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06 June 2013 @ 03:12 pm
Title: ERA
Pairing: Finn/Kurt Finn/Rachel brief Finn/Quinn
Genre: Romance/Sci-Fi
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee
Rated: R
Summary: millions of people become trapped in a virtual reality game. In order to leave, they must beat all one hundred levels or die trying. Unwilling to join a team, Kurt faces the game head on as a solo player and ends up crossing paths several times with another player, Finn, who has his own team and is determined to have him join.

A/N: posting two chapters for this fic too!

Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Previous Chapters

Current Mood: sleepysleepy
Current Music: The Dark Knight Rises ost
06 June 2013 @ 03:52 am
Title: Epidemic
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee
Rated: M
Warning: Male/Male, gore, drug abuse. Brief-ish lovemaking (I fail)
Summary: Finn suffers from intense hallucinations only Kurt can erase through touch. Unable to find a permanent solution they go searching for a cure - uncovering darker secrets behind Finn's illness.

A/N: okay for some reason my ‘enter’ button’s not working for LJ so I’m basically doing a lot copy and pasting X.X Chapter Twenty Three had to be split in two cuz it was too big. Hope any readers out there enjoy these two chapters! Apologies also for any typos and whatnot’s!

Chapter 23a, Chapter23b, Chapter 24

Previous Chapters

Current Location: corner of my room...
Current Mood: stressedstressed