The large body of work on relativization strategies in European and Brazilian Portuguese contrasts with the scarcity of studies on African varieties of Portuguese. This paper is a corpus-based study of PP-relativization in spoken... more
European Portuguese is the only Romance language displaying an é que- cleft structure, i.e. a strategy in which the focused constituent is fronted followed by é que ‘is that’. The analysis of data from the corpus CORDIAL-SIN shows that... more
Neste artigo, propomo-nos comparar os mecanismos de formação de frases relativas restritivas que envolvem extracção de sintagmas preposicionais (PPs) nos crioulos de base lexical portuguesa em África e nas variedades do português,... more
Master thesis on the description and analysis of an alternative process of forming (restrictive) relative clauses in European Portuguese (EP), which is called ‘resumptive strategy’, within the framework of the Generative Grammar –... more
Ph.D. dissertation on two types of wh-constructions – interrogative and relative clauses – of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), a Portuguese-based Creole language spoken on the archipelago of Cape Verde, specifically the variety spoken on... more
The syntax of wh-questions has been largely investigated for several languages, basically focusing on their movement operations. In this paper I resort to wh-questions in Cape Verdean Creole (CVC) to illustrate a further syntactic aspect... more
In this article, we present COPLE2, a new corpus of Portuguese FL/L2, which encompasses written and spoken data produced by foreign learners of Portuguese at the University of Lisbon. Over the past few years we are seeing a substantial... more
Partindo de algumas análises no quadro da Gramática Generativa das construções que envolvem movimento-A', como as orações relativas, interrogativas e clivadas, e que têm sido feitas para o Português Europeu (PE) e para o Português... more
Compared to other natural languages, creole languages are specific in the sense that they are young languages. Several authors, such as Bickerton (e.g. 1981, 1984) and McWhorter (e.g. 1998, 2001, 2005) consider, albeit in distinct ways,... more
Os crioulos de base lexical portuguesa foram, na maioria dos casos, línguas orais até ao século XIX, quando começaram a surgir as primeiras recolhas de tradições orais, textos e traduções. Como lhes falta uma tradição escrita robusta e... more
Placement tests are a form of assessment that aims at placing students in appropriate levels. Placement tests must, therefore, be based on validity and reliability arguments to ensure appropriateness and consistency of assessment. Despite... more
Caboverdiana, explores the presence of (West-)African elements in the Cape Verdean Creole (Santiago variety-henceforth, CVC). The main goal of this book is to examine the relevance of the African stratum of CVC, deciding which... more
Both Cape Verdean Portuguese (CVP) and Santomean Portuguese (STP) are in contact with Portuguese-related Creole languages formed during the 15 th and 16 th centuries: Capeverdean, in Cape Verde, and Santome, Angolar and Lung'Ie, in São... more
• Definition: «The head [of the restricting clause] in itself has a certain potential range of referents, but the restricting clause restricts this set by giving a proposition that must be true of the actual referents of the overall... more
os, obtendo-se a ordem D + AP + NP + CPrel (cf. (98)). Em PE, lingua que projecta GenP e NbP, o NP move-se para Spec/NbP, onde verifica os seus tracos-φ de numero, e depois o N desloca-se para adjuncao a Gen, de modo a verificar os tracos... more
Tese de doutoramento, Linguistica (Linguistica Geral), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2009
1. Introdução Neste artigo, propomo-nos comparar os mecanismos de formação de frases relativas restritivas que envolvem extracção de sintagmas preposicionais (PPs) nos crioulos de base lexical portuguesa em África e nas variedades do... more
Resumo: Em comparacao com outras linguas naturais, as linguas crioulas tem a especificidade de serem linguas de formacao recente. Diversos autores, como por exemplo Bickerton (e.g. 1981, 1984) e McWhorter (e.g. 1998, 2001, 2005)... more
1. Introdução Partindo de algumas análises no quadro da Gramática Generativa das construções que envolvem movimento-A’, como as orações relativas, interrogativas e clivadas, e que têm sido feitas para o Português Europeu (PE) e para o... more