It does seem a bit overwhelming to try and "sum myself up" in a single entry. Especially since I have changed a lot in the past few years, and still feel very much like a "work in progress" in many areas. But here are the basics: CIS female, close to 50, European (though living in the US), happily single, highly introverted and no longer interested in labels when it comes to romantic and/or sexual orientation (but I used to identify as a lesbian for many years, and then briefly as a pan-romantic demisexual... which may or may not still apply, depending on how you look at it, LOL). Astrologically, a Pisces (with Virgo rising and a Gemini moon). Spiritually, a non-denominational seeker, interested in exploring various aspects of Buddhism, paganism or any other ideology that allows for a highly personalized and label-free experience of the divine.;-) In case that hasn't become quite obvious by now, I like to look at things (as well as do them) my own way, and following the herd has never been my forte. Which has its downsides, obviously. But, for the most part, I am at peace with myself and the world these days - which is a pretty recent development, from a historical perspective, and which I largely owe to the wonderful invention of brainwave entrainment (a.k.a. Holosync meditation tracks; seriously, check it out).
What else? I am not going to write about my day job, because I don't believe it's highly relevant to who I am... and also because I don't think it's a good idea to discuss it in a public post, for several reasons. You might see an occasional rant about it if you get access to my flocked entries, though.;-) I am passionate about a clean, healthy diet, because it's made a tremendous difference in my life - but I am also not on a mission to "fix" anyone else, so I won't preach to you about white sugar and other toxic food additives if you mention buying a birthday cake at a supermarket.:-P I also believe that some ancient healing modalities like herbalism or energy work are often more effective than conventional Western medicine at addressing the common ills of our modern world; but, again, I am not here to argue the point, unless someone specifically asks me about it. "Live and let live" is my general life philosophy, and I tend to expect the same in return.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to mention a fascinating online course I took over a year ago: Soul Realignment by Andrrea Hess. It's a spiritual modality that helps you connect with your divine nature and discover your Soul's purpose through accessing the Akashic Records. I am a certified practitioner at this point, and I can access your Records, with your permission, and give you a comprehensive overview of your divine gifts, as well as any karmic patterns (from present or past lives) that may be keeping you from expressing them fully. If you're interested in exploring the topic, comment below.:-)
Here's a link to the course website, if you'd like to take a look:

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Just thought I'd put that down for future reference. ;-)
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I have spent the weekend mostly grocery shopping, cleaning up and organizing a bit (threw out an old rickety end table, which was falling apart, and put up a new tiny bookcase, which - thank God - was very quick and easy to assemble), downloading music, reading and watching Netflix (I decided it was time to revisit The Witcher before moving on to some new fantasy series I haven't seen before). Was late to the Conscious Conversations call today, because Zoom did a number on me and refused to open until after I reboot, which took a while - and then nobody wanted to stay on past the regular closing time, so it felt like the whole thing was over way too soon. *sigh* But otherwise, I managed perfectly well to keep myself occupied and distracted from pondering the challenges of fulfilling my soul's mission on this planet. As you do. *snort* That is all.
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I'm also still downloading music and updating some of my countless playlists. I have so many favorite artists now that I can no longer keep up with most of them, and I often don't find out about "new" albums until they're not so new anymore. Which is what just happened with Stromae - the brilliant musician and performer from Belgium, whom I first discovered about a decade ago. I did post a few of his videos on here at the time, as I recall. They are typically just as engaging as the songs themselves - very meticulously created mini-movies that each tell their own intricate story. Especially this one:
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The guidebook is gorgeous, too: printed on nice, glossy paper, with full-page color images of every card... which is pretty rare. By the way, the image on the box shows The Magician, who is usually depicted as a male figure. Clearly, here in the witch's garden magic is female. :-D
Below is a selection of my other favorites: ( Read more...Collapse )
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And just one more, because it's possibly the trippiest music video I've ever seen:
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Today I finished all assigned work by lunchtime... then spent the afternoon decluttering some old document folders and downloading music. This wasn't even the plan... but I happened to click on a link to a music video someone posted on NAAS, and before I knew it, I became a hardcore fan of another brilliant singer/songwriter/performer. Ayla Nereo. Her videos are absolute masterpieces (she often directs them herself, in addition to writing the lyrics, singing, dancing and playing several different instruments). I'm just going to post a few favorites:
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That is all. :-P
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Time to recall this year's moments in the holiday photochallenge. Get 5 random photos uploaded to the blog in 2024 and share them with the audience!
Have an…