fic_crits is a fanfiction community. We'll accept fanfics from all of the catagories that are in the likes section of this profile.
This community has been founded for members to post their fics and get constructive criticism on them. So basically this is for critiques (hence the term "crits"). Please keep in mind that not every one speaks English as a first language. Perhaps for some people writing it's a second or fourth or whatever.
Also, if you join and get negative critiques do not complain to me. I don't want to hear about it. You posted it here, it's not my fault that some people think whatever is poorly written. Please consider what the other person is saying. You may not be the best writer.
Rules while you write: 1) Make sure you have proper spelling and grammar (like what you'd turn into your English teacher). Do NOT submit horribly misspelled works. I can assure you that you'll get bad reviews. 2) Please go back and re-write your work at least once! "I'm a horrible writer, but I'm great at re-writing." You don't get anything right the first time you write it. 3) Consider the characters. Would they really act that way? Would Harry crush a beer can on his forehead? Would Hermione run around in a micro-mini skirt? And would Voldemort try to burp the alphabet backwards? And five times? 4) I may add more to the list. We'll see how it goes.
Rules for posting: 1) Post the story behind a LJ-cut. if you don't know how to make them it is <_lj-cut text="whatever"> type in the story here
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<_/lj-cut>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
fic_crits is a fanfiction community. We'll accept fanfics from all of the catagories that are in the likes section of this profile.
This community has been founded for members to post their fics and get <i>constructive</i> criticism on them. So basically this is for critiques (hence the term "crits"). Please keep in mind that not every one speaks English as a first language. Perhaps for some people writing it's a second or fourth or whatever.
Also, if you join and get negative critiques <i>do not complain to me</i>. I don't want to hear about it. You posted it here, it's not my fault that some people think whatever is poorly written. Please consider what the other person is saying. You may not be the best writer.
Rules while you write: 1) Make sure you have proper spelling and grammar (like what you'd turn into your English teacher). Do <i>NOT</i> submit horribly misspelled works. I can assure you that you'll get bad reviews. 2) <i>Please</i> go back and re-write your work at least once! "I'm a horrible writer, but I'm great at re-writing." You don't get anything right the first time you write it. 3) Consider the characters. Would they <i>really</i> act that way? Would Harry crush a beer can on his forehead? Would Hermione run around in a micro-mini skirt? And would Voldemort try to burp the alphabet backwards? And five times? 4) I may add more to the list. We'll see how it goes.
Rules for posting: 1) Post the story <i>behind</i> a LJ-cut. if you don't know how to make them it is <_lj-cut text="whatever"> type in the story here <_/lj-cut> Remove the _ for it to work 2) Rate it! Explain rating (i.e. language, adult situations, violence, etc). We'll be using the G to R scale. Please, no NC-17 unless you've gotten permission from me (sabre_the_bogle) prior to posting it. Also, kids - if you get in trouble for reading something your parents would deem inappropriate - <i>do not blame it on me! I didn't make you read it! I</i> don't want to get in trouble for <i>your</i> decisions. 3) If it's slash <i>say so</i> in the description. If you don't know what slash is, then you probably don't read it (or want to). 4) This list will probably grow in the future. Keep that in mind.
Rules for critiques: 1) Give positive feedback. 2) Tell the person what they need to work on 3) <i>Be civil.</i> If you continuously are rude or use profane language in your critiques, I <i>will</i> kick you out of here. <i>Do not test me!</i> 4) When you critique - write it like you're an intelligent person, even if you aren't. 5) If you get very negative feedback, don't cry to me unless it's rude, crude and socially unacceptable. 6) This list will grow as people continuously abuse their critique privileges.