? ?
07 February 2013 @ 08:39 pm
Let's speculate on who Finn would vote for in a Diva-off this time IF HE WERE EVER IN THE SAME FRAME AS KURT.

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just remember: no character or actor bashing.
31 January 2013 @ 08:48 pm
Let us watch Naked and marvel at how our boys will probably be the only males to remain fully dressed!

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just remember: no character or actor bashing.
29 November 2012 @ 10:05 pm
Time for Thanksgiving a week late!

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just remember: no character or actor bashing.

edit: WOW I had this open hours before the episode and I still didn't post it fjkdhkjfdhkj
22 November 2012 @ 10:01 pm
I apologise for the lack of discussion posts this season. Especially last week's, since our boys actually.. looked at each other. :|

Anyway, if anyone WANTS to discuss the episode and how adorable Finn was, or even the last few episodes, feel free to do so here! I'll try to be better in the future; it's just hard when our boys are so far apart.
04 October 2012 @ 11:51 pm
okay, so I'm in time for the west coast, anyway...?


you know the rules--no character, actor, fellow-commenter bashing.
22 May 2012 @ 08:31 pm
Here we go. Have tissues ready.

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
Current Mood: sadsad
15 May 2012 @ 07:39 pm
Even if there are no scenes of our boys together, I think we'll have a lot to talk about! :D

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
Current Mood: excitedexcited
08 May 2012 @ 10:45 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!

ummm, in time for the west coast?

01 May 2012 @ 07:32 pm
Getting this up before I forget my power goes out..

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!

(Let's see if our boys like, LOOK at each other once or twice! Sigh.)
24 April 2012 @ 07:41 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
10 April 2012 @ 08:43 pm
Since there was that ridiculous hiatus, don't blame me for almost forgeting please. ;P

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
21 February 2012 @ 07:41 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!

Hiatus time. :(
14 February 2012 @ 07:39 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!

Happy Valentine's day to those who like it. :)
07 February 2012 @ 07:48 pm
Let's cross our fingers for tonight. ;P

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
31 January 2012 @ 08:30 pm
For all your liveblogging and post-episode needs. :)

Just remember, character and actor bashing are not allowed.
17 January 2012 @ 07:37 pm
Wheee, finally a new episode! Let us pray on our boys ever having a scene together EVER AGAIN.

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
13 December 2011 @ 09:37 pm
...I have no excuses. You know the drill.

Happy Holidays!
07 December 2011 @ 03:50 am
I am SO SORRY yet again. This time I was actually busy with other things for once, then naturally I forgot. 8(

So um. Belated thoughts on the episode go here...?

(No character or actor bashing allowed, as per the community's rules.)
Current Mood: distresseddistressed
Current Music: Glee Cast - We Are Young | Powered by
29 November 2011 @ 07:43 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
15 November 2011 @ 07:45 pm
Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
08 November 2011 @ 09:15 pm
...You may all tar and feather me for ALWAYS FORGETTING THIS.

Um, at least I'm before the west coast?

Discuss if you so choose.. (especially about That One Line)
01 November 2011 @ 07:46 pm
Yes! I remembered! ;)

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
05 October 2011 @ 04:13 pm
Wow, I did it again. I AM SO SORRY, GUYS. Especially since this episode had an AMAZING moment with our boys.

If anyone wants to post-discuss, go for it.
27 September 2011 @ 07:50 pm
Let me just apologise for slacking so ridiculously last week. Here's hoping for lots of goodness tonight! :D

Liveblog, react, go nuts. Just keep in mind that character or actor bashing is not allowed as per community rules. Have fun!
22 September 2011 @ 05:56 am
Sorry for the lateness, my laptop has been broken since late August, and in the shop so I've been on a very limited net time.

Remember, no character or actor bashing, please!