? ?
21 May 2014 @ 10:25 pm
Title: John Doe
Author: coincidental_penalties and watchforwalkers
Pairing(s): Kurt/Finn/Rachel; Quinn/Puck, Blaine/Sam
Rating: PG-13 (with optional NC-17 chapter 9b)
Genres: Romance; Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Canonical character death, medical terminology, mental/physical trauma; This is an OT3 story written for the kurt_ot3bang
Spoilers: Through season 5
Summary: Philadelphia has fallen in love with the John Doe brought in to Jefferson Hospital's emergency room with his pockets filled with a strange assortment of objects, but no ID. When Kurt sees John Doe's picture on the evening news in New York, he can't believe what he.s seeing, and Rachel won't believe it. Finn Hudson died two years ago; he can't be the man in the pictures.
Wordcount: 57071 (plus 6678 in chapter 9b)

John Doe by coincidental_penalties & watchforwalkers
12 April 2014 @ 07:34 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (7/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication for him.

Current Location: México
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
Current Music: Human, Christina Perry
07 February 2014 @ 09:48 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (6/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication to him.

Losing my religion
Current Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Current Mood: hungryhungry
Current Music: Damien Rice - 9 crimes
14 January 2014 @ 06:02 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (5/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication to him.
Losing my religion
Current Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Current Mood: coldcold
Current Music: Adele - Don't you remember
27 December 2013 @ 08:21 pm
Thank you to the writers who participated in the 2013 Fuckurt Advent on Tumblr. The full collection can be found here on AO3, and includes holiday-themed fics for the Finn/Puck/Kurt OT3, as well as the sub-ships of Finn/Puck, Kurt/Finn, and Puck/Kurt.

Day 1: Fake -- greenglowsgold, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 2: Hot Chocolate & Whipped Cream -- ca_babs, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 3: Sledding -- patchfire, Finn/Puck
Day 4: Not February 12 -- pterawaters, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 5: Candlelight -- greenglowsgold, Puck/Kurt
Day 6: Mistletoe -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Kurt/Finn
Day 7: Dear Santa -- ca_babs, Finn/Puck
Day 8: Here Comes Santa Claus -- pterawaters, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 9: Cheese -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 10: Hey Asshole, It's Christmas -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck
Day 11: Rule 21 -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Puck/Kurt
Day 12: O Christmas Tree -- ca_babs, Kurt/Finn
Day 13: New Boyfriend -- coincidental_penalties & watchforwalkers, Kurt/Finn
Day 14: Black & Blue Christmas -- ca_babs, Kurt/Finn
Day 15: Nana -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 16: Secret Santa -- ca_babs, Puck/Kurt
Day 17: The Christmas Sweater -- pterawaters, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 18: Festive Sex Toys -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck/Kurt
Day 19: Lift Off -- pterawaters, Kurt/Finn
Day 20: What are you doing New Years Eve -- ca_babs, Finn/Puck
Day 21: The Snowman -- greenglowsgold, Finn/Puck/Kurt (friendship/gen)
Day 22: First Christmas -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck
Day 23: Mistletoe & Moonlight -- ca_babs, Kurt/Finn
Day 24: Anchor -- greenglowsgold, Puck/Kurt
Day 25: Burning Low -- patchfire & raving_liberal, Finn/Puck

Title: The Life and Times of a Quasi-Repentant Flowerpot

Pairings: Furt/Kinn (main), Finchel (shortly), Klaine (side)

Includes: mpreg, flirting with brotherly love

Summary: When Finn is attacked by a bad case of baby rabies but Rachel is too focused on her career to do the honors, Kurt is conscripted to be their surrogate. Once Kurt actually gets pregnant, though, everything starts to get much more complicated.

AU wherein Kurt is two years younger than Finn, Kurt and Blaine didn't get together while at Dalton, and Rachel never got into the arts school of her dreams because she’s a spoiled diva.

Chapter One: Third Wheel

At Dreamwidth

On Tumblr

LJ is being a douchewaffle and not letting me x-post, so chose your platform above. I guess I'll TRY to keep the following chapters shorter.

18 June 2013 @ 09:25 pm
Title: The Legend Of The Whisperer.
Pairing(s): Finn/Kurt, Blaine/Sam ( later on, anyway ).
Warnings: Dragons, elves, magic, vague awkward Blinn, one especially stupid dragon.
Spoiler(s): No.
Word count: 4,555 for this chapter.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: When Finn Hudson finds a strange blue stone in the forest, he takes it home as a pretty decoration for his mother. What he doesn't realise is that this innocent gesture will change his life forever. AU.
Author's Notes: This fic has been floating around on my laptop for ages, and I finally decided to unleash it, chapter by chapter, on the world. I've got a second chapter written, but I'll see how this one goes first. With many thanks to the wonderful, long suffering Muffin - aka woodsgal - for putting up with me and for being my beta. Love you, Muffin. <3

follow the pretty blue link
14 December 2012 @ 02:50 am

Title: In Another Life
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 at most
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~1050
Spoilers: For Artie's dream in 4x10 Do not read if you haven't watched it, because it won't make any sense. 
Summary: If Kurt Hummel has one thing to be thankful for, it's Finn Hudson.

Notes: Based on this gif-set I made, and the excessive touching that Finn seems to do, and both santanaisbitho and dimplesfrecklesandpuppyeyes pointing out the excessive touching ;)

Here!Collapse )
16 November 2012 @ 03:42 am

Title: Broken Together
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 at most
Characters/Pairing: very mild Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 1211
Spoilers: Up to 4x06
Summary: Right now they’re just two broken boys clinging to each other for dear life.  But maybe they’ll be a little less broken if they’re broken together. 

Here!Collapse )
20 July 2012 @ 05:34 pm

Title: Starting the Morning
Author: grazinginthedeep (tumblr) /AoiTsukikage (LJ)
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Cory Monteith/Chris Colfer (Monfer)
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~500
Summary/Warnings: Inspired by Chris’ tweet about the stingray.  He sent the picture from an iPhone.  Chris doesn’t have an iPhone.  Conclusions were drawn.  

Woah, watch your feet!Collapse )

Title: Control
Author: grazinginthedeep (tumblr) /AoiTsukikage (LJ)
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Cory Monteith/Chris Colfer (Monfer)
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~1300
Summary/Warnings: Done for a possible troll prompting bondage with the leather bands that Chris and Cory often wear around their wrists, and it turned into a smutty, smutty fic that I actually really like.  So enjoy :)

Close your eyesCollapse )
05 July 2012 @ 11:35 pm
Title: Broken
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairing: Eventual Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 3/?
Word Count: 2016
Spoilers: Nothing specific
Summary: Prompt from rainwasheseverythingaway on tumblr.  ‘Fix him,’ Finn thinks sadly, as if Kurt’s somehow broken.  But then,he realizes as he sees Kurt hiding around the corner, his coffee cup clutched between his hands and tears glimmering in his bright blue eyes, maybe he is.  Badboy!Kurt

02 July 2012 @ 08:38 pm
Title: Nice
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 at most
Characters/Pairing: Very light Finn/Kurt, pre-slash if you squint
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~1300
Summary: Written for chamilet for the Finn/Kurt Summer Prompt Meme.  The prompt was: 
 “S2 Kurt and Finn are sharing a bedroom. Finn walks in on Kurt while he is changing and notices horrible bruising on his back and marks that look just like the reverse imprint of the vents on their school lockers...

The first time Finn sees it it's almost too quick to register
02 July 2012 @ 03:19 am
Title: The More Things Change...
Pair: Kinn
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~4880
Prompt: “Things Mr. Schue didn't expect to find at the 5th Annual William McKinley High School Reunion.”-- I’m taking this to mean of Glee Club. from finnkurt Summer prompt meme.
Summary: Five years after his original Gleeks graduated from high school, Will Schuester meets them at Breadsticks for their reunion, only to be confused and surprised by his kids. Unfortunately, some of the Gleeks likewise don’t get what they expected.

Notes: AU after S2 Duets. Kurt never went to Dalton, and most of S3 never happened. This isn’t so flattering to Mr. Schue. Jumps from Schue’s pov in the first part to Finn’s in the second.
Current Mood: stressedstressed
26 June 2012 @ 01:24 pm

Title: No Pants O’Clock
Pair: Finn/Kurt, unrequited
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1670
Summary: Post S3 Finale.
Finn and Kurt’s A/C breaks in their New York apartment. Finn lusts inappropriately over Kurt’s unintentional sexiness and awkwardness ensues.

Kurt losing control a little made Finn lose control a lot.
Current Mood: tiredtired
24 June 2012 @ 04:37 pm
Title: Broken
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairing: Eventual Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 2/?
Word Count: 2418
Spoilers: Nothing specific
Summary: Prompt from rainwasheseverythingaway on tumblr.  ‘Fix him,’ Finn thinks sadly, as if Kurt’s somehow broken.  But then,he realizes as he sees Kurt hiding around the corner, his coffee cup clutched between his hands and tears glimmering in his bright blue eyes, maybe he is.  Badboy!Kurt

23 June 2012 @ 04:05 am

Title: Broken
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairing: Eventual Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 1/?
Word Count: 1147
Spoilers: Nothing specific
Summary: Prompt from rainwasheseverythingaway on tumblr.  ‘Fix him,’ Finn thinks sadly, as if Kurt’s somehow broken.  But then, he realizes as he sees Kurt hiding around the corner, his coffee cup clutched between his hands and tears glimmering in his bright blue eyes, maybe he is.  Badboy!Kurt


Title: Sometimes We Take Chances
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairing: Eventual Finn/Kurt, Sam/Blaine
Chapter: 13/?
Word Count: 1765
Spoilers: Let's say everything to be safe :)
Summary/Warnings: From a tumblr prompt from theammc: Finn's just an artist and Kurt's just the boy he's hired to do a portrait of, but sometimes life just isn't that simple. And sometimes love blooms in the strangest of places.

16 June 2012 @ 03:47 am

Title: Losing My Religion (3/?)

Author: hermyone_mex (ChindyAlo on tumblr)

Beta: Calienteyfria

Pairing: Finn/Kurt

Rating: PG-13 for now

Warnings: Angst and angst.

Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX and RIB and Chris Colfer and Diet Coke and Llamas and Cory Monteith and Canada. I just want to write Kinn, ok? leave me alone.

Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.

Notes: I couldn't post last week because I was really busy with the end of the semester at my University, but now I'm free so I'll post every week. Thanks for reading :) 


Lean on meCollapse )

Current Mood: sleepysleepy
{We Built This House With Our Hands, And Our Time, And Our Blood} 
1884 wc
Kurt/Finn ft. Unrequited Finn/Puck & Finn/Santana, Finn/Quinn, Finn/Rachel
Summary [To think of liking lust seems impossible. But how many men and women speak

love with their lips, and believe what they say, so that they

can hide lust in a dark corner of their minds?]

Because you love, love, love when you know I can't loveCollapse )

Current Location: Who says 3am is late?
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Slow and Steady-Of Monsters and Men
02 June 2012 @ 04:18 am

I'll stand by you (part b)Collapse )

Current Location: México
Current Mood: sadJalisco
02 June 2012 @ 04:16 am

Title: Losing My Religion (2/?)

Author: hermyone_mex (ChindyAlo on tumblr)


Pairing: Finn/Kurt

Rating: PG-13 for now

Warnings: Angst and angst.

Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX and RIB and Chris Colfer and Diet Coke and Llamas and Cory Monteith and Canada. I just want to write Kinn, ok? leave me alone.

Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.

Notes: As you can see, the names of the chapters are songs that had had Kinn moments in the show, it's something that I wanted to do and the songs also have something related to the chapter. Thank you for reading this fic and also for those who commented the chapter one, it's really nice to know what do you think about this story :)

Chapter oneCollapse )

I'll stand by youCollapse )

Current Location: México
Current Mood: sadJalisco
Title: You've Got Whatever's Left of Me to Get
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3,500
Summary: It's great to have Kurt in his corner, but it's a little uncomfortable how much Finn wants Kurt to be there, sometimes.

Notes: This is basically a reaction to Kurt and Finn's situation a few months after 3x22. Friendly warning that it's pretty light Finn/Kurt, but it does go beyond brotherly. Thank you to Rain for the idea bounce, and to [info]xenachakram12, just because.


Title: Sometimes We Take Chances
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairing: Eventual Finn/Kurt, Sam/Blaine
Chapter: 12/?
Word Count: 2445
Spoilers: Let's say everything to be safe :)
Summary/Warnings: From a tumblr prompt from theammc: Finn's just an artist and Kurt's just the boy he's hired to do a portrait of, but sometimes life just isn't that simple. And sometimes love blooms in the strangest of places.

24 May 2012 @ 07:27 pm

Title: Losing My Religion (1/?)

Author: hermyone_mex


Pairing: Finn/Kurt

Rating: PG-13 for now

Warnings: Future fic but following the canon until episode 21 with some changes and expections, you'll see them during the chapters. This is a very angst story, so yeah... you're warned.

Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX and RIB and Chris Colfer and Diet Coke and Llamas and Cory Monteith. I just want to write Kinn, leave me alone.

Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.

Notes: Excited and nervous with this fic. Still don't know how many chapters is going to have but this is long. I want to thank my beta, she's amazing and supports me a lot, same goes for some of you that know how much I'm working in this story and have cheered me with this, thank you!. I'll post every week, probably fridays or saturdays. Hope you like this thing :)

True colorsCollapse )

Current Location: México
Current Mood: nervousJalisco
Current Music: Run- Snow Patrol
22 May 2012 @ 04:36 pm
Title:Seven Kinn Kisses
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: PG-13 for all of them
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~3500
Spoilers: Let's say everything to be safe :)
Summary/Warnings: All prompts were suggested by rainwasheseverythingaway on tumblr.  Seven different situations, seven different kisses.  
