The University of Virginia
After his 50th reunion, author reflects on what he learned in high school, and what remains to be accomplished.
Piedmont Virginia Community College Associate of Science in Nursing 2009 (magna cum laude) University of Virginia MA, Ph.D. (English Language, Literature and Pedagogy) 1983 Yale University BA (magna cum laude; Honores in Litteris... more
This essay is an attempt to formulate ways of writing a revisionary ethnography of a religious conversion movement among a community of ex-untouchable castes, called Mahars in India, from the point of view of recent theoretical... more
'The novel achieved its devastating success as an upstart,' wrote Marthe Robert in The Origins of the Novel (1980). She was reflecting on an oft-expressed anxiety about the novel's prodigious and promiscuous adaptation of whatever came in... more
On the eve of the 2003 Iraq War, Henry Perowne, the neurosurgeon protagonist of Ian McEwan's novel, Saturday, ponders the pervading sense of anxiety and vulnerability across the world, a feeling aggravated by an incessant exposure to... more
Myriad iterations of Debord's society of the spectacle circulated in a frenzy as the visual horror of September 11 unraveled on screens around the world. Another auteur/theatrical personage who was variously invoked as the world witnessed... more
A special issue on the contemporary global novel published by New Literary history
If the 1980s saw 'postcolonialism'acquire theoretical and pedagogical prominence in literary studies, the new century has heralded 'globalism'as the state-of-the-art literary paradigm.... more
Originally denoting a genre of popular films produced in Bombay (Mumbai) and made in Hindi, Bollywood today circulates globally as an aesthetic and cultural marker of Indianness. As a cultural idea and product that has spun off from its... more