You must be smart if you came across this journal...
...or "lucky" that I told you about it.
Note- Every entry will include an LJ-cut and will be "friends only". I won't be adding anymore friends since I don't use this journal often. This journal is my 2nd one-- out of 3. No single person has found all 3 of my journals... without telling me anyway.
Please check out the community: attemptfailed. I'm the mod/ creator/ maintainer. -The only active LJ community for people who have attempted suicide. 300+ members
Diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Trichtillomania (under the DSM- IV because CSP is not acknowledged as a disorder), and strong Avoidant traits
Meds: Effexor XR twice, Wellbutrin, Zoloft (2nd time- on now), Celexa, Prozac, Citalopram... and some other one. Now also on low dose of Seroquel.
Abused in my past
I can't get close to people because I'm too untrusting and dissociative.
Smoker, Occasional "soft" drug user
Summer of '06- attended 6 week day treatment programme for 8 weeks. It broke me
Single for 4 years
In and out of therapy since I was 10
2 Suicide Attempts
I live in my head and over- intellectualize.
Had to drop out of school and cannot work anymore because it's all finally caught up to me
I keep myself at arms length, purposely and subconsiously.
This is my pseudo- journal... for seeking help that I cannot get in real life.