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Professor William Hundert was a great teacher who not only wanted his students to learn the course but also apply the learning's to the practical life. He was a self-esteemed man with enormous skills of motivation and teaching. He... more
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Technology has always played a vital role in making material available to readers, since the printing press was invented in the fifteenth century. Various improvements in the technology of the print, from offset to desktop, have had... more
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Abstract--Technology has always played a vital role in making material available to readers, since the printing press was invented in the fifteenth century. Various improvements in the technology of the print, from offset to desktop, have... more
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The state has played a significant role in shaping the global digital economy. This is both true in shaping the early influence of United States, Europe and Japan in introducing TRIPS within WTO. The thrust for a global regime of trade... more
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The state has played a significant role in shaping the global digital economy. This is both true in shaping the early influence of United States, Europe and Japan in introducing TRIPS within WTO. The thrust for a global regime of trade... more
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This paper reviews whether the rapid growth in banking indicators in the North Eastern region of India following nationalisation of 14 major banks in 1969 and another six in 1980 based on social banking was sustained or not. It finds a... more
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    • North East India Studies
In the new global economy, trading in goods and services is becoming critical for India. Difficulties faced by the Indian exporters when organizing their international payments and liquidity management are well known, especially as they... more
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This draft paper aims to understand the impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) using the case of Posco India Private Limited and the opposition it faced circa 2015.
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The ancient Mesopotamian society, having been extensively recorded, has proved to be a treasure of information that has allowed historians to make sense of how mankind has reached where it belongs now. It has helped us comprehend why some... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian historyEarly Dynastic MesopotamiaAncient civilizations
This essay aims at understanding the concept of the Afterlife and Death from an Ancient Egyptian’s perspective and studying its evolution until the New Kingdom Period.
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian History
The Harappan Civilisation, ever since its discovery in early 19th century has been the subject matter of diverse yet far-stretched speculations without conclusive proof about its culture, its heritage, and the people belonging to it. Both... more
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    • Harappan Civilization
Background: After an acute coronary syndrome (ACS), patients remain at risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), despite contemporary treatment including aspirin and clopidogrel. The risk of MACE may be secondary to thrombin,... more
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Research literature, both conceptual and empirical, has enunciated benefits of client involvement for better client vendor relationships. However, relevant research in the realm of problematic relationships is scarce. To address the gap,... more
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      BusinessMarketingPsychologyIndustrial Marketing Management
The contribution of psychological factors in project relationships has received limited attention. Taking the standpoint of vendor project managers, we examine their justice perceptions, affect, and consequent behavior in response to... more
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      Information SystemsPsychology
In the last three decades, there has been considerable advancement in the design of information systems used in organizations. Information systems facilitate critical organizational activities like recording and processing of business... more
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      BusinessManagement Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementMusic Perception and Cognition
Thriving is a psychological state in which individuals experience a sense of vitality and a sense of learning. Thriving come from relational connections with others, and is deeply rooted in social systems. Theoretical literature suggests... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyDecision MakingEducational Psychology
It is common knowledge that leadership guides human resource practices which influence employees' behaviour and outcomes. Understanding this relationship becomes germane to comprehend the dynamics of organisational change. Human resource... more
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      Organizational ChangeAffective CommitmentHuman Resource Management (HRM) Practices
Extant literature indicates the role played by transformational leadership in bringing about organizational change in general, and affective commitment to change in particular. However, it does not explain the process through which... more
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      Organizational ChangeAffective Organizational Commitment
Enablers of change in the specific context of service organizations have received limited attention in the literature. Considering the unique features of service organizations, and applying contingency theory to them, this paper seeks to... more
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      Organizational ChangeContingency Theory
Purpose This paper aims to explore how organizations can measure diversity, equity and inclusion, and what are the potential areas where they can take initiatives to meet the diversity, equity and inclusion goals.... more
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