Papers by Thierry Simo Kenmogne

Advances in Research
The main aim of this study was to determine the quality of vegetable oils consumed by the populat... more The main aim of this study was to determine the quality of vegetable oils consumed by the population in Yaoundé. The study was carried out on 14 vegetable oils sampled following a survey. The antioxidant potentials of these oils were analyzed using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, FRAP total antioxidant capacity. The concentrations of some heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Fe) were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion. The acid and peroxide values were assessed using methods described by the Cameroonian standard on vegetable oils. The sample included 8 brands of which, 5 of refined palm oil, 4 of soybean oil, 1 brand of cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, and cold extracted olive oil, red palm oil bleached palm oil each. The antioxidant activity showed a good correlation, with red palm oil having the greatest antioxidant potential and bleached palm oil having the least antioxidant potential. The Pb, Cu, and Fe contents had the following conformities: 71.4%...
Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice ... more Améliorer le ciblage des politiques publiques pour une économie solide, inclusive et génératrice d'emplois décents en Afrique

short research article Manaoda et al. , 2021
The main aim of this study was to determine the quality of vegetable oils consumed by the populat... more The main aim of this study was to determine the quality of vegetable oils consumed by the population in Yaoundé. The study was carried out on 14 vegetable oils sampled following a survey. The antioxidant potentials of these oils were analyzed using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, FRAP total antioxidant capacity. The concentrations of some heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Fe) were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion. The acid and peroxide values were assessed using methods described by the Cameroonian standard on vegetable oils. The sample included 8 brands of which, 5 of refined palm oil, 4 of soybean oil, 1 brand of cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, and cold extracted olive oil, red palm oil bleached palm oil each. The antioxidant activity showed a good correlation, with red palm oil having the greatest antioxidant potential and bleached palm oil having the least antioxidant potential. The Pb, Cu, and Fe contents Short Research Article

Most fatty acids or lipids are involved in the maintenance of membrane structures and in the surv... more Most fatty acids or lipids are involved in the maintenance of membrane structures and in the survival of the plant at low temperature. These include conjugated or non-conjugated, trans fatty acids, short-, medium and long-chain saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (omega-7 and omega-9), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (omega-3 and omega-6). PUFA are indispensable for the proper functioning of the brain, the eyes, and the entire nervous system. However, uncontrolled intake of dietary lipids constitute a major health risk factor since they are associated with cardiovascular diseases (related to blood cholesterol levels), cancers, stroke, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and atherosclerosis, as well as ischemia-reperfusion injury and dementia risk. This paper presents the health effects of individual fatty acids and the interplay between them with a special focus on palm oil due to controversy on its dietary quality. The importance of some fatty...

Saudi Journal of Medicine, 2020
Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and thos... more Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and those containing caffeine. Their specific denomination may be replaced by another, which is either usual or descriptive such as "refreshing drink", "table drink" or "drink made from ..." that allows consumers to know the real nature of the beverage and to distinguish it from others. The quality of these dubious products is still poorly known although in terms of cost, they remain very accessible to any Cameroonian eager to quench their thirst. This experimental study focused on the analysis of the labeling compliance of non-alcoholic and non-carbonated flavored drinks marketed in plastic bags in Douala. This was assessed using an index card based on the codex standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods. A total of 50 samples of these quality requirements defined by Codex Alimentarius standards for drinks were analyzed and the results showed a 53% non-compliance rate. This high rate of non-compliance in pre-packaged food aimed at human consumption calls for a review of sanctions and better control of drinks sold in the streets of Douala.

Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, 2017
Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and thos... more Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and those containing caffeine. Their specific naming may be replaced by another, which is either usual or descriptive, such as "refreshing drink", "table drink" or "drink made from ..." that allows consumers to know the real nature of the beverage and to distinguish it from others. The quality of these dubious products is still poorly known although in terms of cost, they remain very accessible to the market. The objective of this experimental study was to contribute in improving awareness on the quality of these consumption items, by conducting physicochemical and microbiological analyzes of non-alcoholic and non-carbonated flavored beverages marketed in plastic bags in Douala, Cameroon. The physicochemical properties were evaluated by means of volumetric analysis, potentiometry, refractometry, titratable acidity and SO 2 and vitamin C contents. Microbiological properties were assessed by performing a search for yeasts, molds and coliforms which sometimes act as antiseptic agents, such as ascorbic acid and citric acid. It would be necessary to review the production processes of these beverages as well as the enforcement of sanctions in salmonella and sulfate-reducing clostridium. Analyzes were performed on 50 samples in total. The results showed that 10% of the brands samples did not comply with the physicochemical quality standards. All brands samples met microbiological quality requirements, mainly due to a pH below 3 and the presence of preservatives with antiseptic properties. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that these drinks do not comply with the quality requirements defined by the standards for foodstuffs intended for human consumption. It would be of utmost importance to make improvements to the standards, the application of sanctions and to the production of better quality drinks, in order to ensure good food security for consumers.

Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences, 2019
Les huiles végétales raffinées sont des sources d'énergie, d'acides gras essentiels, d'antioxydan... more Les huiles végétales raffinées sont des sources d'énergie, d'acides gras essentiels, d'antioxydants et de vitamines liposolubles. Elles permettent de lutter contre la malnutrition et le vieillissement cellulaire. Les mauvaises conditions d'extraction, de raffinage, de conservation et de stockage peuvent altérer l'identité et la qualité de ces produits. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer l'origine et l'identité de 56 échantillons d'huiles végétales commercialisées à Douala. Pour ce faire nous avons étudié la représentativité des variétés d'huiles sur le marché et leur origine, l'indice d'iode, l'indice de saponification et la conformité de l'étiquetage. Les résultats montrent que le marché des huiles végétales raffinées est dominé par les produits importés avec 57,2% de part de marché. Moins de 30% des échantillons analysés étaient conformes à la norme camerounaise NC 04 :2000-20sur l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires pré emballées. Aucun échantillon analysé n'a eu un indice d'iode, ni de saponification, conforme à la norme du Codex Alimentarius et la norme camerounaise NC 77 : 2002-03, REV.1. de 2011 portant sur les huiles végétales enrichies en vitamine A. Les huiles raffinées analysées auraient été adultérées ou auraient subies une altération avancée par le phénomène d'auto oxydation catalysé par la chaleur. Elles ne seraient pas des corps gras purs. Cette étude suggère que des efforts considérables doivent être entrepris en plus des acquis dont dispose le Cameroun dans le domaine du contrôle de qualité des denrées alimentaires. Mots clés. Huiles végétales, Contrôle Qualité, Norme, Conformité d'étiquetage.

Ntsomboh-Ntsefong Godswill et al.: Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on Human Health: Focus on Palm oil from Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and Useful Recommendations, 2016
Most fatty acids or lipids are involved in the maintenance of membrane structures and in the surv... more Most fatty acids or lipids are involved in the maintenance of membrane structures and in the survival of the plant at low temperature. These include conjugated or non-conjugated, trans fatty acids, short-, medium and long-chain saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (omega-7 and omega-9), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (omega-3 and omega-6). PUFA are indispensable for the proper functioning of the brain, the eyes, and the entire nervous system. However, uncontrolled intake of dietary lipids constitute a major health risk factor since they are associated with cardiovascular diseases (related to blood cholesterol levels), cancers, stroke, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and atherosclerosis, as well as ischemia-reperfusion injury and dementia risk. This paper presents the health effects of individual fatty acids and the interplay between them with a special focus on palm oil due to controversy on its dietary quality. The importance of some fatty acids is highlighted with strategies for improving dietary quality of oil through breeding and mutagenesis. Recommended optimal dietary fat profile is also presented with reference to standard norms or the position of some international health organisations. It is hoped that this paper will improve understanding on the effects and importance of dietary fatty acids especially of palm oil on human health.

Ngoule Charles Christian et al.; Saudi J Med, April., 2020; 5(4): 205-208, 2020
Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and thos... more Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and those containing caffeine. Their specific denomination may be replaced by another, which is either usual or descriptive such as "refreshing drink", "table drink" or "drink made from ..." that allows consumers to know the real nature of the beverage and to distinguish it from others. The quality of these dubious products is still poorly known although in terms of cost, they remain very accessible to any Cameroonian eager to quench their thirst. This experimental study focused on the analysis of the labeling compliance of non-alcoholic and non-carbonated flavored drinks marketed in plastic bags in Douala. This was assessed using an index card based on the codex standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods. A total of 50 samples of these quality requirements defined by Codex Alimentarius standards for drinks were analyzed and the results showed a 53% non-compliance rate. This high rate of non-compliance in prepackaged food aimed at human consumption calls for a review of sanctions and better control of drinks sold in the streets of Douala.

Bamal Hans-Denis et al; Saudi J Pathol Microbiol, May., 2020; 5(5): 252-256, 2020
Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and thos... more Flavored drinks are substances to be prepared or ready for consumption, including syrups and those containing caffeine. Their specific naming may be replaced by another, which is either usual or descriptive, such as "refreshing drink", "table drink" or "drink made from ..." that allows consumers to know the real nature of the beverage and to distinguish it from others. The quality of these dubious products is still poorly known although in terms of cost, they remain very accessible to the market. The objective of this experimental study was to contribute in improving awareness on the quality of these consumption items, by conducting physicochemical and microbiological analyzes of non-alcoholic and non-carbonated flavored beverages marketed in plastic bags in Douala, Cameroon. The physicochemical properties were evaluated by means of volumetric analysis, potentiometry, refractometry, titratable acidity and SO 2 and vitamin C contents. Microbiological properties were assessed by performing a search for yeasts, molds and coliforms which sometimes act as antiseptic agents, such as ascorbic acid and citric acid. It would be necessary to review the production processes of these beverages as well as the enforcement of sanctions in salmonella and sulfate-reducing clostridium. Analyzes were performed on 50 samples in total. The results showed that 10% of the brands samples did not comply with the physicochemical quality standards. All brands samples met microbiological quality requirements, mainly due to a pH below 3 and the presence of preservatives with antiseptic properties. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that these drinks do not comply with the quality requirements defined by the standards for foodstuffs intended for human consumption. It would be of utmost importance to make improvements to the standards, the application of sanctions and to the production of better quality drinks, in order to ensure good food security for consumers.
Kenmogne et al. Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences Vol. 15 No. 1, 2019
Les maladies d'origine alimentaire sont répandues partout dans le monde et entraînent des million... more Les maladies d'origine alimentaire sont répandues partout dans le monde et entraînent des millions de morts chaque année (FAO 2008). Dans les pays en développement,

Les maladies d'origine alimentaire sont répandues partout dans le monde et entraînent des million... more Les maladies d'origine alimentaire sont répandues partout dans le monde et entraînent des millions de morts chaque année (FAO 2008). Dans les pays en développement, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) estime que les aliments contaminés sont à l'origine de 1,5 milliard d'épisodes diarrhéiques chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans et d'au moins 1,8 million de morts chaque Résumé Les huiles végétales raffinées sont des sources d'énergie, d'acides gras essentiels, d'antioxydants et de vitamines liposolubles. Elles permettent de lutter contre la malnutrition et le vieillissement cellulaire. Les mauvaises conditions d'extraction, de raffinage, de conservation et de stockage peuvent altérer l'identité et la qualité de ces produits. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer l'origine et l'identité de 56 échantillons d'huiles végétales commercialisées à Douala. Pour ce faire nous avons étudié la représentativité des variétés d'huiles sur le marché et leur origine, l'indice d'iode, l'indice de saponification et la conformité de l'étiquetage. Les résultats montrent que le marché des huiles végétales raffinées est dominé par les produits importés avec 57,2% de part de marché. Moins de 30% des échantillons analysés étaient conformes à la norme camerounaise NC 04 :2000-20sur l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires pré emballées. Aucun échantillon analysé n'a eu un indice d'iode, ni de saponification, conforme à la norme du Codex Alimentarius et la norme camerounaise NC 77 : 2002-03, REV.1. de 2011 portant sur les huiles végétales enrichies en vitamine A. Les huiles raffinées analysées auraient été adultérées ou auraient subies une altération avancée par le phénomène d'auto oxydation catalysé par la chaleur. Elles ne seraient pas des corps gras purs. Cette étude suggère que des efforts considérables doivent être entrepris en plus des acquis dont dispose le Cameroun dans le domaine du contrôle de qualité des denrées alimentaires.
Papers by Thierry Simo Kenmogne