Author: coincidental_penalties and watchforwalkers
Pairing(s): Kurt/Finn/Rachel; Quinn/Puck, Blaine/Sam
Rating: PG-13 (with optional NC-17 chapter 9b)
Genres: Romance; Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Canonical character death, medical terminology, mental/physical trauma; This is an OT3 story written for the

Spoilers: Through season 5
Summary: Philadelphia has fallen in love with the John Doe brought in to Jefferson Hospital's emergency room with his pockets filled with a strange assortment of objects, but no ID. When Kurt sees John Doe's picture on the evening news in New York, he can't believe what he.s seeing, and Rachel won't believe it. Finn Hudson died two years ago; he can't be the man in the pictures.
Wordcount: 57071 (plus 6678 in chapter 9b)
John Doe by coincidental_penalties & watchforwalkers