I won't fuck us over, I'm Mr. November (raving_liberal) wrote in finnkurt,
I won't fuck us over, I'm Mr. November

Mod Contact Post

Greetings finnkurt members! We'd like to share updated mod contact information with all of you, to help keep this community running smoothly.

Your mods are snoopypez & raving_liberal. We can be reached via email at [email protected]

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you need addressed by a finnkurt mod, please leave them here and we'll do our best to answer you quickly.

If you would like to affiliate with our community, would like to post an ad for another community or a challenge (such as a Big Bang), or have questions about starting a challenge/campaign/activity within this activity, you can make a request here.

This is also a great place to ask for clarification on community rules or for help with posting/tagging your fic. When in doubt, ask!
Tags: !mod post

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