The Logos, Ethos, and Pathos of IndieWeb
Editor's note: This is another in a continuing series of essays about the IndieWeb.
Where is the IndieWeb?
One might consider the IndieWeb's wiki-based website and chat the "logos" of IndieWeb. There is a small group of about a hundred active to very active participants who

Articles, notes, research, and material relating to the IndieWeb, user experience, user interface, social media and the web.
Most recent stories in IndieWeb
Playing around with Kevin Marks' changes to the base Tumblr theme which has added some microformats. It's looking pretty good in most of the parsers I've tested. Here's a good visual one:
This makes me want to use andAutomating syndication of reply contexts in Twitter Cards using OGP metacrap and plugins in WordPress
A Metacrap Problem
It's metacrap--I know, I know--but I've been thinking about easy ways to use Open Graph Protocol meta data to add contextual Twitter cards to some of my content when syndicating posts to Twitter. My goal is to leverage the speed and ease-of-use of Micropub clients while doingCrediting your own website when syndicating to Mastodon with WordPress plugins
I've been tinkering around with methods to automatically syndicate (POSSE) content from my personal website to Mastodon. I've been working at making a custom plugin which is far from finished. But a test post I made the other day, caught a few people's attention[1][2].
I was trying to syndicateIndieWebCamp East 2020: Save the Date and Call for Volunteers
Hello IndieWeb friends and family!
Save the Date
After some back-and-forth, several of us have carved out some time over the weekend of November 14-15 to co-host IndieWebCamp East 2020. We hope you'll be able to join us.
If you're interested in a weekend full of IndieWeb related activities,