Клиника за очне болести, Клинички центар, Ниш, Србија; 2 Клиника за очне болести, Клинички центар Србије, Београд, Србија УВОД Стра на те ла у ин тра о ку лар ним струк ту рама се бе ле же у око 40% свих пе не трант них по вре да ока.... more
Universities are primary sources of new knowledge production and innovation in Serbia and crucial element for technological change in vital segments of economy. Therefore knowledge and technology transfer from universities is an extremely... more
age groups. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of medical charts of patients who were hospitalized due to airsoft guns ocular injuries in ten-year period (from 2000 to 2009). Patient's age, gender, duration of hospitalization, type... more
GL2011 is a naturally occurring thiol compound and a series of thiol compounds have been proposed as radioprotectors. Radioprotective efficacy of a triple intraperitoneal dose of GL2011 of 100 mg/kg body weight of Wistar rats, 30 min... more
Typical data mining algorithms follow a so called "black-box" paradigm, where the logic is hidden from the user not to overburden him. We show that "white-box" algorithms constructed with reusable components design can have significant... more
Background In traffic accidents, eye injuries occur as isolated or with polytrauma. They may involve just one eye, but simultaneous injuries to both eyes do happen occasionally. The aim of our paper was to reveal the risk factors, in an... more
University students are usually taught data mining through black-box data mining algorithms, which hide the algorithm's details from the user and optionally allow parameter adjustment. This minimizes the effort required to use these... more
Many decision tree algorithms were proposed over the last few decades. A lack of publishing standards for decision tree algorithm software produced a large time gap between algorithm proposals and their wider application in practice.... more
It is expected in the future that Robots will be reliable partners of humans in accomplishing different activities and thereby to express high degree of mutual understanding, compatibility and coordination between each-other. In that... more
We propose a method for designing a partitioning clustering algorithm from reusable components that is suitable for finding the appropriate number of clusters (K) in microarray data. The proposed method is evaluated on 10 datasets (4... more
In this study we investigate the scientific output of Yugoslavia and its successor republics viz.
Po vre de or bi te oka iza zva ne pro di ra wem i zadr ža va wem stra nog te la ni su ta ko èe ste. Sva ka pe ne tri ra ju aea po vre da kod ko je se sum wa na posto ja we stra nog te la u or bi ti je te ška i va žna, ka ko s kli niè kog... more
In sti tut za oè ne bo le sti "Prof. dr Ðor ðe Ne šiae", Kli niè ki cen tar Sr bi je, Be o grad KRATAK SADRŽAJ: Ciq ra da je pri kaz us peš no spro ve de ne de kom pre si je or bi te kod or bi tal nog he ma to ma. Muš ka rac star 51 go... more
Uvod U radu su analizirani neki od faktora koji su značajni za nastanak mehaničkih povreda očne jabučice. Ciq rada Osnovni ciq ove analize je prevencija i smawewe broja povreda oka. Metod rada Analizirane su mehaničke povrede oka kod... more