Papers by Cristiana Bălan

School has been, is and will be an essential institution in the future. Particularly three aspect... more School has been, is and will be an essential institution in the future. Particularly three aspects are highlighted: a) education is an important factor in the socialization and formation of human capital, in what concerns the access of people to high social positions, in social development and change; B) each additional school year translates into earnings in the labor productivity plan; C) the level of education correlates directly with the values of the quality of life indicators. The learning problems of today's young people are awkward but normal. It's not them who are unusual, but school has become "improper" to their psychology. Young people already have a modified culture of thinking, a way of knowledge already rooted, about which we, the adults from the traditional desks, do not yet have too much data, consequently no recognition. Today's generation is growing in an everyday culture-one that is not regulated by strong rules, as was the case with our parents' generations. Due to a wider renouncement of tradition, our children's culture is related to personal sensibilities, the feelings and desires of each and every one, to a greater degree of choice, interpretation, action, personalization. School encounters a growing problem all over the world, because it has to juggle with a dual and conflictual reality, in principle: on the one hand, the school system-as an external environment, with influences, requirements and expectations normalized by rules and scales; on the other hand, the increasingly subjective tendencies of children, their need to be seen and appreciated, with their inner world, emotions, preferences and learning styles.

This paper addresses certain behavioral disorders in prison environment, and also their nature an... more This paper addresses certain behavioral disorders in prison environment, and also their nature and content of adolescent offenders and recidivists. The socio-dynamic criminal behavior is analyzed in general and that of the recidivist offenders as well, there are also established the correlations between the factors that contribute to the social maturation, the formation of collective consciousness in relation to the accelerated pace of somato-psychic development, the endogenous or exogenous conditions that favor a development that is early, disharmonic, perverted and masked, which, by their persistence, maintain the criminal phenomenon confirmed by the psychological evaluation. Behavioral disorders have an upward trend, and we observe within the first step the repeating of the same type of crime (the mono-criminal), then a second stage which is the polymorphic phase (the specialization of relapse), and the last stage is that of the general recidivism. The probability of recidivism i...

This paper addresses certain behavioral disorders in prison environment, and also their nature an... more This paper addresses certain behavioral disorders in prison environment, and also their nature and content of adolescent offenders and recidivists. The socio-dynamic criminal behavior is analyzed in general and that of the recidivist offenders as well, there are also established the correlations between the factors that contribute to the social maturation, the formation of collective consciousness in relation to the accelerated pace of somato-psychic development, the endogenous or exogenous conditions that favor a development that is early, disharmonic, perverted and masked, which, by their persistence, maintain the criminal phenomenon confirmed by the psychological evaluation. Behavioral disorders have an upward trend, and we observe within the first step the repeating of the same type of crime (the mono-criminal), then a second stage which is the polymorphic phase (the specialization of relapse), and the last stage is that of the general recidivism. The probability of recidivism i...

Aggressive behavior is one of the most difficult social behaviors to define. The meaning of this ... more Aggressive behavior is one of the most difficult social behaviors to define. The meaning of this concept depends on the theoretical perspective adopted. What is considered to be aggressive depends on the social and cultural standards of the perceptor. In some cultures violence is natural, even necessary. Explanations of aggressive behavior are part of two major classes: either biological or social. In the present study, the social factors of aggression are a matter of priority, in the sense that this behavior is learned. However, biological theories can not be ignored. In fact, violence is a reaction that concerns rather the body than the psychic. In some cultures, social norms repress any form of aggression. Therefore, the impulse is repressed until it breaks out violently and very badly. Aggressiveness is adaptive because it helps the individual to live at least until he can procreate. The research aims to identify the extent to which the effects of television violence (such as desensitization, catharsis effect, disinhibition or imitation) manifest themselves in the behavior that adolescents adopt within Romanian society.

School has been, is and will be an essential institution in the future. Particularly three aspect... more School has been, is and will be an essential institution in the future. Particularly three aspects are highlighted: a) education is an important factor in the socialization and formation of human capital, in what concerns the access of people to high social positions, in social development and change; B) each additional school year translates into earnings in the labor productivity plan; C) the level of education correlates directly with the values of the quality of life indicators. The learning problems of today's young people are awkward but normal. It's not them who are unusual, but school has become "improper" to their psychology. Young people already have a modified culture of thinking, a way of knowledge already rooted, about which we, the adults from the traditional desks, do not yet have too much data, consequently no recognition. Today's generation is growing in an everyday culture-one that is not regulated by strong rules, as was the case with our parents' generations. Due to a wider renouncement of tradition, our children's culture is related to personal sensibilities, the feelings and desires of each and every one, to a greater degree of choice, interpretation, action, personalization. School encounters a growing problem all over the world, because it has to juggle with a dual and conflictual reality, in principle: on the one hand, the school system-as an external environment, with influences, requirements and expectations normalized by rules and scales; on the other hand, the increasingly subjective tendencies of children, their need to be seen and appreciated, with their inner world, emotions, preferences and learning styles.

Aggressive behavior is one of the most difficult social behaviors to define. The meaning of this ... more Aggressive behavior is one of the most difficult social behaviors to define. The meaning of this concept depends on the theoretical perspective adopted. What is considered to be aggressive depends on the social and cultural standards of the perceptor. In some cultures violence is natural, even necessary. Explanations of aggressive behavior are part of two major classes: either biological or social. In the present study, the social factors of aggression are a matter of priority, in the sense that this behavior is learned. However, biological theories can not be ignored. In fact, violence is a reaction that concerns rather the body than the psychic. In some cultures, social norms repress any form of aggression. Therefore, the impulse is repressed until it breaks out violently and very badly. Aggressiveness is adaptive because it helps the individual to live at least until he can procreate. The research aims to identify the extent to which the effects of television violence (such as desensitization, catharsis effect, disinhibition or imitation) manifest themselves in the behavior that adolescents adopt within Romanian society.

People are, above all, cultural beings; the central elements of culture are values, they direct t... more People are, above all, cultural beings; the central elements of culture are values, they direct the spirit of any culture and function as a selective grid towards cultural creation and diffusion. Culture involves all the products of human activity, values and modes of behavior objected by certain communities to other human communities and subsequent generations. As a global process, education could be characterized as a quick and abridged recapitulation-because it is selective-of the cultural experience of humanity as a whole and, in particular, the experience of the community and the reference group. Biopsychological maturation processes, socialization and culture can only be conceived through intimate correlation, they are three facets of a single process. Therefore, the mature psychological individual, the social and the cultural being are just hypostases of the Ego, because it is an existential unity.

People are, above all, cultural beings; the central elements of culture are values, they direct t... more People are, above all, cultural beings; the central elements of culture are values, they direct the spirit of any culture and function as a selective grid towards cultural creation and diffusion. Culture involves all the products of human activity, values and modes of behavior objected by certain communities to other human communities and subsequent generations. As a global process, education could be characterized as a quick and abridged recapitulation-because it is selective-of the cultural experience of humanity as a whole and, in particular, the experience of the community and the reference group. Biopsychological maturation processes, socialization and culture can only be conceived through intimate correlation, they are three facets of a single process. Therefore, the mature psychological individual, the social and the cultural being are just hypostases of the Ego, because it is an existential unity.

The extremely diverse incidence and symptomatology of autism generates constant concerns among sp... more The extremely diverse incidence and symptomatology of autism generates constant concerns among specialists, mobilizes parents and community-based institutions, provokes disputes and controversies within schools when discussing the integration of children with autism into ordinary school environments. The Internet is playing an increasing role in education as students have the opportunity to solve the themes and to draft the papers through network transfer, and the opportunities opened up by developing huge libraries with information are important, especially for certain study objects and themes, useful for students. In addition, computer games become the most sensitive subjects of conversation between children, thus helping to establish interpersonal relationships. Another problem faced by children in need is the inability to learn. With a low motivation, unable to concentrate, with excessive hyperactivity, children are increasingly responding to school requirements. Imbalances that viewing induces in the operation of the left hemisphere and lack of normal neural network development affect logical and analytical thinking, syntax building, and discursivity.

Argument Abuzul afectează dezvoltarea copilului, efectele abuzului sunt profunde şi nefaste, înso... more Argument Abuzul afectează dezvoltarea copilului, efectele abuzului sunt profunde şi nefaste, însoţind individul de-a lungul vieţii sale. Cunoaşterea şi înţelegerea nevoilor copilului de către părinţii şi adulţii cu care el interacţionează, necesită relaţionarea corectă cu acesta, precum și sesizarea unor posibile trume, cu scopul de a acţiona profilactic şi terapeutic. Din cauza înmulţirii cazurilor de abuz asupra copiilor în societatea românească, acordarea unei importanţe relativ scăzute acestui subiect, precum şi numărul redus al specialiştilor în acest domeniu, există necesitatea de a face cunoscută problematica abuzului asupra copilului, a consecinţelor pe care le are asupra acestuia şi mai ales identificarea unor metode de prevenire şi intervenţie eficiente în formarea unor specialişti care să intervină în rezolvarea unor astfel de cazuri. Consilierea şi recuperarea copiilor victime ale abuzului reprezintă o garanţie pentru un viitor adult echilibrat şi adaptat şi previne perpetuarea comportamentului abuziv. Abuzul necesită intervenţie şi recuperare psihologică, medicală şi socială specializată, realizată de o echipă formată din specialişti care utilizează tehnici specifice. 1. ABUZAREA MINORILOR, FORME, FACTORI ŞI EFECTE 1.1. Factorii determinanţi ai abuzării minorilor În explicarea fenomenului de abuz asupra copilului s-au elaborat mai multe concepţii şi teorii menite să identifice cauzele maltratării, acestea fiind de sorginte medicală, psihologică, socială, ecologică etc. Unii cercetătorii pun accent pe patologia autorului maltratării ca etiologie principală: scoruri ridicate la măsurătorile psihopatologice (Williams şi Finkelhon,1990), distorsiuni cognitive, percepţii negative şi aşteptări nerealiste faţă de copii. Un copil care trăieşte într-o familie confruntată cu mai multe crize care se întind pe mai mulţi ani (separare urmată de alcoolism, apoi de abandonul unuia dintre părinţi atunci când celălalt se recăsătoreşte), va fi subiect al maltratării de lungă durată. PAGE 7
Papers by Cristiana Bălan