Lisäosan avainsana: podcast
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
(230 arvosanat yhteensä)No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.
Seriously Simple Podcasting
(313 arvosanat yhteensä)Podcasting the way it's meant to be. No mess, no fuss – just you and your content taking over the world.
AudioIgniter Music Player
(61 arvosanat yhteensä)AudioIgniter lets you create music playlists and embed them in your WordPress posts, pages or custom post types and serve your audio content in style!
Podcast Player – Your Podcasting Companion
(95 arvosanat yhteensä)Showcase your podcast only using podcasting feed url. Use widget, shortcode or editor block to display podcast player anywhere on your site.
Podlove Podcast Publisher
(44 arvosanat yhteensä)The one and only next generation podcast publishing system. Seriously. It's magical and sparkles a lot.
Podlove Subscribe button
(2 arvosanat yhteensä)Podlove Subscribe button allows your users to easily select a podcast feed and pass it along to their favorite podcast app.
Meks Audio Player
(5 arvosanat yhteensä)Easily enhance your podcast, music or any audio files with a full-featured and customizable sticky audio player.
Anchor Episodes Index (Spotify for Podcasters)
(5 arvosanat yhteensä)A lightweight plugin that allows you to output an podcast player on your site that includes an episode index. Just add two URL's on the …
Captivate Sync
(7 arvosanat yhteensä)Captivate Sync™ is a WordPress plugin maintained and developed by Captivate, part of the Rebel Base Media family. With our background in Podcast Websi …
Seriously Simple Speakers
(3 arvosanat yhteensä)Add speakers to your Seriously Simple Podcasting episodes.
Seriously Simple Transcripts
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Add downloadable transcripts to your Seriously Simple Podcasting episodes.
Podigee WordPress Quick Publish – now with Gutenberg support!
(2 arvosanat yhteensä)Let's you import metadata from your Podigee podcast feed right into the Wordpress post editor. Finally (since 1.0) compatible to Gutenberg.
Featured Audio
(3 arvosanat yhteensä)Add featured audio to your posts and pages, like featured images.
Liteweight Podcast
(10 arvosanat yhteensä)A lite weight Podcasting plugin for WordPress which contain lots of options and functionality to run your podcasting website.
Podcast Feed Player Widget and Shortcode
(7 arvosanat yhteensä)The default RSS widget didn't provide an audio player nor the image for the episode, so I built one. I've also since added a shortcode in th …
RSS Feed Pro
(1 arvosanat yhteensä)Display RSS Feed in a widget, on a page or post by shortcode using any number of parameters. Sort archive by Category, Year, and by Author Name.
iTunes Podcast Review Manager
(6 arvosanat yhteensä)Get your iTunes podcast reviews from all countries. Checks iTunes automatically and displays your podcast reviews in a sortable table.
Easy Soundcloud Shortcode
(1 arvosanat yhteensä)With the help of this plugin users would be able to see published files on the website, quickly and optimally.