Papers by Nikolina Uroda
FORTUNATUS LIGO Zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana Ante Miloševića / Festschrift on the occasion of Ante Milošević's 70 th birthday, 2024
The paper provides an overview of the changes occurring at sites identified in the literature as ... more The paper provides an overview of the changes occurring at sites identified in the literature as rustic villas in the region of central Dalmatia, with a focus on those where churches, cemeteries, or monastery complexes were established in later periods.
St Peter of Osor (island of Cres) and Benedictine monasticism in the Adriatic area Collection de l’École française de Rome, 2024
Monastic architecture on the territory of Central Dalmatia in the early medieval period is rarely... more Monastic architecture on the territory of Central Dalmatia in the early medieval period is rarely discussed. Reasons for this situation are numerous: from the lack of written sources to incomplete archaeological excavations. This paper deals with attested monasteries and delivers the present state of the research.

Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2020
U radu se donosi katalog nalaza s groblja Novi put na Bribirskoj glavici, istraženog 1960. godine... more U radu se donosi katalog nalaza s groblja Novi put na Bribirskoj glavici, istraženog 1960. godine, koje do sada nije cjelovito objavljeno. Podaci su preuzeti iz arhivskoga gradiva koje se čuva u Muzeju hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika. Radi se o grobnim formularima u kojima se nalaze bilješke o izgledu grobova, materijalu pronađenom u njima te spolu i dobi ukopanih pokojnika. Donosi se plan groblja i crteži materijala pronađenog unutar i izvan istraženih grobova načinjeni nakon istraživanja 1960. godine.
This paper presents a catalogue of finds from the Novi put cemetery at Bribirska glavica, researched in 1960, but not yet entirely published. The information was taken from archival material kept at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments. These are grave record forms that contain notes on the appearance of graves, the material found in them and the sex and age of the interred. The paper also provides a plan of the cemetery and drawings of material found inside and outside the investigated graves, made after the 1960 research.

Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2018
U tekstu se donose preliminarni rezultati treće sezone arheoloških istraživanja rotonde i pripada... more U tekstu se donose preliminarni rezultati treće sezone arheoloških istraživanja rotonde i pripadajućeg arhitektonskog sklopa na Bribirskoj glavici. Radovi su se odvijali u sklopu međunarodnog projeka Varvaria / Breberium / Bribir. U ovoj su kampanji preciznije definirane pojedine strukture otkrivene u ranijim iskopavanjima, a otkriveni su i novi elementi istraživanog sklopa. Konsolidacijom i konzervacijom istraženih objekata prišlo se djelomičnoj interpretaciji i prezentaciji, a obrađeni materijal pronađen tijekom istraživanja i kemijske analize omogućili su dataciju pojedinih struktura unutar sklopa.
The present paper contains the preliminary report on the third season of the archaeological investigation of the rotunda and the architectural structures surrounding it that was carried out within the project Varvaria/ Breberium /Bribir. This campaign resulted in a more detailed defininition of certain structures that were uncovered in previous excavations, as well as the discovery of new elements within the investigated complex. The consolidation and conservation of the excavated architectural structures, has led to its partial interpretation and presentation. The processing and chemical analysis of material has further enabled the dating of certain elements of the complex.
The present paper contains the interim report on the second season of fieldwork carried out at Br... more The present paper contains the interim report on the second season of fieldwork carried out at Bribirska Glavica by the Varvaria / Breberium / Bribir Archaeological Project. The text gives an overview of the field operations undertaken, their results and the archaeological finds excavated
and studied during this season. This material relates both to the rotunda church and to built structures postdating it.
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2013
Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2010
Članak donosi nalaze iz triju ranosrednjovjekovnih grobova pronađenih na lokalitetu Crikvine (Sv.... more Članak donosi nalaze iz triju ranosrednjovjekovnih grobova pronađenih na lokalitetu Crikvine (Sv. Ilija) u solins-kom naselju Rupotina. Lokalitet se istražuje od 1908. godine, a nalazi s ranijih istraživanja svjedoče o kontinuitetu od rane antike do kasnoga srednjeg vijeka. U ...

Opuscula Archaeologica, 2010
U članku se obrađuje ranokršćanska crkva na lokalitetu Bičina u Polači, koja je istraživana g. 18... more U članku se obrađuje ranokršćanska crkva na lokalitetu Bičina u Polači, koja je istraživana g. 1898. i 1913. Iskopavanja g. 1913. don Luka Jelić povjerio je don Kažimiru Perkoviću, polačkom svećeniku. Donose se tlocrt crkve i nacrti pronađenih ulomaka crkvenoga namještaja izrađeni g. 1914. koji su se čuvali u Planoteci Konzervatorskog odjela u Splitu. Prema naputku don Luke Jelića izradio ih je zadarski konzervator Tamino. Tlocrt se uspoređuje s onim izrađenim g. 1971., koji je Boris Ilakovac objavio vodeći se skicama i pismima Kažimira Perkovića iz arhiva Luke Jelića u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu. Nacrti ulomaka crkvenoga namještaja uspoređuju se s predmetima pronađenima na istom lokalitetu, danas pohranjenima u Zavičajnom muzeju u Biogradu.
The article contains an examination of the Early Christian church at the Bičina site in Polača, which was researched in 1898 and 1913. 'e excavations conducted in 1913 were entrusted to Fr. Kažimir Perković, a priest from Polača, by Fr. Luka Jelić. 'e ground plan of the church and sketches of the fragments of discovered church furnishings, made in 1914 and held in the Maps Archive of the Conservation Department in Split, are presented. 'ey were made by the Zadar conservator Tamino at the behest of Fr. Jelić. 'e ground plan is compared with the one made in 1971, which Boris Ilkovac published, using the sketches and letters of Kažimir Perković from the Luka Jelić Archives in the Archaeological Museum in Split. 'e sketches of pieces of church furnishings are compared with the items found at the same site, today held in the Local Heritage Museum in Biograd.
Dalmatia was one of the most important provinces in the Late Antiquity. It’s territorial position... more Dalmatia was one of the most important provinces in the Late Antiquity. It’s territorial position on the border between east and west resulted with the early acceptance of Christianity. This is an attempt to show the material culture that was being used by the Christians, and placed in the graves to witness their Christianity. A selection of the grave goods shows diversity and different influences that merged and mingled on this territory leaving many questions unanswered., 2008
U članku se donose historijat i rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja lokaliteta Crikvine u naselju ... more U članku se donose historijat i rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja lokaliteta Crikvine u naselju Rupotina te konstatira stanje lokaliteta nakon posljednje kampanje u studenome i prosincu 2007. Iznose se pretpostavke o slijedu arhitektonskih faza od rane antike do kasnoga srednjeg vijeka.
The article deals with the past researches at the locality of Crikvine in Rupotina near Solin. The locality is situated on an elevation surrounded by two streams: Potok sv. Ilije (or Ilijino vrilo) and Suvaja. The first researches took place in 1908, led by Rev. Frane Bulić. Excavated were architectural remains belonging to a smaller church and earlier buildings. Over this entire area there is a significant number of medieval tombs. Existence of a classical phase here is witnessed by the discovered fragments of classical tombstones used as lids on the above mentioned tombs. Among other finds outstands a relief showing the tauroctony, an obligatory item in Mithraic sanctuaries. The find led Bulić to conclusion that the apse, probably of some classical architecture, previously had belonged to a Mithraic sanctuary. Finds from these excavations are mostly stored in the Archaeological Museum in Split, whereas a part of the grave goods are in the Croatian Archaeological Monuments Museum in Split. The researches were led by Ejnar Dyggve in 1929. A map of the excavations has been published, whereas a part of the original documentation is kept in the Dyggve’s archive in the Monument Conservation Department in Split. Recent researches were started in 2007. They encompassed an area researched in previous campaigns, and a detailed map of architecture and graves has been made.
There has been assumed the sequence of archaeological strata from a classical villa or farm, through a Mithreum and a possible paleo-Christian church, to a medieval church and cemetery around it. Planned are further researches and attempts to prove or disprove the previous hypotheses.

Starohrvatska prosvjeta, 2007
U radu se obrađuje problematika atribucije pojedinih kamenih ulomaka s lokaliteta Sv. Petar i Sv.... more U radu se obrađuje problematika atribucije pojedinih kamenih ulomaka s lokaliteta Sv. Petar i Sv. Nikola u Kuli Atlagića. Većina se ulomaka čuva u Muzeju hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu, a onamo su dospjeli u nekoliko etapa. Osim činjenice da pripadaju različitim stilskim epohama, postavlja se problem kako odrediti pripadnost ulomaka određenim objektima. U članku je priložen katalog kamenih ulomaka te njihova interpretacija. Rezultati rekognosciranja ponudili su nekoliko mogućih lokacija na kojima bi mogli biti objekti kojima pripadaju ulomci skulpture priloženi u katalogu, no tek sustavna arheološka iskopavanja mogu ponuditi sigurniju atribuciju.
The paper addresses the issue of attributing individual stone fragments from the sites of Sv. Petar and Sv. Nikola in Kula Atlagića. Most of the fragments are housed in the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split, where they arrived in several stages. Aside from the fact that they belong to different stylistic periods, there is the challenge of determining the association of the fragments with specific objects. The article includes a catalog of the stone fragments and their interpretation. The results of survey have suggested several possible locations with remains of the buildings to which the fragments in the catalog might belong, but only systematic archaeological excavations can provide more reliable attribution.
Conference Presentations by Nikolina Uroda
Communication and Reflection in Archaeology and Museology, 2020
St Peter of Osor (Island of Cres) and Benedictine Monasticism in the Adriatic Area., 2018
Monastic architecture on the territory of Central Dalmatia in the early medieval period is rarely... more Monastic architecture on the territory of Central Dalmatia in the early medieval period is rarely discussed. Reasons for this situation are numerous: from the lack of written sources to incomplete archaeological excavations. This paper deals with attested monasteries and delivers the present state of the research.
Kolokvij o Bribiru // Colloquium on Bribir, 2017
1 9 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c i e n t i f i c S y m p o s i u m X I X. m e đ u n a r o d ... more 1 9 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c i e n t i f i c S y m p o s i u m X I X. m e đ u n a r o d n i z n a n s t v e n i s i m p o z i j Le monachisme insulaire du IV e à la fin du XI e s. Redovništvo na otocima od 4. do 11. stoljeća Island monasticism from the IV th to the XI th century
Mortui vivos docent, Jan 1, 2011
Statistika bibliografskih podataka o projektima, znanstvenicima i znantsvenim institucijama.
Books by Nikolina Uroda
Brochures and catalogs by Nikolina Uroda
Papers by Nikolina Uroda
This paper presents a catalogue of finds from the Novi put cemetery at Bribirska glavica, researched in 1960, but not yet entirely published. The information was taken from archival material kept at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments. These are grave record forms that contain notes on the appearance of graves, the material found in them and the sex and age of the interred. The paper also provides a plan of the cemetery and drawings of material found inside and outside the investigated graves, made after the 1960 research.
The present paper contains the preliminary report on the third season of the archaeological investigation of the rotunda and the architectural structures surrounding it that was carried out within the project Varvaria/ Breberium /Bribir. This campaign resulted in a more detailed defininition of certain structures that were uncovered in previous excavations, as well as the discovery of new elements within the investigated complex. The consolidation and conservation of the excavated architectural structures, has led to its partial interpretation and presentation. The processing and chemical analysis of material has further enabled the dating of certain elements of the complex.
and studied during this season. This material relates both to the rotunda church and to built structures postdating it.
The article contains an examination of the Early Christian church at the Bičina site in Polača, which was researched in 1898 and 1913. 'e excavations conducted in 1913 were entrusted to Fr. Kažimir Perković, a priest from Polača, by Fr. Luka Jelić. 'e ground plan of the church and sketches of the fragments of discovered church furnishings, made in 1914 and held in the Maps Archive of the Conservation Department in Split, are presented. 'ey were made by the Zadar conservator Tamino at the behest of Fr. Jelić. 'e ground plan is compared with the one made in 1971, which Boris Ilkovac published, using the sketches and letters of Kažimir Perković from the Luka Jelić Archives in the Archaeological Museum in Split. 'e sketches of pieces of church furnishings are compared with the items found at the same site, today held in the Local Heritage Museum in Biograd.
The article deals with the past researches at the locality of Crikvine in Rupotina near Solin. The locality is situated on an elevation surrounded by two streams: Potok sv. Ilije (or Ilijino vrilo) and Suvaja. The first researches took place in 1908, led by Rev. Frane Bulić. Excavated were architectural remains belonging to a smaller church and earlier buildings. Over this entire area there is a significant number of medieval tombs. Existence of a classical phase here is witnessed by the discovered fragments of classical tombstones used as lids on the above mentioned tombs. Among other finds outstands a relief showing the tauroctony, an obligatory item in Mithraic sanctuaries. The find led Bulić to conclusion that the apse, probably of some classical architecture, previously had belonged to a Mithraic sanctuary. Finds from these excavations are mostly stored in the Archaeological Museum in Split, whereas a part of the grave goods are in the Croatian Archaeological Monuments Museum in Split. The researches were led by Ejnar Dyggve in 1929. A map of the excavations has been published, whereas a part of the original documentation is kept in the Dyggve’s archive in the Monument Conservation Department in Split. Recent researches were started in 2007. They encompassed an area researched in previous campaigns, and a detailed map of architecture and graves has been made.
There has been assumed the sequence of archaeological strata from a classical villa or farm, through a Mithreum and a possible paleo-Christian church, to a medieval church and cemetery around it. Planned are further researches and attempts to prove or disprove the previous hypotheses.
The paper addresses the issue of attributing individual stone fragments from the sites of Sv. Petar and Sv. Nikola in Kula Atlagića. Most of the fragments are housed in the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split, where they arrived in several stages. Aside from the fact that they belong to different stylistic periods, there is the challenge of determining the association of the fragments with specific objects. The article includes a catalog of the stone fragments and their interpretation. The results of survey have suggested several possible locations with remains of the buildings to which the fragments in the catalog might belong, but only systematic archaeological excavations can provide more reliable attribution.
Conference Presentations by Nikolina Uroda
Books by Nikolina Uroda
Brochures and catalogs by Nikolina Uroda
This paper presents a catalogue of finds from the Novi put cemetery at Bribirska glavica, researched in 1960, but not yet entirely published. The information was taken from archival material kept at the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments. These are grave record forms that contain notes on the appearance of graves, the material found in them and the sex and age of the interred. The paper also provides a plan of the cemetery and drawings of material found inside and outside the investigated graves, made after the 1960 research.
The present paper contains the preliminary report on the third season of the archaeological investigation of the rotunda and the architectural structures surrounding it that was carried out within the project Varvaria/ Breberium /Bribir. This campaign resulted in a more detailed defininition of certain structures that were uncovered in previous excavations, as well as the discovery of new elements within the investigated complex. The consolidation and conservation of the excavated architectural structures, has led to its partial interpretation and presentation. The processing and chemical analysis of material has further enabled the dating of certain elements of the complex.
and studied during this season. This material relates both to the rotunda church and to built structures postdating it.
The article contains an examination of the Early Christian church at the Bičina site in Polača, which was researched in 1898 and 1913. 'e excavations conducted in 1913 were entrusted to Fr. Kažimir Perković, a priest from Polača, by Fr. Luka Jelić. 'e ground plan of the church and sketches of the fragments of discovered church furnishings, made in 1914 and held in the Maps Archive of the Conservation Department in Split, are presented. 'ey were made by the Zadar conservator Tamino at the behest of Fr. Jelić. 'e ground plan is compared with the one made in 1971, which Boris Ilkovac published, using the sketches and letters of Kažimir Perković from the Luka Jelić Archives in the Archaeological Museum in Split. 'e sketches of pieces of church furnishings are compared with the items found at the same site, today held in the Local Heritage Museum in Biograd.
The article deals with the past researches at the locality of Crikvine in Rupotina near Solin. The locality is situated on an elevation surrounded by two streams: Potok sv. Ilije (or Ilijino vrilo) and Suvaja. The first researches took place in 1908, led by Rev. Frane Bulić. Excavated were architectural remains belonging to a smaller church and earlier buildings. Over this entire area there is a significant number of medieval tombs. Existence of a classical phase here is witnessed by the discovered fragments of classical tombstones used as lids on the above mentioned tombs. Among other finds outstands a relief showing the tauroctony, an obligatory item in Mithraic sanctuaries. The find led Bulić to conclusion that the apse, probably of some classical architecture, previously had belonged to a Mithraic sanctuary. Finds from these excavations are mostly stored in the Archaeological Museum in Split, whereas a part of the grave goods are in the Croatian Archaeological Monuments Museum in Split. The researches were led by Ejnar Dyggve in 1929. A map of the excavations has been published, whereas a part of the original documentation is kept in the Dyggve’s archive in the Monument Conservation Department in Split. Recent researches were started in 2007. They encompassed an area researched in previous campaigns, and a detailed map of architecture and graves has been made.
There has been assumed the sequence of archaeological strata from a classical villa or farm, through a Mithreum and a possible paleo-Christian church, to a medieval church and cemetery around it. Planned are further researches and attempts to prove or disprove the previous hypotheses.
The paper addresses the issue of attributing individual stone fragments from the sites of Sv. Petar and Sv. Nikola in Kula Atlagića. Most of the fragments are housed in the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split, where they arrived in several stages. Aside from the fact that they belong to different stylistic periods, there is the challenge of determining the association of the fragments with specific objects. The article includes a catalog of the stone fragments and their interpretation. The results of survey have suggested several possible locations with remains of the buildings to which the fragments in the catalog might belong, but only systematic archaeological excavations can provide more reliable attribution.