? ?
09 May 2017 @ 01:11 pm
So, I don't know why I never came here to post the video I made a while ago (last year to be precise), but I'll share you the post in tumblr.

You must know the video is in dropbox since I wasn't able to post it in youtube (copygright) or anywhere so you can download it and see it, but please please don't post it anywhere, if you know a page where is possible to upload the video without being blocked, please tell me so I can post it in my own account.

Anyway, here is the link

Current Mood: goodgood
08 May 2017 @ 06:19 pm
Hi, just in case someone is still in this community (and still loves this OTP), just came here to repost my master list that I've updated. Also, if you have recommendations of new fanfics (or old that are not here) please send me the link so I can read them and add them to the list.

Hugs to all the Kinnjas that are still around, miss you.


Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
06 July 2015 @ 10:55 pm
Author Signups Artist Signups Schedule FAQ Rules
Come join us in our first annual Fuckurt Big Bang!

Due to the size and length of the GleekMods-run Out With A Bang, we have decided to combine two of our other long-running Glee bangs, the Puckurt Big Bang and the Pinn & Kinn Big Bang, into a single multi-ship bang. The Fuckurt Big Bang is a writing challenge focusing on the relationships between the characters of Noah Puckerman, Kurt Hummel, and Finn Hudson from the television show Glee. Stories may be about Pinn, Kinn, Puckurt, or Fuckurt. Authors will complete stories of 10,000 words or more over the course of four months, and these stories will be paired with artwork in a variety of media created by artists.

Everyone is welcome to sign up, whether you're new to fandom and fanfiction/fanart or are a previous participant in the PKBB or P&KBB. More than anything, this big bang is a fun opportunity to write something different and to challenge yourself!
06 January 2015 @ 03:29 pm
AO3 user Anonimouss is posting Glee fic, uncredited, to their AO3 account. Have for sure seen works by jooseboxx, miggy, and alicebluegown16. If you are a glee author, please check for your works and report stolen works to AO3 abuse. Signal boost to other glee writers here and on Tumbr.
28 September 2014 @ 10:28 pm
title: Choragus
fandom: Glee
pairing: Kurt/Blaine/Finn/Rachel overall, but Kurt/Finn is the emotional center
rating: NC-17
word count: ~5600
spoilers: S3 canon relationships
warnings: none
summary: When Rachel Berry sets her mind on something that involves someone else, that someone else has two choices. They can either indulge her, or they can move out of state and change their name. Kurt’s mistake is that he chooses neither. (AKA the one in which Rachel doesn't know when to just drop it and things get more complicated.) This is a sequel to Catharsis, and potentially part of a longer 'verse.

LJ / AO3 (Links lead to 'verse tags)

N.B. It's been a long time since I've written something new, so if there is still interest in the Kinn pairing and/or this fic in particular, let me know. I've got a few other things in the works. :-)
17 July 2014 @ 02:16 pm
The Pinn & Kinn Big Bang is an annual writing challenge focusing on the relationship between the characters of Noah Puckerman and Finn Hudson and/or Kurt Hummel and Finn Hudson from the television show Glee. This is a two-ship combination bang, and authors may choose to write for the Puck/Finn ship (Pinn) or the Kurt/Finn ship(Kinn). Authors will complete stories of 10,000 words or more over the course of three months, and these stories are paired with artwork in a variety of media created by artists who claim the stories based on summaries.

Everyone is welcome to sign up, whether you're new to fandom and fanfiction/fanart or are a returning participant. You don't have to be a fan of both Pinn & Kinn ships to participate! We hope that this combination bang will provide an opportunity for writers and artists to participate in a bang for their favorite ship(s) which may be too small to support a full-sized bang on their own.

Sign-ups begin on July 20th!
» Author Signups
» Artist Signups
» Schedule
» Rules
21 May 2014 @ 10:25 pm
Title: John Doe
Author: coincidental_penalties and watchforwalkers
Pairing(s): Kurt/Finn/Rachel; Quinn/Puck, Blaine/Sam
Rating: PG-13 (with optional NC-17 chapter 9b)
Genres: Romance; Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Canonical character death, medical terminology, mental/physical trauma; This is an OT3 story written for the kurt_ot3bang
Spoilers: Through season 5
Summary: Philadelphia has fallen in love with the John Doe brought in to Jefferson Hospital's emergency room with his pockets filled with a strange assortment of objects, but no ID. When Kurt sees John Doe's picture on the evening news in New York, he can't believe what he.s seeing, and Rachel won't believe it. Finn Hudson died two years ago; he can't be the man in the pictures.
Wordcount: 57071 (plus 6678 in chapter 9b)

John Doe by coincidental_penalties & watchforwalkers
03 May 2014 @ 01:01 am
Title: A Lot Alike
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: Past Finn/Quinn, Past Kurt/Blaine (neither appear in the fic for more than a glance, portrayal only mildly negative)
Spoilers: Through 2x20
Word Count: 7111
Summary: On the night of junior prom, Kurt is crowned prom queen and runs out of the gym into the hallway. Instead of Blaine following him, Kurt instead runs straight into Finn—literally—and changes the course of both their relationships.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

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01 May 2014 @ 01:49 pm

The Triad Verse Big Bang is a writing challenge focusing on Triad Verse AUs of any fandom. The triad verse is an alternate universe (AU) where humankind has developed to normalize triads (relationships consisting of three individuals), rather than couples.You can find more information on triad verse here.

Authors will complete stories of 10,000 words or more over the course of three months, and these stories are paired with artwork in a variety of media created by artists who claim the stories based on summaries. Everyone is welcome to sign up, whether you're new to fandom and fanfiction/fanart or are a returning participant to any of our big bangs. Any and all ships are allowed, especially all those OT3s you've been dying to write! Sign ups begin May 15th, 2014.

Author Signups | Artist Signups | FAQ | Guidelines | Schedule

(Posted with mod permission)
28 April 2014 @ 12:19 pm
Title: A Lot Alike
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: Past Finn/Quinn, Past Kurt/Blaine (neither appear in the fic for more than a glance, portrayal only mildly negative)
Spoilers: Through 2x20
Word Count: 7225
Summary: On the night of junior prom, Kurt is crowned prom queen and runs out of the gym into the hallway. Instead of Blaine following him, Kurt instead runs straight into Finn—literally—and changes the course of both their relationships.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

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12 April 2014 @ 07:34 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (7/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication for him.

Current Location: México
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
Current Music: Human, Christina Perry
12 April 2014 @ 11:00 am
Title: A Lot Alike
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: Past Finn/Quinn, Past Kurt/Blaine (neither appear in the fic for more than a glance, portrayal only mildly negative)
Spoilers: Through 2x20
Word Count: 7846
Summary: On the night of junior prom, Kurt is crowned prom queen and runs out of the gym into the hallway. Instead of Blaine following him, Kurt instead runs straight into Finn—literally—and changes the course of both their relationships.

Chapter 1

Read MoreCollapse )
09 April 2014 @ 10:57 pm
Title: A Lot Alike
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst/romance
Warnings: Past Finn/Quinn, Past Kurt/Blaine (neither appear in the fic for more than a glance, portrayal only mildly negative)
Spoilers: Through 2x20
Word Count: 7846
Summary: On the night of junior prom, Kurt is crowned prom queen and runs out of the gym into the hallway. Instead of Blaine following him, Kurt instead runs straight into Finn—literally—and changes the course of both their relationships.

Read MoreCollapse )

Also on Ao3
01 April 2014 @ 09:23 pm
Title: We Must Be Killers
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Horror/Snuff(?)/Psycho-thriller
Warnings: Past Finn/Rachel, Past Kurt/Blaine, Serial Killers/Psychopaths in Love, blood, bloodplay, gore, torture, murder, seriously just lots of really really bad stuff (all tagged in the header on AO3, so please do read that, too!); no major character death
Spoilers: Through season 4
Word Count: 25,532 [complete!]
Summary: The first one is spontaneous. The second one is planned. The third one means no stopping.

We Must Be Killers
19 February 2014 @ 09:56 pm
Though response was low, the community seems to have a slight preference for a single "creator: username" tag over the other options. This option will at least keep the tag list more streamlined!

I'll be going back through recent posts and adding tags, but you are always welcome to contact us if you need a tag!

Thanks :)
07 February 2014 @ 09:48 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (6/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication to him.

Losing my religion
Current Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Current Mood: hungryhungry
Current Music: Damien Rice - 9 crimes
03 February 2014 @ 04:49 pm
The Kurt OT3 Bang has a SERIOUS lack of artists for this bang.

We have 19 bangs currently being written, representing a wide away of ships, but only 4 artists to go around! We know we can do better than that, because we know some of you came here from some of the more art-heavy ships.

If you are artists yourselves, please consider signing up to claim an author. If you know any artists who might be willing to do your OT3, this bang, and Kurtsies everywhere a solid, please encourage them to sign up as well!

The art requirements aren’t huge. The Kurt OT3 Bang allows a wide array of art, with requirements based on the media:

  • Artists providing a graphics package should include at least one LJ icon and/or section divider(s), a banner in two sizes, and a header/piece of cover art.
  • Artist submitting a fanmix should include a downloadable mix of at least five songs with front and back cover art.
  • Artists submitting traditional or digital artwork should include 2+ pieces of artwork, though that may include one traditional/digital drawing and one header/cover art piece.

There is no maximum number of pieces, however; please feel free to create as many as you would like! You can view the 2012 Kurt OT3 Bang, the 2013 Puckurt Big Bang, or the 2013 Pinn & Kinn Big Bang for examples of the types of art submitted in the recent past.

I hope you will all spread the word.

To sign up as an artist for the Kurt OT3 Bang go here!!!

The Kurt OT3 Bang Mods
25 January 2014 @ 12:07 pm
Many of the fanworks communities on Livejournal have individual author and artist tags, or a broader creator tag, for community participants. Would finnkurt members like to use these tags, in order to make it easier to find all the works by an author and/or artist?

Poll #1953596 Author/Artist Tags

Would you like to add individual author and artist tags to the FinnKurt community?

Other (will comment to this post)

What types of tags would you prefer?

author: username (to be used on fic only)
artist: username (to be used on visual art only)
creator: username (to be used on any work by this artist/author)
All of the above
Other (will comment to this post)

What are some other tags that might be useful in finnkurt?

What tags do you feel are not necessary?

What tags could be combined with other tags (for example, the "fic" and "fanfic" tags have been combined into the "fanfic" tag)?

23 January 2014 @ 11:34 pm
Title: Hold Me Close & Never Let Me Go
Author: ca_babs
Artist: patchfire
Rating: NC 17
Genres: Romance, AR with some canon elements
Warnings: non-con elements, motor vehicle accident, various health issues, underage alcohol use, language, discussion of prior non-con event, non-con elements, critical injury
Spoilers: through s4
Wordcount: approx 75,000
Summary: When Finn and Kurt each set off in separate directions after high school they both come to realize just how important they are to each other- as family. With both of their high school romances now firmly in the past, Finn and Kurt rely on the comfort of being brothers. When a sudden illness rocks their family to it’s core, the brothers become even closer. Kurt worries he is clinging to Finn too desperately, too intimately and doesn’t want to go back down that route of unrequited feelings for Finn, so Kurt tries to ignores them; tries to push Finn away. Meanwhile, Finn makes a new friend and encounters someone from his past which makes him realize the love he’s been looking for was always there. Finn attempts to make sense of this realization and his feelings only to be kept at a distance from the person he’s always needed the most. An illness, a car crash, and a proposal all
conspire to put Kurt and Finn on a rocky road as they move from being brothers and friends to something more.

Graphics & Fan Mix by patchfire

Current Location: my comfy couch
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
Current Music: Theme to Elementary
23 January 2014 @ 10:31 pm
Title: We Must Be Killers
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Horror/Snuff(?)/Psycho-thriller
Warnings: Past Finn/Rachel, Past Kurt/Blaine, Serial Killers/Psychopaths in Love, blood, bloodplay, gore, torture, murder, seriously just lots of really really bad stuff (all tagged in the header on AO3, so please do read that, too!); no major character death
Spoilers: Through season 4
Word Count: 15,480
Summary: The first one is spontaneous. The second one is planned. The third one means no stopping.

We Must Be Killers
23 January 2014 @ 06:32 pm
Greetings finnkurt members! We'd like to share updated mod contact information with all of you, to help keep this community running smoothly.

Your mods are snoopypez & raving_liberal. We can be reached via email at [email protected]

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you need addressed by a finnkurt mod, please leave them here and we'll do our best to answer you quickly.

If you would like to affiliate with our community, would like to post an ad for another community or a challenge (such as a Big Bang), or have questions about starting a challenge/campaign/activity within this activity, you can make a request here.

This is also a great place to ask for clarification on community rules or for help with posting/tagging your fic. When in doubt, ask!
17 January 2014 @ 09:42 pm

Title: Breathing Through Corrupted Lungs
Author: Woodsgal
Artist: Cat_Eats_Apple
Rating: NC-17
Genres: Sci-Fi/Romance
Warnings: Minor character death
Spoilers: N/A
Wordcount: 47,911
Summary: In a future where the electricity has gone, the government has full power and every person has to fight for survival. For Kurt Hummel this means escaping his dreary town and getting himself out there as he follows a group trying to bring the power back. But nothing is as easy as it sounds and when the secrets he discovers and a blooming romance with a recruit named Finn get entangled things get darker then Kurt could have ever dreamed.
Authors Note: This fic was betaed for me by adeina_rhyddha and also features her OC Damien. I obviously don't own anything other then the awesome dystopian AU idea. Hope you all enjoy!

Read It Here
14 January 2014 @ 06:02 pm
Title: Losing My Religion (5/?)
Author: hermyone_mex or ChindyAlo
Beta: Ca-Babs
Pairing: Finn/Kurt
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst and angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee and characters.
Summary: Finn and Kurt are married, they have a daughter, they love each other. They have everything to be happy. But life can change in a second and never go back to be the same.
Notes: The idea of this fic came to me way before Cory’s tragic death. I don’t want to offend his memory by the general plot of this fic and I’m committed to write this because I love Kinn but also because I want to honor Cory’s memory. This fic has a special dedication to him.
Losing my religion
Current Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Current Mood: coldcold
Current Music: Adele - Don't you remember
13 January 2014 @ 01:26 pm
Title: Hookup, Line, and Sinker
Author(s): watchforwalkers & coincidental_penalties
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Through season 4
Word Count: 50,000
Summary: Finn and Kurt make a pact to keep each other from hooking up with their exes during Will and Emma's (failed) wedding. Of course, the pact didn't specify hooking up with each other instead, but why question a good thing when it happens? Sure, most hookups aren’t planned weeks in advance. Most hookups don’t last an entire spring break or three months of summer, either, but a hookup’s just a hookup, right?

Hookup, Line, and Sinker
10 January 2014 @ 02:26 pm
Don't forget to hop on over to pinnkinnbigbang to enjoy new Finn/Kurt, Finn/Puck, and Finn/Kurt/Puck stories. Stories will be posting at 10AM and 2PM from today through Monday!