Papers by Jonathan Oliveira

Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, 2021
A bartonelose é uma zoonose causada por várias espécies de bactérias do gênero Bartonella. No cic... more A bartonelose é uma zoonose causada por várias espécies de bactérias do gênero Bartonella. No ciclo de transmissão, cerca de 18 genótipos causam infecção humana com diferentes manifestações clínicas, dentre elas, infecção intravascular persistente, endocardite e várias formas de patologias vasculares, além da doença da arranhadura do gato, a sua mais frequente apresentação. Os genótipos são encontrados principalmente em mamíferos domésticos e silvestres. A participação de marsupiais e primatas não-humanos Neotropicais no ciclo silvestre desse patógeno ainda é desconhecida. Fatores como a urbanização e a fragmentação podem favorecer o “spillover” de novos genótipos mantidos em animais para a população humana. Áreas rurais e urbanas com características de intensa atividade antrópica precisam ser consideradas importantes focos de atuação da vigilância em saúde pública e animal. Diante do número crescente de casos humanos no Rio de Janeiro, é preciso avaliar a diversidade genética das e...
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 2022
Zoonotic diseases (ZDs) are infectious diseases caused by pathogens, originating from domestic an... more Zoonotic diseases (ZDs) are infectious diseases caused by pathogens, originating from domestic and wild ani-mals, responsible for most emerging human diseases. 1

Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, 2021
Since 1984, the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) has bee... more Since 1984, the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) has been establishing a scientific collection, intending to carry out studies on taxonomy, biogeography, and ecology of mammals in Brazil, aiming to understand their role in zoonotic agents transmission cycles. In this context, the LABPMR also acts as a reference laboratory for the Ministry of Health, providing taxonomic reports of species involved in transmission cycles, based on integrative taxonomy (morphological/morphometric, karyotypic, and molecular analyses). The objective of this work was to offer an overview of the LABPMR Mammal Collection, including its taxonomic and geographic scope, and an account of the research carried out. Over the years, we have collected approximately 18 thousand specimens in all biomes and regions of Brazil, with a large part being deposited in the LABPMR collection. The collection consists mainly of the orders Rodentia and Didelphimorphia, but Carnivora, Chir...

Esta obra traz em seu cerne expressões artísticas desenvolvidas por um grupo seleto, que durante ... more Esta obra traz em seu cerne expressões artísticas desenvolvidas por um grupo seleto, que durante a pandemia de Covid-19 esteve lutando, pensando e repensando como manter acesa a chama da vida. Esse grupo de pessoas singulares, entre elas servidores, estudantes de pós-graduação e de instituições parceiras, compõe a comunidade da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Uma instituição que, desde a sua criação, estuda saúde e doença e que está impregnada de arte personificada no seu imponente castelo. Projeto desenvolvido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Arte e Cultura na Saúde (CACS/IOC/FIOCRUZ), e em Ensino em Biociências e Saúde (EBS/IOC/FIOCRUZ), em parceria com o Multimeios (ICICT/FIOCRUZ). Este livro foi publicado de acordo com a Política de Acesso Aberto ao Conhecimento da Fiocruz. Os textos constantes nesta publicação podem ser copiados e compartilhados desde que: não sejam utilizados para fins comerciais e que seja citada a fonte e atribuídos os devidos créditos. Distribuição gratuita. Acesso:

Acta tropica, Jan 8, 2017
Zoonotic pathogens comprise a significant and increasing fraction of all emerging and re-emerging... more Zoonotic pathogens comprise a significant and increasing fraction of all emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases that plague humans. Identifying host species is one of the keys to controlling emerging infectious diseases. From March 2007 until April 2012, we collected a total of 131 wild rodents in eight municipalities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We investigated these rodents for infection with Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella spp. and Rickettsia spp. In total, 22.1% (29/131) of the rodents were infected by at least one pathogen; co-infection was detected in 1.5% (2/131) of rodents. Coxiella burnetii was detected in 4.6% (6/131) of the wild animals, 17.6% of the rodents harbored Bartonella spp. No cases of Rickettsia were identified. Bartonella doshiae and Bartonella vinsonii were the species found on the wild mammals. This report is the first to note C. burnetii, B. doshiae and B. vinsonii natural infections in Atlantic Forest wild rodents in Brazil. Our work highlights the potent...

Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, Apr 2, 2022
There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even toda... more There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even today, creating environments that favor the interaction of professionals from these two fields provides many potential opportunities to develop transdisciplinary experiences. In the present study, we describe the adventures of a partnership between the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, based on the report of a student in art education. The student illustrations of Brazilian mammals reflect on different aspects of these traits and the potential benefits of this interaction for scientific dissemination, species conservation, and art appreciation. The experience of the routine of the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) and Mammalogical research, and the rethinking of scientific illustration as an art form, supported novel interpretations of the characteristics of Brazilian mammals and their role in the environment. The images were exhibited at events that promoted public health, scientific dissemination, and culture in both the Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
BackgroundChagas Disease (CD) affects 6–7 million people worldwide and is related to poverty-prom... more BackgroundChagas Disease (CD) affects 6–7 million people worldwide and is related to poverty-promoting conditions. Chronic asymptomatic cases are mostly invisible to health systems. Aiming (1) to translate CD discoveries into education/information practices to raise alertness and empowerment of affected people; and (2) to perform an active search of CD cases, articulating intersectoral actions to improve the access of infected people to the local health service for the treatment of CD; our research group developed and tested under field conditions as innovative social technology: an itinerant education interdisciplinary setting named “Chagas Express XXI” (CE21).MethodologyCE21 was created as an “imaginary train” with ~40 ArtScience workshops, games, laboratory activities and conversation circles. An entry/exit plus six activity modules combined associations of affected people, microscopic observations, One Health education, and wellness activities. CE21 was conceived as a social tec...

Annals of the V ISI, 2021
In view of the process of relaxating measures and the gradual return of activities, according to ... more In view of the process of relaxating measures and the gradual return of activities, according to the essentiality of the service and health indicators, the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro (TMRJ) is in the process of returning of work activities. In addition, the identification of symptomatic individuals and the use of rapid serological tests can assist in the surveillance of professionals who will return to activities in person. Objective: Assist the process of returning work activities at the TMRJ with the identification of seroreactive individuals with anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibodies and symptomatic professionals. Methodology: The study was carried out in December at TMRJ with professionals working in person and on a remote basis. Demographic data, work sector and the presence of symptoms were recorded. The presence of symptoms were screened in professionals by infectious disease doctor and subsequently subjected them to the collection of blood sample by digital puncture. Blood samples were analyzed by the commercial kit TR-DPP-COVID-19(TR) IgM/IgG (BIOMANGUINHOS/FIOCRUZ/RJ) according by manufacturer's protocol, considering reactivity for IgM and IgG antibodies a reading on the microreader> 0.30. Professionals seroreactive for SARS-CoV-2, with IgM antibodies and symptomatic professionals, were submitted to the collection of nasopharyngeal swab sample for the molecular diagnosis by RT-qPCR. Positive RT-qPCR professionals were followed up and tested weekly until no viral detection. Results: Of the 411 TMRJ professionals, 257 were men and 154 women, with an average age of 45.8 years (SD-13.7). There was a predominance of professionals from the administration sector (68) and orchestra (47). The 153 were seroreactives (153/411;37.2%) and 65% (99/153) were men. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibodies were detected in 94 professionals: 25 (IgM) and 69 (IgM+IgG). A previous historic of respiratory symptoms was reported by 146 of the 153 seroreactives. In the analysis of RT-qPCR, viral detection was observed in 18 professionals: 01/25(IgM) and 17/69(IgM+IgG). Of the nine symptomatic but seronegative professionals, two were positive RT-qPCR. All IgM and IgM+IgG seroreactive professionals and symptomatic RT-qPCR positive patients were kept in isolation until the RT-qPCR result was released without viral detection. Only one professional required hospitalization due to the complications of the pulmonary condition, but she was discharged. Conclusion: The serological survey, combined with the identification of symptomatic individuals with a similar influenza-like infection, were fundamental to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 among professionals in person work environment of TMRJ. Based on the serological evidence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 and the 18 positive RT-qPCR professionals, the application of TR contributed to the health vigilance, both in the implementation of preventive measures and as an auxiliary instrument in the process of returning activities in the pandemic context.
for the populations that are most impacted by the novel coronavirus, as well as by historically n... more for the populations that are most impacted by the novel coronavirus, as well as by historically neglected diseases. The Chagas Disease Clinical Research Platform operates based on these concepts of flexibility and cooperation, promoting meetings, training, integration of ethical principles and standardization. The network also provides a virtual forum for technical discussions and exchange of experience, seeking to optimize research resources and avoid duplication of efforts.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2020
The differential diagnosis of optic neuritis is broad and varied. We report the case of a 24-year... more The differential diagnosis of optic neuritis is broad and varied. We report the case of a 24-year-old Brazilian man who presented with five-week history of fever, malaise, myalgia, severe fatigue, tender right preauricular lymphadenopathy, and acute vision blurring associated with right optic disc swelling and exudates in a macular star pattern. His illness developed soon after an infestation of fleas broke out among his cats. Diagnosis of ocular bartonellosis was confirmed by serological and molecular analyses targeting amplification of Bartonella spp. htrA gene. Signs and symptoms only improved after initiation of antimicrobial therapy.

Oecologia Australis, 2016
Small mammals (marsupials and rodents) are one of the most diverse groups of Atlantic Forest mamm... more Small mammals (marsupials and rodents) are one of the most diverse groups of Atlantic Forest mammals, representing 40% of the total diversity of mammals in this biome. Some regions, such as northwestern Rio de Janeiro State, have gaps in mammal inventories. Therefore, we performed small mammal inventories in four fragmented landscapes in the northwestern Rio de Janeiro State using live traps and camera traps. Capture transects were placed both in forest fragments and the altered matrix. We captured six species of marsupials, six Sigmodontinae rodents and one echimyid rodent. The small mammal fauna recorded in this study was composed predominantly of typical Atlantic Forest species, with four endemic species. Furthermore, we obtained the first record of Calomys cerqueirai in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro State as well as its syntopy with C. tener. These findings expand the reported geographic distribution of both species.

Ensino, Saude e Ambiente
A fragmentação e descontextualização e a complexidade dos conteúdos escolares são fatores que pod... more A fragmentação e descontextualização e a complexidade dos conteúdos escolares são fatores que podem dificultar a conexão e assimilação deles. A sua integração pelo estudante é um dos desafios do ensino de ciências. Assim criamos uma abordagem metodológica baseada em oficinas dialógicas, interativas de CienciArte, explorando a caricatura. As oficinas foram intituladas Biodiversid’Arte objetivando facilitar o processo ensino-aprendizagem de temas complexos como taxonomia e sistemática, de forma contextualizada. A oficina foi testada em quatro edições com docentes, profissionais de saúde e discentes de diferentes níveis de escolaridade. Utilizamos pequenos mamíferos taxidermizados da fauna local. Os resultados foram categorizados em nuvem de palavras e analisados segundo a técnica de conteúdo de Bardin. As oficinas possibilitaram a contextualização do conteúdo e a dinâmica criação do animal imaginário revelou a apreensão de conhecimentos complexos pelos participantes. As oficinas de Bi...

There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even toda... more There has been an essential dialogue between artists and scientists for many centuries. Even today, creating environments that favor the interaction of professionals from these two fields provides many potential opportunities to develop transdisciplinary experiences. In the present study, we describe the adventures of a partnership between the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, based on the report of a student in art education. The student illustrations of Brazilian mammals reflect on different aspects of these traits and the potential benefits of this interaction for scientific dissemination, species conservation, and art appreciation. The experience of the routine of the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) and Mammalogical research, and the rethinking of scientific illustration as an art form, supported novel interpretations of the characteristics of Brazilian mammals and their role in the environment. The images were exhibited at events that promoted public health, scientific dissemination, and culture in both the Fine Arts School and the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

Since 1984, the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) has bee... more Since 1984, the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Reservoir Wild Mammals (LABPMR) has been establishing a scientific collection, intending to carry out studies on taxonomy, biogeography, and ecology of mammals in Brazil, aiming to understand their role in zoonotic agents transmission cycles. In this context, the LABPMR also acts as a reference laboratory for the Ministry of Health, providing taxonomic reports of species involved in transmission cycles, based on integrative taxonomy (morphological/morphometric, karyotypic, and molecular analyses). The objective of this work was to offer an overview of the LABPMR Mammal Collection, including its taxonomic and geographic scope, and an account of the research carried out. Over the years, we have collected approximately 18 thousand specimens in all biomes and regions of Brazil, with a large part being deposited in the LABPMR collection. The collection consists mainly of the orders Rodentia and Didelphimorphia, although Carnivora, Chiroptera, Cingulata, Lagomorpha, and Primates are also represented. The collection consists of dry skins and skeletons and fluid-preserved specimens (11,818 specimens), tissues (~ 12 thousand samples), and cell suspensions (~ 4 thousand samples). Our database also contains information on zoonotic agents associated with these specimens. Based on taxonomic, biogeographic, and host-parasite relationships, the collection was established and fostered studies on mammalian hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., Orthohantavirus, Mammarenavirus, Schistosoma mansoni, and multi-host bacteria. Data generated enabled the solution of complex issues in the study of zoonoses and served as a subsidy for public health policies and eco-epidemiological surveillance of zoonoses in different regions of Brazil.

Resumo: A fragmentação e descontextualização e a complexidade dos conteúdos escolares são fatores... more Resumo: A fragmentação e descontextualização e a complexidade dos conteúdos escolares são fatores que podem dificultar a conexão e assimilação deles. A sua integração pelo estudante é um dos desafios do ensino de ciências. Assim criamos uma abordagem metodológica baseada em oficinas dialógicas, interativas de CienciArte, explorando a caricatura. As oficinas foram intituladas Biodiversid'Arte objetivando facilitar o processo ensino-aprendizagem de temas complexos como taxonomia e sistemática, de forma contextualizada. A oficina foi testada em quatro edições com docentes, profissionais de saúde e discentes de diferentes níveis de escolaridade. Utilizamos pequenos mamíferos taxidermizados da fauna local. Os resultados foram categorizados em nuvem de palavras e analisados segundo a técnica de conteúdo de Bardin. As oficinas possibilitaram a contextualização do conteúdo e a dinâmica criação do animal imaginário revelou a apreensão de conhecimentos complexos pelos participantes. As oficinas de Biodiversid'Arte podem ser exploradas para estudar animais de alta diversidade como insetos, pássaros entre outros.

Resumo. A iniciação científica e pesquisa é um eixo estruturante do ensino médio. Entretanto, a i... more Resumo. A iniciação científica e pesquisa é um eixo estruturante do ensino médio. Entretanto, a iniciação científica desenvolvida no ensino médio é advinda de programas de Pré-Iniciação Científica (PIC). Esses Programas são desenvolvidos em instituições de pesquisa e ensino de nível superior. A inserção de jovens nesses Programas é meritocrática e tem por base a inclusão social. Esses critérios elimina uma parcela representativa de estudantes. Este estudo analisou a opinião de 126 estudantes do ensino médio que não participaram do Programa PIC, "Projeto Jovens Talentos para Ciência (FAPERJ)" (PJT), do Colégio Estadual Deodato Linhares, na cidade de Miracema, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A metodologia foi exploratória e qualitativa, cuja questão inicial foi: Para você o que é o PJT? Os depoimentos foram analisados pela Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, onde 55% dos participantes eram do gênero feminino, 40% do gênero masculino e 5% não se classificaram nos dois gêneros, dentre eles, 27% caracterizaram o Programa como um PIC; 7,9% declararam desconhecer o Programa; 14,3% menosprezaram o Programa e 43,6% consideraram o Programa como uma oportunidade de crescimento intelectual, social ou profissional. Esses resultados apontaram falhas de divulgação, desenvolvimento do processo de segregação escolar e a necessidade de discussão sobre o conceito de inclusão social dos Programas PIC instituidos no país.

Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2020
Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from wild birds in Panama were tested for the presence of tick-... more Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from wild birds in Panama were tested for the presence of tick-borne pathogens as Rickettsia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Bartonella, Borrelia, Hepatozoon sp., and Babesia. Overall 124 ticks were found in 57 birds belonging to 28 species: Amblyomma longirostre (32 larvae, 1 nymph), Amblyomma nodosum (30 nymphs), Amblyomma geayi (15 larvae, 1 nymph), Amblyomma varium (5 larvae, 2 nymphs), Amblyomma naponense (2 larvae), Amblyomma ovale (2 larvae), and Amblyomma calcaratum (1 larva). DNA of Rickettsia amblyommatis was detected in 65% of A. longirostre, 69% of A. geayi and 14% of A. varium. Moreover, results from two larvae of A. longirostre showed DNA of unidentified Rickettsia sp. No DNA of Borrelia, Bartonella, Anaplasmataceae neither Babesia nor Hepatozoon was detected. These results expand knowledge about the host for immature Amblyomma ticks in Panama and show the first data of Rickettsia in ticks collected from birds in this country.

International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2020
The Bartonella species are zoonotic agents that infect mammals and are transmitted by arthropod v... more The Bartonella species are zoonotic agents that infect mammals and are transmitted by arthropod vectors. Approximately 18 distinct genotypes cause diseases in humans, and may be spread by both domestic and wild animals. In Brazil, Bartonella genotypes have been identified in several species of wild mammals, and in the present study, we analyzed samples from non-human primates (marmosets), marsupials, rodents, and bats, and compared them with the genotypes described in mammals from Brazil, to examine the distribution of Bartonella genotypes in two impacted areas of Rio de Janeiro state, in southeastern Brazil. We used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods to detect the Bartonella DNA using partial sequences of the gltA, ftsZ, and groEL genes. We generated Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood trees to characterize the positive PCR samples and infer the phylogenetic relationships of the genotypes. A total of 276 animals were captured, including 110 bats, 91 rodents, 38 marsupials, and 37 marmosets. The DNA of Bartonella was amplified from tissue samples collected from 12 (4.34%) of the animals, including eight rodents-Akodon cursor (5/44) and Nectomys squamipes (3/27)and four bats, Artibeus lituratus (3/58) and Carollia perspicillata (1/15). We identified Bartonella genotypes closely related to those described in previous studies, as well as new genotypes in both the rodent and the bat samples. Considering the high diversity of the Bartonella genotypes and hosts identified in the present study, further research is needed to better understand the relationships between the different Bartonella genotypes and their vectors and host species. The presence of Bartonella in the wild rodents and bats from the study area indicates that the local human populations may be at risk of infection by Bartonella due to the spillover of these strains from the wild environment to domestic and peri-domestic environments.
Papers by Jonathan Oliveira