Thesis Chapters by Izabelle Vieira

In recent years, Brazil has had a significant change in their socio-economic composition, in whic... more In recent years, Brazil has had a significant change in their socio-economic composition, in which the poorest layers of the population now have an increase in income. The improvement in socioeconomic conditions of this population group represents a profound social change, with implications for patterns and consumption levels of Brazilian society. This phenomenon occurs in a scenario where environmental problems gain public notoriety and speech that advocates the responsibility of the State, enterprises and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in solving them shall include the individual's role in their daily practices, including consuming practices. From real examples of subjects that make up the phenomenon of the rise of popular Brazilian layers, we sought to investigate whether and how these subjects are positioned, particularly in relation to their consumption habits, opposite the new morality established by the discourse of sustainable consumption. The subjects were selected by the criteria of income, occupations and consumption potential. Research methods included participant observation and in depth interviews and was conducted with four housing units located in the Jacarepaguá neighborhood, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). It were taken based on the behaviors of sustainable consumption recommended by an institution that, in theory, represent the three sectors of society (state, market and civil society). The study revealed that these behaviors confront the conceptions of the subject that have come to be normal, especially in regard to cleanliness, to comfort, practicality and dedication to family. Together, these factors prefigure as primordial and limit the adoption of individual actions as sustainable.
Papers by Izabelle Vieira

Policy Research Brief, 2016
Studies and research have shown that the development strategies put in place in recent years have... more Studies and research have shown that the development strategies put in place in recent years have led to a decrease in poverty in Brazil (Nunes et al. 2014). However, the country's poverty profile remains unaltered, with the highest rates of poverty and extreme poverty found in the North and Northeast regions of the country. The number of poor individuals in the Northeast is still disproportionately high relative to the overall population distribution: in 1995 the region was home to around 45 per cent of the poor people in the countryand remained so between 2004 and 2013-while the region accounts for about 30 per cent of Brazil's total population. This situation is also observed in rural and agricultural settings, where the incidence of poverty is higher than in urban areas, highlighting the challenges involved in overcoming poverty: one must look beyond economic growth and income transfers and overcome the voices that advocate, for these contexts, a model similar to the South-Central region of Brazil. Data and studies on the Northeast and North regions have highlighted the need to ensure and understand instruments such as land ownership, credit, market access and others, so that economic dynamism may be effectively expanded for the purposes of development, based on specific local characteristics.
One Pager Portuguese, 2015

Publications, 2015
Studies and research have shown that the development strategies put in place in recent years have... more Studies and research have shown that the development strategies put in place in recent years have led to a decrease in poverty in Brazil (Nunes et al. 2014). However, the country's poverty profile remains unaltered, with the highest rates of poverty and extreme poverty found in the North and Northeast regions of the country. The number of poor individuals in the Northeast is still disproportionately high relative to the overall population distribution: in 1995 the region was home to around 45 per cent of the poor people in the countryand remained so between 2004 and 2013-while the region accounts for about 30 per cent of Brazil's total population. This situation is also observed in rural and agricultural settings, where the incidence of poverty is higher than in urban areas, highlighting the challenges involved in overcoming poverty: one must look beyond economic growth and income transfers and overcome the voices that advocate, for these contexts, a model similar to the South-Central region of Brazil. Data and studies on the Northeast and North regions have highlighted the need to ensure and understand instruments such as land ownership, credit, market access and others, so that economic dynamism may be effectively expanded for the purposes of development, based on specific local characteristics.

"This One Pager synthesises the key findings of a study regarding the main programmes aimed ... more "This One Pager synthesises the key findings of a study regarding the main programmes aimed at rural development and rural poverty reduction, most notably in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The resources allocated by public social policies?welfare and labour benefits (retirement pensions, grants), cash transfers (Beneficio de Prestacao Continuada, Bolsa Familia, Bolsa Verde)?and those targeting family farmers (PRONAF, Garantia Safra, Programa de Aquisicao de Alimentos (PAA), Programa Nacional de Alimentacao Escolar (PNAE) and Cisternas) add up to almost BRL350 billion a year, of which BRL140 billion targets rural areas and producers (which reflects the increased social importance of family farmers and the rural population as a whole). For methodological reasons, this budget does not include expenditures related to land reform, public health, education or infrastructure." (...)
Research Papers in Economics, 2015
"Este artigo sintetiza conclusoes-chave do estudo sobre os principais programas nacionais vo... more "Este artigo sintetiza conclusoes-chave do estudo sobre os principais programas nacionais voltados ao desenvolvimento rural e combate a pobreza no campo, notadamente nas regioes Norte e Nordeste. Foram considerados dois tipos de politicas: 1) as voltadas a melhoria do acesso a terra e de apoio a producao da agricultura familiar; e 2) as de protecao social, notadamente, a previdencia e a assistencia social." (...)

In recent years, Brazil and other emerging economies are showing a significant change in their so... more In recent years, Brazil and other emerging economies are showing a significant change in their socio-economic composition, which highlights the increasing income of the poorest sectors of the population. Some Brazilian authors claim that such economic improvement fosters the emergence of a "new middle class", prompting a debate on such socioeconomic changes, and on the very concept of social class, as this concept is not consensual within the Brazilian social scientists. Regardless of the classification which assigns to this stratum of the population, this represents a profound change in Brazilian society, with implications for their consumption patterns. This phenomenon occurs in a scenario where environmental issues gain public notoriety and the discourses that advocates the responsibility of the State, enterprises and non-governmental organizations to address them now include the role of the individual in their daily practices, including that related to consumption. So,...

A campanha “Saco é um Saco”, lançada em 2009 pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente com o
objetivo de c... more A campanha “Saco é um Saco”, lançada em 2009 pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente com o
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas
Thesis Chapters by Izabelle Vieira
Papers by Izabelle Vieira
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas