In Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online. n.d. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Retrieved 19 Dec. 2020, from, 2020
When it comes to ethnic identification, the Bunjevci of Bačka are a deeply divided community: som... more When it comes to ethnic identification, the Bunjevci of Bačka are a deeply divided community: some of them believe they are merely a subgroup of Croats who speak a dialect of Croatian, while others claim they are a distinct ethnic group with their own language. This paper deals with the historical causes of the polarization of ethnic identification among members of this community, as well as with the consequences this polarization has in the construction of their contemporary identities and language practices. The first section of the paper discusses the formation of the Bunjevci as an early modern ethnicity in 16th century Dalmatia, while the second directs attention to the historical experiences of those Bunjevci who later migrated to Bačka. The third section offers a comparison of Bunjevci who consider themselves Croats and those who reject that ethnic identification with regard to their language regulation practices and identity politics.
Books by Petar Vuković
U knjizi se obrađuje struktura riječi u češkom jeziku. U prvom poglavlju prikazane su mijene kroz koje je prolazila jezikoslovna morfologija te pristupi koji su se u njoj pritom oblikovali, a definirani su i oblikotvorje i rječotvorje kao dvije glavne morfološke discipline. U drugom i trećem poglavlju obrađene su druge dvije za morfološku problematiku važne discipline - morfemika i morfonologija. Nakon toga, u poglavljima koja slijede, izložen je opsežan prikaz češkoga oblikotvorja, na kojem je ujedno težište knjige.
Papers by Petar Vuković
Ključne riječi: enklitike, hrvatski jezik, razdvajanje sintagme, odgođeno smještanje
In the early 1960s, attempts were made to radically reform two Slavic orthography systems: Russian and Czech. As these two reform attempts demonstrate, in languages with an established tradition and stabilised practice of writing, it is almost impossible to fundamentally change the orthography to bring it closer to the phonological system. It is, however, possible to study the internal dynamics of the orthography system in order to better understand the relationships between the principles on which the system is based; it is also possible to study contemporary written usage in order to determine what its developmental tendencies are and which elements of orthographic codification are not realised in practice. In principle, only minor interventions in orthography and punctuation are acceptable, essentially to systematise what is not fully systematised, but possibly also to adapt to the developmental tendencies of contemporary written usage. In normal circumstances, the language community is reluctant to accept interventions in the graphic system and the rules of use of individual graphemes.
Keywords: Bunjevci; language; identity
U knjizi se obrađuje struktura riječi u češkom jeziku. U prvom poglavlju prikazane su mijene kroz koje je prolazila jezikoslovna morfologija te pristupi koji su se u njoj pritom oblikovali, a definirani su i oblikotvorje i rječotvorje kao dvije glavne morfološke discipline. U drugom i trećem poglavlju obrađene su druge dvije za morfološku problematiku važne discipline - morfemika i morfonologija. Nakon toga, u poglavljima koja slijede, izložen je opsežan prikaz češkoga oblikotvorja, na kojem je ujedno težište knjige.
Ključne riječi: enklitike, hrvatski jezik, razdvajanje sintagme, odgođeno smještanje
In the early 1960s, attempts were made to radically reform two Slavic orthography systems: Russian and Czech. As these two reform attempts demonstrate, in languages with an established tradition and stabilised practice of writing, it is almost impossible to fundamentally change the orthography to bring it closer to the phonological system. It is, however, possible to study the internal dynamics of the orthography system in order to better understand the relationships between the principles on which the system is based; it is also possible to study contemporary written usage in order to determine what its developmental tendencies are and which elements of orthographic codification are not realised in practice. In principle, only minor interventions in orthography and punctuation are acceptable, essentially to systematise what is not fully systematised, but possibly also to adapt to the developmental tendencies of contemporary written usage. In normal circumstances, the language community is reluctant to accept interventions in the graphic system and the rules of use of individual graphemes.
Keywords: Bunjevci; language; identity
Ključne riječi: Bunjevci, jezična regulacija, jezična revitalizacija, jezik i kultura
podvrgnu „jezične savjete” koji se masovno pojavljuju u javnom prostoru u Hrvatskoj, bilo u samostalnim publikacijama bilo u sklopu tiskanih i elektroničkih medija, a analizi je trebao prethoditi kratak uvod u temeljne spoznaje o standardnom jeziku koje su u (svjetskoj, ne nužno i hrvatskoj) lingvistici danas manje-više općeprihvaćene.