Papers by Kathrin Schulman
RIGEO, 2021
Schulman, K., Fuchs, S., Hämmerle, M., Kisser, T., Laštovička, J., Notter, N., Stych, P., Väljata... more Schulman, K., Fuchs, S., Hämmerle, M., Kisser, T., Laštovička, J., Notter, N., Stych, P., Väljataga, T., Siegmund, A. (2021). Training teachers to use remote sensing: the YCHANGE project. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11 (2). pp. 372 - 409.
Avci, O., Ferraro, F., Fischbach, M., Giger, N., Gilgen, T., Sahdeva, P., Süess, R., Tharepadicke... more Avci, O., Ferraro, F., Fischbach, M., Giger, N., Gilgen, T., Sahdeva, P., Süess, R., Tharepadickel, R., von Burg, F. & Schulman, K. (2021). Wie sollten Forschungsergebnisse kommuniziert werden, so dass sie Lehrpersonen wirklich etwas bringen?Das Beispiel Klimawandel. Ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls „Spezifische As-pekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung“ im HS 2020.
Public History Weekly, 2019
Viehrig, K. (2019). Public History, Public Religion, Public X? Public History Weekly. 26.09.2019.... more Viehrig, K. (2019). Public History, Public Religion, Public X? Public History Weekly. 26.09.2019. fulltext
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2019
Viehrig, K., Siegenthaler, D., Burri, S., Reinfried, S., Bednarz, S.,
Blankman, M., Bourke, T., B... more Viehrig, K., Siegenthaler, D., Burri, S., Reinfried, S., Bednarz, S.,
Blankman, M., Bourke, T., Brooks, C., Hertig, P., Kerski, J., Kisser,
T., Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Behnke, Y., Lane, R., Lupatini, M.,
Scholten, N., Siegmund, A., Sprenger, S. (2019). Issues in improving geography and earth science teacher education: Results of the #IPGESTE 2016 conference. JOGHE. 43 (3), pp. 299-322.
GeoAgenda, 2018
Viehrig, K., Notter, N., Siegmund¹, A., Hämmerle, M., Fuchs, S., Naumann, S., Väljataga, T., Sav... more Viehrig, K., Notter, N., Siegmund¹, A., Hämmerle, M., Fuchs, S., Naumann, S., Väljataga, T., Savitski, P., Tammets, P., Stych, P., Lastovicka, J. (2018). YCHANGE – Fernerkundung in der Schul- und Lehrerbildung. Geoagenda. 01/2018. pp. 32-33. Fulltext
Praxis Geographie, 2017
Fuchsgruber, V., Schütt, F., Viehrig, K., Wolf, N., Siegmund, A.¹ (2017). Thematische und regiona... more Fuchsgruber, V., Schütt, F., Viehrig, K., Wolf, N., Siegmund, A.¹ (2017). Thematische und regionale Schwerpunkte in deutschen Bildungsplänen – eine bundesweite Vergleichsstudie für das Fach Geographie an Gymnasien [Thematic and regional foci in German curricula – a national comparative study for the subject geography in high stream secondary schools]. Praxis Geographie. 6/2017. pp. 54-56. Link
Bonetti, S., Eichenberger, S., Fischer, D., Fischer, N., Kläy, C.-S., Stadler, I., Strebel, C., W... more Bonetti, S., Eichenberger, S., Fischer, D., Fischer, N., Kläy, C.-S., Stadler, I., Strebel, C., Wyss, H., Zehnder, P. & Viehrig, K. (2020): Lehrpersonen und ausserschulische Lernorte am Beispiel ‘Dark Tourism’: Ein Studierendenprojekt des Kurses FD Geo 2.2 im HS 2019. PH FHNW, Windisch.
cite as:
Billo, Björn; Meier, Sybille; Oswald, Alexandra; von Lewinski, Alexandra;
Wäschle, Calv... more cite as:
Billo, Björn; Meier, Sybille; Oswald, Alexandra; von Lewinski, Alexandra;
Wäschle, Calvin; Zaugg, Stephanie & Viehrig, Kathrin (2019):
Kommen fachdidaktische Forschungsergebnisse in
der Praxis an? Ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls
“Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”

Geographical Education, 2018
Since 2016 an international research process has been underway to design and develop an internati... more Since 2016 an international research process has been underway to design and develop an international geography assessment for implementation in lower secondary education settings. One of the crucial steps in this process is the development and validation of an assessment framework that models the content and cognitive dimensions of geography education to enable internationally valid, reliable, and fair measures of geographic constructs. This paper provides a rationale for an international assessment in geography and reports the findings of foundational research that produced the provisional assessment framework. Our methodology draws on the evidence-centered design to educational assessment development, which involves a sequential approach to domain analysis and modelling. The framework will guide the specifications for tasks and tests, evaluation procedures, and measurement models. The article concludes with a reiteration of the value of an international assessment and an outline of the activities moving forward.
Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Lane, R., Bourke, T., Chang, C.H., & Viehrig, K. (2018). An assessment framework and methodology for a Trends in International Geography Assessment Study (TIGAS). Geographical Education. 31. pp. 7-15

This study constitutes the last of several cycles to develop an assessment instrument for very ba... more This study constitutes the last of several cycles to develop an assessment instrument for very basic systemic thinking/conceptual understanding for kindergarten children (4-to 6-year-olds). It is part of a larger project, which aims at helping students to understand the topic (renewable) energy. The interview assessment used a picture booklet containing items in the areas of water, wind, sun and electric current. Concepts covered were basic natural phenomena and phenomena more specifically related to renewable energy, based on an underlying three-dimensional competence model. Based on Rasch-analysis of data from 100 children, the final competence model is one-dimensional. After a multi-step exclusion of items, the final instrument shows acceptable parameters and is very short (about 6-7 minutes per child) and thus suitable for kindergarten practice. To further enhance suitability, a simple scoring guide for kindergarten teachers to classify children's results to one of the three competence levels was developed, which highly agreed with the Rasch-based classification. There is no significant correlation between achievement and pre-experience , contrary to expectations. There is no significant difference by sex in the achievement results, while as expected there are significant age differences. Additionally, an analysis of selected items provides insights into the children's concepts. Cite as: Viehrig, K., Siegmund, A. (2018): Water, wind & sun in kindergarten: development and empirical validation of an assessment instrument. Working Paper. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12965.96486

In contrast to many of the former curricula, the new Curriculum 21 in Switzerland offers teachers... more In contrast to many of the former curricula, the new Curriculum 21 in Switzerland offers teachers considerable freedom in choosing spatial examples. As part of an educational design research project, this study investigates the reasoning behind pre-service teachers' choices of spatial examples for their own teaching and coursework as well as their interests and wishes for how spatial examples should be chosen for initial teacher training courses. Students in one institution in Switzerland completed an online questionnaire at the end of the autumn term 2015 as well as the spring term 2016. The results indicate that several factors such as e.g. the students' and pupils' interest or being the location of current events are judged as more important than the curriculum both for the students' own choices and for what they wanted the course spatial examples to focus on, although there are some differences between the two areas. Besides helping to understand pre-service teachers' reasoning, the project's results will also add new evidence that can help build a design process for initial teacher training courses in geography.
Note: There was an error in Fig. 3, this has been corrected in this file.
Viehrig, K. (2017). Pre-service geography teachers’ voices on the choice of spatial examples. Results from the first year of an educational design research study. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography. 1, (6), pp. 29-44
Zitieren als:
Fritz, J.M., Gutherz, R., Hutter, C., Krummenacher, S., Skrzypczak, D., Studer, L... more Zitieren als:
Fritz, J.M., Gutherz, R., Hutter, C., Krummenacher, S., Skrzypczak, D., Studer, L., Viehrig, K. (2018): Auswahl von Raumbeispielen durch Geografie- bzw. RZG-Lehrkräfte: ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls “Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”. PH FHNW, Windisch.
Viehrig, K., Siegmund, A¹, Funke, J., Wüstenberg, S., Greiff, S. (in 2017). The Heidelberg invent... more Viehrig, K., Siegmund, A¹, Funke, J., Wüstenberg, S., Greiff, S. (in 2017). The Heidelberg inventory of geographic system competency model. In Leutner, D., Fleischer, J., Grünkorn, J., Klieme, E. (Eds.): Competence Assessment in Education: Research, Models and Instruments. Series: Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Springer. pp. 31-53 (peer-reviewed)
Viehrig, K., Siegenthaler, D., Burri, S. (2016). Presentation of the conference and outlook. GeoA... more Viehrig, K., Siegenthaler, D., Burri, S. (2016). Presentation of the conference and outlook. GeoAgenda 5/2016. p. 8-9.

In J. Lavonen, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, A. Uitto, & K. Hahl (Eds.), Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future. ESERA eProceedings, 2016
A major goal of education in geography and its neighbouring disciplines (e.g. physics, biology) i... more A major goal of education in geography and its neighbouring disciplines (e.g. physics, biology) is to enhance systems thinking, which is important to deal with present and future challenges. Various ways to help achieving this goal have been proposed. The paper wants to show the potential of geographical models to help pupils to improve their systems thinking skills. In general, models can be categorised e.g. based on their function, such as visualisation and knowledge acquisition (Schubert 2013) or on the version used, e.g. hands-on and computer model. Based on the definition of geographic system competency and dimensions of system understanding drawn from the works of Viehrig et al. (in press), Rempfler & Uphues (2012), and Rieß et al. , this paper will then focus on interrelations between model function and system understanding dimensions using concrete examples. Overall, based on practical experiences in using various models in geography education from primary school to university, hands-on, manipulable models seem especially suitable to enhancing pupils' systems thinking, as they not only show the structure or function of objects, but also reveal dynamics in the processeswhich is necessary for higher competency levels. Moreover, model characteristics will be discussed. We are deriving preliminary design criteria for models, inter alia specific to enhancing systems thinking. Examples are the reduction of systems to their key parameters without causing misconceptions or the instruction explicitly pointing the pupils' attention to the parameters and the interactions between them. Despite the fact that system understanding has been a main goal of science education for a long time, there are only few empirical studies examining how and to what extent models help reaching this goal. The paper will conclude with first results of on-going studies testing the influence of model use on pupils' pre-concepts and systems thinking skills.
Geographiedidaktische Forschungsmethoden, 2015
Papers by Kathrin Schulman
Blankman, M., Bourke, T., Brooks, C., Hertig, P., Kerski, J., Kisser,
T., Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Behnke, Y., Lane, R., Lupatini, M.,
Scholten, N., Siegmund, A., Sprenger, S. (2019). Issues in improving geography and earth science teacher education: Results of the #IPGESTE 2016 conference. JOGHE. 43 (3), pp. 299-322.
Billo, Björn; Meier, Sybille; Oswald, Alexandra; von Lewinski, Alexandra;
Wäschle, Calvin; Zaugg, Stephanie & Viehrig, Kathrin (2019):
Kommen fachdidaktische Forschungsergebnisse in
der Praxis an? Ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls
“Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”
Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Lane, R., Bourke, T., Chang, C.H., & Viehrig, K. (2018). An assessment framework and methodology for a Trends in International Geography Assessment Study (TIGAS). Geographical Education. 31. pp. 7-15
Note: There was an error in Fig. 3, this has been corrected in this file.
Viehrig, K. (2017). Pre-service geography teachers’ voices on the choice of spatial examples. Results from the first year of an educational design research study. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography. 1, (6), pp. 29-44
Fritz, J.M., Gutherz, R., Hutter, C., Krummenacher, S., Skrzypczak, D., Studer, L., Viehrig, K. (2018): Auswahl von Raumbeispielen durch Geografie- bzw. RZG-Lehrkräfte: ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls “Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”. PH FHNW, Windisch.
Blankman, M., Bourke, T., Brooks, C., Hertig, P., Kerski, J., Kisser,
T., Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Behnke, Y., Lane, R., Lupatini, M.,
Scholten, N., Siegmund, A., Sprenger, S. (2019). Issues in improving geography and earth science teacher education: Results of the #IPGESTE 2016 conference. JOGHE. 43 (3), pp. 299-322.
Billo, Björn; Meier, Sybille; Oswald, Alexandra; von Lewinski, Alexandra;
Wäschle, Calvin; Zaugg, Stephanie & Viehrig, Kathrin (2019):
Kommen fachdidaktische Forschungsergebnisse in
der Praxis an? Ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls
“Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”
Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Lane, R., Bourke, T., Chang, C.H., & Viehrig, K. (2018). An assessment framework and methodology for a Trends in International Geography Assessment Study (TIGAS). Geographical Education. 31. pp. 7-15
Note: There was an error in Fig. 3, this has been corrected in this file.
Viehrig, K. (2017). Pre-service geography teachers’ voices on the choice of spatial examples. Results from the first year of an educational design research study. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography. 1, (6), pp. 29-44
Fritz, J.M., Gutherz, R., Hutter, C., Krummenacher, S., Skrzypczak, D., Studer, L., Viehrig, K. (2018): Auswahl von Raumbeispielen durch Geografie- bzw. RZG-Lehrkräfte: ein Studierendenprojekt im Rahmen des Moduls “Spezifische Aspekte geografiedidaktischer Forschung”. PH FHNW, Windisch.