watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties (wfw_and_c_p) wrote in finnkurt,
watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties

Fic: A Lot Alike [Ch. 3/4]

Title: A Lot Alike
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: Past Finn/Quinn, Past Kurt/Blaine (neither appear in the fic for more than a glance, portrayal only mildly negative)
Spoilers: Through 2x20
Word Count: 7225
Summary: On the night of junior prom, Kurt is crowned prom queen and runs out of the gym into the hallway. Instead of Blaine following him, Kurt instead runs straight into Finn—literally—and changes the course of both their relationships.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

When Kurt’s alarm goes off, Finn groans and rolls over to smash his face into the pillow to
block out the sound and the light he knows is about to follow. He can’t quite find it in his heart to regret the three or four times he woke Kurt up during the night to jerk him off again, but it means he’s not running on a lot of sleep. He feels Kurt moving next to him, sitting up probably, but not getting out of bed or standing up.

“Time?” Finn asks, face still in the pillow.

“About thirty minutes earlier than your alarm usually goes off,” Kurt says softly. “Which means… forty or fifty minutes earlier than you usually stop hitting snooze and actually get up. Do you want me to wake you up after I shower?”

“Or you can skip a shower and sleep more with me.”

“I can’t go to school without washing my hair,” Kurt protests.

“We can call in sick,” Finn says.

“Do you really think your mother would let us get away with that?” Kurt says, sounding somewhat regretful, at least.

“She doesn’t have to know. I can fake puke.”
“We can’t play hooky,” Kurt says. “Do you want to get up now or after my shower?”

Finn groans and pulls Kurt’s pillow on top of his head. “After,” he mumbles.

“Okay,” Kurt says, and he stands up, going to the bathroom and closing the door behind him, with the water starting just a minute later. Then the door cracks open, and Kurt says, “I’ll wait as long as I can to wake you up,” before the door closes a second time.

Finn doesn’t actually fall asleep again, as much as he’d like to. Instead, he lies there with his head under the pillow, face smushed into the mattress, thinking about the night before, Kurt, and the stuff they did together – mostly that last one. By the time he hears Kurt coming back in from the shower, he’s got a hard on again, and sort of wishes Kurt hadn’t already showered.

“Time to get up,” Kurt says, the mattress dipping as Kurt sits down. Kurt’s hand lands on Finn’s shoulder a few seconds later, shaking it gently. “Finn?”

“I’m up,” Finn says. “Definitely up.”

“Eg— Finn,” Kurt says, sounding more like he’s pretending to be scandalized than anything. “As I was saying, would you like some Eggo waffles for breakfast?”

“Are you sure we have to get up and go to school?”

“Yes.” Kurt stands up and his closet door opens. “But neither of us have anything after school.”

“Then yeah, I guess I do want some Eggo waffles for breakfast,” Finn says. He sighs loudly and sits up, and Kurt turns towards him before starting to laugh.

“You should probably wet your head down,” Kurt says, still laughing.

“What’s wrong with my hair?” Finn asks. He puts his hand on top of his head, but everything feels normal to him.

“It’s… disheveled,” Kurt says, frowning at the pair of pants in his hands, then looking at Finn before looking back at his closet and pulling out a different pair of pants. “At best.”

“Disheveled is sexy,” Finn says, running his hand through his hair and ruffling it up even more. “Puck says everybody digs the just-rolled-out-of-bed look.”

Kurt looks a little exasperated, but he leaves the closet, walking over to the bed and kissing Finn before returning to the closet, this time for a shirt. “Quoting Puck while naked is something that you should do less of.”

“If you’re not planning on getting back in the bed and doing more sexy stuff, it doesn’t really count,” Finn says.

Kurt frowns at that, then reaches into the closet two more times before closing the closet door. “I can’t. Not if you want those waffles. How many did you want?”


“Not a full eight?” Kurt says, untying his robe and turning towards his chest of drawers. “And I can’t believe that I’m going to be dressed before you.”

“I wanted to make sure you got some, too,” Finn says. He reaches down to grab his pants from off the floor, pulling them on as he stands up. “Bet I’ll still be dressed first.”

“So magnanimous,” Kurt says, turning around and shaking his head as he reaches for his pants. “I suppose we shall see.”

“I’ll meet you downstairs, when you’re finally ready to go,” Finn says. Kurt sticks his tongue out at Finn but doesn’t say anything, gesturing to the door. Finn laughs as he opens the door and crosses the hall to his own bedroom, where he grabs the first pair of jeans he finds on the floor, sniffing them first to make sure they’re still okay to wear. He pulls on the jeans, then gets a T-shirt, snagging a flannel shirt from the back of his desk chair on his way back out of his bedroom. He doesn’t smell Eggos cooking as he hurries down the stairs to the kitchen, which means he was probably right about beating Kurt down there.

The first round of Eggos have just popped up from the toaster when Kurt gets downstairs, looking a lot fancier than Finn, for sure, in some super-tight stripey pants that will probably make Finn look at Kurt’s butt all day… again.

“Are those mine?” Kurt asks, stopping in front of the refrigerator and pulling out the orange juice.

“They can be yours,” Finn offers. He puts the two Eggos on a plate and hands them to Kurt.

“Thanks,” Kurt says, sitting down with the plate before standing back up and getting out two glasses. “Orange juice?” he asks, but apparently decides Finn’s answer is yes, because he starts pouring both of them orange juice without waiting for a reply, then slides one glass towards the chair where Finn usually sits. Finn starts the next two Eggos in the toaster.

“So…” Finn says. He doesn’t look Kurt right in the eyes, instead looking at the Eggos a little more closely than is probably believable.

“A needle pulling thread,” Kurt sings under his breath. “Yes?”

“How are we, you know?” Finn gestures at Kurt, then points at himself, then points at Kurt again. “At school.”

Kurt frowns slightly, then takes a drink of his orange juice. “I think today I’m going to tell people that Blaine and I broke up,” he says, which isn’t really an answer. “I may make it seem more mutual than it was, and act like it was last night. However else we might be at school in the future, I think we have to act like before for today at least.”

Finn nods. “Okay. That makes sense.” The toaster pops, and he puts the Eggos on another plate, putting in two more Eggos. “What about after today?”

“Why don’t we worry about that tonight?”

“We’ll still do the sexy stuff tonight, right?”

Kurt looks like he’s trying not to laugh, and he nods. “Yes. Like I said, we don’t have anything after school today.”

“Yeah, we do!” Finn says. “We have sexy stuff!”

Now Kurt does laugh, and he nods. “Right. But that’s all.” He takes a bite of his waffles, looking like he’s thinking about something, but he keeps eating without saying anything else. “I’ll see you during algebra?” Kurt says as he finishes and stands.

“You don’t want to ride together?” Finn asks, as he stacks his four Eggos and transfers his plate to the table. “I’ll be done in like two minutes.”

“Oh, we can,” Kurt says, looking a little surprised. “I wasn’t sure.”

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Finn says.

“I just wasn’t sure if acting like before extended to driving,” Kurt says quickly. “Sometimes we ride together and sometimes we don’t.” He goes to the sink and turns it on, rinsing his plate. “It probably does make more sense if we have the same after-school plans.”

“And this way we can, you know. Talk. About stuff,” Finn says. “We could have conversation.”

Kurt turns off the water and faces Finn again, leaning against the counter. “Conversation about what?” he asks, sounding flirty.

Finn shrugs. “I don’t know. Just stuff. Any kind of stuff. Person stuff.”

“Okay,” Kurt says with a little shrug, opening the cabinet and getting out a box of Clif bars. “Two minutes, you said?”

“Mmmhmmf,” Finn says, through the biggest mouthful of Eggo he can shove into his mouth.

Kurt nods once, looking amused, then leaves the kitchen with the box of Clif bars in hand before returning with his schoolbag and no box of Clif bars visible a few moments later. “Ready?”

“Yup,” Finn says. He leaves his plate in the sink with a muttered, “I’ll get it later.”

“Am I driving or are you?” Kurt asks.

“You can drive, if you want to,” Finn says. “Or I can. We still probably need to figure out what to do with that crown, though. It’s still kicking around under one of the seats, I think.”

“You should drive, then,” Kurt says after looking thoughtful for a moment. “We can get pop on the way home and throw it out wherever we get the pop. Unless you know of a place with an incinerator.”

“The dump?” Finn suggests.

“I don’t think they let people just use their incinerator, do they?” Kurt frowns and starts to walk out of the kitchen with a gesture for Finn to follow him. “McDonald’s or something will work fine, I think.”

“We could smash it first, if you wanted,” Finn says. “I could step on it in the parking lot.”

Kurt tilts his head as he walks. “At least twice?”

“Sure. Smash and grind, even,” Finn offers.

“Excellent. I’ll document it, then,” Kurt says, walking to the passenger side of Finn’s truck and stopping. Finn walks around and opens the door for Kurt, closing it behind him after he climbs into the passenger seat.

Once Finn is in the truck, too, and backing out of the driveway, he asks, “So is this going to be weird?”

“I think that depends on your definition of ‘weird’,” Kurt says. “Does it feel weird to you?”

“A little,” Finn admits. “Parts of it, anyway.”

“I think… the weirdest thing to me is that we live together,” Kurt says.

“Yeah, that’s a little bit weird,” Finn says.

“It’s also really convenient,” Kurt says, sounding flirty again.

“Yeah, that’s true, too,” Finn says. “Until Mom and Burt figure it out, anyway. Then it’ll be… what’s that thing that’s the opposite of convenient?”

“Room arrest? Grounding? All of our electronics confiscated?” Kurt offers.

“That, too, but I more meant like we’d have to be super sneaky,” Finn says.

“We should be sneaky now so we don’t have to become more sneaky later,” Kurt says thoughtfully. “We’ll make sure we keep doors locked.”

“Oh, crap,” Finn says, as a thought just occurs to him. “If Quinn finds out about this, she’s for sure calling my mom and ratting me out.”

“Give her a week or so to cool off?”

“At least. Maybe wait until she finds a new boyfriend,” Finn says. “Which shouldn’t be too hard.”

“She might find a new boyfriend before a week is out. Or maybe I can transfer the girls’ residual anger to Blaine, if I tell the right story,” Kurt says. “It’s not like any of them are going to call him to verify what I say, right?”

“Rachel might. She might make another move and hope he’ll be her only-sorta-straight boyfriend,” Finn points out.

“Hmm. True. Now I need to find Rachel and Quinn new boyfriends?” Kurt asks with a sigh.

“It’s too bad we can’t cut out the middle man, and, like, make them date each other,” Finn says.

Kurt shudders. “That would never work. Can you imagine how horrible they’d be to each other? I don’t know which of them I’d feel worse for in that scenario.”

“They’d be too busy to bother us, though.”

“That’s quite the moral dilemma. Maybe I could convince Artie to date one of them,” Kurt says. “Or Sam. I don’t know that he’d date Quinn again, though, would he?”

“Probably not. Well, maybe not,” Finn says. “It’s possible.”

“I’ll think about it during English,” Kurt says. “You’re right, though. It’s too bad about Rachel and Quinn, but they’d never work.”

“Yeah,” Finn agrees. He pulls into the McKinley parking lot and parks in the closest space he can find. “See you in algebra?”

“Yes,” Kurt says. “Thank you for the ride,” he adds with a flirty smile.

“Anytime,” Finn says, smiling back at Kurt.

Kurt climbs out of the truck and heads towards the school, looking back at Finn once with the same smile and a wave, and then he turns towards Mercedes and Tina, his head bent as he talks to them. Finn doesn’t follow immediately, leaning against the truck to watch Kurt walk away, or more specifically, to watch Kurt’s butt as Kurt walks away. It’s just as distracting as it was the day before.

Finn watches Kurt’s butt until Kurt, Mercedes, and Tina walk into the building, then he walks towards the building himself, still thinking about Kurt’s butt. He thinks about it through homeroom, during class change, and into first period. At some point during his first period class, Finn starts thinking about butts in a more general sense, and when the bell rings for second period and Finn heads out into the hallway, he tries to subtly look at some other butts. He looks at some guy butts and some girl butts, and while the guy butts are slightly more attractive than the girl butts, the random guy butts still aren’t as nice as Kurt’s.

In a way, that’s very reassuring, because Finn’s obvious preference for Kurt’s butt over other people’s butts at least makes it clear that the whole thing with Kurt isn’t a matter of convenience, with Kurt being right across the hall, or at least, not for Finn, anyway. When Finn sits down next to Kurt in third period—sadly not getting to look at Kurt’s butt first, since Kurt was already in his seat when Finn got there—he leans over and whispers, “Hey.”

Kurt turns his head towards Finn slightly and smiles the flirty smile again. “Hi.”

“How’s school going so far?”

“Moderately sympathetic expressions from most people, actually,” Kurt says. “Rachel went on about how she couldn’t believe the Blaine she knew was the same Blaine I described, so at least I don’t think she’ll be calling him.”

“Well, that’s good, then,” Finn says.

“Mmmhmm. You? How’s your day?”

“Distracted,” Finn says. He leans a little closer and lowers his voice even more. “I keep thinking about your butt.”

Kurt laughs a little and looks around the room before looking back at Finn. “Do you want me to stand up?”

“No! People might notice!” Finn says. “Any way, I looked at a lot of butts this morning, and yours is for sure the best.”

“I’ll make sure to stand up before you do at the end of class, then,” Kurt says. “And thank you.” His head twitches a little, like he was thinking about looking back at his butt and then decided not to. “The best for looking at?”

“Yeah. Probably the best for other butt-type stuff, too,” Finn says.

Kurt’s smile gets wider, and he looks like he’s about to say something else when he suddenly straightens and looks towards the front of the room, starting to take notes a moment later. Finn smiles to himself as he starts doing the same, or at least making an attempt to do the same. When class is over, though, he does wait for Kurt to stand up, giving Kurt’s butt a good look before standing up himself.

“Yep,” Finn says. “Definitely the best.”

Kurt looks over his shoulder and smiles at Finn, walking out of the room probably slower than necessary before waving a little and turning left as he leaves the classroom. Finn turns right, towards his fourth period class, and almost walks right into Puck.

“Hey!” Finn says. “Better look where you’re going.”

“I should tell you the same,” Puck says, turning and falling into step with Finn. “I heard you’ve been watching other things.”

“Huh?” Finn says. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He totally knows what Puck is talking about.

“Are you stalking Kurt now?” Puck asks. “Artie thinks it’s a Secret Service thing, because of prom, but that’s not what I think.”

“Yeah, I definitely don’t know what you’re talking about,” Finn says, trying to side-step Puck. “I’m not stalking anybody.”

Puck throws his arm around Finn, and it’s a little too friendly. “You looked almost moony, even,” Puck says. “C’mon, level with me.”

“I’m not stalking him,” Finn insists. “But you’re wrong, by the way.”

“You’re not?” Puck snorts. “Could’ve fooled me and Artie and Mike,” he says. “Wait. What am I wrong about?”

“It’s totally gay. Like, two hundred percent gay.”

“What’s gay?” Puck steers Finn towards a classroom, then realizes there’s a teacher in it, and keeps walking towards the next empty one. “Okay, okay, hold up,” Puck demands, looking oddly cheerful. “What exactly is two hundred percent gay, Finn?”

“Getting a blowjob from a dude,” Finn says. “It’s completely damn gay.”

“And when did you get a blowjob from a dude?” Puck asks.

“When did you?” Finn counters.

Puck waves his hand dismissively. “Not the point. Last time I checked, you were the one who hadn’t even had a blowjob. So when did you?” He grins slowly. “Is that why you’re stalking Kurt?”

“It’s kinda the point,” Finn says.

“Okay, it’s maybe at least a little bi,” Puck concedes. “Was it Kurt?”

“And who was it for you?” Finn demands. “I’m not telling you anything until you tell me.”

“Hey, everyone knows Kurt’s gay,” Puck says. “You pinky-swear not to tell?”

“Sure,” Finn says.

Puck looks out the door, then back at Finn and shrugs. “Sam. I was curious about that mouth. Only twice, then he decided it wasn’t for him. So? Was it Kurt?”

Finn nods. “Don’t tell anybody, though, okay? With the whole Blaine thing, and my Quinn thing, just… don’t tell anybody.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. What’d you do, go back home after prom and get each other off?” Puck says jokingly.

“Uhh.” Finn looks down at his feet. “Yeah. Kinda.”

Dude! You two were cheating?”

“Not, like, technically!”

“Hey, I keep up with the gossip,” Puck says, sounding almost offended. “Kurt’s been telling people that he and Blaine broke up last night, which is definitely not when prom was.”

“Yeah, so you can’t go around telling anybody that they actually broke up the night of prom, okay?” Finn says.

“Ohhh, shit, yeah?” Puck says, and he nods his agreement, but he looks pleased with himself, too. “Okay. Yeah. But still, seriously? And that’s why you’re all stalker on Kurt’s ass today?”

“I guess so?” Finn shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m just thinking about a lot of stuff.”

“And is one of those things Kurt’s ass?” Puck asks. “Or do you think it has some answers? Like a Magic 8 ass?”

“It’s got something, anyway. Mostly stripes today. Really tight stripes.”

“Yeah?” Puck nods slowly. “And you have plans for it later?”

“Not, like, specific plans, but yeah, I guess I do,” Finn says. “I think mostly grabbing it, at this point.”

“And Kurt’s good with all of these plans? Because I wasn’t wrong about some of the other stuff I’ve told you.”

“I said they weren’t specific plans!” Finn says. “But, yeah, I know to ask before I stick anything anywhere. Jeez.”

Puck grins and pats Finn’s shoulder. “Good.” He looks up guiltily as the bell rings. “Guess you should go to class.”

“Yeah, I probably should,” Finn says. He doesn’t immediately head out of the classroom, though.

“Or did you want a fourth period nap like I’m going to take?” Puck asks.

“Nah, I’m going, I just want to make sure you know, for real, don’t tell anybody,” Finn says.

“Dude. I only told you about Sam because we’re each other’s wingman, right?” Puck says, looking moderately offended as he holds out his fist. Finn bumps his fist to Puck.

“Right,” he says, nodding. “Sorry.”

“Better work on your poker face if someone else asks about prom, though,” Puck adds with a grin, starting towards the door.

“I’ll practice it during lunch!” Finn calls after Puck.

Puck gives him a thumbs up without turning around, then heads in the direction of the nurse’s office. Finn looks at Puck’s butt as he leaves; it’s pretty nice, but not at nice as Kurt’s. He manages to make it to his fourth period class before the late bell rings, at least, though fourth period isn’t as good as third period, since Kurt—and his awesome butt—isn’t in that one. His next period is lunch, which means he does see Kurt as they’re both walking from their fourth period classes to the cafeteria.

“Hey!” Finn says, stepping closer to Kurt as they walk.

“Hi,” Kurt says, smiling and glancing over at Finn.

“So, two things,” Finn says. “One is that your butt is definitely still the best butt.”

“Why thank you,” Kurt says, smiling the flirty smile. “And the second?”

“Puck knows.”

“Puck knows that my butt is the best butt?” Kurt says, now looking slightly confused.

“No,” Finn says. “Well, yeah, probably, but no, he knows about you and me.”

“Oh.” Kurt looks startled for a moment, then looks around the hallway before turning back to Finn. “Did he guess?” Kurt asks. “Or did you tell him?”

“Sorta both,” Finn admits, smiling at Kurt in a way that he hopes is apologetic enough. “He thought I was stalking you, then he thought we were both cheating, so I made sure he knew that neither one of those was true. He swore he won’t tell, though!”

“Oh, well. Alright,” Kurt says. “Stalking me?” He sounds more amused, smiling a little. “Just because of your, ah. Butt evaluation?”

“I think I was kinda evaluating it pretty hot and heavy,” Finn says.

Kurt laughs quietly. “Then I suppose it’s good that we have an appointment for a hands-on evaluation later.”

“It’s not too late to skip the rest of the day, you know,” Finn suggests. “We could go ahead and have that appointment now.”

“I don’t want to set a poor precedent,” Kurt says as they reach the cafeteria. “Also, I can’t really leave today. People will think I’m fleeing the gossip about my break-up with Blaine.”

“I don’t think there’s really any gossip about your breakup. My breakup, maybe,” Finn says.

“Then you can’t leave, either,” Kurt says firmly. “You have to appear like you’re indifferent at best. Which you do in fact seem to be.”

“Well, I am different,” Finn says.

“Oh, Finn.” Kurt laughs and shakes his head. “Yes, you’re that, too.”

“Will you eat lunch with me, at least?” Finn asks.

Kurt exaggeratedly bats his eyelashes at Finn. “I won’t even make you carry my lunch tray,” he says as he nods. “Or was that not a thing at your middle school?”

Finn shrugs. “I didn’t have a girlfriend in middle school. I was too busy being cool.”

“I know it’ll come as a shock to you, but I didn’t have a girlfriend in middle school either,” Kurt says dryly. “How did that work out for you, then?” he continues, going back to the flirty smile.

“Well, I am pretty cool now,” Finn says, “but I still don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Yes, you’re very cool,” Kurt says, picking up his lunch tray. “And no, you don’t have a girlfriend, either.”

“You were right, though,” Finn says.

“Of course I was,” Kurt agrees, picking up ice cream and frowning at it before setting it on his tray. “What was I right about?”

“Being single isn’t the worst thing in the world,” Finn says, giving Kurt a big grin.

Kurt snorts. “Yes, being ‘single’ suits you, doesn’t it?” he says, picking up his tray. “Shall we sit?”

“Sure,” Finn says, leading Kurt in the direction of the table that Finn usually sits at. Puck, Sam, Mike, Tina, a couple other guys from the football team are already there. Finn doesn’t pull Kurt’s chair out for him or anything, but he does think about it.

“Regardless of all the football players,” Kurt whispers to Finn as they sit down, “I’m not rejoining the football team.”

“You could, though,” Finn whispers back. “You were good.”

“Why are you whispering?” Sam asks.

“’Cause we didn’t want you to hear what we were talking about,” Finn says.

“Fair enough,” Sam says, shrugging. “Unless you’re talking about your breakups, in which case, we all already know, so you may as well just talk loud enough for all of us to hear.”

“It was what we had for dinner at home,” Kurt says dryly. “It made us want to be single.”

Puck snorts, then looks down at his tray and takes a huge bite of his food. Finn glares at him and shakes his head slightly. Nobody else seems to have anything else to say about the breakups, though, and the rest of lunch is mostly just Tina complaining about her mom, and how she won’t let Tina stay out past 10, even on a Friday night, even if she’s going out with a group and not just Mike. Kurt has some thoughts about that, but Finn doesn’t really have much to add. Tina seems to feel better by the time the bell rings, anyway, and then Finn gets to watch Kurt’s butt a little more as they split off in different directions for their next classes.

“Yo, Hudson!” Artie calls from behind Finn a moment later.

Finn turns around, looking down at Artie. “Hey, Artie. What’s up?”

“So I heard you have a new hobby,” Artie says.

“Huh?” Finn asks.

“Kurt’s rear end, from what I hear,” Artie says, holding up his phone briefly before dropping it back into his lap.

“What? Who told you that? Nobody should’ve told you that,” Finn says, then quickly adds, “because I don’t. It’s not a thing I do.”

“You don’t do Kurt’s rear end, good to know,” Artie says agreeably enough. “But you do watch it.”

“I watch everybody’s butt,” Finn insists. “Today I do, anyway.”

“I do that most days,” Artie says. “Some butts are better than others, though. Have you checked out Lorilee the Cheerio’s butt? It’s superlative.”

“Which one is Lorilee?”

“Dark hair, sophomore, short legs but a fine caboose,” Artie says with a big grin. “Hey, I think she’s single! You should ask her to go to a movie on Friday night.”

“No, I don’t think I can do that,” Finn says.

“Did someone else ask her?” Artie says. “Or did Quinn tell the Cheerios not to date you?”

Finn leaps on that, nodding his head. “Yeah. That. Quinn would kill her. It wouldn’t be fair to Laura-whoever.”

“Too bad,” Artie says with a sigh. “For you, I mean. Though I guess right now you’re into the more masculine-appearing rear.”


“If you’ve been watching Kurt’s so intently,” Artie says factually. “I don’t usually look at the dudes’ rears, so I can’t help you evaluate there.”

“I’m not!” Finn protests.

“Okay,” Artie says, but he doesn’t sound like he believes Finn. “Let me know if you change your mind about Lorilee!” With that, Artie waves briefly and then wheels off down the righthand hallway.

“Crap,” Finn says to himself. “I’m that thing that Kurt always says I am.”

Finn goes into his next classroom, sitting down and thinking about how he’s that thing, that ‘lacking in’ something thing. Suddenly. Sudden tree. Something. Either way, Kurt’s probably right, if that thing he says means that Finn is really, really obvious. Finn either needs to stop looking at Kurt’s butt, which he doesn’t really want to do, start looking at other butts equally, which he also doesn’t want to do, or just go ahead and tell people he likes dude butts more than girl butts, because this not telling people thing is harder than he thought it would be, mainly because of the butts.

He needs the whole class period to come to any kind of decision, and then the only decision is that he’s not going to stop looking at Kurt’s butt, whatever else he ends up doing. Finn gathers up his books and stuffs them into his backpack, heading out the door and down the hall. He only makes it past the girl’s bathroom and the French classroom before Mike grabs him by the arm.

“Hey man,” Mike says, a little too casually.

“What?” Finn says, sighing loudly. “Are you gonna talk to me about butts, too?”

“All I know is that Puck has been maintaining radio silence since before lunch,” Mike says, still too casual. “But word is that the study of butts, particularly Kurt’s, has continued. What’s with the newfound appreciation for butts?”

“Butts are good and now I’m free to look at butts without Quinn slapping me,” Finn says.

Mike nods slowly. “An important fact, sure,” he says, still nodding. “So you just realized that you liked looking at Kurt’s more? Or he doesn’t slap you either?”

Finn opens his mouth to answer, then shuts it. He sighs again. “Can we not talk about this?”

“Sore subject, okay,” Mike says with a little shrug. “Just— you know other people will start to notice sooner or later, and they’ll ask, too.”

“Well, when they ask, I’ll just tell them it’s none of their business,” Finn says.

“Yeah.” Mike pauses. “Probably won’t just ask you, you know? Don’t get caught by surprise.” With that, Mike releases Finn’s arm and nods, walking into a nearby classroom. Finn stands in the hall, the people passing him, until the bell rings.

“Crap,” Finn says quietly.

After his last class, Finn goes straight out to the truck and leans against the passenger side door, waiting for Kurt. Kurt appears a few minutes later, waving a goodbye to Mercedes before continuing towards Finn, his smile getting a little bigger.

“Pop, crown disposal, and then home?” he asks as he gets closer.

“Yeah,” Finn says. “Hey.” He steps to the side and opens the door for Kurt.

“Hi,” Kurt says, his smile shifting to the flirty one as he climbs into the truck. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Finn says. He goes around to the driver’s side and gets in, starting the truck without saying anything else.

“We’re still going to make sure it’s thoroughly flattened before discarding it, right?” Kurt asks after a few moments pass.

“Yeah,” Finn says. “I’ll make sure.”

Kurt smiles a little, and doesn’t speak again until Finn pulls into the parking lot at McDonald’s. Finn gets out and walks around to open Kurt’s door, and Kurt hands him the crown before getting out. “Do your worst,” Kurt says dramatically.

Finn carefully sets the crown on the pavement near the trucks bumper, and once Kurt closes the truck’s door and comes to stand near him, Finn brings his foot down hard onto the crown. He stomps it several times, grinding his foot until the wire is bent and all the fake jewels are smashed into powder, then he keeps stomping.

“I think it’s dead now,” Kurt says gently. “We’re even leaving evidence behind.”

“Sorry,” Finn says. He bends over and picks up the mangled gold metal, picking up the few jewels that haven’t been completely obliterated.

“Do you still want a pop?” Kurt asks.

“Yeah, but we can go through the drive-through,” Finn says. He drops the remains of the crown into the trash, then opens the truck door for Kurt again. Kurt thanks him again as he climbs in, then Finn closes the door, gets into the truck, and takes them through the drive-through. The rest of the drive home is quiet. When they get there and Finn parks, Kurt looks over at Finn and smiles the flirty smile again.

“So… hands-on evaluation?” he says.

“Yeah,” Finn says. “That’s the plan.”

Kurt waits for Finn to come around and open his door, and Finn puts his hand on Kurt’s lower back as they walk to the house, where Finn holds the front door open. Kurt keeps smiling, and he takes off his shoes as soon as he’s inside, dropping his bag beside them. “Upstairs or did you feel like living dangerously?” Kurt asks in a joking tone.

“Upstairs,” Finn says, surprised at how hard it is to get the word out. If it weren’t for the fact that he really couldn’t handle Burt finding them, he’d be all about living dangerously and just yanking Kurt’s super-tight pants down in the middle of the living room.

“Then let’s go,” Kurt says, turning and walking up the stairs slowly. Finn watches Kurt’s butt the whole way up, and right as Kurt gets to the top of the stairs, Finn reaches out with both hands and grabs it, squeezing.

“Yeah, it’s awesome,” Finn says.

Kurt squeaks a little and half-jumps, but doesn’t move away from Finn, just stops there at the top of the stairs with Finn’s hands on his butt. “I’m glad you approve.”

“Yeah, I approve, but you need to keep walking,” Finn says, giving Kurt’s butt another squeeze. “’Cause I don’t really feel like living the kind of dangerously where Burt catches us.”

“Oh my god, no,” Kurt agrees hurriedly, and he finishes walking the rest of the way to his room. “Did… did you want me to get undressed?” he asks. “Or did you need more time to evaluate while clothed?”

“No, you should take your clothes off,” Finn says, already starting to pull Kurt’s shirt up.

“Watch my hair!”

“I’m gonna totally wreck your hair,” Finn promises, tugging the shirt over Kurt’s head and dropping it to the floor. True to his word, Finn steps close to Kurt, crowding him against the bedroom door, and sliding both hands into Kurt’s hair as he kisses him.

Kurt kisses back, his arms going around Finn’s waist, and after a few moments, he shakes his head and makes a face at Finn. “Fine, you’re going to destroy my careful work,” he agrees, but he doesn’t sound too upset.

“Yeah, but you like it,” Finn says, kissing Kurt again. His hands rest on Kurt’s waist, then slowly slide down to his hips, then around to the front of his pants, pulling roughly on the fly.

“Careful,” Kurt says, but it sounds more like he thinks he should protest than a real protest, and he doesn’t try to move Finn’s hands or anything.

“I am careful,” Finn insists, finally getting the button undone and tugging the zipper down. He pushes Kurt’s pants down past his hips, not all the way, but enough that Finn can do the same to Kurt’s underwear. Once Kurt’s dick is free, Finn puts his hand around it. “See? Careful,” he says.

“I see,” Kurt says, his voice a little higher, and he sounds like he’s a little short of breath. “And did you have further plans of how to, ah, be careful?”

“Do you want me to?” Finn asks, his breath catching, too. Kurt nods, his eyes just a little wide. Finn moves his hand a few times, slowly jerking Kurt off, then he drops to his knees in front of Kurt, looking up. “Not sure what I’m doing,” he admits.

Kurt smiles a little. “Look at it this way,” he says, still a little breathless. “You get to set my standards.”

“Cool,” Finn says softly. He moves forward, so his closed lips are just pressed to the head of Kurt’s dick. Kurt squeaks a little, and one of his hands comes up to barely touch Finn’s hair. Finn lets his mouth fall open, the tip of his tongue darting out to touch Kurt.

Kurt nods, his fingers starting to comb through Finn’s hair. “Oh,” he says very quietly. “Oh, Finn.”

Finn smiles a little, then moves forward again, mouth open, feeling the head of Kurt’s dick brushing against his lips. He runs his tongue under the head, both of his hands going to Kurt’s hips to hold him still. Kurt squeaks again, staring down at Finn with his eyes wider than before, and he nods again. Finn smiles wider, or as much as somebody can smile with a dick in his mouth, at least, and he slides his lips down another inch or so, running his tongue around and up and down.

“That’s— wow,” Kurt says, sounding even more out of breath than before, and his fingers are almost pulling on Finn’s hair. “That’s incredible. You look incredible.”

Finn looks up at Kurt, feeling a tingle when their eyes meet, then he has to close his eyes as he starts really sucking on Kurt’s dick. He moves his head forward and back, trying to suck and move his tongue and his lips all at the same time. It must work okay, because Kurt squeaks and his hips try to move under Finn’s hands.

“Oh my god, Finn,” Kurt says. “Oh my god that’s amazing.”

Finn thinks it’s amazing, too, on his end, at least, and he bobs his head faster, trying to not let his teeth graze at all, and rolling his tongue around the head of Kurt’s dick every time he starts to pull back. Kurt keeps letting out little squeaks and moving his hips, and now his fingers really are pulling at Finn’s hair.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Kurt says, almost chanting. “Finn, I’m going to, oh my god.”

Finn tries to nod, which is harder than he’d have thought, but he doesn’t stop what he’s doing, even though he knows Kurt means he’s going to come. He keeps his eyes closed, his hands holding Kurt’s hips tightly, and he takes Kurt as deeply into his mouth as he can. Kurt’s hips jerk forward under Finn’s hands and he squeaks again, loudly, before he starts to come. Finn barely has enough time to register what it tastes like—bitter, almost salty—before he swallows, pulling back and letting Kurt’s dick slide out of his mouth. He sits back on his heels, looking up at Kurt.

Kurt’s head is tilted back, his throat exposed, and then he slowly lowers it, staring down at Finn. “Oh my god,” he says quietly. “That was amazing, Finn.”

“Yeah?” Finn asks, not able to stop himself from grinning.

“Oh, you didn’t have enough evidence?” Kurt says, and he sounds like he’s trying to be funny, but it just comes out relaxed and a little slow.

Finn’s smile widens. “Was it, you know? Gay enough?”

Kurt starts to laugh, shaking his head a little and stepping out of his pants and underwear before walking towards his bed, gesturing for Finn to follow him. “I don’t know. It was for me, but was it for you?”

Finn follows Kurt to the bed and sits down on the edge. “I think I liked it a gay amount, anyway,” he says.

“Yeah?” Kurt says, and he reaches for Finn’s T-shirt, slowly working it upwards. “How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t know,” Finn admits. “I liked it. I liked doing it. I’m not sure how I feel about how much I liked it.”

Kurt nods. “I liked it, too. Lift your arms,” he adds, his hands still on Finn’s T-shirt. Finn raises his arms. Kurt pulls off Finn’s shirt and throws it in the floor. “How do you feel about Puck knowing?” he asks, his hands running down Finn’s chest almost tentatively.

“Weird, I guess,” Finn says. “It’s not bad. I guess it’s kind of cool to have somebody to tell.”

“I assume not so cool that you want to hurry and call him right now, though,” Kurt says, and he moves his hands to the front of Finn’s jeans. “Right?”

“Right,” Finn says.

“Good, so no interruptions,” Kurt says, slowly unfastening Finn’s jeans. “You should stand up and get rid of those.”

“Okay.” Finn stands up and pushes his jeans down, and Kurt tugs on Finn’s boxers.

“Those too.”

“Okay,” Finn says, pushing his boxers down, too.

“Good,” Kurt says, urging Finn to sit down again, and he perches on his knees before leaning in to kiss Finn, his tongue immediately running over Finn’s lips. Finn opens his mouth, touching his tongue to Kurt’s. Kurt smiles against Finn’s lips, pushing his tongue into Finn’s mouth, and his hands rest on Finn’s neck and shoulders.

Finn keeps on making out with Kurt, leaning them both back against the bed. He runs one of his hands down Kurt’s chest. Kurt makes one of his squeaking sounds into Finn’s mouth, still kissing him, and he moves the hand on Finn’s shoulder to Finn’s waist before slowly putting it on Finn’s butt and barely squeezing. Finn sighs softly without even meaning to.

Kurt squeezes a little more forcefully, almost pulling Finn against him, and he kisses Finn harder than before, the kiss getting a little more sloppy. Finn rolls so Kurt is on top of him, and Finn puts both his hands on Kurt’s butt, squeezing and pulling Kurt against him harder. Finn’s hard on presses against Kurt’s thigh. Finn lifts his hips, pushing against Kurt.

“Oh, yeah, good idea,” Kurt says breathlessly, then starts kissing Finn again, rolling his body against Finn’s and letting out more squeaks. Finn grinds against Kurt again, holding him tighter.

“Yeah, your butt is the best butt,” Finn says against Kurt’s lip. “Better than every other butt.”

“Glad you like it,” Kurt almost gasps, pushing down against Finn again.

“Can I keep doing this?” Finn asks. “This feels really good.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Kurt says, nodding before kissing Finn hard, mouth already slightly open when their lips touch.

“Yeah,” Finn says into the kiss. He grinds up against Kurt’s leg, his dick so hard it almost hurts. “Oh, shit, Kurt, I’m gonna come like this.”

Kurt nods, and he doesn’t tell Finn to stop, just rolls his body down against Finn again and again, one hand in Finn’s hair. Finn rocks his body into Kurt’s, his fingers digging into Kurt’s hips, and before long, Finn starts to come, hot and wet in between them. Kurt continues kissing him, his body still moving against Finn until Finn is still. Kurt keeps kissing him after that, though, short little kisses on Finn’s lips and cheeks, before rolling to the side just a little.

“Wow,” Kurt says softly.

“Yeah,” Finn says. “Awesome. A little gross, too, but like awesome-gross.”

That makes Kurt laugh, and he smiles at Finn. “I don’t think the mess is escapable.”

“It’s probably less gross when it’s yours instead of my own,” Finn says.

“Hmm. We could test that in a bit, if you wanted to.”

Finn smiles. “Yeah. I think that’s a good plan.”
Tags: creator: coincidental_penalties, creator: watchforwalkers, fanfic, fic rating: nc-17

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