? ?
Journal created:
on 10 July 2004 (#3764152)
on 27 March 2005
The Brethren of the Night
Malverne, New York, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
The purpose of this community is to discuss and/or add things you think would be cool or interesting in Fish Dust.

Now, you might ask yourself at this very point and time, at this very moment where you are now in your underwear at five in the morning enjoying your morning woody, what exactly is Fish Dust?

Fish Dust, my fine-feathered friends, is a band of misfits, whom have no real intention of getting the band off the ground.

Why join then, you might ask yourself, reaching inside your pants to perhaps enjoy Mr. Woody further?

Because everyone needs an outlet to talk about off the wall stuff. And even if you already have an outlet for this sort of thing, there's really no harm in getting another one is there?

So now for the purpose. In this community you can talk about any of the many obscure and interesting things in this world that might be cool in a band that is all at once rap-emo-pop-punk-rock-etc. Now we're not just talking about off the wall song lyrics (though that would be much appreciated), we're talking about off the wall interests (like banana snorkeling, what is it? how do you do it? etc). Hell, even things people have talked about before (i.e., stuff that isn't rare) will be allowed. As an example for the last thing, you can talk about shounen-ai, anime, etc. Basically, discuss whatever you want.

There is only one topic that will not be permitted in the fish_dust community.


I don't care if you're a conservative, a liberal or an anarchist, there will be no political discussion on this community. If I even feel that politics are being hinted at I will delete the post. This community is run by two liberals and a lone conservative (myself) so I would much appreciate it if you didn't start any friendship wars between us and the rest of the community.

With that aside, I welcome you to fish_dust. To look around, to post, whatever.

Enjoy yourself. And please refrain from any petty squabbling, although we like all of our members, we have a zero tolerance attitude. So if you have a problem with someone, TAKE IT OUTSIDE!

-The Deranged Management

Please fill out this survey so that we may get to know you better, you will not be judged on your answers at all.

what you want to be when you grow up:
something unusual about yourself:
fears (however irrational they may be):
favorite movie:
the time you usually wake up:
one thing you rather dislike:
your best reason for joining:
14000 t.t.b.h.a., 80's music, alcoholic mothers, barbara-ann kipfer, bob ross, books, deviantart, douglas adams, fish dust, free cheese, frogger, fuzzy pink bunnies, gunning it, ice cream, impromtu piano performances, kiwis & lemons, life & shoes, luka, making bitches make sandwiches, malverne, modge podge, napoleon dynamite, our town, peter parker, rebel enthusiast groupies, russell simmonsfitzwillypat, scaring strangers, slackers, snippets, spider-man, square marshmallows, surveys, suzanne vega, thackery, thunderstorms, tom felton's hair, yellow vitamin water
