? ?
08 August 2010 @ 02:38 am
Amazon is currently giving free 1 year memberships to Amazon Prime (free 2 day shipping, $3.99 overnight shipping) to current students with a .edu email address: I'm not sure how long they're offering this (it doesn't say on the site).

Just thought i'd give fellow students the heads up on this in case you haven't heard about it yet. This is going to save me a ton on shipping textbooks this year!
22 July 2009 @ 03:28 pm
Hello all. I'm a recent graduate, walked in the spring and finished up my last two classes this summer. I'm to receive my diploma in the mail but have not received it yet. Did anyone else walk in spring and finish in summer? Have you received your diploma yet?
Current Location: Apartment
Current Mood: curiouscurious
Current Music: "My Pace" SunSet Swish
17 September 2008 @ 12:29 pm
Is there anyone from Flagler or the St. Augustine area that plans on attending Afterburn, the regional Burning Man event in Lakeland? It's from November 14-16 [Fri-Sun] and I'd like to find someone else who is interested in going. I am willing to have a rideshare or maybe camp together. Thanks!
27 July 2008 @ 05:31 am
Random question, but did anyone here attend the Flagler prom?
Don't miss this mega sale!

9 am kicks off the fun.

Dozens of families have donated to this mega sale event to benefit the Florida School of Holistic Living

Lots of Furniture, including appliances like stoves and coffee makers, tables, dressers, filing cabinets, and much more

Electronics including dvd players

Lots of books, cds, dvds, vhs, and tons of VINYL

Lots of clothing, plus kids clothing and brand new shoes

Household items, and much more! All priced to SELL!

At FL School of Holistic Living and Evolve
604 N Thornton Avenue, Orlando
Corner of Thornton and Concord, one block SW of Mills and Colonial
2 doors south of Dandelion Communitea Cafe

See you there!!

[x-posted, share the love!]
23 May 2008 @ 09:19 am
 Does the college/Legacy store still participate (at least during the school year) in the art walk, where students can sell their artwork etc?
Sorry if that's worded awkwardly.
14 May 2008 @ 08:14 pm
looking for a job downtown? perferabbly permanent but summer job will work too... I'm a manager at a shop downtown and we need help!!! email me your resume if you're good with people and can work weekends!!

[email protected]
26 April 2008 @ 09:59 am
Hey guys I'm cleaning house and have posted some vintage Flagler College t-shirts on Ebay. 4 Vintage FC shirts starting bid at 10 bucks.
all small in size.

check it out.

(copy the link)

thanks for looking!
10 April 2008 @ 10:45 am
I know this doesn't have anything to do with Flagler... but i'm dying to go out one night soon!! are there any good spots (bars/etc) that are happening for the "college age" crowds... just thought i'd ask since I just moved here and I have no idea where to go to mingle with some people my age!!!
06 April 2008 @ 08:00 pm

I'm currently working on a sociology paper and thought it would do good to hear some input from the current generations.

Paper topic: "Terrorism has never been a problem in the United States until 2001 when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon"

What are your thoughts or reactions to this statement or to terrorism in general? What do you think should be done?

These thoughts may be used in my paper with proper citing, so I may contact you for those purposes.

cross-post - personal journal, myspace, facebook, deviantart, and Flagler College community journal

Current Location: My dorm room working on a paper/project
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: "Dragonfly" - Universal Hall Pass
09 March 2008 @ 11:47 pm
Just was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on where students live when they aren't living on campus. I'm looking to move to St. Augustine in the next year or so, and hopefully get accepted to finish up school at Flager but I haven't had ANY leads of apartments and whatnot to rent online. I'm about 2 hours from St. Augustine so i'd like to have some ideas of where to go before I make a trip up there to go home hunting!
Any advice would be great!!!


Also, if you reply if you could let me know how long you've been at Flager and what your degree is in i'd greatly appreciate it!!
27 January 2008 @ 07:58 pm
this is my side

this is my roommates side

as you can see, we are kind of messy people. 

this is ponce 180 btw. 
27 January 2008 @ 07:33 pm
Hello all,

I am anxious to know what the girls dorms LOOK like. The site does not provide photos OR layouts, so descriptions and pictures please!

Thank you!
22 January 2008 @ 04:19 pm
Does anyone have a bike to sell or know someone who does? I'm looking to replace a bike for a friend...or at least go in on the price of one for his birthday.
22 January 2008 @ 09:20 am
Okay we all know the dining hall doesn't always have the best of selections. However, they are trying to do something about it this year which is big.

But you know it is bad when you see someone eating a cup of top ramen at one of the tables.

How I love this school.
Current Location: My dorm room
Current Mood: amusedamused
Current Music: watching Naruto
09 January 2008 @ 05:36 pm
I don't have very much time to spend with my horse anymore, so I am trying to find someone to lease him. He is a 17 year old Quarter Horse gelding. I've shown him in 2nd level dressage and hunter/jumper. He's very well trained. I'm looking for someone with horse experience, any level can ride him. It's a beautiful barn with trail riding oppertunities.
Full or partial lease, price negotiable
Call Faith Hawks 772-559-7394
or message me for more information
Listed at:

Jacksonville, FL
12 December 2007 @ 11:00 pm
I'm just posting a note on here for my boyfriend. He is looking for a room to rent, preferably in the downtown area or close enough over the bridge to walk/bike to downtown. He is graduating this semester and needs a place ASAP. Please leave a comment and/or email me at [email protected] if you know of anything available. Thanks!
12 December 2007 @ 07:30 pm
So, should I be worried about getting a non-compatible roommate?
08 December 2007 @ 01:05 pm
i am looking for a third roommate.
i am moving into a house in royal st augustine, off sr 16.
it's a 3 bedroom/2 bath.
the rent would be approx $350 + 1/3 of utilities.
move-in is set for the first week of january.
for more info email me at [email protected]
Current Mood: hopefulhopeful
19 November 2007 @ 12:24 pm
Hey guys, I picked up a black puppy this morning on Four Mile Rd (I think he was a maltese or a maltese mix).  He's about a year old and un-fixed.  I knocked on a few doors across the street from where I found him but got no answers - if anyone is missing a dog or knows someone who is, I took him to the Humane Society on Old Moultrie.  He was well-taken care of and very affectionate, so I know someone somewhere is missing him >.<  I don't still have him, but you can contact me at [email protected] with questions, etc.  Please help him find his parents!
12 November 2007 @ 02:37 pm
I just wanted to remind everyone that the autumn Flagler Feeds is going on this week. Club Ripple has organized a canned food drive. Drop off your cans at the table in the gazebo. This Friday night from 9-midnight, PRSSA is hosting the "White Party" to culminate Flagler Feeds. Pay $3 or just a $1 and a canned good. All proceeds and cans are being split between the St. Francis House and the Salvation Army. The party is in Ponce dining hall and it's all-white semi-formal attire. Hope to see you there!
01 October 2007 @ 04:54 am
so fall out boy, gym class heroes, cute is what we aim for and plain white ts are all on tour. thud thud goes my heart--and i know yours are keeping time, too. don't deny. word on the street is that this is supposed to be an awesome show like never seen before--can you dig it?

cut my wrists, black my eyes... wait. what?Collapse )
14 September 2007 @ 12:30 pm
Just wanted to post mentioning that I have some art textbooks as well as a few random books for sale on my account. If anyone is interested in a book please let me know and we can arrange something =) thanks

my account
31 August 2007 @ 09:07 pm
OK, so I think I might want to try jogging in the morning. I've heard a lot of scary things from various people about running alone, and I know I have friends who'd go with me, I just really want to go it alone. It's a personal thing. I'd also plan to go really early in the morning, say 5-6 a.m. or so. Does anyone have any route suggestions?
29 August 2007 @ 02:06 pm
I'm not a psych major but I have friends who are so I thought I'd pass the word along:

FIT's School of Psychology (in Melbourne, FL) will host the 2007 Autism Conference on October 18 and 19th. There will be noted autism experts, including Dr. Anthony Bailey, an Oxford professor. The conference "qualifies for professional education hours for teachers and continuing education credit for psychologists and behavior analysts."

Registrations are being accepted between Aug. 27th and October 8th. To register, visit, Registration fees are $50 for parent or student and $75 for parent/student registering on-site.

For more information, contact Cynthia Smith at 321-674-6076, or [email protected], or Theresa Travis at 321-674-8104 or [email protected]

Melbourne is about 2-2.5 hours away from St. Augustine, BTW.