? ?
22 December 2007 @ 07:35 pm
Goldwave is probably the best program to use to edit music files, I use it to cut music, edit it, etc., I've used it to make ringtones to upload to too. It says it is a trial but I've used mine for months.

GoldwaveCollapse )
13 June 2007 @ 03:26 pm
This website lets you upload your own music files to turn into ringtones. You upload the music file onto the website and then put in your cell phone number and the site will text it to you, it should cost as much as a regular text message. For more on prices, check this page.

Preview & URLCollapse )
09 April 2007 @ 07:07 pm
Tired of having to upload your 20+ pictures the long and tiring way by clicking the "add more files" feature. Well has a tutorial for their site that allows you to download a file that will let you upload pictures straight from your computer desktop without having to go online, plus, you can upload as many as you want at a time! This makes it easier when uploading icons.


Download the registry and double-click on it then follow tutorial:
DOWNLOAD:right-click and save target as

I figured this out this january, but at who provides the same tutorial. This makes uploading so much easier. Instead of going to the website and uploading pictures, you can do it offline, and just log in to your album through the publisher.

I wasn't sure if anyone else had known about this since I here people complain sometimes about uploading to photobucket, anyways, If you have any questions, feel free to ask here.
09 April 2007 @ 04:18 pm
Don't want to go through the hassle of downloading a program just to resize your photos? Then try these online photo resizers! Screenshots and links under cut.

screenshots and linksCollapse )
09 April 2007 @ 03:53 pm
Need to convert your media files? Use Switch! Screenshot & download under cut.

screenshot and downloadCollapse )

EDIT 6/13/07: The download link has been updated =]
09 April 2007 @ 03:42 pm
When you want to rename files, sometimes you just want to give them all the same name but there are so many that it takes forever doing it individually, but now, you can use the file renamer! Screenshot, directions, and download under cut.

screenshots, directions, downloadCollapse )

EDIT 6/13/07: Download link has been updated =]
09 April 2007 @ 03:26 pm
Fast Stone Photo resizer is absolutely amazing! It lets you resize, edit, or rename all your photos all at once, I love it, it is so helpful. Screenshots and download under the cut.

screenshots and downloadCollapse )

EDIT 6/13/07: Download link updated =]
09 April 2007 @ 03:19 pm
This site will let you alphabetize anything, just copy and paste whatever you have and it will alphabetize it for you.

link and previewCollapse )
09 April 2007 @ 03:13 pm
WinRAR lets you extract zip files and .rar files as well as create zip and .rar files.

Download Here
09 April 2007 @ 03:01 pm
If you would like to download videos from Youtube, or other videos sites, use these websites.

Sites under hereCollapse )