Biological Sciences by Marcio Onodera
Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2010
We present a computer program developed for estimating penetrance rates in autosomal dominant dis... more We present a computer program developed for estimating penetrance rates in autosomal dominant diseases by means of family kinship and phenotype information contained within the pedigrees. The program also determines the exact 95% credibility interval for the penetrance estimate. Both executable (PenCalc for Windows) and web versions (PenCalcWeb) of the software are available. The web version enables further calculations, such as heterozygosity probabilities and assessment of offspring risks for all individuals in the pedigrees. Both programs can be accessed and down-loaded freely at the home-page address
Blockchain by Marcio Onodera

Anais do I Workshop em Blockchain: Teoria, Tecnologias e Aplicações. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018
Este artigo descreve uma proposta de criação de token dentro de uma infraestrutura de blockchain ... more Este artigo descreve uma proposta de criação de token dentro de uma infraestrutura de blockchain para rastrear o caminho dos recursos do BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social). Além de transparência para a sociedade ao longo do repasse de recursos entre as pessoas jurídicas apoiadas, a proposta pode gerar insumos para criação de novos produtos de financiamento, simplificar o acompanhamento das operações e produzir dados para subsidiar análise agregada dos benefícios originados pelos empréstimos do banco.
This paper proposes the creation of a token within a blockchain structure to track the flow of funding disbursements of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). Besides bringing transparency to society regarding disbursements for the supported corporations, the proposal may generate inputs for the creation of new financing products; simplify the operations monitoring, and produce data to subsidze aggregated analysis of the benefits originated by BNDES loans.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), 2018
This paper describes a proposal for a process of lending, monitoring and evaluating development p... more This paper describes a proposal for a process of lending, monitoring and evaluating development projects in the Brazilian Development Bank using blockchain technology. After highlighting the difficulties to implement this proposal, this paper also discusses what can be done as a transition process and outlines what have already been done. The proposals increase transparency of public money allocation, simplify manual activities, reduce operational costs and produce data to support aggregate analysis of the benefits arising from the bank's loans.
Biological Sciences by Marcio Onodera
Blockchain by Marcio Onodera
This paper proposes the creation of a token within a blockchain structure to track the flow of funding disbursements of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). Besides bringing transparency to society regarding disbursements for the supported corporations, the proposal may generate inputs for the creation of new financing products; simplify the operations monitoring, and produce data to subsidze aggregated analysis of the benefits originated by BNDES loans.
This paper proposes the creation of a token within a blockchain structure to track the flow of funding disbursements of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). Besides bringing transparency to society regarding disbursements for the supported corporations, the proposal may generate inputs for the creation of new financing products; simplify the operations monitoring, and produce data to subsidze aggregated analysis of the benefits originated by BNDES loans.