Papers by Melisa Prawitasari

Prabayaksa: Journal of History Education
As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic in Indonesia, all activities are now carried out from home, ... more As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic in Indonesia, all activities are now carried out from home, which means that in the field of education, all teachers must design teaching media that students can use from home. The goal of this research is to describe how Google Classroom is being used in historical learning to combat the spread of Covid-19 in schools. This is a qualitative study using descriptive methods with primary and secondary data as data sources. Interview, observation, and documentation procedures are used in data collection. Google Classroom is an interactive learning media based on e-learning that makes it easier for teachers and students to complete the teaching and learning process at home to assist learning based on information and communication technology. Google Classroom is currently incredibly effective and efficient, and it is not constrained by space or time. Teachers can provide students with materials in the form of text, images, audio, and video via the inte...

Jurnal PIPSI (Jurnal Pendidikan IPS Indonesia)
Teach books are one of the many learning tools that have an essential function. Through teaching ... more Teach books are one of the many learning tools that have an essential function. Through teaching books, students are expected to obtain information and various activity instructions in learning each subject. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of each book in history learning media courses by looking at two primary data, namely the results of teaching book assessments on aspects of appearance, language aspects, and presentation aspects, as well as the results of student's absorption of the material teach a book. Although this study uses descriptive quantitative methods, the instrument in this study is a test and a stratified scale. The results showed that the display aspect, language aspect, and presentation aspect achieved an excellent score, namely 90.50%. Compare the effectiveness score is 85.71%. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the teachbookk with the title "Media Pembelajaran Sejarah Era Teknologi Informasi; Konsep Dasar, Prinsip Aplikatif, dan Perancangannya." Thus, they are effectively used in course learning and competency achievement according to planned course learning outcomes.

JURNAL CEMERLANG : Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan para pemandu wisata lokal dalam penguasaa... more Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan para pemandu wisata lokal dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris dan kesiapan menjadi pemandu dalam berinteraksi dengan para wisatawan nusantara maupun wisatawan asing. Lokasi pengabdian bertempat di Desa Karang Bunga, Kecamatan Mandastana, Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli dengan diikuti 30 peserta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah, praktik, serta pendampingan. Pada akhir pelatihan, peserta dituntut untuk mengikuti tes bahasa Inggris. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa pemandu wisata di kampung transmigrasi Desa Karang Bunga mendapatkan hasil yang bagus untuk daerah yang baru dibuka tujuan wisata alam. Pelatihan ini dilakukan sebagai upaya agar ketika ada wisatawan asing berkunjung ke Desa Karang Bunga masyarakat yang berada di desa tersebut dengan mudah menjelaskan terkait wisata alamnya.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, Apr 10, 2023
Prabayaksa: Journal of History Education

Prabayaksa: Journal of History Education
The Gray Friday incident, May 23, 1997, which occurred in the city of Banjarmasin, was a conflict... more The Gray Friday incident, May 23, 1997, which occurred in the city of Banjarmasin, was a conflict event of the election campaign riots that occurred during the New Order era. This incident caused great losses, both material and non-material. Looting, arson, vandalism was carried out by the masses, causing many casualties. This riot had many impacts in various aspects, one of which was the impact on the psychological aspect in the form of emotional trauma. This study aims to determine the chronology of the events of Friday Gray and the psychological impact on the Banjar community. The method used in this study uses the historical method which has four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The first stage is heuristics or primary and secondary data collection. Primary data was obtained through interviews with the Banjar people who experienced the Gray Friday incident. Secondary data were obtained through books, newspapers, scientific journals, articl...

PAKIS (Publikasi Berkala Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial)
The press is one of the institutions in society that bridges information between the ... more The press is one of the institutions in society that bridges information between the public and the government through the mass media. In the life of a democratic community, nation, and state, freedom to express thoughts and opinions according to one's conscience and the right to obtain information must be guaranteed because these are the most basic human rights. In reality, the implementation of press freedom in the Reformation Era still faces many obstacles. Considering the political direction previously during the New Order era, which tended to be personal, very strong, and authoritative, in the following period, there were major changes for the press in Indonesia, including in Banjarmasin. This study explores how is the role of PWI in unifying forum for journalists nationall and creating a major contribution to maintaining the pillars of democracy in the realization of the post-1998 press in Banjarmasin City.Keywords: Press, Banjarmasin City, Post-1998

Prabayaksa: Journal of History Education, 2021
A Rubber is the most potential plantation crop in Tabalong Regency. Tabalong Regency especially i... more A Rubber is the most potential plantation crop in Tabalong Regency. Tabalong Regency especially in Lumbang Village. Many villagers work as rubber farmers. The farmers sell their tapped products to the rubber boss. This rubber boss plays an important role in the economy of rubber farmers. The number of rubber bosses in Lumbang Village from 2000-2015 were 16 people. The number of rubber bosses indirectly creates competition between rubber bosses. The purpose of this study was to determine the background of being a rubber boss, competition among rubber bosses, and the impact of the competition between rubber bosses in Lumbang Village. This research uses historical method with heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography stages. The results of this study indicate that the background of the Lumbang residents to choose to work as rubber bosses due to economic factors, the busy trading business of rubber, and hereditary employment. Competition between rubber bosses is divided into 3 forms, namely: the courage to determine the price of rubber higher than other rubber bosses, rubber bosses buy good quality rubber first than other rubber bosses, and compete to win over rubber farmers. The competition between rubber bosses in Lumbang Village has positive and negative impacts on both the farmers and rubber bosses.
FKIP_Unlam Press dan Penerbit Wahana Jaya Abadi, 2016
Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari secara luring dan daring pada tanggal 2-4 Juni 2021.... more Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari secara luring dan daring pada tanggal 2-4 Juni 2021. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan bagi masyarkat yang tinggal di bantaran sungai Kelurahan Banua Anyar. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian menggunakan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pemahaman masyarakat meningkat dalam mengelola sampah dengan baik dan benar, masyarakat memahami betul dampak yang akan terjadi apabila sampah terus menurus dibuang ke sungai. Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Pengelolaan Sampah, Rumah Tepi Sungai.

Community Empowerment, 2021
The community service provided in Karang Indah Village aims to disseminate and assist village off... more The community service provided in Karang Indah Village aims to disseminate and assist village officials in preparing archives. This activity involves students of the History Education study program as the implementation of archival and museum science. The preparation of archives, both manually and digitally, is very important for all agencies, especially in the village office. This is done, of course, to make it easier to serve the community. When needed, archives that have been well organized will be easy to find. Archives contain primary data and play an important role in the process of reconstructing history. The archive's position is so critical that it must be managed properly and appropriately. The implementation method consists of three steps: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The service activities have resulted in increased knowledge and skills among village officials in the preparation and management of archives, both manually and digitally.

Prabayaksa: Journal of History Education, 2021
The 2013 curriculum as a complement to the previous curriculum has been running for almost seven ... more The 2013 curriculum as a complement to the previous curriculum has been running for almost seven years in education in Indonesia. The view of most teacher still does not heed the system according to the assessment in the 2013 Curriculum (K-13) guidebook. Teachers still think that the assessment is only on cognitive assessment, especially in history subjects. This study aims to describe the Implementation of learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum for History Subjects in Class XI IPS at SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. This study also use qualitative methods in obtaining information starting from interviews, documentation, and observations collected as a source of research. There are two sources of research used in research, namely primary sources and secondary sources. The result pf this study before conducting classroom assessment, the teacher made a lesson plan (RPP). The implementation of the assessment carried out by the teacher is different from that in the lesson plans and in the implementation in the classroom. When implementing it in the classroom the teacher only uses two attitude assessment and skills assessment. The teacher's obstacle in implementing this assessment it the number of students who are assessed in one class, as well as the view of teacher who still thinks that the assessment is only on results of students, not on the process of how students achieve it.

The Paminggir sub-district is an area in the form of waters and swamps, making the village commun... more The Paminggir sub-district is an area in the form of waters and swamps, making the village community adapt to the surrounding environment and give rise to a culture of lanting houses. Lanting houses in the village of Sapala in 1990 were used as a residence for the underprivileged, but as the development and level of needs increased, the lanting houses gradually converted into trading houses. The main purpose in this paper is to explain about the shifting function of the lanting house which was originally only used as a place to live has now turned into a trading house in Sapala village, Paminggir district. This study uses a historical method with four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Sources of data that consists of primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source of the author is obtained directly from sources relevant to the object under study and secondary sources obtained from the library in the form of books, archives in the Sapa...

The background of this research was there was land deprivation by the palm oil plantation company... more The background of this research was there was land deprivation by the palm oil plantation company which caused the land dispute among the society and the palm oil plantation company PT. Tapian Nadenggan in Desa Pembuang Hulu, Kecamatan Hanau, Kabupaten Seruyan, in 1997-2016. This research aimed to find out and discover the background and the process of the land dispute among the society and the palm oil plantation company PT. Tapian Nadenggan, and to analyze the process of the land dispute’s solution among the society and the palm oil plantation company PT. Tapian Nadenggan. This research used history method which had four stages; there were heuristic, critic, interpretation and historiography. The research finding showed the background of the land dispute among the society and the palm oil plantation company PT. Tapian Nadenggan started when the palm oil plantation company was built caused the land dispute. The company only claimed 20 ha of the land that is disputed; however, the s...

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences Education (ICSSE 2020), 2021
The life of urban communities with the dynamics that surrounds has undergone a cultural transform... more The life of urban communities with the dynamics that surrounds has undergone a cultural transformation over time. The cultural transformation that is sometimes so fast makes the orientation of the people change too. These changes are related to technology that continues to penetrate society through everyday thinking and behavior. The openness of the Banjar people to foreign cultures has occurred since the entry of Europeans began to colonize and exploit areas in the interior of Kalimantan. Banjarmasin as the center of trade in Kalimantan became the focus or penetration of the invaders to change the orientation of its society through education and the application of technology. The historical method is used to extract data and facts from events left by historical actors, both in the form of writing and relics that they have used. Even recordings in the form of documentary films can be used as historical evidence that must be interpreted. This method has steps that can be verified. Fi...

Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a pluralistic society that comes from various tribe... more Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a pluralistic society that comes from various tribes, races, religions, beliefs, and has its own culture in each region. In Indonesia's diversity should be a positive value for its citizens. However, it cannot be denied that this diversity can trigger conflict, especially racial discrimination, which is always a hot issue in every conflict that occurs in various regions in Indonesia. To counter conflict due to racial discrimination, there needs to be an understanding of multiculturalism in order to raise awareness by the community about the beauty of the differences. Therefore, the understanding of multiculturalism about awareness of the value of the importance of cultural diversity can be conveyed through educational media that can be planted early which resulting the seeds of racism can be denied early and expected to be lost then to create an Indonesian civil society. Keywords— Racial Discrimination, Multicultural Education

Radio is a communication media, where the message in the form of sound is converted into voice si... more Radio is a communication media, where the message in the form of sound is converted into voice signals. In Banjarmasin, radio is still in high demand by the public at this time. From a number of radio stations broadcasting in Banjarmasin, Pelangi FM radio is one of the private radio stations that has entertainment content which is combines humor chat and dangdut themed music as its main broadcast. This radio presents dangdut themed music since 1993-2018 to accompany the activities of listeners. This research aims to determine the development of dangdut Banjar music on Pelangi FM radio. The research method used in historical research methods with stages of Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The data sources used were primary and secondary sources, conducting external criticism and internal criticism, and collecting data by observation, documentation, interviews and literature. The results showed that the Banjar song in the 1990s was influenced by dangdut music...
Papers by Melisa Prawitasari