Simone Athayde
Dr. Athayde is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies (GSS) and the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) at FIU. She is trained as an environmental anthropologist and interdisciplinary ecologist, interested in advancing theoretical and methodological approaches for inter- and trans-disciplinary research and co-production of knowledge between the biophysical and the social sciences, as well as between academia and society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology, Specialization in Environmental Education and two master’s degrees, in Botany (UFPR, Brazil) and in Ethnobotany (University of Kent, UK). In 2010, she earned her doctoral degree in Interdisciplinary Ecology from University of Florida (UF), with concentration in Anthropology and a certificate in Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD). She has carried out extensive training and research activities in collaboration with universities, NGO’s and indigenous organizations, as well as long-term ethnographic and participatory research among Indigenous peoples across the Amazon. Dr. Athayde is currently a Coordinating Lead Author of the Methodological Assessment on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature and its Contributions to People for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) coordinated by the United Nations (UN). She is also a Lead Author of the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA), an initiative of the United Nations Sustainable Solutions Networks. Her work has been widely published and recognized with awards from the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program, from the International Society of Ethnobiology, from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, and from the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UF.
Phone: 3526424605
Address: 930 Northwest 36 Road
Phone: 3526424605
Address: 930 Northwest 36 Road
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Papers by Simone Athayde
perpetrate a capitalist view of the world. But there
are other visions that could contest the capitalist vision of
what counts as the economic good. The seven essays in Images
of Public Wealth or the Anatomy of Well-Being in Indigenous
Amazonia explore local notions of public wealth
and well-being and assess their applicability to noncapitalist
human societies more generally. Comprised of papers
originally presented at the 54th International Congress
of Americanists in Vienna in 2012, the volume’s rich
ethnographicmaterial constitutes the most comprehensive
theoretical analysis deconstructing conventional economic
notions of public wealth based on the perspectives of tropical
forest indigenous peoples of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru,
and Brazil today.
Chaves, um cantor e compositor do estado
do Pará, representante da música amazônica
brasileira. Traz sua biografia obtida a partir de
entrevista exclusiva e a reconstroi com enfoque
n levantamento da obra amazônica do artista.
O estado do Pará é um dos oito estados da
Amazônia brasileira e o segundo da região
Norte em extensão territorial. A pesquisa faz
uma abordagem interdisciplinar entre as áreas
de Música e Ciências Ambientais, para registro
desse ícone da música amazônica, com objetivos
de registrar a memória e a identidade da região,
bem como contribuir aos estudos sobre o tema,
no recorte geográfico proposto. Reforça marcos
e espaços para a integração entre cultura,
música e estudos ambientais, com ênfase para
as relações multidimensionais entre ser humano
e natureza.