Papers by Erico Przeybilovicz
15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
The Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities is a democratic political document that expresses a public... more The Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities is a democratic political document that expresses a public agenda for the digital transformation of cities. It was done collectively by people from various sectors of society. The objective is to help Brazil take a firm step towards better cities for people.
A Carta Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes é um documento político democrático que expressa uma a... more A Carta Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes é um documento político democrático que expressa uma agenda pública para a transformação digital das cidades. Foi feito coletivamente por pessoas de vários setores da sociedade. O objetivo é ajudar o Brasil a dar um passo firme em direção a cidades melhores para as pessoas.
La Carta Brasileña para Ciudades Inteligentes es un documento político democrático que expresa un... more La Carta Brasileña para Ciudades Inteligentes es un documento político democrático que expresa una agenda pública para la transformación digital de las ciudades. Fue elaborada colectivamente por personas de diversos sectores de la sociedad, el objetivo es ayudar a Brasil a dar un paso firme hacia ciudades mejores para las personas.
This study investigates the infrastructure characteristics and use of information and communicati... more This study investigates the infrastructure characteristics and use of information and communication technologies of Brazilian municipalities reflecting on the possibility of developing e-government and smart cities actions. A quantitative study of cluster analysis, using data from the research "Munic 2014", identified four clusters: the Technologyless, the Concerned-on citizen, the Concerned-on legislation, and the ICT Supported, that suggest different courses of action in ICT. Each group of municipalities presents different needs for the development of e-government and smart cities actions that indicate the need for specific actions for each of the four clusters.

Revista de Direito da Cidade, 2021
Resumo O artigo se propos a debater a exclusao digital e suas implicacoes para o direito a cidade... more Resumo O artigo se propos a debater a exclusao digital e suas implicacoes para o direito a cidade, considerando os modelos de cidades inteligentes. Ja que o principal aspecto inovador nesses modelos de cidades e a mediacao da gestao e da vida urbana por TICs, o debate foi feito tomando como exemplo iniciativas de ensino remoto e o acesso ao auxilio emergencial do governo federal no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 – dois direitos mediados por TICs. Essa escolha foi feita porque a exclusao nao e um fenomeno recente, mas tornou-se mais evidente devido a necessidade de isolamento social. A analise dos exemplos escolhidos foi feita com base no exame de material bibliografico e midia de noticias. A conclusao principal e a de que em cenarios como o brasileiro, com forte e historica desigualdade, a utilizacao de TICs para mediacao de direitos, inclusive o direito a cidade, pode acabar reproduzindo processos de exclusao social, ressignificados agora em exclusao digital. Nesse sentido, enten...

Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2014
ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the profile of the municipalities of Paraná State, Brazil, c... more ABSTRACT This study aims to identify the profile of the municipalities of Paraná State, Brazil, concerning the use and infrastructure of information and communications technology (ICT). For this purpose, a quantitative study was conducted using multivariate data analysis techniques. The data are secondary and were obtained through a Municipal Basic Information Study (MUNIC) conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2012. The main elements of the analysis were the ICT infrastructure of local governments and authorities, the internet access infrastructure of municipalities, e-administration and e-service resources, communication with the public, the accessibility of sites for people with special needs and digital inclusion. Socio-economic indicators were also used, including the Municipal Human Development Index (HDI-M), per capita income and population size. The main result was the identification of five distinct municipal profiles in terms of ICT use and infrastructure. The size of a town is not a determining factor for local governments to use and make web based services available to its citizens. Many towns remain lacking in basic infrastructure, with every profile showing different needs. As a result, there are a few strong patterns of e-government development and local conditions that could be treated as the foundation for some different policy packages that would be appropriate in these five situations.

International Journal of E-Planning Research, 2015
This study explore ICT infrastructure in the towns of Paraná State, reflecting on the potential a... more This study explore ICT infrastructure in the towns of Paraná State, reflecting on the potential and limits of ICT in the local government and the possibilities of these cities developing into smart cities. A quantitative study was conducted using multivariate data analysis techniques. The data are secondary and were obtained through a Municipal Basic Information Study in Brazil in 2012. The main result was the identification of five distinct municipal clusters in terms of ICT use and infrastructure. The size of a town is not a determining factor for towns to use and make web based services available to its citizens. Many towns remain lacking in basic infrastructure, with every profile showing different needs. There are a few strong patterns of eGov development and local conditions that could be treated as the foundation for some different policy packages that would be appropriate in these five situations. There are aspects that characterize the challenges and potential of towns than...

Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2017
In this paper, we identify the essential organizational characteristics of local government that ... more In this paper, we identify the essential organizational characteristics of local government that are crucial for smart urban governance. To do, we conducted a systematic review of 96 articles on this theme. Through a qualitative analysis of these articles, we identified three main characteristics. The first is that governance is related to the nature of the relationship among individuals, interest groups, institutions, and government. It can be participative, collaborative or co-creative, and its mechanisms can be online, offline or a combination of both. The second is assets, which are useful or valuable elements providing support to smart urban governance projects in the form of funding, technology and human capital. The third includes management, involving elements of strategy and the positioning of local public administration, such as suitability in a legal context, vision and leadership, principles, project design, communication, strategy and also organizational and cultural el...

The purpose of this study was to develop a method to seek information for organization of civilia... more The purpose of this study was to develop a method to seek information for organization of civilian society to monitor public budgeting. To this end, a methodological approach based on Design Science Research through the building of artifacts was used, making theoretical and practical contributions to the field. The research question that guided the study was: how can a civil society organization monitor the achievement of public policy goals using information available on transparency websites? The objects of the study were the National Education Plan (NEP), which sets the goals for the development of education in Brazil, and the public budget of the federal government. By constructing the method, it was possible to deduce some aspects regarding the implications of transparency for the monitoring and projection of public policies. In the context in question, budget transparency was scarce on the websites. When monitoring is possible, society is interested in using budget transparenc...

Inf. Polity, 2021
In this study, a method was developed to allow a civil society organization to seek public budget... more In this study, a method was developed to allow a civil society organization to seek public budget information using open government data (OGD) available on platforms. Accordingly, an empirical study was conducted based on Design Science Research (DSR) to address how to monitor the future outcome of national education policy through e-transparency tools. The method designed, represented in a flowchart tool, revealed some aspects regarding the implications of e-transparency for the monitoring and projection of public policy accomplishment, identifying and addressing five constraints for the use of OGD platforms: granularity, traceability, correlation, accessibility, and usability. When monitoring is possible, civil society is interested in using the information to project the future outcomes of public policy rather than monitor the past, which creates a feature in envisioning the future public policy accomplishment.

This study aims to identify how the field of studies of electronic government is structured in Br... more This study aims to identify how the field of studies of electronic government is structured in Brazil. For this purpose, a bibliometric and sociometric study was conducted, analyzing 124 articles published in the proceedings of conferences and in Brazilian journals from 2007 to 2012. The main elements of the analysis were the volume of publications per year, the location of the publications and the conceptual and substantive domains of the studies, the methodological approaches used and the network of cooperation between authors and institutions. One of the findings of the study was that the production of works was prolific, but it was not possible to determine whether studies of electronic government were increasing or in decline because of the non-uniform behavior of the volume of publications. There was also little use of a conceptual domain or a clear position regarding the theoretical domain, with discussions being limited to the substantive domain. Finally, cooperation between...
This study investigates the infrastructure characteristics and use of information and communicati... more This study investigates the infrastructure characteristics and use of information and communication technologies of Brazilian municipalities reflecting on the possibility of developing e-government and smart cities actions. A quantitative study of cluster analysis, using data from the research “Munic 2014”, identified four clusters: the Technologyless, the Concerned-on citizen, the Concerned-on legislation, and the ICT Supported, that suggest different courses of action in ICT. Each group of municipalities presents different needs for the development of e-government and smart cities actions that indicate the need for specific actions for each of the four clusters.
Papers by Erico Przeybilovicz
publications and the conceptual and substantive domains of the studies, the methodological approaches used and the network of cooperation between authors and institutions. One of the findings of the study was that the production of works was prolific, but it was not possible to determine whether studies of electronic government were increasing or in decline because of the
non-uniform behavior of the volume of publications. There was also little use of a conceptual domain or a clear position regarding the theoretical domain, with discussions being limited to the
substantive domain. Finally, cooperation between authors remains limited to a small number of relationship networks. However, the opposite was true when it came to cooperation between iinstitutions, for which there is a large network and room for other institutions to join.
O livro divide-se em cinco capítulos que abordam os seguintes temas:
1. Encontro de duas tendências. A urbanização e a revolução digital, assim como as tendências e perspectivas em torno da smart city
2. Smart city no Brasil. Cidades superam os problemas históricos e resolvem novos desafios postos pela urbanização.
3. Visão do cidadão. A percepção e expectativa do cidadão brasileiro sobre a smart city, com base em pesquisa quantitativa.
4. Roteiro para smart city: da estratégia à implementação. A partir de entrevistas com gestores públicos e especialistas, desenha-se um possível caminho para a construção da smart city brasileira.
5. Soluções tecnológicas por tema. Uma descrição do contexto por temas da gestão da cidade, apresentando soluções tecnológicas possíveis e já aplicadas.
Por fim, nos apêndices, apresentam-se casos internacionais de projetos e iniciativas relevantes, algumas iniciativas governamentais e não governamentais brasileiras de
articulação em torno do tema de smart city, e os procedimentos metodológicos que orientaram a pesquisa que sustenta este livro.
Em 2015, duas pesquisas foram conduzidas simultaneamente no Brasil e na Espanha, com pequenas variações nos procedimentos metodológicos. O conteúdo do livro foi
embasado nos resultados da pesquisa realizada no Brasil. No entanto, há referências a resultados, casos e entrevistados na Espanha, com o objetivo de enriquecer a descrição de conceitos ou para serem ilustrações práticas e exemplos ao longo do texto.