Papers by sasa mladenovic

This paper presents knowledge representation and formalization in different qualitative modeling ... more This paper presents knowledge representation and formalization in different qualitative modeling techniques. Qualitative reasoning, bond graphs, system dynamics, Petri nets and fuzzy cognitive maps are described and compared. They have also been compared with knowledge representation using semantic networks. The conclusion drawn in the paper is that all modeling approaches, observed in the paper, at some phase of a model development use some kind of a cognitive map presented with a directed graph. A cognitive map represents a system by identifying main concepts and relations among concepts them. There are a lot of different cognitive map types representing different kinds of knowledge. Some maps, like fuzzy cognitive maps and causal loops in system dynamics, include knowledge about cause-effect relationships among concepts. Other maps, like envisionment in qualitative reasoning and Petri nets, include knowledge about possible transitions among concepts representing system states variables. Use of cognitive maps in qualitative modeling techniques has been expected because humans use mental cognitive maps to deal with complexity in the surrounding world. That is probably the reason why cognitive maps are widely used in different areas of modeling and simulation to formally represent different type of knowledge.

Sažetak Složenost programskog jezika za početnike svodi učenje programiranja na učenje sintakse č... more Sažetak Složenost programskog jezika za početnike svodi učenje programiranja na učenje sintakse čime početnici ne uspijevaju steći bitne vještine kao što su algoritamski način razmišljanja i rješavanje problema. Poteškoće programera početnika izražene su kod svih uzrasta, no posebno se ističu na fakultetima zbog slabe prolaznosti i odustajanja studenata. U radu opisujemo iskustvo poučavanja studenata kao programera početnika pomoću vizualnih programskih jezika. Uvod Učenje i poučavanje programiranja je izazov za nastavnike i učenike, bez obzira na uzrast učenika (radi li se o osnovnoj, srednjoj školi ili fakultetu). Studenti na fakultetima često imaju poteškoće pri polaganju ispita iz predmeta vezanih za programiranje. Višegodišnjim promatranjem i iskustvom rada sa studentima na predmetima početnog programiranja uočavaju se poteškoće usvajanja osnovnih koncepata i algoritama, te rješavanja problema. Često su studenti uvjereni kako su napisali ispravan program, ali ne razumiju zašto ...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
ABSTRACT Children are exposed to technology, computer programs and games quite early but they onl... more ABSTRACT Children are exposed to technology, computer programs and games quite early but they only possess surface understanding about requirements for their realization. Children in 1st and 2nd grade (ages 7 - 9) are already familiar with basic computer science concepts, mainly through experience with more or less intelligent toys (robots). Taking mentioned into account introducing concepts of programming and behavior is required in early education. Results of the research based on specially made set of cards and robots used to encourage deep logical thinking and provide more immersive experience are presented in this paper.

This paper presents knowledge representation and formalization in different qualitative modeling ... more This paper presents knowledge representation and formalization in different qualitative modeling techniques. Qualitative reasoning, bond graphs, system dynamics, Petri nets and fuzzy cognitive maps are described and compared. They have also been compared with knowledge representation using semantic networks. The conclusion drawn in the paper is that all modeling approaches, observed in the paper, at some phase of a model development use some kind of a cognitive map presented with a directed graph. A cognitive map represents a system by identifying main concepts and relations among concepts them. There are a lot of different cognitive map types representing different kinds of knowledge. Some maps, like fuzzy cognitive maps and causal loops in system dynamics, include knowledge about cause-effect relationships among concepts. Other maps, like envisionment in qualitative reasoning and Petri nets, include knowledge about possible transitions among concepts representing system states variables. Use of cognitive maps in qualitative modeling techniques has been expected because humans use mental cognitive maps to deal with complexity in the surrounding world. That is probably the reason why cognitive maps are widely used in different areas of modeling and simulation to formally represent different type of knowledge.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer science education - ITiCSE '14, 2014
Algorithm visualization systems have not been as widely adopted by computer science educators as ... more Algorithm visualization systems have not been as widely adopted by computer science educators as it might be expected from the firm belief that they can enhance computer science education. Two key impediments for widely adopting AV technology in mainstream computer science are: effectiveness and enhancements of learning with visualization and effort needed to create algorithm visualizations. In this paper, we present the interpretation based system capable of automatic creation of algorithm visualizations by interpreting unmodified algorithms written in pseudocode. Although system is interpreting unmodified source code (code without any annotations for triggering appropriate visualization routines), due to the ability to automatically detect interesting events system is able to create visualizations at a sufficiently high level of abstraction so that the emphasis is on algorithmic conceptually relevant principles. Providing users with full control over input data set and by accompanying animation with explanatory messages, highlighting currently executing pseudocode line and providing possibility to inspect variable values at any step visualizations created by our system that can enhance learning and help students mastering algorithms basic concepts.

There's no more doubt that computers and technology have become part of modern human environment.... more There's no more doubt that computers and technology have become part of modern human environment. It is hard to find profession in modern society that doesn't rely on informatics. Despite that schools do not follow these changes properly. Digital literacy and informatics (computer science is commonly used in the USA) should be essential components of a modern education with goal to raise the children of today to be able to live in this modern, digital world. Through informatics course in elementary school, students should develop digital literacy skill, and through high school students should master basic science concepts of informatics in addition to digital fluency skills. In the Republic of Croatia Informatics is elective course in the elementary school offered from 5 th to 8 th grade therefore students should be motivated to enroll in such course. Informatics curricula is composed of ten teaching units presented to students through 4 years in elementary school. That means that 8 th grade students are exposed to all units. This study explores students' perception towards nine teaching units of Informatics curricula. Survey was conducted among 1462 8 th grade elementary students from three regions in the Croatia, during last two weeks of schooling. In this paper the results of research will be presented.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Job market is increasingly demanding jobs in all fields of Computer science. Besides that, most j... more Job market is increasingly demanding jobs in all fields of Computer science. Besides that, most jobs require computer literacy and computer fluency. Students should get these skills through elementary education. In the Republic of Croatia computer science is part of informatics course which is elective course for students from 5th to 8th grade. Because of that, students have to be motivated to elect such course. To investigate motivation and attitude towards elective course of informatics we conducted survey among 1462 8th grade elementary students as a special form of non-experimental research. Results of the research is presented in this paper.
IEEE Proceedings of MIPRO 2012 Jubilee 35th International Convention / Petar Biljanović (ur.). Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2012. 2056-2061
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (0302-9743) 8010 (2013); 604-613
This paper presents an approach to universal interaction which can be used for robot knowledge ac... more This paper presents an approach to universal interaction which can be used for robot knowledge acquisition and transfer of acquired knowledge between different robots. There are similarities between human and machine learning techniques so learning by demonstration and conceptual learning were used as a basis for demonstrating our proposed type of interaction. Advantages and limitations of proposed interaction are described and discussed. Also, empirical study to test our approach was carried out and results are presented and analyzed.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 106 (2013) ; 1576-1584
electronic form only:: NE
Interoperability is broad and complex subject being the most critical issue facing businesses tha... more Interoperability is broad and complex subject being the most critical issue facing businesses that need to access information from multiple systems. The concept of unwanted interoperability can result in fault decision making based on counterfeit data produced by hostile interoperable system. Research in this paper is based on highway toll collection system analysis as representative of hierarchical heterogeneous systems where integration becomes more important than development due to the short time in disposal between the contract signature and implementation. Unwanted interoperability detect mechanism is presented using information collected from different information system levels.
KOREMA, Automation in transportation 2009, Jan 1, 2009
International Conference ICL, Jan 1, 2008
This paper describes a way to ease interaction between interested parties in elementary and high ... more This paper describes a way to ease interaction between interested parties in elementary and high school education process. Recognized interested parties are teachers, parents and pupils. The idea is to create educational virtual environment that would attract engagement of all parties. Initial engagement would be motivated with the e-grade book. After initial involvement of seeing grades, the users would be motivated for further involvement using forums, blogs, and chats to interact with each other in one place. This would lead to creating groups of pupils or parents with similar problems and interests. For example, why is mathematics so hard to some pupils, and for other not? The created virtual environment will enable teachers to additionally inform parents of existing e-learning materials.
Statistika bibliografskih podataka o projektima, znanstvenicima i znantsvenim institucijama.

HCI in Work and Learning, Life and …, Jan 1, 2010
This paper examines problems and solutions related to the integration of the HCI perspective in s... more This paper examines problems and solutions related to the integration of the HCI perspective in software engineering and production. The goal is to bridge the gap between software engineers and HCI professionals by improving mutual understanding of their respective fields of interest. An information system is a complex system that can be modelled by means of the multilevel theory. The user interface design is a design problem without a single proper solution. There is no standard user interface look and feel, so that a multilevel user interface model is proposed. The user interface design is approached through hierarchical levels making it possible to choose between multiple developments methodologies. Case study: A highway automatic toll collection system user interface design proves that the multilevel approach can bridge the gap between developers and designers making team members use their respective strong points.
8th DAAAM International Symposium, Jan 1, 97

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Prispjelo 6.4.200. UDK 687.0:62.35 Izvorni znanstveni rad Moda, stil ili kombinacija odjevnih pre... more Prispjelo 6.4.200. UDK 687.0:62.35 Izvorni znanstveni rad Moda, stil ili kombinacija odjevnih predmeta definira ljude kao jedinstvena bića i način je izražavanja individualnosti, životnih stilova i stavova. Stilisti imaju znanje o načinu stvaranja poželjnih kombinacija odjevnih predmeta. Ako se odabir kombinacija želi potpomognuti računalom, tada je znanje stilista potrebno matematički formalizirati i izraditi računalni sustav s korisničkim sučeljem primjerenim krajnjem korisniku. Takav sustav je po svojoj prirodi kompleksan pa se za formalizaciju koristi znanost o kompleksnosti. Kao preduvjet za vrednovanje u stvarnom okruženju, iterativnim procesom dizajniranja generiran je relevantni prototip sustava. Sustav predstavlja inovaciju u konceptualnom, poslovnom i tehnološkom smislu te u ovakvom obliku još nije komercijalno implementiran. Očekuje se da će razvijeno programsko rješenje potaknuti suradnju i poboljšati postojeću komunikaciju između korisnika i proizvođača na obostranu korist. Ključne riječi: računala, korisnička sučelja, višerazinski sustavi, kompleksnost, odjevni predmeti, kombinacije odjevnih predmeta, stil
Papers by sasa mladenovic