the respective effective power.
For over five hundred years, Portugal was successful in pursuing its national strategy, which was based on the use of the sea as a key element to achieve its national interests. This strategy lasted until the decolonization and accession to the European Community, when the country turned its back to the coast, in detriment of an unprecedented continentality in the portuguese post-medieval history, relegating its maritime nature, almost irreversibly. However, the efforts employed mainly in the late 1990s, as well as in the beginning of the second millennium, the picture began to redesign.
Today, the sea has returning to the pedestal of the political and strategic rhetoric, having become, again, a desideratum to proceed and protect, in an internal and external level.
This work will focus on the assumption of the Atlantic as a new national goal, analyzing the real strategic value which the ocean continues to have for the portuguese foreign policy, by analyzing the intention of reusing its use, showing the geoeconomic and geopolitical interests which are inherent to its strategic potential, as well as the obstacles that stand to the process of achieving this goal.
Books by Renato Miguel Tavares

Since 2004 we have witnessed the importance of the ocean as a great National
Purpose to be achie... more Since 2004 we have witnessed the importance of the ocean as a great National
Purpose to be achieved. Since then, the ocean has been in vogue in the media and in the
political, strategic, scientific and technological agenda.
Today, according to the current National Strategy for the Sea (ENM), maritime
affairs must also be included in literacy and education, specifically in all educational stages, through Aprendizagens Essenciais – the most recent documents of curriculum guidance to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in students. The aim is to make maritime
affairs reach, in an inclusive and transversal way, to all students.
Therefore, the intention of this work will be to assess how Education has been
able to promote maritime awareness in students. Also, it is intended to know if the ocean
affairs in fact reach everyone, inclusively and transversally, as well as inferring whether
the sea as a National Purpose is just a rhetorical conception to materialize, or if, on the
contrary, is already embodied in education.
In order to do so, we undertook a deep analysis of Aprendizagens Essenciais in all
school cycles and carried out a case study with two secondary school classes in search of
maritime awareness in students.
Papers by Renato Miguel Tavares
de ambos os países às Nações Unidas, leva-nos a entender que a diplomacia é um instrumento essencial de que as nações dispõem e que lhes permite ajudar a resolver conflitos que, por vezes, surgem do ponto de vista de relacionamento bilateral. Neste caso específico da proposta de extensão das plataformas continentais de Portugal e Espanha, estão em causa interesses divergentes que devem ser analisados à luz do direito internacional nesta matéria.
É nosso objetivo aferir os fundamentos, motivações, interesses e possíveis desfechos para o presente litígio. Para a obtenção da resposta à problemática, começamos por apresentar uma breve concetualização de diplomacia, dando destaque às funções desta atividade na resolução pacífica de diferendos entre Estados, seguindo-se uma apresentação da relação diplomática entre Portugal e Espanha nos últimos anos. Na terceira
e última parte é tratado o conflito de interesses entre os dois países, analisando-se as respetivas propostas de
extensão das plataformas continentais e os interesses em causa.
Para o efeito, será usado o método qualitativo, dando-se o consequente enfoque dedutivo à análise de fontes primárias, como a Convenção de Viena, a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM), propostas oficiais de extensão das plataformas de Espanha e Portugal e fontes secundárias, como artigos científicos, jornais, monografias e ensaios.
For over five hundred years, Portugal was successful in pursuing its national strategy, which was based on the use of the sea as a key element to achieve its national interests. This strategy lasted until the decolonization and accession to the European Community, when the country turned its back to the coast, in detriment of an unprecedented continentality in the portuguese post-medieval history, relegating its maritime nature, almost irreversibly. However, the efforts employed mainly in the late 1990s, as well as in the beginning of the second millennium, the picture began to redesign.
Today, the sea has returning to the pedestal of the political and strategic rhetoric, having become, again, a desideratum to proceed and protect, in an internal and external level.
This work will focus on the assumption of the Atlantic as a new national goal, analyzing the real strategic value which the ocean continues to have for the portuguese foreign policy, by analyzing the intention of reusing its use, showing the geoeconomic and geopolitical interests which are inherent to its strategic potential, as well as the obstacles that stand to the process of achieving this goal.
Books by Renato Miguel Tavares
Purpose to be achieved. Since then, the ocean has been in vogue in the media and in the
political, strategic, scientific and technological agenda.
Today, according to the current National Strategy for the Sea (ENM), maritime
affairs must also be included in literacy and education, specifically in all educational stages, through Aprendizagens Essenciais – the most recent documents of curriculum guidance to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in students. The aim is to make maritime
affairs reach, in an inclusive and transversal way, to all students.
Therefore, the intention of this work will be to assess how Education has been
able to promote maritime awareness in students. Also, it is intended to know if the ocean
affairs in fact reach everyone, inclusively and transversally, as well as inferring whether
the sea as a National Purpose is just a rhetorical conception to materialize, or if, on the
contrary, is already embodied in education.
In order to do so, we undertook a deep analysis of Aprendizagens Essenciais in all
school cycles and carried out a case study with two secondary school classes in search of
maritime awareness in students.
de ambos os países às Nações Unidas, leva-nos a entender que a diplomacia é um instrumento essencial de que as nações dispõem e que lhes permite ajudar a resolver conflitos que, por vezes, surgem do ponto de vista de relacionamento bilateral. Neste caso específico da proposta de extensão das plataformas continentais de Portugal e Espanha, estão em causa interesses divergentes que devem ser analisados à luz do direito internacional nesta matéria.
É nosso objetivo aferir os fundamentos, motivações, interesses e possíveis desfechos para o presente litígio. Para a obtenção da resposta à problemática, começamos por apresentar uma breve concetualização de diplomacia, dando destaque às funções desta atividade na resolução pacífica de diferendos entre Estados, seguindo-se uma apresentação da relação diplomática entre Portugal e Espanha nos últimos anos. Na terceira
e última parte é tratado o conflito de interesses entre os dois países, analisando-se as respetivas propostas de
extensão das plataformas continentais e os interesses em causa.
Para o efeito, será usado o método qualitativo, dando-se o consequente enfoque dedutivo à análise de fontes primárias, como a Convenção de Viena, a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM), propostas oficiais de extensão das plataformas de Espanha e Portugal e fontes secundárias, como artigos científicos, jornais, monografias e ensaios.
For over five hundred years, Portugal was successful in pursuing its national strategy, which was based on the use of the sea as a key element to achieve its national interests. This strategy lasted until the decolonization and accession to the European Community, when the country turned its back to the coast, in detriment of an unprecedented continentality in the portuguese post-medieval history, relegating its maritime nature, almost irreversibly. However, the efforts employed mainly in the late 1990s, as well as in the beginning of the second millennium, the picture began to redesign.
Today, the sea has returning to the pedestal of the political and strategic rhetoric, having become, again, a desideratum to proceed and protect, in an internal and external level.
This work will focus on the assumption of the Atlantic as a new national goal, analyzing the real strategic value which the ocean continues to have for the portuguese foreign policy, by analyzing the intention of reusing its use, showing the geoeconomic and geopolitical interests which are inherent to its strategic potential, as well as the obstacles that stand to the process of achieving this goal.
Purpose to be achieved. Since then, the ocean has been in vogue in the media and in the
political, strategic, scientific and technological agenda.
Today, according to the current National Strategy for the Sea (ENM), maritime
affairs must also be included in literacy and education, specifically in all educational stages, through Aprendizagens Essenciais – the most recent documents of curriculum guidance to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in students. The aim is to make maritime
affairs reach, in an inclusive and transversal way, to all students.
Therefore, the intention of this work will be to assess how Education has been
able to promote maritime awareness in students. Also, it is intended to know if the ocean
affairs in fact reach everyone, inclusively and transversally, as well as inferring whether
the sea as a National Purpose is just a rhetorical conception to materialize, or if, on the
contrary, is already embodied in education.
In order to do so, we undertook a deep analysis of Aprendizagens Essenciais in all
school cycles and carried out a case study with two secondary school classes in search of
maritime awareness in students.