? ?
20 July 2010 @ 10:36 am
So. I hope this is allowed. But, some of you may have read some of my Finn/Kurt drabbles in my Kurt roleplay journal (gleefulkicker), or the roleplay logs there that are, uh, still unfinished. Woe.

Anyway, since I am aware that our roleplay journals (mine and my Finn's frankengleek) has some stalkers already (which is... amazing, gah, I love you all), I decided I might as well advertise where we're going to be putting all of our threads/storylines/what-have-yous in the future. It's really just a place to keep all of our stuff organized, as apparently some people actually went searching for some of ours threads. (Did I mention I love you?)

We're at teamhuddle. Because Hudson + Hummel = Huddle and why this never caught on in the first place I just. Don't even know. Because it is the cutest thing ever. (Come on, you guys, it's football related and it rhymes with cuddle!)

Also I wanted to show off the gorgeous header I made for our layout. Isn't it gorgeous?

Note: more Finn/Kurt graphics from me also coming soon to a computer near you.

Hello, I am new here and so thankful to have found a community dedicated to Finn/Kurt. I hope to be able to share graphics and fanfics etc. in the future :) 

I just wanted to let everyone know about a twitter RP I am a part of on, well twitter of course haha. It currently has Kurt/Finn and it follows the storyline (with changes in case of pairing differences). Were only about 2 weeks old and its really come along. It's a lot of fun and maybe some people on here will enjoy reading what happens with the Finn and Kurt on there :) Though, it gets pretty hot at someparts, haha ;) Though we usually FF through the really dirty stuff, so I would say 17+ to be safe.


Click here for the website and links :)Collapse )


Current Mood: artistic
I play Kurt in a high school rpg community, statton_prep. It isn't specifically Glee-centric, but since it's a high school themed one they fit well. I've posted a couple of ads up around the usual rp ad haunts looking for more Glee characters but no one seems to be picking up so I thought I'd try here, a home of the gleeks!

A link to one of the more detailed RP ads I put forward is here, and I would love love love a Finn or Puck. Seriously, I promise...first born children. And at least one someone/Kurt fic of your choice, 1,500 words+ by the end of the month if someone can fill in any of these lines, but majorly the Finn or Puck one.

Make sure you check out the link if you're interested, because that has all the details for the line/my contact details etc. and comment here/there if you'd like, but feel free to just go ahead and apply! It'd be a pleasant surprise to wake up to.

Thank you!
09 January 2010 @ 04:39 pm
First off, I know that there have been other posts about RP and I've commented, but I just can't get enough! (:

Ok so, I have msn, so I can RP on there. However, if you'd rather RP on here, I will do that, but you'll need to help me out a bit since I've never RP'd on here before.

I have never RP'd as either Finn or Kurt, however I've written a couple of stories from each of their POV's, so I think I could do it.

I don't mind being either Finn or Kurt; you can go ahead and say who you'd rather be.

Oh, and as far as ratings go, I'm open to any. It can be as adult or non-adult as you want it to be. <3
Current Mood: thoughtfulthoughtful
Current Music: Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
07 January 2010 @ 09:09 am

Hey all! I just started a forum RP site for Glee! I'm looking for another admin or two since I know NOTHING about HTML and I need help with layouts and things :)

Also, I'm Kurt and I'm looking for someone to RP as my Finn :D Excuse the lack of boards. I literally JUST made it and I don't have more time because I'm at school and my free period ends in seven minutes. So I guess I can make a character application board if you guys want to apply before I get home from work at 9:30 EST >.>

:) join me!

McKinley Glee Club
Current Mood: boredbored
Current Music: Dance Anthem of the 80's - Regina Spektor
06 January 2010 @ 10:08 pm
Is there anyone who would be interested in roleplaying Finn/Kurt? Or to later perhaps start a bigger Glee RPG and have Finn/Kurt be part of it. Lately I've gotten really into this couple and I'd love to try and RP them. Give me a shout if this is of interest to you. :)
Current Mood: bouncybouncy
Current Music: Glee Cast - Halo/Walking on Sunshine | Powered by