Papers by Nemanja Radulovic
Serbian Studies Research 14.1, 2024
Историјат српског спиритизма постао је предмет проучавања у последњих двадесет година. Међутим, м... more Историјат српског спиритизма постао је предмет проучавања у последњих двадесет година. Међутим, многа питања самих извора и њихове атрибуције остала су неразрешена као предуслов за истраживање. Разрешењем неких од ових питања откривају се нови извори који допуњују историју спиритизма код Срба. Пример за то је делатност Метапсихолошког друштва које је деловало између два рата и спиритиста попут Косаре Катић и Анке Анђелковић. Такође се могу померати горња и доња хронолошка граница спиритизма. Извори такође откривају космологију и антропологију спиритистичких аутора, политички подтекст њихове активности, као и културолошке аспекте, међу којима је најзначајнији однос "елитног" и "народног" спиритизма. У компаративном погледу српски спиритизам открива повезаност са међународном мрежом. 2 Кључне речи: спиритизам, Метапсихолошко друштво, парапсихологија

Religions, 2024
Examples of how Spiritism merged with local beliefs have been the subject of research in religiou... more Examples of how Spiritism merged with local beliefs have been the subject of research in religious studies, ethnology, and folkloristics. Serbian Spiritism can also be viewed as such, but its history is an under-researched topic. We examine the syncretic product we will call 'folk Spiritism', being different from the 'high Spiritism' of elite and middle-class intellectuals. Folk Spiritism was part of a grassroots movement for Church reform in the first half of the 20th century. The difference between folk and high Spiritism is also confirmed in the emic perspective. Based on a closer reading of its texts, we can discern a better image of the dead and communication with them in the practice of folk Spiritism. We conclude that the difference between the traditional and Spiritist image of the dead is that the former causes fear, while the later brings comfort; folk Spiritism gave preference to communication with heavenly forces (God, Christ, Holy Mother, angels, saints) while retaining the traditional view of the dead.

Snovi, proročanstva i izmenjena stanja svesti u folkloru. Ur. Smiljana Đorđević Belić, Nemanja Radulović. Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2024
Urban folklore is an under-researched field in Serbian folkloristi... more PROPHECIES AND URBAN FOLKLORE
Urban folklore is an under-researched field in Serbian folkloristics. A look at this material from a diachronic perspective can bring fresh insights, in particular when it comes to the relation towards traditional folklore. The paper focuses on the folklore of Belgrade on the examples of memoirs, journals, and the newspapers from the 1840s to the Second World War. Although urban folklore is often regarded as a corpus witnessing the disenchantment of the world, and de-traditionalization, the paper focuses on the existence of the prophecies which, as it turns out, have been an exceptionally vital genre of urban folklore in different historical contexts, transforming quite often into rumor. The relation of the official discourse towards prophecies and the relation of prophecies towards modern science shows greater dynamics than just a simple model of losing the traditional and the rationalization of eschatology.
Keywords: urban folklore, prophecies, rumor, memoirs, journals,
Народна творчіст та етнологія 2, 2012
Nemania Radulovych. Codex of the «another World» and the Problem of the Immoral of a Hero. The at... more Nemania Radulovych. Codex of the «another World» and the Problem of the Immoral of a Hero. The attempts to comprehend the moral code of fairy tales are mostly oriented towards the world of human beings. Yet, the creatures «from another world» (demonic creatures, witches) have their own code, which differs from the human one by emphasizing cannibalism, cruelty and physical strength, what shows that it is more archaic. Making a distinction between human and nonhuman code we can explain the so-called «immoral» behaviour of the hero, because he behaves so towards his adversaries from the «another world», on whom usual code cannot be applied.

Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, ur. Marina Simić i Ivana Pantelić, Beograd, Institut za evropske studije, 2024
Структурализам се у светским оквирима може посматрати као резултат културних трансфера. У овом п... more Структурализам се у светским оквирима може посматрати као резултат културних трансфера. У овом прилогу посматра се трансфер структурализма шездесетих година у српској фолклористици (која је била првенствено део проучавања књижевности). Пренос концепата оформљених у француском структурализму појавио се врло рано, на првом месту захваљујући раду Наде Милошевић Ђорђевић. Ипак, мада на први поглед делује као пренос француског структурализма, овај рани одјек заправо је део светске рецепције идеја В. Пропа. У српском случају укрстили су се француски, руски и амерички трансфер, са њиховим различитим културним залеђинама које и саме подразумевају трансфер из других култура. Фолклористика је била једна од првих дисциплина (уз лингвистику) у српској хуманистици где се структурализам јавио, а истраживање културних веза показује да су односи били сложенији од једноставног трансфера из тада нове француске теорије, мада јесу били олакшани њеним тадашњим утицајем.
Савремена српска фолклористика 13. Ур. Н. Радуловић, Д. Поповић Николић. Београд-Тршић: Удружење фолклориста Србија, Универзитетска библиотека Светозар Марковић, Центар за културу Вук Караџић., 2024
Obrenovići i književnost. Ur. Dragana Vukićević, Aleksandar Pejčić. Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2024
НЕМАЊА РАДУЛОВИЋ 383 баца пред краља, 3 Петар Живковић који не може да отвори капију јер му се тр... more НЕМАЊА РАДУЛОВИЋ 383 баца пред краља, 3 Петар Живковић који не може да отвори капију јер му се тресу руке, скривени револвер Лазе Петровића, Александрово питање официрима, неотворено писмо у џепу Милована Павловића. Али усмене верзије супротстављају се једна другој и надмећу се, варирају причање о догађају. Верзије о смрти Лепог Лазе не могу се усагласити и никад неће (по једној, никаквог скривеног револвера није било већ му није одузет онај који је имао). 4 Након што је чуо верзију по којој је краљ штитио краљицу, 5 Младен Ђуричић разложно примећује: Биће да је обоје тачно, али виђено са супротних страна дало је и супротне приказе те јединствене, краљевске верности у смрти (1967: 213).
Correspondences. Journal for the Study of Esotericism 11.1, 2023
First of all, the historical situation of the Serbian language should be explained.
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 17, 2023
Panhumanism was an intellectual movement in interwar Serbian culture that encompassed the idea of... more Panhumanism was an intellectual movement in interwar Serbian culture that encompassed the idea of Yugoslav messianism. After research based on the archive material of the New Atlantis, we show that the circle of panhumanists from what was essentially the Serbian branch of network of esotericist Dimitrije Mitirnović. Apart from the work on spreading the ideas of Mitrinović, this circle was devoted to occult practices, also under the leadership of a teacher from London.

Kultura i komunikacija online 14.4, 2023
U istraživanju rada Dimitrija Mitrinovića (1887-1953) poznato je da je u krugu svojih najužih uče... more U istraživanju rada Dimitrija Mitrinovića (1887-1953) poznato je da je u krugu svojih najužih učenika formirao manje i tajne grupe koje su bile posvećene različitim psihološkim i duhovnim vežbanjima. Nov materijal iz zaostavštine Fondacije Nova Atlantida otkriva nepoznate detalje, vezane prvenstveno za period četrdesetih i pedesetih godina. Najuži krug učenika imao je milenaristička očekivanja bliska nju ejdžu, a u očekivanju te svetske promene Mitrinović je imao ključnu ulogu doživljen kao guru i kao učitelj sa svetskom misijom. U grupi su ezoterične prakse imale veliku ulogu (meditacije, stvaranje kolektivne svesti, "podizanje svesti"). Posebno se izdvaja to da je Mitrinović formirao prave ritualne grupe ("lože") koje su strukturom, terminologijom, kao i samom formom i simbolikom obreda imitirale masonske. Sadržaj ovih obreda je koliko ezoteričan, toliko i ritualizacija Mitrinovićevih društvenih i političkih ideja (socijalna država, britanski mesijanizam, stvaranje senata). Ovu pojavu treba razumeti u kontekstu "alternative" ili "progresivnog andergraunda" koji se proteže od poznog 19.v do međuratnog perioda, u kom se politika spaja sa novom psihologijom, avangardnom umetnošću, vegetarijanstvom i sličnim kretanjima, a i same političke tendencije se opiru današnjim klasifikacijama (socijalizam, komunizam, fašizam, liberalizam). Otuda oko Mitrinovića, u širem ili užem krugu, ili u obrednim grupama, srećemo neka važna imena britanskog društvenog života, što pokazuje da i ove pojave treba uzeti kao sastavni deo kulturne i intelektualne istorije.

Aries 23.1, 2023
The Polaire Brotherhood (La Fraternité polaire) was an occult society active in interwar Paris. S... more The Polaire Brotherhood (La Fraternité polaire) was an occult society active in interwar Paris. Some of the important names of the French occult scene of the period were among its members. According to the reports in the bulletin of the society, there was also a branch operating in Belgrade in the 1930s. However, this has not previously been confirmed. Archive materials used for this paper attest to the existence of the Belgrade group for the first time. Its most important figure was Ksenija Atanasijević (1894–1981), a prominent philosopher. Therefore, attention is also paid to her involvement with Theosophy and co-masonry and the place of esotericism in her work. The activity of the group reminded of the Theosophical—it included meetings, lectures and meditations. They were also familiar with The Oracle of Astral Force (the Fraternité’s key method). The existence of a branch of the French brotherhood in this period can be understood in the context of the French-Serbian cultural relations. This interest in the “alternative” helps us get a better understanding of the history of Serbian intellectuals.

Kulturni transfer Evropa-Srbija u XIX veku. Ur. Slobodan G.Marković. Beograd: Institut za evropske studije-Dosije, 2023
New Understanding of Mythology in
Serbian Culture of the 19th Century
Abstract: Romanticism brou... more New Understanding of Mythology in
Serbian Culture of the 19th Century
Abstract: Romanticism brought about a profound change in the European understating of myth. In
its polemics with the Enlightenment, it re-evaluated myth but also offered the first scholarly approach
to it. Jacob Grimm considered folklore a source to research myth based on claims that former myths
were preserved in folk poetry and customs. Serbian authors of the 18th century showed a hostile attitude
to myths as a result of their attachment to either the Enlightenment or theology (Jovan Rajić, Dositej).
At the same time, an interest in Slavic mythology may also be detected. A shift took place with Vuk
Karadžić, who accepted some of Grimm’s ideas and sent some examples to Grimm and planned to
make a review of Serbian mythology. The first scholarly work, based on what was then the European
methodology of “natural mythology”, was published by Ilarion Ruvarac. He used epic poems as a source
for reconstructing myths.
Keywords: mythology, Romanticism, folklor

Nikolajeve studije 3.5, 2023
The aim of this paper is to focus on the connections of Dimitrije Mitrinović (1887-1953) with the... more The aim of this paper is to focus on the connections of Dimitrije Mitrinović (1887-1953) with the Serbian branch of his followers. Additionally, we will pay attention to the place of Nicholai Velimirovich in the circle of Mitrinović's network. After research based on the archive material of the New Atlantis Foundation (Bradford), we show that the circle of panhumanists from the twenties of the last century was essentially the Serbian branch of Mitrinović's network (Miloš Đurić, Pavle Jevtić, Vladeta Popović, Dušan Stojanović). Apart from the work on spreading the ideas of Mitrinović, this circle was devoted to occult practice, also under the leadership of a teacher from London. Nicholai Velimirovich, who during his stay in London connected with Mitrinović's environment, distanced himself from this group after the First World War, to their disappointment. The correspondence of Mitrinović's followers with Mitrinović from the postwar years reveals how they saw this change in Velimirovich as an abandonment of joint work. In addition, some of Velimirovich's words that they convey to Mitrinović reveal his clear desire to move away from them. As it is well known, Velimirovich continued on his way. On the other hand, what is more important than the contacts is the influence of Mitrinović's ideas. All the mentioned names are

Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia : Methodological Issues and Challenges (ed. S.G.Marković), 2023
While folklore studies emerged in Romanticism through deep changes in the history of ideas, the n... more While folklore studies emerged in Romanticism through deep changes in the history of ideas, the networks built by intellectuals interested in new views substantially helped in the formation of a new field, above all, the network created by J. Grimm. This framework helps us better understand the transfer between Europe and Serbia. Folklore material was transferred from Serbian culture to Europe, and (Central) European concepts of Volksgeist, folklore etc., to Serbian intellectuals. Closer study of this twoway transfer shows some of its under-researched aspects (the impact of personal experience on adopting the new concepts, for example). The correspondence of Vuk Karadžić is a corpus that shows both his participation in a European network and the making of his own. Following the «nods» in them, we can follow the transfer of a new image of folklore between people and their adoption of such concepts.
A Reformer of Mankind. Dimitrije Mitrinovic Between Cultural Utopianism and Social Activism, 2023
The paper deals with the changing image of Dimitrije Mitrinović in Serbian culture. Recognized as... more The paper deals with the changing image of Dimitrije Mitrinović in Serbian culture. Recognized as teacher of his generation, after 1918, he was perceived as someone who left the national culture for Eastern-tinged "mysticism". Negative judgement became stronger after WW2, backed up by the political context where he was seen as supporter of the ancien régime. His activity was split into the national and the British part, where even those who paid attention to him (mostly literary historians), weren't familiar with the latter. When the second part of his life became better known, growing interest has often focused precisely on the aspects previously condemned (esotericism).
A Reformer of Mankind. Dimitrije Mitrinovic between Cultural Utopianism and Social Activism Edited by Slobodan G. Markovich. Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade Zepter Book World, Belgrade, 2023
The paper deals with Mitrinović's interest in India that existed in both the pre-British and Brit... more The paper deals with Mitrinović's interest in India that existed in both the pre-British and British phase of his life. From his early poetry, where Upanishadic themes gave impulse to the cosmic movement in Serbian poetry, to his mature historiosophy and panhumanism influenced by Vedantic monism and universalism, one encounters Indian sources and an image of the country formed by positive Orientalism. This Indophilia, however, did not lead him to support the Indian political struggle. His personal contacts with Indians-including M. R. Anand and Bhagavan Das-as part of his vast network, have remained under-researched, so this paper presents them for the first time.
Godišnjak Katedre za srpsku književnost sa južnoslovenskim književnostima 17, 2022
На књижевност 19. в. утицале су нове представе о другачијој свести, различитој од свакодневне, ко... more На књижевност 19. в. утицале су нове представе о другачијој свести, различитој од свакодневне, које су почеле са месмеризмом. Оне се у различитим облицима појављују у спиритизму, парапсихологији, те медицинским и психолошким теоријама о хипнози, хистерији и несвесном. Све те представе (подведене под заједнички назив "друга свест"), оставиле су и недовољно истраженог трага у српској интелектуалној историји и књижевности 19. и раног 20.в. У овим манифестацијама-од месмеристичких и спиритистичких до рационализованих-оне су имале утицаја на српски романтизам, на популарну књижевност, дезинтеграцију реализма, формирање фантастике и протомодернистичке прозе.
Writings in Honour of György Endre Szőnyi , edited by Kiss Attila, Matuska Ágnes, Péter Róbert Szeged: SZTE BTK Angol-Amerikai Intézet / University of Szeged, Institute of English and American Studies, 2022

DISENCHANTMENT, RE-ENCHANTMENT AND FOLKLORE GENRES. Ed. by Nemanja Radulović and Smiljana Đorđević Belić, 2021
Folkloristics has not been much affected by the discussions regarding disenchantment and re-encha... more Folkloristics has not been much affected by the discussions regarding disenchantment and re-enchantment, unlike sociology, history of religion and culture, anthropology, in which mentioned issues are profiled into important research areas swarming with the dynamism of voices. It could be said to be somewhat unusual since the field of this scholarship is formed precisely around those topics that could be seen as Weberian too, given the fact that, by the nature of things, folkloristics has faced the issue of enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment whether it wanted it or not. We have been guided by the wish to investigate if the discussions regarding Weber’s concept (and on the account of it) can contribute to the better understanding of folkloristic issues, but also the self-understanding of our own research tools. In other words, our idea is to test whether and to what extent the current folkloristic research can be articulated through the notions of disenchantment and re-enchantment. The undertaking we are about to start is guided by the expectation that by doing so, an innovative aspect, a different (perhaps more stimulative) angle of the problem viewing, a new tool, concept is added to the research. The awareness of the term polyvalency is no obstacle—on the contrary, we see it as a challenge.
The folkloristic angle opens up a few very wide problem areas. Firstly, the nature and transformations of folklore, and the dynamics of the genre system. Secondly, the specificities of the poetics of concrete genres and their pragmatic aspects. Finally, the influence of social and cognitive phenomena which disenchantment and re-enchantment bring about on the redefining of the matter and scope of research, and theoretical and methodological paradigms of folkloristics as an academic discipline
Književna istorija 35.113, 2003
CIlM60Jll1 cc y cnonaaajaun.ajy na naa nnana: 11<1 nnauy cnor MIlTCKor nopcxnu, '10BCK", I I1nl1 ... more CIlM60Jll1 cc y cnonaaajaun.ajy na naa nnana: 11<1 nnauy cnor MIlTCKor nopcxnu, '10BCK", I I1nl1 aHDc0 2. OBaKBc CIIOBC Hana3HMO 11 y xarnorpadicxoj KlhJl)KCBIlOCTI1 (y IJ:aM6naKoBoM ,,)KliTl1jy Crerpana .L{clJaHcKor" CTcqJUIlY cc y CHYjanrsa Hcn03HUTI1 '10BCK, KOjH CCOTKpl1Ba xao CBCTI1 Hnxona), ami 11y cavoj YCMCl-IOj TPU.n.HUl1jl1 janrsan,c ncnosnaror 'IOBCKa KOjH najc nopyxy llanU311MO y fiajxawa; YOCTanOM uch CMO I DII, 65; DIII, 40; Dill, 46. 2 DPKDIII, 33.
Papers by Nemanja Radulovic
Urban folklore is an under-researched field in Serbian folkloristics. A look at this material from a diachronic perspective can bring fresh insights, in particular when it comes to the relation towards traditional folklore. The paper focuses on the folklore of Belgrade on the examples of memoirs, journals, and the newspapers from the 1840s to the Second World War. Although urban folklore is often regarded as a corpus witnessing the disenchantment of the world, and de-traditionalization, the paper focuses on the existence of the prophecies which, as it turns out, have been an exceptionally vital genre of urban folklore in different historical contexts, transforming quite often into rumor. The relation of the official discourse towards prophecies and the relation of prophecies towards modern science shows greater dynamics than just a simple model of losing the traditional and the rationalization of eschatology.
Keywords: urban folklore, prophecies, rumor, memoirs, journals,
Serbian Culture of the 19th Century
Abstract: Romanticism brought about a profound change in the European understating of myth. In
its polemics with the Enlightenment, it re-evaluated myth but also offered the first scholarly approach
to it. Jacob Grimm considered folklore a source to research myth based on claims that former myths
were preserved in folk poetry and customs. Serbian authors of the 18th century showed a hostile attitude
to myths as a result of their attachment to either the Enlightenment or theology (Jovan Rajić, Dositej).
At the same time, an interest in Slavic mythology may also be detected. A shift took place with Vuk
Karadžić, who accepted some of Grimm’s ideas and sent some examples to Grimm and planned to
make a review of Serbian mythology. The first scholarly work, based on what was then the European
methodology of “natural mythology”, was published by Ilarion Ruvarac. He used epic poems as a source
for reconstructing myths.
Keywords: mythology, Romanticism, folklor
The folkloristic angle opens up a few very wide problem areas. Firstly, the nature and transformations of folklore, and the dynamics of the genre system. Secondly, the specificities of the poetics of concrete genres and their pragmatic aspects. Finally, the influence of social and cognitive phenomena which disenchantment and re-enchantment bring about on the redefining of the matter and scope of research, and theoretical and methodological paradigms of folkloristics as an academic discipline
Urban folklore is an under-researched field in Serbian folkloristics. A look at this material from a diachronic perspective can bring fresh insights, in particular when it comes to the relation towards traditional folklore. The paper focuses on the folklore of Belgrade on the examples of memoirs, journals, and the newspapers from the 1840s to the Second World War. Although urban folklore is often regarded as a corpus witnessing the disenchantment of the world, and de-traditionalization, the paper focuses on the existence of the prophecies which, as it turns out, have been an exceptionally vital genre of urban folklore in different historical contexts, transforming quite often into rumor. The relation of the official discourse towards prophecies and the relation of prophecies towards modern science shows greater dynamics than just a simple model of losing the traditional and the rationalization of eschatology.
Keywords: urban folklore, prophecies, rumor, memoirs, journals,
Serbian Culture of the 19th Century
Abstract: Romanticism brought about a profound change in the European understating of myth. In
its polemics with the Enlightenment, it re-evaluated myth but also offered the first scholarly approach
to it. Jacob Grimm considered folklore a source to research myth based on claims that former myths
were preserved in folk poetry and customs. Serbian authors of the 18th century showed a hostile attitude
to myths as a result of their attachment to either the Enlightenment or theology (Jovan Rajić, Dositej).
At the same time, an interest in Slavic mythology may also be detected. A shift took place with Vuk
Karadžić, who accepted some of Grimm’s ideas and sent some examples to Grimm and planned to
make a review of Serbian mythology. The first scholarly work, based on what was then the European
methodology of “natural mythology”, was published by Ilarion Ruvarac. He used epic poems as a source
for reconstructing myths.
Keywords: mythology, Romanticism, folklor
The folkloristic angle opens up a few very wide problem areas. Firstly, the nature and transformations of folklore, and the dynamics of the genre system. Secondly, the specificities of the poetics of concrete genres and their pragmatic aspects. Finally, the influence of social and cognitive phenomena which disenchantment and re-enchantment bring about on the redefining of the matter and scope of research, and theoretical and methodological paradigms of folkloristics as an academic discipline
WHERE: SIEF2017 13th Congress: Göttingen, Germany. 26-30 March 2017.
DEADLINE: 7 November, 2016.