Papers by chee keong CHIN

Purpose and Research Question-This study aims to explore the significance of a home project to in... more Purpose and Research Question-This study aims to explore the significance of a home project to instill the habit of reducing domestic waste by converting food waste into a useful product. This study attempts to answer the research question on how parents can play a pivotal role in teaching children to practice sustainability living at home. Methodology-This case study analysed the role of parents in helping an 8-year-old child to carry out project to convert fruit peels into eco-enzyme. Interviews, observation, and artifacts were used to collect data for analysis. Content analysis was performed to assess the application of the ADDIE instructional model for a home-based project. Thematic analyses were carried out to explore the roles of parents in supporting a child in a home-base sustainability project. Findings-This case study illustrates the use of the 'Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation' (ADDIE) instructional model to plan and carry out a homebased sustainability project. The analysis of exemplar provided useful lesson ideas with stepby-step guide to reduce kitchen waste in making eco-enzyme as a homemade cleaning agent using ordinary fruit peels Significance and Contribution in Line with Philosophy of LSM Journal-The exemplar presented in this study is significant to educators and researchers who are considering sustainability education to reduce kitchen waste and teach science contextually.

BioTechnologia, 2022
Different designs of the plant tissue culture vessel, such as size, material, and shape, may alte... more Different designs of the plant tissue culture vessel, such as size, material, and shape, may alter its microenvironment atmosphere. The present study was conducted on protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Dendrobium Sabin Blue orchid to determine the development of PLBs on plastic and glass culture vessels of different sizes. PLBs were cultured in half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with the same initial weight of 0.5 g in 10 replicates. The growth index of the PLBs was calculated after 11 weeks to study their growth in every vessel; additionally, biochemical analysis was performed to determine carbohydrate content, proline concentration, and photosynthesis pigments in the PLBs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to study stomata development on PLBs in each vessel, and histological analyses were conducted to study the cell structure. Overall, the PLBs cultured in a large 470 ml plastic vessel showed successful growth with a high growth index, high carbohydrate content, low-stress condition, and high chlorophyll content. SEM confirmed that the presence of trichome and rhizoid in PLBs cultured in the 470 ml plastic vessel. Histological analysis showed the formation of the shoot on the PLBs and the presence of starch granules. Thus, the use of plastic as a culture vessel provides a good impact for culturing PLBs and has low cost.

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2021
Dendrobium hybrids have been cultivated as commercially important ornamental plants in the floric... more Dendrobium hybrids have been cultivated as commercially important ornamental plants in the floriculture industry. However, the potential of Dendrobium hybrids as a source of valuable secondary metabolites has not been fully exploited. In this study, the effect of various elicitors on the proliferation of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Dendrobium Sabin Blue and the corresponding production of dendrobine and anthocyanin was investigated. Yeast extract (YE) and glutamine (both at 200 mg L −1) increased dendrobine content in PLBs by 2.7-and 6.5-fold (54.874 ± 2.553 and 894.481 ± 26.185 ng mg −1 dry weight (DW)) compared to controls (20.051 ± 0.182 and 136.956 ± 7.397 ng mg −1 DW). Glutamine (200 mg L −1) also significantly enhanced PLB biomass (0.190 ± 0.009 g) with respect to the control (0.144 ± 0.003 g). Chitosan and salicylic acid (SA) were not effective in enhancing the dendrobine and anthocyanin contents in PLBs. A combination of 4 mg L −1 NAA and 100 mg L −1 arginine increased dendrobine content by 8-fold (123.793 ± 5.446 ng mg −1 DW) compared to the control (15.554 ± 0.406 ng mg −1 DW). Anthocyanin content was increased by 1.7-fold (0.548 ± 0.019 Color Value (CV) g −1 DW) when PLBs treated with 4 mg L −1 TDZ were exposed to 1.5 h of UV irradiation as compared to those without UV treatment (0.331 ± 0.019 CV g −1 DW). Despite the low dendrobine content, PLBs as a source of dendrobine remains appealing due to its short culture duration (6 wk) compared to mother plants (2 yr). Keywords Plant growth regulators. Amino acids. Elicitors. Orchid tissue culture. Secondary metabolites Key message • To date, dendrobine and anthocyanins have not been reported in PLBs of Dendrobium species. • In this study, PLBs of Dendrobium 'Sabin Blue' were used for producing dendrobine and anthocyanin compounds. • This study aimed to establish an efficient PLB culture system of Dendrobium 'Sabin Blue' that can enhance the production of dendrobine and anthocyanin by using elicitors, amino acids, plant growth regulators (PGRs), and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. • Dendrobine and anthocyanin contents of PLBs, in vitro, and mother plants were compared to make a preliminary assessment of the enhancement strategies.

Biologia, 2021
This study was carried out to reformulate half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium, on... more This study was carried out to reformulate half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium, one of the standard media for orchid tissue culture for protocorm-like bodies (PLB) culture of Dendrobium Sabin Blue. Initial PLB fresh mass of 0.5 g was inoculated in various culture treatments for six weeks of culture period. Alteration of half MS medium yielded a modified medium without Fe-EDTA and containing half-strength macronutrients, double-strength micronutrients, full-strength vitamins and 30 g/L sucrose. The modified medium enhanced the proliferation of PLBs by 23% (0.299 ± 0.017 g) as compared half MS medium (0.243 ± 0.012 g) on a dry mass basis. PLB suspension culture was established using liquid medium of the revised formula for a period of 7 weeks. Supplementing the modified medium with quarter-strength of Fe-EDTA is beneficial for long-term culture of PLBs. Improvement of PLB biomass through the use of modified culture medium devoid of plant growth regulators reduces production cost for micropropagation and secondary metabolite production. Besides, it can reduce the likelihood of somaclonal variations related to the use of plant growth regulators in the culture medium.

Jurnal Paradigma, 2022
Tekanan terhadap sistem sokongan kehidupan di bumi akibat perubahan cuaca dan jurang sosial yang ... more Tekanan terhadap sistem sokongan kehidupan di bumi akibat perubahan cuaca dan jurang sosial yang semakin meruncing mendesak peranan pendidikan guru supaya lebih proaktif ke arah masa depan yang lebih lestari. Kepentingan pendidikan untuk pembangunan lestari dicerminkan dalam 'Pendidikan Berkualiti', salah satu daripada 17 Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG). Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau pertimbangan siswa guru dalam pemilihan SDG yang dianggap paling kritikal. Analisis dokumen dalam talian dilakukan terhadap hujah 44 orang siswa guru melalui soalan perbincangan yang dikemukakan dalam Google Classroom. SDG paling kritikal yang popular dipilih siswa guru ialah SDG1, SDG2, SDG4 dan SDG 6, manakala SDG yang kurang mendapat perhatian siswa guru ialah SDG9, SDG10, SDG11, SDG14 dan SDG17. Pemilihan SDG paling kritikal yang popular adalah didorong oleh semangat nasionalisme, keperluan kesihatan dan kepentingan alam sekitar. Hasil dapatan memberikan implikasi bahawa pengetahuan dan kesedaran tentang SDG haruslah dijelmakan secara eksplisit dalam pendidikan guru sementelahan siswa guru perlu peka dengan isu dan perkembangan dunia semasa.

Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology & Bionanotechnology, 2022
Different designs of the plant tissue culture vessel, such as size, material, and shape, may alte... more Different designs of the plant tissue culture vessel, such as size, material, and shape, may alter its microenvironment atmosphere. The present study was conducted on protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Dendrobium Sabin Blue orchid to determine the development of PLBs on plastic and glass culture vessels of different sizes. PLBs were cultured in half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with the same initial weight of 0.5 g in 10 replicates. The growth index of the PLBs was calculated after 11 weeks to study their growth in every vessel; additionally, biochemical analysis was performed to determine carbohydrate content, proline concentration, and photosynthesis pigments in the PLBs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to study stomata development on PLBs in each vessel, and histological analyses were conducted to study the cell structure. Overall, the PLBs cultured in a large 470 ml plastic vessel showed successful growth with a high growth index, high carbohydrate content, low-stress condition, and high chlorophyll content. SEM confirmed that the presence of trichome and rhizoid in PLBs cultured in the 470 ml plastic vessel. Histological analysis showed the formation of the shoot on the PLBs and the presence of starch granules. Thus, the use of plastic as a culture vessel provides a good impact for culturing PLBs and has low cost.

Dinamika Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar, 2021
Developing conceptual and procedural knowledge or skills of learners is 'part and parcel' of the ... more Developing conceptual and procedural knowledge or skills of learners is 'part and parcel' of the roles of educators involved in teaching science and social science subjects. This article aims to espouse numerous educational reforms implemented locally, regionally, and internationally during the past decades, with exemplars and challenges elaborated. The mixed-method approach is selected as a research framework that includes the collection of qualitative data (mainly from documentary analysis, interviews, observation, and open-ended responses) and quantitative data (mainly from survey questionnaires). This article reports mainly qualitative findings that are summarised from mixedmodes of analysis on data collected through systematic review and 'multiple-case design', including 'cross-case and within-case analysis' on how conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills of learners could be enhanced through the implementation of various technology-integrated projectbased programmes incorporating various effective strategies anchored on hybrid approaches in replacement of traditional methods. Case exemplars are illustrated with how these programmes serve as platforms for basic education and foundation courses from basic to advanced learning among lifelong learners. The analysis of a local programme to promote Year 4 students' (N = 33) primary science learning using the 5E constructivist model revealed that students were mentally engaged in learning science concepts, interacting with new experiences, and able to correct misconceptions with enhanced conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills on the taught topics 'Scientific Skills, Life Processes of Humans, and Properties of Materials' as reflected in their increased mean scores of science achievement analysed statistically. The implementation of the 'Learning Science and Mathematics Together' (LeSMaT) student-centered regional learning programme that provided a guide for expected project output is also illustrated with an exemplar of how learners' conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in 'environmental education' were enhanced through the preparation of the project required for this program. The analysis of social science learning involving building foundation knowledge in economics through an international research-based internship programme revealed that students' conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in 'economics' were enhanced with the input on research methodology and the need to produce a report, which tied in with theories and the experience of their placements in various business settings that provided real-life experience related to economic issues faced during the pandemic. In the end, the significance and implications of the study are discussed with ideas for how to move forward.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2021
Oncidium orchid has high demand and economic value especially in floriculture industry. This stud... more Oncidium orchid has high demand and economic value especially in floriculture industry. This study aimed to optimize a suitable medium for rapid proliferation of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Oncidium Golden Anniversary orchid. Results from this study confirmed that ½ MS semi-solid medium displayed the highest growth index and total numbers of PLBs. Inclusion of 20g/L sucrose and 1mg/L BAP produced the highest PLB proliferation rate, while adding charcoal gave no significant effect. Half-moon PLB size contributes to the highest growth rate on using a thin cell layer (TCL) system. Hence, the best medium for Oncidium Golden Anniversary PLB proliferation was ½ MS semi-solid media supplemented with 20 g/L sucrose and 1 mg/L BAP.

Biologia, 2021
This study was carried out to reformulate half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium, on... more This study was carried out to reformulate half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium, one of the standard media for orchid tissue culture for protocorm-like bodies (PLB) culture of Dendrobium Sabin Blue. Initial PLB fresh mass of 0.5 g was inoculated in various culture treatments for six weeks of culture period. Alteration of half MS medium yielded a modified medium without Fe-EDTA and containing half-strength macronutrients, double-strength micronutrients, full-strength vitamins and 30 g/L sucrose. The modified medium enhanced the proliferation of PLBs by 23% (0.299 ± 0.017 g) as compared half MS medium (0.243 ± 0.012 g) on a dry mass basis. PLB suspension culture was established using liquid medium of the revised formula for a period of 7 weeks. Supplementing the modified medium with quarter-strength of Fe-EDTA is beneficial for longterm culture of PLBs. Improvement of PLB biomass through the use of modified culture medium devoid of plant growth regulators reduces production cost for micropropagation and secondary metabolite production. Besides, it can reduce the likelihood of somaclonal variations related to the use of plant growth regulators in the culture medium.

Dendrobium hybrids have been cultivated as commercially important ornamental plants in the floric... more Dendrobium hybrids have been cultivated as commercially important ornamental plants in the floriculture industry. However, the potential of Dendrobium hybrids as a source of valuable secondary metabolites has not been fully exploited. In this study, the effect of various elicitors on the proliferation of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Dendrobium Sabin Blue and the corresponding production of dendrobine and anthocyanin was investigated. Yeast extract (YE) and glutamine (both at 200 mg L −1) increased dendrobine content in PLBs by 2.7-and 6.5-fold (54.874 ± 2.553 and 894.481 ± 26.185 ng mg −1 dry weight (DW)) compared to controls (20.051 ± 0.182 and 136.956 ± 7.397 ng mg −1 DW). Glutamine (200 mg L −1) also significantly enhanced PLB biomass (0.190 ± 0.009 g) with respect to the control (0.144 ± 0.003 g). Chitosan and salicylic acid (SA) were not effective in enhancing the dendrobine and anthocyanin contents in PLBs. A combination of 4 mg L −1 NAA and 100 mg L −1 arginine increased dendrobine content by 8-fold (123.793 ± 5.446 ng mg −1 DW) compared to the control (15.554 ± 0.406 ng mg −1 DW). Anthocyanin content was increased by 1.7-fold (0.548 ± 0.019 Color Value (CV) g −1 DW) when PLBs treated with 4 mg L −1 TDZ were exposed to 1.5 h of UV irradiation as compared to those without UV treatment (0.331 ± 0.019 CV g −1 DW). Despite the low dendrobine content, PLBs as a source of dendrobine remains appealing due to its short culture duration (6 wk) compared to mother plants (2 yr). Keywords Plant growth regulators. Amino acids. Elicitors. Orchid tissue culture. Secondary metabolites Key message • To date, dendrobine and anthocyanins have not been reported in PLBs of Dendrobium species. • In this study, PLBs of Dendrobium 'Sabin Blue' were used for producing dendrobine and anthocyanin compounds. • This study aimed to establish an efficient PLB culture system of Dendrobium 'Sabin Blue' that can enhance the production of dendrobine and anthocyanin by using elicitors, amino acids, plant growth regulators (PGRs), and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. • Dendrobine and anthocyanin contents of PLBs, in vitro, and mother plants were compared to make a preliminary assessment of the enhancement strategies.

Science learning is at its best when questions, issues or authentic problems are posed that motiv... more Science learning is at its best when questions, issues or authentic problems are posed that motivate students to find solutions through investigative research and inquiry-based learning. Literature also revealed the enormous benefits of informal and out-of-school learning experiences in stimulating and captivating students’ interest to learn science and mathematics especially when they work on authentic community problems. In this fourth series of the article on exemplary practices in SEARCH for youth researchers through blended learning, elaboration will be made on another sub-portal of SEARCH, entitled ‘Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists’ (SSYS) [].The SSYS programme was founded in 1997 with organization of biennially held science congresses at SEAMEO RECSAM, a regional training centre for Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, that organized this youth scientific programme to showcase research findings among young researchers. SSYS serve...

Teacher education programme can be capitalised to raise awareness of teachers to have a positive ... more Teacher education programme can be capitalised to raise awareness of teachers to have a positive environmental worldview to serve the purpose of teaching environmental education across different subjects. 'Biological Diversity' is a compulsory course for pre-service teachers whose major is Science in the Malaysian teacher education institute. This course was conducted in blended learning mode in which Facebook was used to complement face-to-face interactions between lecturers and pre-service teachers. This article elaborates on the structure and objectives of a technology-enhanced 'Biological Diversity' course in raising environmental worldview of pre-service teachers and evaluation of Facebook as a learning tool. New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) survey items were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the course to improve pre-service teachers' environmental worldview. Qualitative framework analysis was performed on respondents' open-ended responses in a pen-and-paper survey, and posts on Facebook, a social media platform to interpret pre-service teachers' feedback on the use of Facebook for blended learning. The change in the mean scores of the NEP scale before and after the course revealed improvement in the pre-service teachers' pro-environmental worldview. Their response posted on Facebook also indicated that the 'Biological Diversity' course had made them more environmental conscious. However Facebook was not found to be a favourable learning tool for this course. The findings in this study provide insight on embedded environmental education in teacher training programmes and the use of online learning platform in supporting environmental education.

Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau is a medicinal plant that is widely used in traditional tre... more Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau is a medicinal plant that is widely used in traditional treatments for skin inflammation, skin lesions, viral infection and snake bites. This study investigates the effects of different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on the induction of callus from Clinacanthus nutans leaves. Young and mature leaves of Clinacanthus nutans were placed on MS media supplemented with ten concentrations of 2,4-D (0 to 10mg/L). The percentage of callus formation, callus fresh weight and callus morphology were recorded followed by histological analysis on callus from young leaves and mature leaves. The highest mean of fresh weight of callus was obtained from young leaf explants in MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D whereas the highest mean of callus fresh weight from mature leaf explants was achieved in MS media supplemented with 0.25 mg/L 2,4-D. Histological analysis indicated potential formation of somatic embryos from callus of young...

Tropical Life Sciences Research, 2018
Solanum melongena L. biasanya dikenali sebagai terung adalah dari famili Solanaceae, yang sama as... more Solanum melongena L. biasanya dikenali sebagai terung adalah dari famili Solanaceae, yang sama asal usulnya dengan pokok tomato dan pokok ubi kentang. Ia adalah tanaman yang penting secara ekonomi di seluruh dunia dan dikaji untuk sifat perubatannya, nilai pemakanan dan peranannya sebagai model alternatif bagi tumbuhan. Buah terung telah digunakan sejak dahulu untuk rawatan pelbagai penyakit seperti bronkitis, asma, arthritis dan kencing manis serta sifat khasiatnya yang bermanfaat kepada diet manusia. Kajian transformasi tumbuhan pada terung telah dikaji secara meluas untuk penghasilan terung transgenik yang membawa gen yang bermanfaat untuk pertumbuhan tanaman yang optimum dan pengeluaran buah yang bermutu. Penginduksian pucuk adalah langkah penting yang diperlukan untuk penjanaan semula tisu tumbuhan yang berjaya kerana ianya merupakan prasyarat penting dalam transformasi menggunakan Agrobakterium sebagai pengantara. Terung tempatan cv. Bulat Putih adalah kultivar terung tempatan di Malaysia dengan buah putih dan bulat menjadikannya satu model potensi untuk kajian pengumpulan pigmen warna tumbuhan untuk tanaman buah-buahan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyiasat potensi penginduksian pucuk menggunakan 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) dan Kinetin dari eksplan kotiledon terung cv. Bulat Putih. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua BAP dan kinetin boleh menginduksikan regenerasi kalus dari eksplan kotiledon. Selain itu, kinetin pada kepekatan 2.0 mg/L berjaya menginduksikan pucuk pada nilai 1.50 ± 0.22 pucuk untuk setiap eksplan manakala BAP sahaja tidak dapat menginduksikan pucuk. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa Kinetin sahaja sudah mencukupi untuk menginduksi pucuk dalam terung cv. Bulat Putih tanpa kehadiran BAP.

EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology, 2018
Plant tissue culture technology offers the potential of producing medicinally important secondary... more Plant tissue culture technology offers the potential of producing medicinally important secondary metabolites such as anti-malarial artemisinin from Artemisia annua. In this study, callus induction of three different varieties of A.annua, namely T1, T2 and Hi varieties was carried out using leaf explants on Murashige & Skoog (MS) and Litvay (LV) media with three different supplementations. MS medium added with 0.5 mg/L BA, 0.5 mg/L NAA and 0.5 g/L of casein hydrolysate (CH) induced the highest yield of callus biomass compared to the effect of picloram-or 2,4-enriched MS medium. T2 variety was found to be the highest yielding variety in this medium. Picloram-enriched MS medium induced better callus in term of callus biomass and friability than 2,4-enriched medium. Hi variety induced in MS medium added with 0.5 mg/L picloram produced highest callus biomass among the three varieties. Callus formed on 0.5 mg/L picloram was also much more easily dispersed than callus of all three varieties cultured in the other two MS medium. LV-based medium was generally shown to be poor in inducing callogenic response from leaf explants. Therefore Hi callus sourced from MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L picloram was selected to initiate liquid cell culture of A. annua which can further be explored for production of artemisinin, an anti-malarial compound.

Research in science learning revealed that learners and teachers need highly interactive conversa... more Research in science learning revealed that learners and teachers need highly interactive conversational environments around media-rich artifacts to provide common grounds for fostering learning communications. In this third series of the article, on exemplary practices in SEARCH for youth researchers through blended learning, elaboration will be made on another sub-portal of SEARCH, entitled ‘Science Project/problem/programme-based Activities inCorporating Experiment MANagement’ (SP 3 ACEMAN) []. The programme was founded in 2004 with off-line resources and incorporated with blended learning activities since 2009. Workshops were also conducted in 2011 and 2012 to replicate some of the activities adapted from previous research findings. Some main features of SP 3 ACEMAN that promote student-centred learning supported by ICT with threaded discussion topics related to science and mathematics learning are highlighted. Educational implications of Web 2.0 to promote an...
Public awareness on environmental issues is the prerequisite of the behavioural changes towards e... more Public awareness on environmental issues is the prerequisite of the behavioural changes towards environmental-friendly activities. People who are concern about preserving the environment for present and future generations are more prone to engage in pro-environment lifestyles. In this study, the modified New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale was used to gauge 348 students’ pro-environmental concern. Based on 1 to 5 Likert scale response, students’ pro-environmental values was found to be high (mean=3.66, SD=0.59). Data analysis showed no difference in students’ belief system across gender and between students in Penang and Perak states. However, there was variation in pro-environmental concern between schools. It was also revealed that students’ science achievement in school is a moderate-effect predictor of their pro-environmental concern.

Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sikap dan amalam murid sekolah rendah mengenai konsep lestari. Resp... more Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sikap dan amalam murid sekolah rendah mengenai konsep lestari. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 647 murid sekolah rendah dalam beberapa buah negeri di Malaysia. Soal selidik yang digunakan terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap murid dalam konsep lestari. Hasil tinjauan mendapati pengetahuan murid berada pada tahap sederhana manakala amalan dan sikap kelestarian pada tahap baik yang baik. Analisis korelasi Pearson pula mendapati tiada hubungan signifikan antara pengetahuan, amalan dan sikap kelestarian. Walau bagaimanapun, murid sekolah dapat dianggap telah diberi pendedahan yang sewajarnya tentang kelestarian. Usaha meningkatkan pengetahuan, amalan dan sikap kelestarian dalam kalangan murid memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi bukan sahaja daripada pihak pendidik tetapi juga melibatkan ibu bapa dan masyarakat.

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2015
Effects of different concentrations of polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) on viability, relative w... more Effects of different concentrations of polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) on viability, relative water content, total chlorophyll content, total soluble protein and antioxidant enzymes activities of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Aranda Broga Blue Bell orchid hybrid were determined. Different concentrations of in vitro drought-inducing chemical, PEG 400 at 0, 5, 10, and 15% (v/v) were used in this study. From the results obtained, lower concentration of PEG 400 at 5% produce minimum impact on the relative water content and morphological changes of treated PLBs. Percentage of viable PLBs at 5% PEG 400 treatment showed no significant difference with the control PLBs. However, significant reduction in total chlorophyll content and total soluble protein content of PLBs verified that supplementation of PEG 400 into Vacin and Went medium caused severe interruptions on various biochemical processes. Excessive production of free radical molecules increased the total activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Specific localization, affinity and role of these enzymes resulted in different patterns of their overall activity. These findings suggested that the PLBs of Aranda Broga Blue Bell were drought tolerant orchid explants at low intensity of in vitro drought stress condition.
Papers by chee keong CHIN