Papers by Alessandro Matheus M A R Q U E S Marques Santos

A proteção da microempresa e da empresa de pequeno porte: interseções entre o direito civil e o direito empresarial brasileiro, 2015
O presente artigo versa sobre as interseções entre o direito civil e o direito comercial utilizad... more O presente artigo versa sobre as interseções entre o direito civil e o direito comercial utilizadas como base para a qualificação das micro e pequenas empresas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Trata-se de um estudo que se utilizou de fontes doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais. A investigação desenvolve uma análise dos elementos societários sobre os quais se assenta o conceito legal de microempresa e empresa de pequeno porte de acordo com a LC 123/2006, perpassando uma análise das raízes históricas dessa base. Nessa linha de reflexão, busca-se esclarecer qual a natureza constitucional da proteção às microempresas. Ao final, o estudo apresenta o modo pelo qual as normas previstas no Código Civil brasileiro interagem com as disposições do Estatuto das MPEs e com as previsões da Constituição Federal de 1988, materializando os seus princípios em regras.

This study seeks to address the legal aspects of contracting public events in Brazil, considering... more This study seeks to address the legal aspects of contracting public events in Brazil, considering as such those events in which organization or sponsorship procedures are made by the Public Administration (direct or indirect) within States and Municipalities for the local calendar of festivities. The research explores sponsorship and organization contracts inside 5 (five) of the largest street carnivals in Brazil through a case study, seeking to describe the mechanics adopted in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and São Paulo since 2016 until 2020. In this field, the investigation lists some of the main problems faced by public managers, organizers and sponsors of those events taking into account the current hiring models. For that purpose, the investigation reviews practical reports (interviews), analysis of administrative hiring procedures, positions of the control bodies (Courts of Auditors, District Attorney’s positions), and both State and Supreme Court decisions. The central research hypothesis resides in the mismatch of the normative environment offered by the Brazilian public contracting legislation versus the gradual increase in complexity and sophistication related to public events organization. The study seeks to describe how the Public Administration choose a path for the contraction public events, searching for legal certainty and without looking for an exhaustive model in legal typicality to solve the problem. At the end, the study seeks to point out the best practices adopted in the public and private sectors involving the contracting of public events in Brazil.
Congreso Internacional de Drecho Civil Octavo Centenario de La Universidad de Salamanca, 2018
The advertising industry is, today, one of the largest in the world. It is responsible for millio... more The advertising industry is, today, one of the largest in the world. It is responsible for millionaire investments from companies that want to gain space in the Spanish and Brazilian competitive market.However, the advertising phenomenon isn’t new in these two countries, considering that the first laws on this matter were approved in the 60’s of the 20th century and continue to generate doctrinal and jurisprudential discussions. This research aims to present the main aspects of approach and distinction of Advertising Law in Brazil and Spain, from a comparative perspective, and also debate the specific legal discipline of the sponsorship contract, using for this purpose bibliographic and jurisprudential sources.

A Lei das Empresas Juniores: estudos sobre o marco legal da educação empreendedora no ensino superior, 2016
Esta investigação busca contextualizar a discussão legislativa em torno do art. 9º da Lei Federal... more Esta investigação busca contextualizar a discussão legislativa em torno do art. 9º da Lei Federal 13.267/2019, o qual foi incorporado como emenda parlamentar no âmbito da Comissão de Educação da Câmara dos Deputados. O referido artigo busca criar um conjunto de regras para o reconhecimento de uma empresa júnior perante uma instituição de ensino superior (IES) pública ou privada no Brasil e, desse modo, traça contornos gerais para a relação jurídica entre estas instituições e as empresas juniores. A pesquisa foi produzida a partir da experiência no debate legislativo transcorrido entre os anos de 2012 e 2016 no Congresso Nacional e avança em prol da coexistência entre autonomia universitária e independência das entidades estudantis para a concretização do projeto extensão universitária promovido pelas empresas juniores.
Empresa Júnior: aspectos jurídicos, políticos e sociais, 2012
This article seeks to demonstrate the scope of the tax immunity of junior enterprises association... more This article seeks to demonstrate the scope of the tax immunity of junior enterprises associations as educational entities that are part of the non-profit sector. Tax immunity is a fundamental right recognized by the Brazilian Constitution for some legal entities due to their corporate purpose. The research seeks to contextualize the junior enterprises as civil associations that are part of the non-profit sector and that carry out academic extension activities in Brazilian higher education institutions. At the end, the article lists the scope of this tax protection and the requirements that need to be met by legal entities with an educational purpose in order to enjoy this benefit.
Papers by Alessandro Matheus M A R Q U E S Marques Santos