Papers by Frane Mihanovic
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2008

Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Dec 1, 2022
BACKGROUND Water-polo is an official competitive olympic sport with high energy and technical-tac... more BACKGROUND Water-polo is an official competitive olympic sport with high energy and technical-tactical demands. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cognitive performance and specific swimming capacities on the selection of youth water polo players to the national water polo team. METHODS There were 83 youth water polo players (mean age 13.61±0.67 years) who attended the Croatian Water Polo Foundation training camps included in this cross-sectional study. Testing included anthropometric measurements, specific swimming capacities and cognitive performance (Stroop test). RESULTS Among 83 youth water polo players included in this study there were 13 goalkeepers, 13 center-defenders, 13 centers, 31 perimeter players and 13 wings. Selected players (N=40) performed faster in OffTime (selected 62.99±10.21 s vs. non-selected 69.98±8.93 s, P=0.002) and OnTime (selected 75.61±15.85 s vs. non-selected 86.01±15.40 s, P=0.004) of the Stroop test than non-selected players (N=43). Logistic regression analysis showed significant association between selection of youth water polo players to the national team and swimming results in 400m crawl and 100m crawl, as well as OffTime, OnTime and OnTime minus OffTime on the Stroop test. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study showed that psychomotor ability, inhibition, motor speed and cognitive flexibility were found to be the most important predictors for the selection of youth water polo players to the national water polo team. Furthermore, selected water polo players demonstrated better psychomotor abilities, inhibition and motor speed, as well as better results in all specific swimming tests in comparison to non-selected players.

St open, May 18, 2020
Aim: To investigate the accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction using an ex... more Aim: To investigate the accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction using an extra-oral calibration object placed in different positions on the panoramic radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image format. Methods: Digital panoramic radiographs of a purpose made model with 32 removable teeth replaced with metal balls were taken. The measurements of metal balls were performed with and without the calibration object placed in the middle or on the side of the radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image formats. Results: One sample t-test was used for the analyses of accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction. The most accurate vertical measurements were achieved in canine group in JPEG (6.02±0.04 mm, P=0.144) and DICOM (6.03±0.07 mm, P=0.104) formats using calibration object placed in the middle of the radiograph. The mean values of measurements in horizontal direction differed significantly from the real values (P<0.05) in all teeth groups regardless of the image format. Conclusion: The most accurate measurements in vertical direction were achieved by placing the metal scale ruler extra-orally in the middle of panoramic radiograph independent of the image format. Reliable clinical accuracy for measurements in horizontal direction was achieved only in canine region (G2) in both image formats.
Stručni rad Na Odsjeku restauracije i konzervacije Umjetničke akademije u Splitu izveden je konze... more Stručni rad Na Odsjeku restauracije i konzervacije Umjetničke akademije u Splitu izveden je konzervatorsko-restauratorski zahvat na dosad nezapaženoj slici 'Sveta Obitelj sa svetim Ivanom', iz splitskog samostana sv. Frane. Zahvat i istraživanja koja su ga pratila iznijeli su na vidjelo neobičnu i zanimljivu građu ove slike. Prilikom istraživanja primijenjena je metoda digitalne radiografije, koja u našoj sredini dosad gotovo da nije bila primjenjivana, a koja u svijetu dobiva sve širu primjenu na polju konzervacije. Snimanje je pružilo mogućnost da se usporede rezultati dobiveni ovom metodom s rezultatima koji se dobivaju analognom radiografijom.
... Ivanom, digitalna radiogra-fija, konzervacija - restauracija ... Obitelj sa svetim Ivanom (sl... more ... Ivanom, digitalna radiogra-fija, konzervacija - restauracija ... Obitelj sa svetim Ivanom (slika 1). Do sada nije bila privu-kla gotovo nikakvu pozornost stručnjaka, jer je ... Frane, s nakanom njihova trajnog izlaganja u budućem samostanskom muzeju.1 Obavljen je na Odsjeku za ...

Sport Mont Journal, Jun 1, 2023
Some previous studies suggested that children’s engagement in sports has been associated with the... more Some previous studies suggested that children’s engagement in sports has been associated with the improvement of cognitive functions, especially working memory, visual-spatial memory, motor coordination and cognitive flexibility. The aim of this study was to compare cognitive functions between female and male youth water polo players and the control subjects – school children of the same chronological age who did not participate in organized sports activity. There were 23 female (14.65±1.11 years old) and 23 male (14.52±0.51 years old) water polo players (WP), members of Croatian National team enrolled in this study for cognitive testing (Stroop test). The control group consisted of 8 female (14.75±0.89 years old) and 18 male (14.28±0.89 years old) school students who did not participate in organized sports activity. There were no significant differences in psychomotor speed (Stroop Off), while youth water polo players showed better response inhibition (Stroop On) (WP 65.33±9.09 s vs. control subjects 72.78±11.97 s, P=0.030) and psychomotor ability (OnTime minus OffTime) (WP 7.22±5.18 s vs. control subjects 14.13±9.22 s) (P&lt;0.001) than control subjects. The findings of this study suggest that children who participate in high-level water polo develop better cognitive flexibility than school students who do not participate in organized sports activity.
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Apr 28, 2023

The knee is an anatomical structure that can provide a great deal of data for research on age est... more The knee is an anatomical structure that can provide a great deal of data for research on age estimation. The aim of this study was to evaluate and apply a method for semi-automatic measurements of the area under the growth plate closure of the femur distal epiphysis and the growth plate closure itself on the 2D coronary slices using T2 weighted images (T2WI) generated on magnetic resonance (MRI) devices of different technical and technological characteristics. After the semi-automatic segmentation of the femur distal epiphysis under the growth plate closure and the growth plate closure itself, the areas of the measured closures were calculated using MATLAB version: 9.12. (R2022a), MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA, for each individual coronal slice. The area ratio index (ARI) was calculated as the ratio between the area under the growth plate closure of the femur distal epiphysis and the growth plate closure itself. The study sample consisted of 27 female and 23 male Caucasian partic...

Radiološki vjesnik
Availability of data is a leading factor for the development of society. Science and technology i... more Availability of data is a leading factor for the development of society. Science and technology improvement contributed to modernization of information transmission and availability systems. All areas of life are covered, including health. As a basic field for social stability, it was necessary to determine precisely the organization of every individual step in communication into any healthcare institution. Considering diversity and the amount of data, the development of unique transmission standards faced all sorts of problems. However, with the emergence of HL7 and DICOM standards, data became properly structured, thus successfully avoiding obstacles to general availability. When enrolling a patient, demographic data stay permanently recorded in the information system for medical planning and testing with the identification of obtained results. Workflows within individual departments and financial management of healthcare institutions also belong to the options of HL7 standard par...

Autori u prvom dijelu ovog ~lanka opisuju mogu}nosti potpunijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih an... more Autori u prvom dijelu ovog ~lanka opisuju mogu}nosti potpunijih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih analiza metalnih predmeta upotrebljavaju}i suvremenije metode snimanja pomo}u CT-a. U drugom dijelu ~lanka opisana su tri na~ina konzervacije metalnih predmeta (redukcija, abrazija i elektroliza) izva|enih iz rijeke Cetine kod Trilja. UPOTREBA X ZRAKA KOD SNIMANJA ARHEOLO[KIH PREDMETA Da bismo ustanovili u kakvom je stanju unutra{njost metalnog predmeta slu'imo se rendgenskim snimcima. Metalni oksidi propu{taju rendgenske zrake (X zrake), bolje nego sam metal, a takva rendgenska slika mnogo bolje pokazuje obujam oksidacije, nego neka druga metoda (sl. 1). Na slici mo'emo uo~iti debljinu korozivnog sloja, prisutnost drugih metala i materijala te se odlu~iti za najprikladniju metodu konzervacije. Po{to je ova metoda kvalitativne i kvantitativne analize dosta skupa, prethodno je potrebno predmete selektirati po stupnju oksidacije, a tako|er je bitno zna~enje predmeta kako za konzervatora tako i za arheologa. Rendgenskim snimanjem predmeta dobijamo panoramski snimak, {to zna~i snimak cijelog predmeta, u mjerilu 1:1, ali plo{no. Takav snimak bi nam pokazao dosta dobro vidljivu oksidnu koru, metalnu jezgru, predmete koji nisu od metala ili su pak od razli~ite vrste metala.

Aim: To investigate the accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction using an ex... more Aim: To investigate the accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction using an extra-oral calibration object placed in different positions on the panoramic radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image format. Methods: Digital panoramic radiographs of a purpose made model with 32 removable teeth replaced with metal balls were taken. The measurements of metal balls were performed with and without the calibration object placed in the middle or on the side of the radiograph in JPEG and DICOM image formats. Results: One sample t-test was used for the analyses of accuracy of measurements in vertical and horizontal direction. The most accurate vertical measurements were achieved in canine group in JPEG (6.02±0.04 mm, P=0.144) and DICOM (6.03±0.07 mm, P=0.104) formats using calibration object placed in the middle of the radiograph. The mean values of measurements in horizontal direction differed significantly from the real values (P<0.05) in all teeth groups regardless of the image...
The conservation and presentation of the Vodnjan relics is an exceptional professional challenge ... more The conservation and presentation of the Vodnjan relics is an exceptional professional challenge due to the fact that they are to be kept in the church, but in the same time they continue to attract an increasing secular, rather than sacred, interest. The material of the reliquiaries is heterogeneous, consisting of mummified human remains, textiles, metal, ivory, polychrome wood and inscriptions on paper and parchment.

St open, Jun 24, 2022
Aim: To develop a methodology for the estimation of the preservation of human skeletal remains-th... more Aim: To develop a methodology for the estimation of the preservation of human skeletal remains-the relics in the Vodnjan assembly; to estimate the minimum number of individuals (MNI), sex, and age; to evaluate the physical state of their remains, and to individualize the remains to verify the list of saints allegedly buried at the monastery. Methods: Standard crime scene investigation and forensic anthropology methods were used, including trace evidence marking, photography, minimum number of individuals (MNI) estimation, sex, age, stature estimation, pathological and traumatic changes examination, individuation, and individualization by the comparison to the biography. Results: The total sample of the bones in the Vodnjan relic collection was very poorly preserved. The MNI in the sarcophagus was twenty-two. Of those, three were female, twelve were male, and seven were subadults. Conclusion: The forensic approach to the documentation and analysis of relics was appropriate for this kind of skeletal material. The final identification was not possible because of the poor preservation of skeletal material and the lack of hagiographical (antemortem) data. However, the forensic anthropology approach enabled us to create osteobiographies, and after the comparison with the existing antemortem data, we could not exclude that the remains belonged to the named saints.
Papers by Frane Mihanovic