The Islamic World in Contemporary and Historical Perspective. Ed by Agata S. Nalborczyk, Izabela Kończak, Magdalena Lewicka. Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2020
This paper examines the institutional development of transnational Sufi communities in the West. ... more This paper examines the institutional development of transnational Sufi communities in the West. Western Sufism has been developing in a social--cultural milieu that is marked by the "specialization of institutional domains, the pluralism of mass-culture, and the development of a market of world views" 1 . Privatization of religion as a new social form is driven by the development of the private sphere, individual autonomy and liberal values, as a result "the individual is given the freedom to choose from a variety of sacred universes" 2 . Thomas Luckmann describes this privatized social form of religion as "relying primarily on an open market of diffuse, syncretistic packages of meaning, typically connected to low levels of transcendence and produced in a partly or fully commercialized cultic milieu" 3 . This idea is echoed by Danièle Hervieu-Léger who claims that "religious modernity" is characterized by plurality of individual religious combinations, and weakening of the institutionalized belief systems; in other words, it is driven by individualized dispersion and the decay of religious codes that maintained collective religious identities 4 .
Papers by Oleg Yarosh
perspective of ‘self-realisation’.
auch transnational vernetzt sind. Auf die russische Großinvasion in die Ukraine reagierten
die muslimischen Organisationen mit humanitärer Hilfe, einem Ausbau der Militärseelsorge und Mobilisierung von Hilfe aus dem Ausland. Zudem verurteilten ihre Anführer einhellig den Angriff sowie muslimische Vertreter in Russland, die den Krieg billigen.
Keywords: Islam in Europe, Sufism, tariqa, conversion, shaykh, charisma.
ground of common beliefs, values, norms, symbols and meanings that are shared by their members in the process of interaction in varying degrees, depending on their own socio-cultural predispositions.
Key words: authority, inculturation, communication, converts, Sufism, hybrid community
perspective of ‘self-realisation’.
auch transnational vernetzt sind. Auf die russische Großinvasion in die Ukraine reagierten
die muslimischen Organisationen mit humanitärer Hilfe, einem Ausbau der Militärseelsorge und Mobilisierung von Hilfe aus dem Ausland. Zudem verurteilten ihre Anführer einhellig den Angriff sowie muslimische Vertreter in Russland, die den Krieg billigen.
Keywords: Islam in Europe, Sufism, tariqa, conversion, shaykh, charisma.
ground of common beliefs, values, norms, symbols and meanings that are shared by their members in the process of interaction in varying degrees, depending on their own socio-cultural predispositions.
Key words: authority, inculturation, communication, converts, Sufism, hybrid community
The results of joint two-year studies provide the basis for equating the notions of "political Islam", "political activism in Islam" and "Islamism." No less important is the elucidation of the nature of the links between political Islam and Salafism. This is, in particular, the mutual penetration and mutual influence of Islamism, which emerged and develops primarily in the public sphere, and Salafism, for which the most natural is the sphere of religion.
The structure of the monograph includes 4 sections, introduction and conclusion. The introduction defines the basic concepts that help to analyze the phenomenon of political Islam. In addition, the theological basis of Islamism is examined.
The first section of the monograph is devoted to the study of the origins of political Islam in historical retrospect.
In the second section, the political component of the main trends in modern Sunnism and Shiism is analyzed. In particular, the political component of Salafism and Takfirism is explored. The essence of the "Vilayat al-Faqih" doctrine in relation to the Iranian revolution of 1979 is considered.
The third section of the monograph is devoted to the main movements of political Islam, their history and structure.
The fourth section reveals the ethnographic features of Islamists. The authors attempted to analyze the situation on the state of political Islam in the most important regions of the Muslim world.
In the afterword options are considered for further development of world events against the backdrop of the relationship between Western and Islamic civilizations, against the backdrop of the expectation of another radical Islamist project.
It will discuss the following research questions. How is religious authority in Western Sufi groups constructed, and how does it affect interreligious and intrareligious conversions? How does the presence of many native European converts affect local Sufi communities? How do these European converts view Islamic normative tradition and express their religious identity? And how do they influence the defining discourses of local Sufi communities?
I will particularly address intrareligious conversion, regarded here as a
process of religious learning and gradual adoption of religious norms and
practices in Sufi communities. This chapter will also address the institutionalization and collective expressions of religious authority in some Sufi communities in Berlin, namely in the Sufi Center Rabbaniyya and the Tariqah Burhaniyya.
One of the most widespread transnational Islamic networks in the target region is the Federation of Islamic Organization in Europe (FIOE), an umbrella structure for the “Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) in Europe. These networks can be described in terms of post-Islamist agenda which mainly includes tasks related to religious, cultural and social problems of Muslim communities in Europe, although they maintain close contacts with MB organizations in Muslim countries and support their political agenda and activities.
Сборник статей «Суфизм и мусульманская духовная традиция» посвящен такому многогранному, спорному и яркому феномену мусульманской духовно-практической традиции, как суфизм, — его текстам, институтам, идеям и интерпретациям. Сборник рассчитан на самый широкий круг читателей, интересующихся духовной культурой и практикой мусульман, историей суфизма и его современным состоянием.
“Sufism and the Muslim Spiritual Tradition” explores the complex and occasionally controversial phenomenon of Islamic theory, culture and practice known as “Sufism”. The chapters assembled in this book discuss Sufi texts, institutions, rituals, and discourses as well as related phenomena of Muslim cultural and spiritual life in the past and today.
Редакционная коллегия:
Ответственный редактор А.Д. Кныш, Университет Мичигана и Санкт- Петербургский Государственный университет
Д.В. Брилёв, Национальный педагогический университет им. М.П. Драгоманова, Киев
О.А. Ярош, Институт философии им. Г.С. Сковороды НАН Украины, Киев
Edited by:
Alexander Knysh, University of Michigan and St. Petersburg State University
Denis Brilyov, National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov
Oleg Yarosh, Institute of Philosophy named after G.S. Skovoroda, The Ukraine National Academy of Sciences