Papers by Cibele Bonvicino
On decrit la distribution verticale et la diversite des petits mammiferes observes sur un transec... more On decrit la distribution verticale et la diversite des petits mammiferes observes sur un transect a travers les montagnes d'ouest en est dans le Parc National de Caparao, au Bresil. Des echantillons ont ete pris dans les prairies de montagne, dans la vegetation arbustive de montagne, dans la foret de montagne humide, et dans cinq types de foret de moyenne altitude, le tout entre 1.000 et 2.700 m. Quatorze especes de Sigmodontinae, deux d'Echimyidae, une de Caviidae et quatre de Didelphidae ont ete collectees. La distribution verticale des especes est influencee par l'altitude et par la physionomie. La richesse des especes est influencee par des facteurs lies a la vegetation. La distribution des petits mammiferes parait etre influencee aussi par la categorie ecologique a laquelle peuvent etre rattachees les especes.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2010
On the basis of combined analyses of karyotypic, molecular and morphologic data, we herein descri... more On the basis of combined analyses of karyotypic, molecular and morphologic data, we herein describe a new Calomys species collected in a transitional area between the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado morphoclimatic domains of eastern Brazil. This new taxon differs from all other Brazilian Calomys species by its diploid number (2n=38), the lowest among Brazilian Calomys species, and by its yellowish snout. Phylogenetic analyses based on cytochrome b DNA suggest that this species belongs to the larger-bodied species group within Calomys, together with C. expulsus, C. callidus, C. callosus, and C. tocantinsi.
Zoologia, 2023
Artibeus amplus Handley, 1987 is a little-known bat species endemic to northern South America. Th... more Artibeus amplus Handley, 1987 is a little-known bat species endemic to northern South America. There are confirmed records of the species for Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname. In this study, we report the occurrence of A. amplus in Brazil based on the collection of two specimens captured in the municipalities of Cantá and Caracaraí in the state of Roraima. We also found a museum specimen from the state of Amazonas. The specimens were identified based on morphology and mitochondrial Cytochrome b gene analysis. After this contribution, the number of bat species in Brazil is 182. Surveys in other areas in the north of the country, such as the state of Pará, in addition to a comprehensive review of museum specimens, is needed to investigate the distribution of the species in areas where it has not been found yet.
Revista Brasileira De Biologia, 1996
... goeldi tem mais importância na mata de galeria e Thalpomys cerradensis, Thrichomys apereoìdes... more ... goeldi tem mais importância na mata de galeria e Thalpomys cerradensis, Thrichomys apereoìdes e Ty-lamys velutina tem importância no cerrado e vereda. ... This envi-ronment offers good conditions for studying habi-tat use of different small mammals species. ...

Revista Nordestina de Biologia, 1989
Ecological and behavioral observations of Aiouatta belzebul were made from February 1985 to April... more Ecological and behavioral observations of Aiouatta belzebul were made from February 1985 to April 1986 in a 271 ha patch of Atlantic forest at Pacatuba farm, 10 Km NE of Sape state of Paraiba, Brazil. The home range of the group covered an area of 9,5 ha. Its size was evidently associated with food availability. Sleeping trees, two defecation sites and a large number of food trees were restricted to a core area. Travel routes were fixed in this area but the rest of the range was used in rotation. Instantaneous Scan Sampling was used to study the daily activity patterns. Seasonal variation of environmental conditions influenced these patterns. In this particular forest, howling monkeys are mainly frugivorous, possibly because fruits are available all year round. There is a seasonal variation in the diet. During the study A. belzebul fed on 47 plant species, being a seed disperser for at least 12 and possibly 21 species of fruits and a seed predator for at least five others.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Jan 19, 2019
The armadillo genus Dasypus is the most species-rich and widely distributed genus of the order Ci... more The armadillo genus Dasypus is the most species-rich and widely distributed genus of the order Cingulata and it has a dynamic taxonomic history. Recent morphology-based studies have proposed new taxonomic arrangements, but these were not yet assessed with molecular data. The two comprehensive phylogenetic hypotheses available for the genus are conflicting and were each based on a subset of taxa, hampering a proper evaluation of species boundaries. Using a multilocus molecular dataset, based on the broadest geographic sampling of Dasypus to date, we inferred the phylogenetic relationships of all species of the genus, including the recently reinstated D. beniensis and D. pastasae. We tested recent taxonomic hypotheses using several species-delimitation approaches. Our phylogeny recovered three main lineages of long-nosed armadillos that we treat as subgenera (Hyperoambon, Muletia and Dasypus) and identified the majority of its diversification as having occurred during the Pliocene. Molecular species delimitation supported morphological evidence in assigning D. hybridus as a subspecies of D. septemcinctus and confirming the split of the D. kappleri complex into three species. Our results strongly support the recognition of Guiana Shield populations formerly assigned to D. novemcinctus as a distinct species. The phylogenetic positions of D. mazzai and D. sabanicola remain uncertain. Further investigation using faster-evolving genes and additional samples may help to clarify the relationships of these young species.
Frontiers in Oncology
A corrigendum on Somatic DNA damage response and homologous repair gene alterations and its assoc... more A corrigendum on Somatic DNA damage response and homologous repair gene alterations and its association with tumor variant burden in breast cancer patients with occupational exposure to pesticides

Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá (IEPA). These specimens were collected in in terra ... more Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá (IEPA). These specimens were collected in in terra firme forest, flooded fields and savanna and the localities are exihibited in figure 1. An inventory of mammals captured with live-traps in areas under anthropic influence, flooded and unflooded forest, and campinarana (patches of open vegetation) was carried out from 1998 to 2003 in the region of Rio Negro, Barcelos and Santa Isabel do Rio Negro municipalities, State of Amazonas. In three major tributaries of Rio Negro, rivers Padauari, Aracá and Preto, nine Didel‐ phis specimens belonging to two species were collected and deposited in the mammal collection of Museu Nacional (MN), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Both species were rare in this area, D. imperfecta being less abundant than D. marsupialis. Eight D. marsu‐ pialis specimens were collected in the Rio Negro, two in the right bank (MN53284 and MN69377) and six in the left bank (MN53285, MN59582, MN69140, MN69141,...

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 2020
The southeastern Atlantic Forest of the Zona da Mata Mineira is located in the extreme north of M... more The southeastern Atlantic Forest of the Zona da Mata Mineira is located in the extreme north of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The Serra da Mantiqueira, is a mountainous region with a high diversity of small non-volant mammal species, several of which are rare species or endemic lineages. The presence of cryptic species in small mammals makes the karyotype an excellent tool for identification and detection of new lineages. We analyzed the karyotype of 14 species: 11 rodents – Abrawayaomys ruschii, Akodon cursor, Blarinomys breviceps, Delomys sublineatus, Juliomys ossitenuis, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, Oxymycterus dasytrichus, Rhipidomys tribei, Sooretamys angouya, and Thaptomys nigrita; and three marsupials – Monodelphis scalops, Philander quica, and Marmosops incanus. We described for the first time the fundamental autosomal number and the morphology of sex chromosomes of Abrawayaomys ruschii, a rare sigmodontine species, and described a new karyotype for Blarinom...

Frontiers in Marine Science, Apr 9, 2018
The human population of the Brazilian Amazon possesses a rich body of beliefs and practices that ... more The human population of the Brazilian Amazon possesses a rich body of beliefs and practices that relate to river dolphins, which are also known as botos (Inia and Sotalia species). There is a widespread belief in their magical powers in relation to love enchantments. One form that this takes is "dolphin love charms" and these are widely in use in northern Brazil, and also in the largest southern cities. This paper considers the trade of cetacean products in the form of love charms in Brazil. Samples were obtained in the north (n = 70), northeast (n = 3) and southeast (n = 59) regions from 34 shops or municipal markets. A total of 38 of the 131 collected samples were evaluated by complete cytochrome b sequencing, revealing the use of two species: the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) (n = 3) and the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) (n = 10) and samples containing no animal material (n = 10) were also detected. Pigs are used to fake love charm products in Rio de Janeiro. However, whereas in the southeast there is no actual use of dolphin tissues in love charms, there is a widespread use of dolphin tissue in northern Brazil, including, muscle, eyes, penis and vagina. The data confirm a regular trade of dolphin products in large cities in the north and northeast of Brazil and the need for more intense actions from governmental agencies in order to curb this illegal trade.
Manual of Clinical Microbiology

Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde : im Auftrage der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde e.V., 1998
We karyotyped three Oxymycterus species (O. hispidus, O. roberti, and O. caraparoe) and Brucepatt... more We karyotyped three Oxymycterus species (O. hispidus, O. roberti, and O. caraparoe) and Brucepatter- sonius griserufescens. B. griserufescens (2n = 52/FN = 52-53) differed from the other three karyologi- cally identical species (2n = 54/FN = 64). Furthermore, comparisons of O. hispidus and O. caraparoe Gband karyotypes with data in the literature indicated that these species were karyologically identical with O. roberti, O. angularis, O. rutilans, Oxymycterus sp., O. rufus, O. paramensis, O. nasutus, and O. akodontius. Morphological characteristics allowed the distinction of two consistent groups, one including O. iheringi and B. griserufescens, characterized by reduced claws and a small body size, and another, of typical Oxymycterus species, with well-developed claws and medium or large body size. Finally, our data extended the distribution on the iheringi species group to Rio de Janeiro and Espfrito Santo states in Brazil.

Biomedica, Aug 18, 2021
Introduction: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is cost-effective and a faster method to study gen... more Introduction: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is cost-effective and a faster method to study genes, but its protocol is challenging. Objective: To analyze different adjustments to the protocol for screening the BRCA genes using Ion Torrent PGM sequencing and correlate the results with the number of false positive (FP) variants. Material and methods: We conducted a library preparation process and analyzed the number of FP InDels, the library concentration, the number of cycles in the target amplification step, the purity of the nucleic acid, the input, and the number of samples/Ion 314 chips in association with the results obtained by NGS. Results: We carried out 51 reactions and nine adjustments of protocols and observed eight FP InDels in homopolymer regions. No FP Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism variant was observed; 67.5% of protocol variables were jointly associated with the quality of the results obtained (p<0.05). The number of FP InDels decreased when the quality of results increased. The Ion AmpliSeq BRCA1/BRCA2 Community Panel had a better performance using four samples per Ion-314 chip instead of eight and the optimum number of cycles in the amplification step, even when using high-quality DNA, was 23. We observed better results with the manual equalization process and not using the Ion Library Equalizer kit. These adjustments provided a higher coverage of the variants and fewer artifacts (6.7-fold). Laboratories must perform internal validation because FP InDel variants can vary according to the quality of results while the NGS assay should be validated with Sanger.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Oct 30, 2020
Purpose This study aimed to identify and classify genetic variants in consensus moderate-to-high-... more Purpose This study aimed to identify and classify genetic variants in consensus moderate-to-high-risk predisposition genes associated with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome (HBOC), in BRCA1/2-negative patients from Brazil. Methods The study comprised 126 index patients who met NCCN clinical criteria and tested negative for all coding exons and intronic flanking regions of BRCA1/2 genes. Multiplex PCR-based assays were designed to cover the complete coding regions and flanking splicing sites of six genes implicated in HBOC. Sequencing was performed on HiSeq2500 Genome Analyzer. Results Overall, we identified 488 unique variants. We identified five patients (3.97%) that harbored pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in four genes: ATM (1), CHEK2 (2), PALB2 (1), and TP53 (1). One hundred and thirty variants were classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS), 10 of which were predicted to disrupt mRNA splicing (seven noncoding variants and three coding variants), while other six missense VUS were classified as probably damaging by prediction algorithms. Conclusion A detailed mutational profile of non-BRCA genes is still being described in Brazil. In this study, we contributed to filling this gap, by providing important data on the diversity of genetic variants in a Brazilian high-risk patient cohort. ATM, CHEK2, PALB2 and TP53 are well established as HBOC predisposition genes, and the identification of deleterious variants in such actionable genes contributes to clinical management of probands and relatives.

Journal of Clinical Pathology, Jun 1, 2004
To carry out a retrospective study, screening for mutations of the entire coding region of RB1 an... more To carry out a retrospective study, screening for mutations of the entire coding region of RB1 and adjacent intronic regions in patients with retinoblastoma. Methods: Mutation screening in DNA extracts of formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded tissues of 28 patients using combined ''exon by exon'' polymerase chain reaction mediated single strand conformational polymorphism analysis, followed by DNA sequencing. Results: Eleven mutations were found in 10 patients. Ten mutations consisted of single base substitutions; 10 were localised in exonic regions (eight nonsense, one missense, and one frameshift) and another one in the intron-exon splicing region. Three novel mutations were identified: a 2 bp insertion in exon 2 (g.5506-5507insAG, R73fsX77), a G to A transition affecting the last invariant nucleotide of intron 13 (g.76429G.A), and a T to C transition in exon 20 (g.156795T.C, L688P). In addition, eight C to T transitions, resulting in stop codons, were found in five different CGA codons (g.64348C.T, g.76430C.T, g.78238C.T, g.78250C.T, and g.150037C.T). Although specific mutation hotspots have not been identified in the literature, eight of the 11 mutations occurred in CGA codons and seven fell within the E1A binding domains (codons 393-572 and 646-772), whereas five were of both types-in CGA codons within E1A binding domains. Conclusions: CGA codons and E1A binding domains are apparently more frequent mutational targets and should be initially screened in patients with retinoblastoma. Paraffin wax embedded samples proved to be valuable sources of DNA for retrospective studies, providing useful information for genetic counselling.

European Journal of Cancer, Jul 1, 2012
cancer with an OR of 0.39 (95% CI, 0.18-0.84) whereas carriers of variant genotype CC of rs423898... more cancer with an OR of 0.39 (95% CI, 0.18-0.84) whereas carriers of variant genotype CC of rs4238989 with OR of 1.50 (95% CI, 1. 03-2.19) and variant genotype TT of rs3760138 (OR 1.42, 1.01-2.01) in the gene AANAT had increased risk of breast cancer. In regard to nigh work, cases and controls were grouped according to the number of consecutive night shifts they had worked. In the group who had never worked night or worked up to 2 consecutive nights there were only 2 SNPs (rs3903529 in ROR-b gene and rs5757037 in CSNK1E gene) that were associated with breast cancer risk. In the group with 3 consecutive night shifts 4 SNPs in the genes ARNTL1/BMAL1, RORb and MTNR1A were found to modify the risk. In the group with 4 or more consecutive night shifts only 1 SNP (rs1401417) in the ARNTL1/BMAL1 gene was associated with risk. The cases and controls were grouped according to the intensity of night work, maximum number of consecutive nights they had ever worked for 5 years. In the subjects with only day work or up to 2 consecutive night shifts, 4 SNPs in the genes CLOCK, PER1 and ROR-a were found to be significantly associated with risk whereas in subjects who had worked 3 consecutive night shifts 6 SNPs in ARNTL1/BMAL1, ARNTL1/ BMAL2, NPAS2, PER3, ROR-b and MTNR1A were found to be associated with risk. Interestingly, in subjects with highest number of consecutive night shifts (4 consecutive nights) only 1 SNP (rs10838524) in the CRY2 gene was associated with risk of breast cancer. Conclusion: Several SNPs in various circadian genes in combination with night work were found to modify risk of breast cancer.

Journal of Heredity, Jul 1, 1999
Comparative gene assignment between the spider monkey species Ateles paniscus chamek (APC) and ma... more Comparative gene assignment between the spider monkey species Ateles paniscus chamek (APC) and man (HSA) showed conserved syntenic associations despite extensive karyotypic rearrangement between species. Two HSA 14q genes were allocated to APC 2q, being syntenic to other HSA 14q and HSA 15q markers previously assigned to APC 2q, and to HSA 12q genes previously assigned to APC 2p. These findings were consistent with A. geoffroyi chromosome painting with human whole-chromosome probes, indicating that the genus Ateles is karyotypically very rearranged. On the other hand, three human X-linked markers were assigned to the Ateles X chromosome, indicating that this chromosome is evolutionary stable. primates have shown that the genus Ateles is extensively rearranged with respect to other primate genera and mammalian outgroups . This was clearly demonstrated by comparative gene mapping using cell hybrid panels and chromosome painting with human whole-chromosome probes. Thus in Ateles paniscus chamek (2n ϭ 34), several disruptions of human syntenic clusters and de novo associations were reported while in A. geoffroyi (2n ϭ 34) chromosome painting showed extensive shuffling . In this article, we report the assignment, in A. paniscus chamek, of three human Xlinked genes and two HSA 14q genes. A comparison with chromosome painting data in A. geoffroyi, a karyotypically similar congeneric species, allowed for a better understanding of the process of karyotypic evolution in Ateles.
Experimental Eye Research, Nov 1, 2022
Papers by Cibele Bonvicino
O Jardim Botânico de Brasília (JBB) é uma unidade de conservação de Brasília, DF, localizada na área central do Brasil, criada para preservar parte do bioma Cerrado. É constituída por um mosaico de fisionomias vegetais e variações de ambientes, incluindo três categorias de formações fitofisionômicas: florestas, savanas e campos. Apresentamos informações sobre a mastofauna, a partir de levantamentos promovidos por servidores e pesquisadores colaboradores do Este Guia apresenta informações sobre a mastofauna, a partir de levantamentos promovidos por servidores e pesquisadores colaboradores do Jardim Botânico de Brasília (JBB) desde 2009, incluindo dados inéditos na literatura. Os registros foram realizados por intermédio da utilização de método direto (captura e visualização do animal), câmeras fotográficas com sensores automáticos e rastreamento de pegadas e fezes. A fauna de mamíferos terrestres para a área do JBB e entorno, é constituída por, pelo menos, 56 espécies, divididas entre: 22 roedores, oito marsupiais, cinco tatus, dois tamanduás, dois primatas, quatro felinos, três canídeos e outras quatro espécies de carnívoros, três veados, o coelho-do-mato e a anta. Essa lista é baseada em registros confiáveis, como espécimes-testemunho para os pequenos mamíferos (roedores e marsupiais) e fotos e registros diretos para as espécies de maior porte (veados, macacos, carnívoros, anta, tatus e tamanduás). Apenas duas das espécies de roedores listadas ainda não têm registro dentro do JBB, mas em regiões limítrofes, sendo provável sua presença e, por isso, são aqui, também, apresentadas. Para cada espécie são fornecidos o nome comum em português, nome científico seguido pelo autor que descreveu a espécie, nome comum em inglês, etimologia do nome científico, status de conservação, distribuição geográfica com mapa, descrição morfológica, comentários sobre a biologia (incluindo, quando possível, dados de dieta, hábitos e reprodução) e bibliografia utilizada. As medidas foram incluídas por ajudarem na identificação do animal. Nem sempre foi possível manter a homogeneidade das informações, uma vez que muitas espécies não são bem conhecidas, e com os constantes avanços taxonômicos, espécies foram revalidadas e não foram ainda avaliadas. O JBB protege em sua área 14 espécies de mamíferos terrestres categorizadas em algum critério de ameaça pelo ICMBio, sendo 10 consideradas “Vulneráveis”, duas “Em Perigo”, e duas “Quase Ameaçadas”, mostrando a importância dessa unidade de conservação na proteção a essas espécies. No JBB os carnívoros possuem o maior número de espécies (5) com algum grau de ameaçada, seguido dos roedores (3), e dos marsupiais, primatas, perissodáctilos, artiodátilos, tatus e tamanduás, cada um com uma espécie ameaçada na área. Esse quadro reforça a importância das unidades de conservação, de todas as categorias, para a manutenção da diversidade.