Fachhochschule Vorarlberg
Business Management and Administration
I declare that the doctoral thesis, which I hereby submit for the degree PhD Entrepreneurship at the University of Pretoria, is my own work and has not been submitted by me for a degree at another university.
I declare that the doctoral thesis, which I hereby submit for the degree PhD Entrepreneurship at the University of Pretoria, is my own work and has not been submitted by me for a degree at another university.
ABSTRACT The internationalization of the firm: an analysis of a Brazilian eucalyptus pulp exporter in 2018 based on Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal models The present research had compared how Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal (B&G) models... more
Companies have been internationalizing their activities since the second industrial revolution, however, that process verified at the beginning of the 20th century, can not be compared to the standards observed during the last decades. In... more
O planeamento e desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa sobre o uso político de monumentos na Hungria desde 2010 me levou a um impasse metodológico e não consegui progressos pelo que entendia ser a fórmula dos manuais para... more
This article analyzes three aspects of India's language conflicts that affect linguistic minorities: i) the rights of vernacular languages to the detriment of other mother tongues, ii) illiteracy, and iii) the choice of Hindi as the... more
Agradecimentos Agradeço a Deus pelo cumprimento não só de um trabalho de pesquisa mas de uma etapa de minha vida na qual muitas pessoas estiveram presentes, entre as quais muitas permanecerão para sempre. Em primeiro lugar, agradeço aos... more