"Extremely hot awesome" (xenachakram12) wrote in finnkurt,
"Extremely hot awesome"

fic: Choragus, Kurt/Blaine/Finn/Rachel

title: Choragus
fandom: Glee
pairing: Kurt/Blaine/Finn/Rachel overall, but Kurt/Finn is the emotional center
rating: NC-17
word count: ~5600
spoilers: S3 canon relationships
warnings: none
summary: When Rachel Berry sets her mind on something that involves someone else, that someone else has two choices. They can either indulge her, or they can move out of state and change their name. Kurt’s mistake is that he chooses neither. (AKA the one in which Rachel doesn't know when to just drop it and things get more complicated.) This is a sequel to Catharsis, and potentially part of a longer 'verse.

LJ / AO3 (Links lead to 'verse tags)

N.B. It's been a long time since I've written something new, so if there is still interest in the Kinn pairing and/or this fic in particular, let me know. I've got a few other things in the works. :-)
Tags: archive: season three, fic rating: nc-17

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