Birgit Krawietz and Florian Riedler, eds., The Heritage of Edirne in Ottoman and Turkish Times: Continuities, Disruptions and Reconnections (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020), pp. 302-344, 2020
As the first Ottoman capital on European soil, Edirne was a place of great importance for diploma... more As the first Ottoman capital on European soil, Edirne was a place of great importance for diplomats of the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). With the gradual transfer of the political center to Istanbul in the period after its conquest in 1453, Edirne ceased to be the final destination of Ragusan diplomatic missions. However, it continued to be an important station for diplomats travelling to Istanbul. As a matter of fact, Ottoman sultans often resided in Edirne in ensuing centuries as well, so that Ragusan envoys also tended to dwell in the city, particularly in the second half of the 17th century. Although the 18th century was marked by the gradual disappearance of Ragusan merchants from Balkan towns, Dubrovnik even appointed a vice- consul to Edirne at the end of the century – the first and the last one, because in 1808 the French abolished the Republic. Even though there was no official Ragusan colony in Edirne, as one of the main trade centers of the Balkans, it attracted Ragusans as well as other foreign and domestic merchants. To meet the needs of envoys, the Republic of Dubrovnik maintained a residence in the city from the mid-16th century on, if not already earlier. In addition to the residence, there was a chapel that served the spiritual needs of diplomats and other Ragusans, as well as the wider Catholic “Latin” community. The existence of the church within the residential complex was in accordance with Ragusan privileges, but contradicted postulates of Islamic law. This brought about a series of litigations that lasted over a century, ranging from petitions for the church to be repaired to disputes with Jewish neighbors. The dispute over the chapel and residence in Edirne correlated with quarrels Ragusans had in other Balkan colonies with competing local merchants, such as Orthodox Serbs and Bulgarians, Muslims, and co-religious Bosnian Catholics, indicating that the cause of the dispute in Edirne was probably not mere confessional bigotry. Moreover, the question of the Ragusan church in Edirne throws light on the complex character of Ottoman law. In its regular form, the latter already represented a complex amalgam of two different and sometimes contradictory elements, namely Islamic law (sharia), and state law (kânȗn) ; the involvement of a third, completely alien element – capitulations with a foreign state (sg. ahdnâme) – led to misunderstandings by the local authorities and numerous litigations with Ragusans and interventions by the Porte as the highest legal instance. Be it as minor as it may in comparison with the histories of other major religious and ethnic communities of the city, the Ragusan example provides an important if peculiar insight into the complex commercial, social, religious, legal, and diplomatic realities of Edirne.
Books by Vjeran Kursar
1. Introduction
2. Professor Moačanin, the Doyen of Ottoman Studies in Croatia
3. Ottoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe
3.1. Michael Ursinus, Serving King and Sultan: Pavao Grgurić and his Role on the Hungaro-Ottoman Frontier in Southern Bosnia, c. 1463-1477
3.2. Géza Dávid, The Sancakbegi̇s of Pozsega (Požega, Pojega) in the 16th Century
3.3. Fazileta Hafizović, Nahiyes of the Sandjak of Pakrac: The Unknown Nahiye of Kontovac
3.4. Kornelija Jurin Starčević, Settlement of Lika and Three Ottoman Nahiyes:
Novi, Medak and Bilaj Barlete in the 16th Century .
3.5. Hatice Oruç, Ocaklık Timar in the Sanjak of Smederevo
3.6. Machiel Kiel, Margariti/Margaliç: Emergence, Development and Downfall of a Muslim Town at the Edge of the Islamic World (Greek Epirus)
3.7. Vjeran Kursar, Monks in Kaftans. Bosnian Franciscans, Robes of Honour, and Ottoman Sumptuary Laws
3.8. Anđelko Vlašić and Okan Büyüktapu, Hasan Esîrî’s Mi’yârü’d-Düvel ve Misbârü’l-Milel as a Source for the History of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.9. Ekrem Čaušević, Fra Mate Mikić-Kostrčanac and the Turkish Language: Manuscripts, Copyists, and the Transfer of Knowledge in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
3.10. Slobodan Ilić, ʿAbd al-Majīd b. Firishte (d. 1459/60) and the Early Turkish Reading of Ḥurūfī Corpus Canonicum
3.11. Claudia Römer, The Annular Eclipse of the Sun of 7 September 1820 – a Report in Tārīḫ-i Cevdet
3.12. Tatjana Paić Vukić, Presenting the Ottoman Heritage: An Exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts in Zagreb
4. Distant Borders and Regions
4.1. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Amœnitates Tauridicæ: La Crimée ou la douceur de vivre selon Evliyâ Çelebî
4.2. Linda Darling, Resource Extraction in a Newly Conquered Province: Ottoman Syria in the Mid-Sixteenth Century
4.3. Mahmoud Yazbak, Penetration of Urban Capital into the Palestinian Countryside: The Beginnings, Jaffa in the 1830s
5. Glimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik
5.1 Borislav Grgin, The Ottoman-Croatian Border at the End of the Middle Ages
5.2. Vesna Miović, From Tears to Poison: Ragusan Dealings with the Enemies from the Ottoman Neighbourhood
5.3. Zrinka Blažević, Inter spem et desperationem: Diplomatic Emotions of the Habsburg Envoys at the Ottoman Court (1553–1557)
5.4. Hrvoje Petrić, On the Economic History of Zagreb in the 17th Century
5.5. Nataša Štefanec, Arms Race on the Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the 16th Century: Arsenals, Small Firearms, Artillery and Ammunition on the Croatian and Slavonian Military Border
6. Bibliography of Professor Nenad Moačanin
The book is closely focused on two borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, the Western Balkans, i.e. Bosnia and Croatia (with Serbia), bordering the territories of the Republic of Venice and the Habsburg Monarchy in the west, and Safavid ruled Iran and Azerbaijan in the east. Such conception provides an opportunity for a comparison between the eastern and the western borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, concerning topics related to economic and social history, urbanization, ethnic and confessional relations, and others.
Hardcover, 232 pp.
ISBN: 978-953-8281-33-4
Price: 50 EUR / 59,88 USD (375 HRK) / price with 10 % discount: 45 EUR / 53,89 USD (337,50 HRK) (plus shipping costs)
On the link below you can find an excerpt from the book, with an introduction and a list of articles and contributors:
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please do not hesitate to contact the publisher on e-mail [email protected]
Srednja Europa, d.o.o.
Trg Ivana Meštrovića 9, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel/fax: ++ 385 1 66 87 055
[email protected]
Belirttiğimiz kapsam ve amaçlar çerçevesinde düzenlenen sempozyumlar dizisinin ikincisi uluslararası boyutta olarak 1-4 Kasım 2013 tarihleri arasında, ev sahibi olan ve 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimlerinde yeni idari düzenlemeler nedeniyle kapanan Turgutreis Belediyesi’nin destek ve ana sponsorluğunda, Marmara Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü ve Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi AKMEDAM’ın akademik koordinatörlüğü, Bodrum Kaymakamlığı, Bodrum Belediyesi, Turgutreis Belediyesi Şevket Sabancı Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi, İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Bodrum Şubesi, Bodrum Ticaret Odası ve D-Marin Turgutreis Marina’nın kurumsal ve maddi destekleriyle Akdeniz’in etrafındaki üç kıtanın birçok ülkesinden pek çok akademisyen, araştırmacı ve denizcinin de katılımıyla Turgutreis/BODRUM’da gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2. Turgut Reis Denizcilik Tarihi Uluslararası Sempozyumu’nun dört ana temasının kapsayıcılığında gerçekleştirilen akademik oturumlar “Turgut Reis Araştırmaları I-II”, “Eskiçağ’da Anadolu ve Denizcilik I-II”, “Ortaçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Yeniçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği I-II”, “Yakınçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Akdeniz Dünyası ve Korsanlık I-II”, “Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Denizciliği”, “Adalar Denizi (Ege) Oturumu”, “Karadeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Türk Denizciliği Kaynak, Literatür ve Biyografi Araştırmaları”, “Denizcilik Tarihi ve Kültürü”, “Denizcilik Müzeciliği”, “Türk Kültür Tarihinde Su ve Deniz”, “Kültür ve Sanatta Deniz”, “Türk Karasularında Sualtı ve Arkeoloji Araştırmaları I-II”, “Menteşe Bölgesi Tarih Araştırmaları I-II”, “Muğla Yöresi Yerel Kültür Araştırmaları” ve “Bodrum Yöresi Yerel Kültür Araştırmaları” başlıkları altında kategorize edilerek düzenlenmiştir. Ayrıca, UNESCO’nun 2013 yılını, Piri Reis Haritası’nın 500. Yılı münasebetiyle “Piri Reis Yılı” olarak ilan etmesi nedeniyle, bu sempozyumda “Piri Reis’e Vefa Oturumu” da yapılmış, Türk denizciliğine ve coğrafyacılığına yaptığı büyük hizmetler ele alınmıştır. “Söz uçar, yazı kalır” düsturunca her biri emek mahsulü olan sempozyum bildirilerinin tematik olarak tasnifi ile (3 cilt halinde) kitaplaştırılması kararlaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla tebliğler belli bir format çerçevesinde düzenlenerek değerli bilim insanlarının istifadesine sunulmuştur.
Sempozyumun amaç, kapsam, format ve hedeflerini ilk sempozyumda belirleyen ve bu bakımından sempozyumun fikir babaları olan Prof. Dr. Mim Kemal ÖKE ve Dr. Yusuf Ziya TENGİZ’e, ikinci sempozyumun Düzenleme Kurulu ve Bilim/Danışma Kurulu’nun mümtaz üyelerine; değerli katılım ve desteklerinden dolayı Muğla Valisi Mustafa Hakan GÜVENÇER ve Bodrum Kaymakamı Dr. Mehmet GÖDEKMERDAN’a; sempozyumun ev sahibi Turgutreis Belediye Başkanı Mehmet DİNÇBERK, Turgutreis Belediyesi Yazı İşleri Müdiresi Pembegül YILDIZ, Yaşar TAŞLICALI, Cezmi ÇOBAN, Serhat ERGÜN ve sempozyumun gerçekleştirilmesinde emeği geçen diğer tüm Turgutreis Belediyesi personeline; sempozyuma sağladıkları maddi ve manevi destekten dolayı İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Bodrum Şubesi, Bodrum Ticaret Odası ve D-Marin Turgutreis Marina’ya; otelini ve salonlarını büyük bir misafirperverlikle sempozyuma açan La Blanche Resort & SPA Hotel Genel Müdürü Deniz Taş, Satış Pazarlama Direktörü Pınar Eldem ÇULHAOĞLU ve tüm hotel personeline; sempozyumun Bodrum ve çevresinde duyurulmasında büyük çaba harcayan Radyo Halikarnas Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Ülker İNAN’a, hem sempozyumun gerçekleştirilmesi hem de sempozyum kitabının basılması aşamasındaki gönülden ve özverili çalışmalarından dolayı Araş. Gör. Cihan YEMİŞÇİ, Öğr. Gör. Mustafa Gürbüz BEYDİZ ve Turgutreis Belediyesi Meclis Üyesi Tarık Eray ÇAKIR’a; ilk sempozyumdan itibaren bizlerin yanında olan, varlığı, fikirleri ve yardımları ile destek veren Doç. Dr. Özlem KUMRULAR’a; değerli katılımı, önerileri ve destekleri dolayısıyla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 22. Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı ve Uluslararası Deniz Tarihi Birliği (IAMS) Başkanı Emekli Oramiral Sn. Metin ATAÇ’a; sempozyum ve bildiri kitabı ile ilgili pek çok konuda fikir ve önerileriyle katkı sağlayan değerli hocalarımız, Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ÖRENÇ, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar ERTAŞ, Doç Dr. Yüksel ÇELİK, Arş. Gör. Dr. Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK ve Arş. Gör. Dr. Uğur DEMİR’e teşekkürlerimizi ifade etmeyi borç biliriz.
Aynı zamanda, bu sempozyum kitabının basılmasına emek veren Bodrum Belediyesi personeline; sempozyum kitabının dizgi ve basım işlerini büyük bir titizlikle gerçekleştiren Yunus İLKORUR ve Halikarnas Matbaacılık San. Tic. Ltd. Şti’ne, önümüzdeki yıllarda Turgut Reis Türk Denizcilik Tarihi Sempozyumları dizisini gerçekleştirecek Bodrum Belediyesi’ne; kültür, sanat ve yerel değerlerimizin geliştirilmesini, geniş kitlelere tanıtılmasını her zaman desteklemiş, Bodrum’un ve denizcilik tarihimizin en önemli şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Turgut Reis’e ithafen düzenlenen sempozyum serilerinin devamı için bundan sonraki süreçte de değerli katkı ve desteklerini esirgemeyeceğine inandığımız Bodrum Belediye Başkanı Sn. Mehmet KOCADON’a sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
From Kebab to Ćevapčići aims at giving disciplinarily inclusive insights into the culinary histories of “Ottoman Europe” – of the European territories and people(s), including Turkey, shaped by or “coping” with an Ottoman heritage. The analysis of foodways, the changing practices related to food production, distribution and consumption, the way food and foodways were imagined and described, serve as a means to better understand the historical entanglement of this area into global flows, the local appropriation of new foodstuffs and recipes, the imagination of exclusive possession, and the negotiation or maintenance of difference. The volume assembles 16 essays, most of which were originally delivered as papers at a conference held at Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen/Germany in fall of 2015. Their authors come from various scholarly traditions touching in one way or another the histories of the people(s) who used to live within or at the borders of the Ottoman sultan’s imperial shade.
“Prvih dvadeset hrvatske turkologije” uredila je Marta Andrić, a uz radove ostalih nastavnika Katedre za turkologiju te intervjua sa njenim osnivačem profesorom Ekremom Čauševićem, ovaj svečarski broj donosi tekstove naših suradnika, kolega i prijatelja turkologa, osmanista i ostalih, prijevode turskih književnih klasika i suvremenih pisaca, kao i tematski prilog jednog od najvećih živućih hrvatskih i bosanskohercegovačkih književnika, Miljenka Jergovića.
Thematic issue of the literary journal “Knjiźevna smotra” marking the 20th anniversary of the Turkish Studies department in Zagreb, Croatia.
Edited by Axel B. Corlu
Caglar Keyder
Funda Aditatar
Frank Castiglione
Umit Eser
Vjeran Kursar
Anna Lia Proietti Ergun
Luca Orlandi
Aysin Sisman
Alyson Wharton-Durgaryan
Carole Woodall
Papers by Vjeran Kursar
The author discusses development of interest in Ottoman Turkish language learning in Franciscan Bosnia in premodern period, before its modern systematic study was introduced in the 19th century. This interest in the official language of state and state offices was pragmatic. The first Bosnian Franciscan that knew Ottoman Turkish, Fr. Filippo Bosnese, was the representative of the Franciscan Bosnia in Istanbul in the first half of the 17th century. Although there is no clear data about knowledge of the language in the 18th century, interest in Ottoman Turkish was high, as inclusion of Ottoman Turkish words, sayings and phrases, as well as translated and transliterated documents into the major Franciscan chronicles of Nikola Lašvanin and Bono Benić indicates. At the end of the 18th century, as an expert in Ottoman Turkish, Fr. Antun Tomić was representing interests of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena in Istanbul. He returned to Bosnia with a manuscript book that he used as a reader for language training. Interestingly enough, eleven years after his death in 1804, the first Ottoman Turkish grammar was written in his parent monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska.
Ovaj broj Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest posvećen je fenomenu migracija u povijesti. Zamisao je bila migracijama pristupiti u dijakronoj perspektivi, od prvih povijesnih, starovjekovnih migracija do modernog doba i konca 19. stoljeća, polazeći od pretpostavke da se ključni obrasci, kao i socijalna uloga migracija, nisu bitno mijenjali unatoč znatnim promjenama izvanjskih danosti, tehnološkom napretku, kvantitativnom opsegu te promjenama i ubrzanju ritma migracija. U prostornom smislu, fokus ovoga broja je na migracijama na Bliskom istoku, Balkanu te Istočnoj i Srednjoj Europi, dakle, na prostoru koji do danas predstavlja “interkontinentalni most” između ne samo geografskih cjelina, nego i kulturno, povijesno, politički, vjerski, društveno, etnički, pa čak i civilizacijski zasebnih entiteta. Cilj broja, u navedenom kontekstu, nije samo utvrditi pravce kretanja migranata (ishodište i odredište), nego i analizirati prirodu samih migracija, njihove uzroke i posljedice, kako za migrante, tako i za društva (i države) koja napuštaju i ona u koje se doseljavaju.
1. Vjeran Kursar, Uvod gostujućeg urednika. Između Europe i Bliskog istoka: migracije i njihove posljedice na području Jugoistočne Europe i Anadolije u transimperijalnom i interkulturalnom kontekstu
Vjeran Kursar, Guest Editor’s Introduction: Between Europe and Middle East: Migrations and Their Consequences in Southeast Europe and Anatolia in Transimperial and Intercultural Context
2. Jasmina Osterman, Amoritski identitet: simbol MAR u protoklinastim izvorima
3. Nikolay Antov, Demographic and Ethno-Religious Change in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman Dobrudja (NE Balkans) and the Related Impact of Migrations /Demografske i etno-religijske promjene u osmanskoj Dobruđi (sjevero-istočni Balkan) u 15. i 16. stoljeću i utjecaj migracija/
4. Kayhan Orbay, “They Left Behind Institutions in Financial Jeopardy”: Central Anatolian Waqfs in the Wake of Great Flight /“Za sobom su ostavili institucije u financijskim neprilikama”: srednjoanadolski vakufi nakon “Velikog bijega”/
5. Eujeong Yi, Interreligious Relations in 17th-Century Istanbul in the Light of Immigration and Demographic Change /Međureligijski odnosi u Istanbulu u svjetlu doseljavanja i demografskih promjena tijekom 17. stoljeća/
6. Silvana Rachieru, Between the King and the Sultan: the Romanian Colony in Constantinople at the End of the 19th Century /Između kralja i sultana: rumunjska kolonija u Carigradu s kraja 19. stoljeća/
7. Nada Zečević, Restoration, Reconstruction and the Union: Memories of Home in the Stratiot Poetry of Antonio Molino /Restauracija, obnova i zajedništvo: sjećanja na dom u stratiotskom pjesništvu Antonija Molina/
8. Robert Skenderović, Ekološko-geografska determiniranost koloniziranja Slavonije u 18. stoljeću
9. Stefan Rohdewald & Florian Riedler, Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context /Migracije i mobilnost u transosmanskom kontekstu/
Table of Contents:
1) Vjeran Kursar, Uvod gostujućeg urednika. Između Europe i Bliskog istoka: migracije i njihove posljedice na području Jugoistočne Europe i Anadolije u transimperijalnom i interkulturalnom kontekstu
Vjeran Kursar, Guest Editor’s Introduction: Between Europe and Middle East: Migrations and Their Consequences in Southeast Europe and Anatolia in Transimperial and Intercultural Context
2) Jasmina Osterman, Amoritski identitet: simbol MAR u protoklinastim izvorima (Amorite Identity: Symbol MAR in Protocuneiform Sources)
3) Nikolay Antov, Demographic and Ethno-Religious Change in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman Dobrudja (NE Balkans) and the Related Impact of Migrations
4) Kayhan Orbay, “They Left Behind Institutions in Financial Jeopardy”: Central Anatolian Waqfs
in the Wake of Great Flight
5) Eujeong Yi, Interreligious Relations in 17th-Century Istanbul in the Light of Immigration and Demographic Change
6) Silvana Rachieru, Between the King and the Sultan: the Romanian Colony in Constantinople at the End of the 19th Century
7) Nada Zečević, Restoration, Reconstruction and the Union: Memories of Home in the Stratiot Poetry of Antonio Molino
8) Robert Skenderović, Ekološko-geografska determiniranost koloniziranja Slavonije u 18. stoljeću
9) Stefan Rohdewald & Florian Riedler, Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context
1. Introduction
2. Professor Moačanin, the Doyen of Ottoman Studies in Croatia
3. Ottoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe
3.1. Michael Ursinus, Serving King and Sultan: Pavao Grgurić and his Role on the Hungaro-Ottoman Frontier in Southern Bosnia, c. 1463-1477
3.2. Géza Dávid, The Sancakbegi̇s of Pozsega (Požega, Pojega) in the 16th Century
3.3. Fazileta Hafizović, Nahiyes of the Sandjak of Pakrac: The Unknown Nahiye of Kontovac
3.4. Kornelija Jurin Starčević, Settlement of Lika and Three Ottoman Nahiyes:
Novi, Medak and Bilaj Barlete in the 16th Century .
3.5. Hatice Oruç, Ocaklık Timar in the Sanjak of Smederevo
3.6. Machiel Kiel, Margariti/Margaliç: Emergence, Development and Downfall of a Muslim Town at the Edge of the Islamic World (Greek Epirus)
3.7. Vjeran Kursar, Monks in Kaftans. Bosnian Franciscans, Robes of Honour, and Ottoman Sumptuary Laws
3.8. Anđelko Vlašić and Okan Büyüktapu, Hasan Esîrî’s Mi’yârü’d-Düvel ve Misbârü’l-Milel as a Source for the History of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.9. Ekrem Čaušević, Fra Mate Mikić-Kostrčanac and the Turkish Language: Manuscripts, Copyists, and the Transfer of Knowledge in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
3.10. Slobodan Ilić, ʿAbd al-Majīd b. Firishte (d. 1459/60) and the Early Turkish Reading of Ḥurūfī Corpus Canonicum
3.11. Claudia Römer, The Annular Eclipse of the Sun of 7 September 1820 – a Report in Tārīḫ-i Cevdet
3.12. Tatjana Paić Vukić, Presenting the Ottoman Heritage: An Exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts in Zagreb
4. Distant Borders and Regions
4.1. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Amœnitates Tauridicæ: La Crimée ou la douceur de vivre selon Evliyâ Çelebî
4.2. Linda Darling, Resource Extraction in a Newly Conquered Province: Ottoman Syria in the Mid-Sixteenth Century
4.3. Mahmoud Yazbak, Penetration of Urban Capital into the Palestinian Countryside: The Beginnings, Jaffa in the 1830s
5. Glimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik
5.1 Borislav Grgin, The Ottoman-Croatian Border at the End of the Middle Ages
5.2. Vesna Miović, From Tears to Poison: Ragusan Dealings with the Enemies from the Ottoman Neighbourhood
5.3. Zrinka Blažević, Inter spem et desperationem: Diplomatic Emotions of the Habsburg Envoys at the Ottoman Court (1553–1557)
5.4. Hrvoje Petrić, On the Economic History of Zagreb in the 17th Century
5.5. Nataša Štefanec, Arms Race on the Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the 16th Century: Arsenals, Small Firearms, Artillery and Ammunition on the Croatian and Slavonian Military Border
6. Bibliography of Professor Nenad Moačanin
The book is closely focused on two borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, the Western Balkans, i.e. Bosnia and Croatia (with Serbia), bordering the territories of the Republic of Venice and the Habsburg Monarchy in the west, and Safavid ruled Iran and Azerbaijan in the east. Such conception provides an opportunity for a comparison between the eastern and the western borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, concerning topics related to economic and social history, urbanization, ethnic and confessional relations, and others.
Hardcover, 232 pp.
ISBN: 978-953-8281-33-4
Price: 50 EUR / 59,88 USD (375 HRK) / price with 10 % discount: 45 EUR / 53,89 USD (337,50 HRK) (plus shipping costs)
On the link below you can find an excerpt from the book, with an introduction and a list of articles and contributors:
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please do not hesitate to contact the publisher on e-mail [email protected]
Srednja Europa, d.o.o.
Trg Ivana Meštrovića 9, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia
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Belirttiğimiz kapsam ve amaçlar çerçevesinde düzenlenen sempozyumlar dizisinin ikincisi uluslararası boyutta olarak 1-4 Kasım 2013 tarihleri arasında, ev sahibi olan ve 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimlerinde yeni idari düzenlemeler nedeniyle kapanan Turgutreis Belediyesi’nin destek ve ana sponsorluğunda, Marmara Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü ve Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi AKMEDAM’ın akademik koordinatörlüğü, Bodrum Kaymakamlığı, Bodrum Belediyesi, Turgutreis Belediyesi Şevket Sabancı Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi, İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Bodrum Şubesi, Bodrum Ticaret Odası ve D-Marin Turgutreis Marina’nın kurumsal ve maddi destekleriyle Akdeniz’in etrafındaki üç kıtanın birçok ülkesinden pek çok akademisyen, araştırmacı ve denizcinin de katılımıyla Turgutreis/BODRUM’da gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2. Turgut Reis Denizcilik Tarihi Uluslararası Sempozyumu’nun dört ana temasının kapsayıcılığında gerçekleştirilen akademik oturumlar “Turgut Reis Araştırmaları I-II”, “Eskiçağ’da Anadolu ve Denizcilik I-II”, “Ortaçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Yeniçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği I-II”, “Yakınçağ’da Akdeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Akdeniz Dünyası ve Korsanlık I-II”, “Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Denizciliği”, “Adalar Denizi (Ege) Oturumu”, “Karadeniz ve Türk Denizciliği”, “Türk Denizciliği Kaynak, Literatür ve Biyografi Araştırmaları”, “Denizcilik Tarihi ve Kültürü”, “Denizcilik Müzeciliği”, “Türk Kültür Tarihinde Su ve Deniz”, “Kültür ve Sanatta Deniz”, “Türk Karasularında Sualtı ve Arkeoloji Araştırmaları I-II”, “Menteşe Bölgesi Tarih Araştırmaları I-II”, “Muğla Yöresi Yerel Kültür Araştırmaları” ve “Bodrum Yöresi Yerel Kültür Araştırmaları” başlıkları altında kategorize edilerek düzenlenmiştir. Ayrıca, UNESCO’nun 2013 yılını, Piri Reis Haritası’nın 500. Yılı münasebetiyle “Piri Reis Yılı” olarak ilan etmesi nedeniyle, bu sempozyumda “Piri Reis’e Vefa Oturumu” da yapılmış, Türk denizciliğine ve coğrafyacılığına yaptığı büyük hizmetler ele alınmıştır. “Söz uçar, yazı kalır” düsturunca her biri emek mahsulü olan sempozyum bildirilerinin tematik olarak tasnifi ile (3 cilt halinde) kitaplaştırılması kararlaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla tebliğler belli bir format çerçevesinde düzenlenerek değerli bilim insanlarının istifadesine sunulmuştur.
Sempozyumun amaç, kapsam, format ve hedeflerini ilk sempozyumda belirleyen ve bu bakımından sempozyumun fikir babaları olan Prof. Dr. Mim Kemal ÖKE ve Dr. Yusuf Ziya TENGİZ’e, ikinci sempozyumun Düzenleme Kurulu ve Bilim/Danışma Kurulu’nun mümtaz üyelerine; değerli katılım ve desteklerinden dolayı Muğla Valisi Mustafa Hakan GÜVENÇER ve Bodrum Kaymakamı Dr. Mehmet GÖDEKMERDAN’a; sempozyumun ev sahibi Turgutreis Belediye Başkanı Mehmet DİNÇBERK, Turgutreis Belediyesi Yazı İşleri Müdiresi Pembegül YILDIZ, Yaşar TAŞLICALI, Cezmi ÇOBAN, Serhat ERGÜN ve sempozyumun gerçekleştirilmesinde emeği geçen diğer tüm Turgutreis Belediyesi personeline; sempozyuma sağladıkları maddi ve manevi destekten dolayı İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Bodrum Şubesi, Bodrum Ticaret Odası ve D-Marin Turgutreis Marina’ya; otelini ve salonlarını büyük bir misafirperverlikle sempozyuma açan La Blanche Resort & SPA Hotel Genel Müdürü Deniz Taş, Satış Pazarlama Direktörü Pınar Eldem ÇULHAOĞLU ve tüm hotel personeline; sempozyumun Bodrum ve çevresinde duyurulmasında büyük çaba harcayan Radyo Halikarnas Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Ülker İNAN’a, hem sempozyumun gerçekleştirilmesi hem de sempozyum kitabının basılması aşamasındaki gönülden ve özverili çalışmalarından dolayı Araş. Gör. Cihan YEMİŞÇİ, Öğr. Gör. Mustafa Gürbüz BEYDİZ ve Turgutreis Belediyesi Meclis Üyesi Tarık Eray ÇAKIR’a; ilk sempozyumdan itibaren bizlerin yanında olan, varlığı, fikirleri ve yardımları ile destek veren Doç. Dr. Özlem KUMRULAR’a; değerli katılımı, önerileri ve destekleri dolayısıyla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 22. Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı ve Uluslararası Deniz Tarihi Birliği (IAMS) Başkanı Emekli Oramiral Sn. Metin ATAÇ’a; sempozyum ve bildiri kitabı ile ilgili pek çok konuda fikir ve önerileriyle katkı sağlayan değerli hocalarımız, Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ÖRENÇ, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar ERTAŞ, Doç Dr. Yüksel ÇELİK, Arş. Gör. Dr. Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK ve Arş. Gör. Dr. Uğur DEMİR’e teşekkürlerimizi ifade etmeyi borç biliriz.
Aynı zamanda, bu sempozyum kitabının basılmasına emek veren Bodrum Belediyesi personeline; sempozyum kitabının dizgi ve basım işlerini büyük bir titizlikle gerçekleştiren Yunus İLKORUR ve Halikarnas Matbaacılık San. Tic. Ltd. Şti’ne, önümüzdeki yıllarda Turgut Reis Türk Denizcilik Tarihi Sempozyumları dizisini gerçekleştirecek Bodrum Belediyesi’ne; kültür, sanat ve yerel değerlerimizin geliştirilmesini, geniş kitlelere tanıtılmasını her zaman desteklemiş, Bodrum’un ve denizcilik tarihimizin en önemli şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Turgut Reis’e ithafen düzenlenen sempozyum serilerinin devamı için bundan sonraki süreçte de değerli katkı ve desteklerini esirgemeyeceğine inandığımız Bodrum Belediye Başkanı Sn. Mehmet KOCADON’a sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.
From Kebab to Ćevapčići aims at giving disciplinarily inclusive insights into the culinary histories of “Ottoman Europe” – of the European territories and people(s), including Turkey, shaped by or “coping” with an Ottoman heritage. The analysis of foodways, the changing practices related to food production, distribution and consumption, the way food and foodways were imagined and described, serve as a means to better understand the historical entanglement of this area into global flows, the local appropriation of new foodstuffs and recipes, the imagination of exclusive possession, and the negotiation or maintenance of difference. The volume assembles 16 essays, most of which were originally delivered as papers at a conference held at Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen/Germany in fall of 2015. Their authors come from various scholarly traditions touching in one way or another the histories of the people(s) who used to live within or at the borders of the Ottoman sultan’s imperial shade.
“Prvih dvadeset hrvatske turkologije” uredila je Marta Andrić, a uz radove ostalih nastavnika Katedre za turkologiju te intervjua sa njenim osnivačem profesorom Ekremom Čauševićem, ovaj svečarski broj donosi tekstove naših suradnika, kolega i prijatelja turkologa, osmanista i ostalih, prijevode turskih književnih klasika i suvremenih pisaca, kao i tematski prilog jednog od najvećih živućih hrvatskih i bosanskohercegovačkih književnika, Miljenka Jergovića.
Thematic issue of the literary journal “Knjiźevna smotra” marking the 20th anniversary of the Turkish Studies department in Zagreb, Croatia.
Edited by Axel B. Corlu
Caglar Keyder
Funda Aditatar
Frank Castiglione
Umit Eser
Vjeran Kursar
Anna Lia Proietti Ergun
Luca Orlandi
Aysin Sisman
Alyson Wharton-Durgaryan
Carole Woodall
The author discusses development of interest in Ottoman Turkish language learning in Franciscan Bosnia in premodern period, before its modern systematic study was introduced in the 19th century. This interest in the official language of state and state offices was pragmatic. The first Bosnian Franciscan that knew Ottoman Turkish, Fr. Filippo Bosnese, was the representative of the Franciscan Bosnia in Istanbul in the first half of the 17th century. Although there is no clear data about knowledge of the language in the 18th century, interest in Ottoman Turkish was high, as inclusion of Ottoman Turkish words, sayings and phrases, as well as translated and transliterated documents into the major Franciscan chronicles of Nikola Lašvanin and Bono Benić indicates. At the end of the 18th century, as an expert in Ottoman Turkish, Fr. Antun Tomić was representing interests of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena in Istanbul. He returned to Bosnia with a manuscript book that he used as a reader for language training. Interestingly enough, eleven years after his death in 1804, the first Ottoman Turkish grammar was written in his parent monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska.
Ovaj broj Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest posvećen je fenomenu migracija u povijesti. Zamisao je bila migracijama pristupiti u dijakronoj perspektivi, od prvih povijesnih, starovjekovnih migracija do modernog doba i konca 19. stoljeća, polazeći od pretpostavke da se ključni obrasci, kao i socijalna uloga migracija, nisu bitno mijenjali unatoč znatnim promjenama izvanjskih danosti, tehnološkom napretku, kvantitativnom opsegu te promjenama i ubrzanju ritma migracija. U prostornom smislu, fokus ovoga broja je na migracijama na Bliskom istoku, Balkanu te Istočnoj i Srednjoj Europi, dakle, na prostoru koji do danas predstavlja “interkontinentalni most” između ne samo geografskih cjelina, nego i kulturno, povijesno, politički, vjerski, društveno, etnički, pa čak i civilizacijski zasebnih entiteta. Cilj broja, u navedenom kontekstu, nije samo utvrditi pravce kretanja migranata (ishodište i odredište), nego i analizirati prirodu samih migracija, njihove uzroke i posljedice, kako za migrante, tako i za društva (i države) koja napuštaju i ona u koje se doseljavaju.
1. Vjeran Kursar, Uvod gostujućeg urednika. Između Europe i Bliskog istoka: migracije i njihove posljedice na području Jugoistočne Europe i Anadolije u transimperijalnom i interkulturalnom kontekstu
Vjeran Kursar, Guest Editor’s Introduction: Between Europe and Middle East: Migrations and Their Consequences in Southeast Europe and Anatolia in Transimperial and Intercultural Context
2. Jasmina Osterman, Amoritski identitet: simbol MAR u protoklinastim izvorima
3. Nikolay Antov, Demographic and Ethno-Religious Change in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman Dobrudja (NE Balkans) and the Related Impact of Migrations /Demografske i etno-religijske promjene u osmanskoj Dobruđi (sjevero-istočni Balkan) u 15. i 16. stoljeću i utjecaj migracija/
4. Kayhan Orbay, “They Left Behind Institutions in Financial Jeopardy”: Central Anatolian Waqfs in the Wake of Great Flight /“Za sobom su ostavili institucije u financijskim neprilikama”: srednjoanadolski vakufi nakon “Velikog bijega”/
5. Eujeong Yi, Interreligious Relations in 17th-Century Istanbul in the Light of Immigration and Demographic Change /Međureligijski odnosi u Istanbulu u svjetlu doseljavanja i demografskih promjena tijekom 17. stoljeća/
6. Silvana Rachieru, Between the King and the Sultan: the Romanian Colony in Constantinople at the End of the 19th Century /Između kralja i sultana: rumunjska kolonija u Carigradu s kraja 19. stoljeća/
7. Nada Zečević, Restoration, Reconstruction and the Union: Memories of Home in the Stratiot Poetry of Antonio Molino /Restauracija, obnova i zajedništvo: sjećanja na dom u stratiotskom pjesništvu Antonija Molina/
8. Robert Skenderović, Ekološko-geografska determiniranost koloniziranja Slavonije u 18. stoljeću
9. Stefan Rohdewald & Florian Riedler, Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context /Migracije i mobilnost u transosmanskom kontekstu/
Table of Contents:
1) Vjeran Kursar, Uvod gostujućeg urednika. Između Europe i Bliskog istoka: migracije i njihove posljedice na području Jugoistočne Europe i Anadolije u transimperijalnom i interkulturalnom kontekstu
Vjeran Kursar, Guest Editor’s Introduction: Between Europe and Middle East: Migrations and Their Consequences in Southeast Europe and Anatolia in Transimperial and Intercultural Context
2) Jasmina Osterman, Amoritski identitet: simbol MAR u protoklinastim izvorima (Amorite Identity: Symbol MAR in Protocuneiform Sources)
3) Nikolay Antov, Demographic and Ethno-Religious Change in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman Dobrudja (NE Balkans) and the Related Impact of Migrations
4) Kayhan Orbay, “They Left Behind Institutions in Financial Jeopardy”: Central Anatolian Waqfs
in the Wake of Great Flight
5) Eujeong Yi, Interreligious Relations in 17th-Century Istanbul in the Light of Immigration and Demographic Change
6) Silvana Rachieru, Between the King and the Sultan: the Romanian Colony in Constantinople at the End of the 19th Century
7) Nada Zečević, Restoration, Reconstruction and the Union: Memories of Home in the Stratiot Poetry of Antonio Molino
8) Robert Skenderović, Ekološko-geografska determiniranost koloniziranja Slavonije u 18. stoljeću
9) Stefan Rohdewald & Florian Riedler, Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context
Table of Contents / Sadržaj:
1) Vjeran Kursar, Uvod gostujućeg urednika. Između Europe i Bliskog istoka: migracije i njihove posljedice na području Jugoistočne Europe i Anadolije u transimperijalnom i interkulturalnom kontekstu
Vjeran Kursar, Guest Editor’s Introduction: Between Europe and Middle East: Migrations and Their Consequences in of Southeast Europe and Anatolia in Transimperial and Intercultural Context
2) Jasmina Osterman, Amoritski identitet: simbol MAR u protoklinastim izvorima (Amorite Identity: Symbol MAR in Protocuneiform Sources)
3) Nikolay Antov, Demographic and Ethno-Religious Change in 15th- and 16th-Century Ottoman Dobrudja (NE Balkans) and the Related Impact of Migrations
4) Kayhan Orbay, “They Left Behind Institutions in Financial Jeopardy”: Central Anatolian Waqfs in the Wake of Great Flight
5) Eujeong Yi, Interreligious Relations in 17th-Century Istanbul in the Light of Immigration and Demographic Change
6) Silvana Rachieru, Between the King and the Sultan: the Romanian Colony in Constantinople at the End of the 19th Century
7) Nada Zečević, Restoration, Reconstruction and the Union: Memories of Home in the Stratiot Poetry of Antonio Molino
8) Robert Skenderović, Ekološko-geografska determiniranost koloniziranja Slavonije u 18. stoljeću
9) Stefan Rohdewald & Florian Riedler, Migration and Mobility in a Transottoman Context
This issue is dedicated to the phenomenon of migrations in history. The idea was to approach migrations diachronically, from the ancient migrations to the modern era and the end of the 19th century. The starting point is the assumption that major patterns, as well as social function of migration, did not change substantially over time, despite significant alterations of external factors, technological progress, quantitative volume, as well as changes and acceleration of the rhythm. Spatially, the focus is on migrations between the Middle East, the Balkans, and East- and Central Europe, extending over an area that represents an “intercontinental bridge” between not only geographic units, but specific cultural, historic, political, religious, societal, ethnic, and even civilizational entities. The aim of the present issue is not only to determine the directions of migrant movement (origin and final destinations), but to analyze the nature of migration, its causes and effects it had on migrants, as well as their original and host communities (and/or states).
Ovaj broj Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest posvećen je fenomenu migracija u povijesti. Zamisao je bila migracijama pristupiti u dijakronoj perspektivi, od prvih povijesnih, starovjekovnih migracija do modernog doba i konca 19. stoljeća, polazeći od pretpostavke da se ključni obrasci, kao i socijalna uloga migracija, nisu bitno mijenjali unatoč znatnim promjenama izvanjskih danosti, tehnološkom napretku, kvantitativnom opsegu te promjenama i ubrzanju ritma migracija. U prostornom smislu, fokus ovoga broja je na migracijama na Bliskom istoku, Balkanu te Istočnoj i Srednjoj Europi, dakle, na prostoru koji do danas predstavlja “interkontinentalni most” između ne samo geografskih cjelina, nego i kulturno, povijesno, politički, vjerski, društveno, etnički, pa čak i civilizacijski zasebnih entiteta. Cilj broja, u navedenom kontekstu, nije samo utvrditi pravce kretanja migranata (ishodište i odredište), nego i analizirati prirodu samih migracija, njihove uzroke i posljedice, kako za migrante, tako i za društva (i države) koja napuštaju i ona u koje se doseljavaju.
Overview of the history of the Balkans, ca. 1389 - 1526.
Croatian history of the late middle ages.
In the first half of the 19th century, the Ottoman state opened its market to world economy and foreign capital. Together with European capital and business, thousands of European immigrant workers began to arrive to Istanbul as the major city of the empire in search for work. A story of Dalmatian Antonio Zelić, who came to Istanbul in 1840, provides a good example of the European immigrant dream come true story. After arrival, Zelić found employment at the lithographic print house of Frenchmen Henri Cayol, the first of its kind in the Ottoman Empire. In 1869, he opened his own lithographic print house called “Zellich and Sons” (A. Zellich et fils). His descendants continued his work with great success, and the Zellich Print House, now known as “Zellich’s Sons” (Zellich fils), became one of the most renowned in the Empire. Zellichs won recognition due to the high quality of their products, and, above all, postcards and posters. Their crowning achievement was printing of the Ottoman Turkish Lira banknotes in 1914. Zellichs received many Ottoman and international awards for their achievements and services, including medals conferred by the Pope, the Persian shah, and the Serbian king.
Transfer of technology into the Ottoman state was one of the most important roles of European immigrants. Despite occasional state pressure during the Abdülhamid’s reign in particular, Zellich family was able to develop its business on account of mastering the art of lithography, one of new technologies imported from the West. However, after the circumstances that had attracted European immigrants changed in the 1920’s and 1930’s, the Zellich family, following the example of others, gradually abandoned the business and eventually left the city in which it made its fame.
The first Croatians in Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, were Ragusans. They came initially as diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Ragusa, which was a vassal of the sultan. Then, Ragusan merchants, attracted by the lucrative trade with the Levant, settled in the city on the Bosphorus in great numbers.
In the 19th century the Republic of Ragusa came to an end. Then, however, with the opening of the Ottoman Empire toward the world economy, new waves of Dalmatians began to arrive in Istanbul in search of work. Some Croatian immigrants achieved enviable careers and success in various fields, including typography, the tobacco industry, cartography, health and social care, as well as pastoral care for the Catholics of Istanbul. During the 20th century, the number of Croatians in Istanbul started to decline. Today, in this Eastern Mediterranean megapolis half a dozen Croatian families remain.
U 19. stoljeću, usporedo sa otvaranjem Osmanskog Carstva svjetskoj ekonomiji, u Istanbul počinju stizati valovi Dalmatinaca u potrazi za poslom. Neki od hrvatskih iseljenika ostvarili su zavidne karijere i uspjehe u raznim djelatnostima, poput tiskarstva, duhanske industrije, kartografije, socijalne skrbi, kao i dušebrižništva nad istanbulskim katolicima. Tijekom 20. stoljeća broj Hrvata u Istanbulu počeo je opadati, tako da danas u ovome megapolisu istočnog Sredozemlja živi svega nekolicina hrvatskih obitelji.
In this talk, held on December 13, 2021, Vjeran Kursar presented the book Evliya Çelebi in the Borderlands: New Insights and Novel Approaches to the Seyahatname (Western Balkans and Iran Sections) he co-edited with Nenad Moačanin and Kornelija Jurin Starčević (Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2021), and discuss some of its important aspects. The book is closely focused on two borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, the Western Balkans, bordering the territories of the Republic of Venice and the Habsburg Monarchy in the west, and Safavid ruled Iran and Azerbaijan in the east. Such conception provides an opportunity for a comparison between the eastern and the western borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, concerning topics related to economic and social history, urbanization, ethnic and confessional relations, and others. Evliya’s own attitudes toward borderland locals, Muslims and non-Muslims, Christian “infidels” and Shi’ite “heretics,” are particularly interesting. The second part of the book deals with issues of reception and use of the Evliya Çelebi’s travelogue’s editions and translations in historiography of countries of the Western Balkans in comparison with the original manuscript and the new manuscript based uncensored edition (YKY).
Fariba Zarinebaf and Slobodan Ilić, the authors of two articles from the volume joined the discussion.
About the book:
In the early modern period, the most numerous of Croatian immigrants in Istanbul were the Ragusans, i.e., the citizens of the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). As a friendly and faithful vassal state, the mercantile republic and its citizens enjoyed privileges that stimulated migration to the Ottoman Empire in general, and Istanbul as the greatest economic centre of the empire in particular. In addition to trade, the Ragusans played a vital role for Catholicism in the Ottoman capital, whether through consular support, or, occasionally, even personally, as the highest Roman Catholic dignitaries in Istanbul. The skilful Ragusan diplomats sometimes provided their services to other foreign embassies as well, and thus played an important role behind the scenes in European diplomacy in Istanbul. At the same time, often they figured as the leaders not only of the Ragusan community, but of the local Roman Catholics in general. In the long nineteenth century, however, the majority of the Croatian-Dalmatian immigrants represented the physical work force and proletariat. Some individuals, on the other hand, were entrepreneurs themselves or held important positions in European-led or inspired projects that played an important role in the transfer of technology to the Ottoman Empire, and thus were valued newcomers. These positions included middle to high ranking positions in mining, steamship and railway companies, printing, the tobacco industry, and cartography. Their activities often went beyond the technical aspects of production and gained importance for the social and cultural life of Istanbul, especially in regard to its then significant Levantine community, into which the Croatian immigrants assimilated soon after arrival. Booking essential:
Ciklus započinje 3. travnja 2018. Adresa: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Ul. Ivana Lučića, 10.000 Zagreb /
Department of Turkish Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
"Middle East and the Challenges of Contemporary World" Lecture Series
April 3, 2018 - Faiz Sheikh (University of Exeter) - "Islamic Politics from Caliphate to Colonialism to Modernity: the Shifting Boundaries of the Sacred"
April 10, 2018 - Deniz Kuru (Turkish-German University, Istanbul) - "Years of Solitude: Turkish State and Society as Lonely Actors between Europe and Asia" (in Croatian)
April 24, 2018 - Vedran Obućina (Institute of European and Globalization Studies) - "State Sanctioned Islam: Political System of Islamic Republic of Iran" (in Croatian)
May 15, 2018 - Daniel Bučan (Zagreb) - "'Arab Spring' and Islam" (in Croatian)
May 23, 2018 - Damla Işık (Regis University) : “Rising Populism and Women’s Rights in Turkey”
Further lectures will be announced later
‚Naša Bosna‘ – ‚Bečka škola‘ Mjesta pamćenja, percepcije, mostovi i prelamanja u odnosu Austrije – Bosne i Hercegovine
Sarajevo, April 2016
Co-Organizers Prof. Clemens Ruthner/Trinity College Dublin, Prof. Vahidin Preljevic/University of Sarajevo
* Zitat: Tamara Scheer, Clemens Ruthner und Vahidin Preljević: ‘Unser Bosnien‘ – ‘Wiener Schule‘ Gedächtnisorte, Wahrnehmungen, Brücken und Brechungen im Verhältnis Österreich – Bosnien und Herzegowina/‚Naša Bosna‘ – ‚Bečka škola‘ Mjesta pamćenja, percepcije, mostovi i prelamanja u odnosu Austrije – Bosne i Hercegovine, Universität Sarajevo/Österreichische Botschaft in Sarajevo (Sarajevo 2016).
* Beiträge:
Einleitung und Grußworte
Botschafter Mag. Martin Pammer
Dr. Tamara Scheer
k.u.k. Garnison Bosnien-Herzegowina (1878-1918): Zwi
schen Rückständigkeit,
Nationalismen und Faszination Orient
Prof. Dr. Vahidin Preljević
Rathaus/Vijećnica. Zur Prägnanz und literarisch kulture
llen Konstruktion eines
Dr. Nedad Memić
Österreichisches im Bosnischen: Sprache als gemeinsam
es kulturelles Erbe zwischen
Österreich und Bosnien-Herzegowina
Ass. Prof. Dr. Vjeran Kursar
Habsburgische als Vertreter der bosnischen Franziskaner be
i der (osmanischen) hohen
Prof. Dr. Clemens Ruthner
Besetzungen und ihre Schattenseiten: Repräsentationen
des Okkupationsfeldzugs
Univ. Doz. Dr. Erwin A. Schmidl
Die k.u.k. bosnisch-herzegowinischen Soldaten im Erst
en Weltkrieg:
Ihre Rolle im Krieg und das Nachwirken bis zur Gegenwart
Dr. Franziska Zaugg
„Ruhe, Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit“: Erinnerungen bos
nischer Waffen-SS Soldaten
an die österreichisch-ungarische Herrschaft im Ersten We
Dr. Imre Ress
Die religiöse Autonomie der Muslime in Bosnien-Herzego
wina und die ungarische
Politik um 1900. (Wandlungen des Bosnien-Bildes in
der ungarischen Öffentlichkeit)
Dr. Amir Duranović
Organisationsstruktur der Islamischen Gemeinschaft und
das „österreichische Erbe“
Prvi Hrvati u Istanbulu, prijestolnici Osmanskog Carstva, bili su stari Dubrovčani. Oni su tu dolazili kao diplomatski predstavnici Dubrovačke Republike, koja je bila sultanov vazal. U znatnijem broju Dubrovčani se naseljuju u gradu na Bosporu kao trgovci, koje je privukla unosna trgovina s Levantom.
U 19. stoljeću Dubrovačka Republika propada, no tada, usporedo s otvaranjem Osmanskog Carstva svjetskoj ekonomiji, u Istanbul počinju stizati valovi Dalmatinaca u potrazi za poslom. Neki od naših iseljenika ostvaruju zavidne karijere i uspjehe u raznim djelatnostima, poput tiskarstva, duhanske industrije, kartografije, socijalne skrbi, kao i dušebrižništva nad istanbulskim katolicima.
Tijekom 20. stoljeća broj Hrvata u Istanbulu počeo je opadati, tako da danas u ovome megapolisu istočnog Sredozemlja živi svega nekoliko hrvatskih obitelji.
Urednik i redatelj: Srđan Segarić
Scenaristi: dr. sc. Vjeran Kursar i dr. sc. Vesna Miović
Snimatelj: Karmelo Kursar
Montažer: Zoltan Wagner
Produkcija: HRT, 2011.
Documentary film “Croatians on the Bosphorus”
Link: (in Croatian)
The first Croatians in Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, were old Ragusans. They came initially as diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Ragusa, which was a vassal of the sultan. Then, Ragusan merchants, attracted by the lucrative trade with the Levant, settled in the city on the Bosphorus in great numbers.
In the 19th century the Republic of Ragusa came to an end. Then, however, with the opening of the Ottoman Empire toward the world economy, new waves of Dalmatians began to arrive in Istanbul in search of work. Some Croatian immigrants achieved enviable careers and success in various fields, including typography, the tobacco industry, cartography, health and social care, as well as pastoral care for the Catholics of Istanbul. During the 20th century, the number of Croatians in Istanbul started to decline. Today, in this Eastern Mediterranean megapolis half a dozen Croatian families remain.
Interviews: Prof. Dr. İlber Ortayli (Istanbul), Dr. Philip Mansel (London), Ivan Lovrenović (Sarajevo), Prof. Dr. Ivo Banac (Zagreb)
Director: Srdan Segaric
Writers: Vjeran Kursar and Vesna Miovic
Cinematographer: Karmelo Kursar
Film editing: Zoltan Wagner
Production: Croatian Television, 2011
Runtime: 54 minutes
Brelanin Antonio Zelić jedan je od brojnih Dalmatinaca koji su tijekom 19. stoljeća bolji život potražili izvan domovine. Međutim, kao i mnogi drugi, on se nije uputio na Zapad, već na Istok, u osmansku prijestolnicu Istanbul. Po dolasku u grad na Bosporu Zelić se zapošljava u Cayolovoj litografskoj tiskari, prvoj takve vrste u Osmanskom Carstvu. Nakon što je ispekao zanat, Antonio otvara vlastitu tiskaru „Zelić i sinovi.“ Njegov rad sa uspjehom nastavljaju njegovi nasljednici, pa tiskara Zelićevih postaje jednom od najuglednijih u čitavome Carstvu. Za svoj rad Zelići su dobili brojna osmanska i međunarodna priznanja, uključujući i odlikovanja pape, sultana i perzijskog šaha.
Urednik i redatelj: Srđan Segarić
Scenarist: dr. sc. Vjeran Kursar
Snimatelj: Karmelo Kursar
Montažer: Zoltan Wagner
Produkcija: HRT, 2011.
Documentary film “Zelić - Printers to the Empire”
Antonio Zelić (Zellich) of Brela was one of many Dalmatians who left his homeland in pursuit of a better life during the 19th century. However, instead of going west, he set out toward the East, to the Ottoman imperial capital – Istanbul. Upon arrival in the city on the Bosphorus, Zelić found employment at the lithographic print house of Henri Cayol, the first of its kind in the Ottoman Empire. In 1869, Zelić opened his own lithographic print house called “Zellich and Sons” (A. Zellich et fils). His descendants continued his work with great success, and the Zellich Print House, now known as “Zellich Brothers” (Zellich frères), became one of the most renowned in the Empire. Zellich Brothers won recognition due to the high quality of their products, and, above all, the amazing beauty of their postcards and posters. Their crowning achievement was an order for the printing of the Ottoman Turkish Lira banknotes in 1914. Zellichs received many Ottoman and international awards, including medals conferred by the Pope, the Persian shah, and the Serbian king.
Interviews: Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Antić (Zagreb), Dr. Vjeran Kursar (Zagreb), Edwin Zellitch (Athens)
Director: Srđan Segarić
Writers: Vjeran Kursar
Cinematographer: Karmelo Kursar
Film editing: Zoltan Wagner
Production: Croatian Television, 2011
Runtime: 27 minutes
Film review - "Zelić - Printers to the Empire"
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
International Association for Ottoman Social and Economic History
Department of History & Department of Hungarian, Turkish and Judaic Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Scientific Council for Research of Relations between Croatia and the European Southeast in a Historical Perspective, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
1st Circular (Call for Papers)
Izvještaj sa međunarodne konferencije "8th International Balkan Annual Conference (IBAC): Crossing the Frontier in the Anatolia-Balkans-Central Europe: A Complex Relationship in History, Arts, Economy, and Law", održane na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 26. do 28. rujna 2018. Konferencija su zajednički organizirali Sveučilište Istanbul i Odsjek za povijest i Katedra za turkologiju Odsjeka za hungarologiju, turkologiju i judaistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Notice bibliographique: Vjeran Kursar, Nenad Moačanin, Kornelija Jurin Starčević (eds), Evliya Çelebi in the Borderlands: New Insights and Approaches to the Seyahatname (Western Balkans and Iran Sections), Zagreb (Srednja Europa), 2021 (Elias KOLOVOS)