Papers by Bilgit SAĞLAM
This study examines the post-verbal order tendency in East Anatolian Turkish within the concept o... more This study examines the post-verbal order tendency in East Anatolian Turkish within the concept of language contact.
On the functions of Persian-origin ki-structures in Turkish dialects / Sağlam, B.

Applied Linguistics Review, 2021
We present the first results of a large project concerned with the mutual intelligibility between... more We present the first results of a large project concerned with the mutual intelligibility between Zazaki and Kurmanji dialects spoken in Eastern Anatolia. There is an ongoing debate on the classification of Kurmanji and Zazaki as separate languages or as dialects of the same language, Kurdish. However, there is no scientific study of how well speakers of Zazaki and other dialects of Kurdish can understand each other. In this paper, we present the results of a pilot investigation where we tested the mutual intelligibility of 69 Kurmanji and Zazaki participants by means of a word translation task and asked the participants to estimate how well they could understand the other language variety. The results showed that overall the mutual intelligibility was rather low. There was a significant interaction between the effects of gender and language. Zazaki males identified more words correctly than Kurmanji males while Kurmanji females had higher intelligibility scores than Zazaki females....

Levenshtein Uzaklık Algoritmasına Gore Azerbaycan Turkiye ve Turkmen Turkceleri Arasındaki Fonetik Uzaklık, 2023
This study aims to determine the phonetic distances of the written languages of the Oghuz Turkic ... more This study aims to determine the phonetic distances of the written languages of the Oghuz Turkic group, i.e., Azerbaijanian Turkish, Turkey Turkish and Turkmen Turkish. To determine phonetic distances, Levenshtein distance algorithm, which is one of the quantitative measurement techniques frequently used in the field of computational linguistics, will be used. In this context, by introducing a method that can be used in dialectology studies in Turkey, it is aimed that the study will contribute to making new evaluations in the related field.
Levenshtein distance algorithm, which was developed by Levenshtein (1966) and has been used in different fields, is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. The main working principle of the algorithm is to determine the numerical value that requires the least mathematical operation from one of the operations-insertion, deletion, substitution-that must be used when converting one string to another. Levenshtein distance algorithm was first used by Brett Kessler in dialectology studies. After the success of the first attempt in Kessler (1995), many dialectologists' interest in the algorithm has increased, and many studies on phonetic distance between different language varieties have been carried out.
In this study, the phonetic distance of Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijan Turkish and Turkmen Turkish will be measured by using Levenstein distance algorithm. In order for the study to yield generalizable results a list consisting of the most frequently used 40 verbs and 216 nouns from 13 thematic titles (animal, body, food, clothing, transportation, family, material, time, sports, nature, weather, job and color) will be prepared. After having the list translated into the target languages by native speakers, the words will be transcribed in IPA. Phonetic distance between each words from the source language and its equivalent in the target language will be calculated. After applying this process to all word pairs in the list, the average phonetic distance between Oghuz Turkic languages will be calculated.

The term valency is defined by Lucien Tesnière (1959) as the capacity of verbs to open slots to b... more The term valency is defined by Lucien Tesnière (1959) as the capacity of verbs to open slots to be filled at the syntactic level. Although following researches after Tesnière (1959) made it clear that nouns, adjectives and postpositions also have the capacity to open syntactic slots, verbs are concidered to be the main valency carrier in a sentence. The verbs, with this central role, have the capacity to determine the minimum number of the complemets and their syntactic and semantic features to ocur in a sentence.
After Tesnière, the concept of valency was developed with theoretical contributions and evolved into a syntactic analysis method called valency grammar and in the last few decades a number of synchronical, historical and comparative valency descriptions of languages have been done.
This study is a comparative valency analysis of standard Turkish and East Anatolian Turkish dialects (EAT). By using the corpus prepared for the doctoral thesis titled "Valency in East Anatolian Turkish Dialects", the syntactic differences of verbs were determined and the possible reasons for these differences were emphasized. The
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi Cilt/Volume: 6, Sayı/Issue: 1, Nisan/April 2022, s/p: 287-315
Bilgit SAĞLAM – Ahmet BURAN | 288
Doğu Grubu Ağızlarında Eylemlerin Söz Dizimsel İstem Farklılıkları | 289
differences in the syntactic valency are discussed under three titles: number of complements, types of complements and the use of case suffixes. In this study, it is claimed that the syntactic differences in East Anatolian Turkish are eighter linked to historical periods of Turkish or contact-induced change which developed through language contact and bilingualism.

Doğu Grubu Ağızlarında Eylemlerin Söz Dizimsel İstem Farklılıkları, 2022
İstem (valency) bir istem taşıyıcısının etrafında söz dizimsel düzeyde doldurulacak boşluklar açm... more İstem (valency) bir istem taşıyıcısının etrafında söz dizimsel düzeyde doldurulacak boşluklar açma kapasitesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kimi ad, önad ve ilgeçlerin de bu kapasiteye sahip oldukları bilinse de istem taşıyıcıları genel olarak eylemlerdir. Tümcede sunulan yargının temel taşıyıcısı olarak eylemler, bu özellikleri dolayısıyla tümcede hangi tamamlayıcıların bulunacağını ve tamamlayıcıların hangi anlam bilimsel ve söz dizimsel özelliklere sahip olmaları gerektiğini tayin eder. Bu bakımdan eylem sahip olduğu istem kapasitesi sayesinde tümcenin söz dizimsel özelliklerini büyük oranda belirler. Lucien Tesniére (1959) tarafından ortaya atılan istem kavramı kendisinden sonra gelen araştırmacılar tarafından eylem merkezli söz dizimsel bir metot olarak geliştirilmiş ve birçok dilin eşzamanlı, tarihsel ve karşılaştırmalı incelemelerinde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada da Doğu Grubu Ağızları'ndaki eylemlerin ölçünlü dilden farklı istem gerçekleşmeleri incelenmiştir. "Doğu Grubu Ağızlarında İstem" adlı doktora tez çalışması için hazırlanan derlem kullanılarak eylemlerin söz dizimsel düzeyde görülen istem farklılıkları tespit edilmiş ve bu farklılıklar; farklı tamamlayıcı sayısı, farklı tamamlayıcı tipi ve farklı durum eki kullanımı başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Söz dizimsel farklılıkların olası nedenleri ise ağızların bazı arkaik kullanımları muhafaza etmeleri ile dil ilişkileri ve iki dillilik gibi dil dışı etkenler üzerine temellendirilmiştir.

We present the first results of a large project concerned with the mutual intelligibility between... more We present the first results of a large project concerned with the mutual intelligibility between Zazaki and Kurmanji dialects spoken in Eastern Anatolia. There is an ongoing debate on the classification of Kurmanji and Zazaki as separate languages or as dialects of the same language, Kurdish. However, there is no scientific study of how well speakers of Zazaki and other dialects of Kurdish can understand each other. In this paper, we present the results of a pilot investigation where we tested the mutual intelligibility of 69 Kurmanji and Zazaki participants by means of a word translation task and asked the participants to estimate how well they could understand the other language variety. The results showed that overall the mutual intelligibility was rather low. There was a significant interaction between the effects of gender and language. Zazaki males identified more words correctly than Kurmanji males while Kurmanji females had higher intelligibility scores than Zazaki females. We suggest linguistic (lexical) and non-linguistic (attitudes and amount of exposure) explanations for the intelligibility results. We also have a closer look at the intelligibility of individual words to gain a greater understanding of the reasons for the asymmetric intelligibility results.
Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016

İsim hâl eklerinin birbirinin yerine kullanılması, Eski Türkçe döneminden itibaren bilinen bir öz... more İsim hâl eklerinin birbirinin yerine kullanılması, Eski Türkçe döneminden itibaren bilinen bir özelliktir. Bu kullanımların birçok sebebi vardır. Bunlardan şekil ve işlev olarak eklerin birbirine yakın olması, eskicil bazı yapıların devam etmesi, fiillerin rejimleri ve eklerin oluşma biçimleri vb. durumlar ilk akla gelenlerdir. +DAn çıkma hâli ekinin, Türk dilinin çeşitli dönemlerinde ve Türkiye Türkçesi ağızlarında bulunma ve vasıta hâli işleviyle kullanıldığı görülmektedir. +DAn çıkma hâli ekinin diğer isim hâl ekleri yerine seyrek, ancak bulunma ve vasıta işlevi yerine sıklıkla kullanılması, bu tür kullanımların bireysel kullanım tercihleri olmadığını göstermektedir. +DAn eki'nin yapısıyla ilgili görüşler, ekin birleşik bir yapıda olduğu, bu yapının da çoğunlukla +DA (bulunma) ve +n (vasıta) eklerinin birleşmesinden oluştuğu yönündedir. Ekin bulunma ve vasıta işlevinin de bu yapı ile ilişkili olabileceği görülmektedir. Bu tespit, makalenin yazılmasında çıkış noktası olmuştur.
Journal of Turkish Studies
... Dr. Ahmet BURANBerna YÜKSEL ÇAK, TÜRKİYE'DE DİLLER VE ETNİK YAPILAR, Akçağ Yay., Ankara ... more ... Dr. Ahmet BURANBerna YÜKSEL ÇAK, TÜRKİYE'DE DİLLER VE ETNİK YAPILAR, Akçağ Yay., Ankara 2012, 318 s. Author: Bilgit SAĞLAM. Abstract: Review. Journal: Journal of Turkish Studies. Issn: 13082140. EIssn: Year: 2012. Volume: 7. Issue: 1. pages/rec.No: 2197-2200. ...
Conference Presentations by Bilgit SAĞLAM
Türkçe Fiil Cümlelerinde Belirlilik, 2018
Books by Bilgit SAĞLAM
DGA'daki söz dizimsel ilişkiler ve bu ilişkilerin ölçünlü dilden
farklılıkları çalışmanın temel o... more DGA'daki söz dizimsel ilişkiler ve bu ilişkilerin ölçünlü dilden
farklılıkları çalışmanın temel odak noktasıdır.İstem dil bilgisi yaklaşımıyla, DGA'daki eylemlerin istem özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi, ölçünlü dilden farklı gelişen durumlarının ortaya konması ve bu farklılıkların nedenlerinin açıklanması bu çalışmanın amacını
"Sir Gerard Clauson" Türk Diline Gönül Verenler
Papers by Bilgit SAĞLAM
Levenshtein distance algorithm, which was developed by Levenshtein (1966) and has been used in different fields, is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. The main working principle of the algorithm is to determine the numerical value that requires the least mathematical operation from one of the operations-insertion, deletion, substitution-that must be used when converting one string to another. Levenshtein distance algorithm was first used by Brett Kessler in dialectology studies. After the success of the first attempt in Kessler (1995), many dialectologists' interest in the algorithm has increased, and many studies on phonetic distance between different language varieties have been carried out.
In this study, the phonetic distance of Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijan Turkish and Turkmen Turkish will be measured by using Levenstein distance algorithm. In order for the study to yield generalizable results a list consisting of the most frequently used 40 verbs and 216 nouns from 13 thematic titles (animal, body, food, clothing, transportation, family, material, time, sports, nature, weather, job and color) will be prepared. After having the list translated into the target languages by native speakers, the words will be transcribed in IPA. Phonetic distance between each words from the source language and its equivalent in the target language will be calculated. After applying this process to all word pairs in the list, the average phonetic distance between Oghuz Turkic languages will be calculated.
After Tesnière, the concept of valency was developed with theoretical contributions and evolved into a syntactic analysis method called valency grammar and in the last few decades a number of synchronical, historical and comparative valency descriptions of languages have been done.
This study is a comparative valency analysis of standard Turkish and East Anatolian Turkish dialects (EAT). By using the corpus prepared for the doctoral thesis titled "Valency in East Anatolian Turkish Dialects", the syntactic differences of verbs were determined and the possible reasons for these differences were emphasized. The
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi Cilt/Volume: 6, Sayı/Issue: 1, Nisan/April 2022, s/p: 287-315
Bilgit SAĞLAM – Ahmet BURAN | 288
Doğu Grubu Ağızlarında Eylemlerin Söz Dizimsel İstem Farklılıkları | 289
differences in the syntactic valency are discussed under three titles: number of complements, types of complements and the use of case suffixes. In this study, it is claimed that the syntactic differences in East Anatolian Turkish are eighter linked to historical periods of Turkish or contact-induced change which developed through language contact and bilingualism.
Conference Presentations by Bilgit SAĞLAM
Books by Bilgit SAĞLAM
farklılıkları çalışmanın temel odak noktasıdır.İstem dil bilgisi yaklaşımıyla, DGA'daki eylemlerin istem özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi, ölçünlü dilden farklı gelişen durumlarının ortaya konması ve bu farklılıkların nedenlerinin açıklanması bu çalışmanın amacını
Levenshtein distance algorithm, which was developed by Levenshtein (1966) and has been used in different fields, is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. The main working principle of the algorithm is to determine the numerical value that requires the least mathematical operation from one of the operations-insertion, deletion, substitution-that must be used when converting one string to another. Levenshtein distance algorithm was first used by Brett Kessler in dialectology studies. After the success of the first attempt in Kessler (1995), many dialectologists' interest in the algorithm has increased, and many studies on phonetic distance between different language varieties have been carried out.
In this study, the phonetic distance of Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijan Turkish and Turkmen Turkish will be measured by using Levenstein distance algorithm. In order for the study to yield generalizable results a list consisting of the most frequently used 40 verbs and 216 nouns from 13 thematic titles (animal, body, food, clothing, transportation, family, material, time, sports, nature, weather, job and color) will be prepared. After having the list translated into the target languages by native speakers, the words will be transcribed in IPA. Phonetic distance between each words from the source language and its equivalent in the target language will be calculated. After applying this process to all word pairs in the list, the average phonetic distance between Oghuz Turkic languages will be calculated.
After Tesnière, the concept of valency was developed with theoretical contributions and evolved into a syntactic analysis method called valency grammar and in the last few decades a number of synchronical, historical and comparative valency descriptions of languages have been done.
This study is a comparative valency analysis of standard Turkish and East Anatolian Turkish dialects (EAT). By using the corpus prepared for the doctoral thesis titled "Valency in East Anatolian Turkish Dialects", the syntactic differences of verbs were determined and the possible reasons for these differences were emphasized. The
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi Cilt/Volume: 6, Sayı/Issue: 1, Nisan/April 2022, s/p: 287-315
Bilgit SAĞLAM – Ahmet BURAN | 288
Doğu Grubu Ağızlarında Eylemlerin Söz Dizimsel İstem Farklılıkları | 289
differences in the syntactic valency are discussed under three titles: number of complements, types of complements and the use of case suffixes. In this study, it is claimed that the syntactic differences in East Anatolian Turkish are eighter linked to historical periods of Turkish or contact-induced change which developed through language contact and bilingualism.
farklılıkları çalışmanın temel odak noktasıdır.İstem dil bilgisi yaklaşımıyla, DGA'daki eylemlerin istem özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi, ölçünlü dilden farklı gelişen durumlarının ortaya konması ve bu farklılıkların nedenlerinin açıklanması bu çalışmanın amacını