Fantastic Frontiers
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Fantastic Frontiers' LiveJournal:
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Monday, January 22nd, 2007 | 3:36 pm [frellingbored]
4 upcoming events
1) Friday night, Jan. 26 is a Phenomenauts concert at Club Retro, 6521 Hazel Ave, Orangevale, California 95662. The Phenomenauts is an award-winning sci-fi-themed rock band. They are playing with The Secretions and Teenage Harlets. Cost : $10 all ages. Rock the geeks! 2) Jan 29 (not this but next Monday) is a casual Potluck Chinese New Year party at Tree's house in Elk Grove, starting about 5 pm. Email me, Steph, at [email protected] if you need directions or details. Yes, we know, it's the wrong date -- the 29th was the date of Chinese New Year last year; heh, just go with it, it's a chance to eat Chinese food with new & old friends. :) Please bring a MSG-free Chinese-style food to share of your choice (we'll provide the rice). Perhaps a video will be watched or a game played -- we'll play it by ear. Feel free to bring possibilities. 3) Feb. 4 is an "Anti-SuperBowl Sunday Party", starting at 1 pm at my house (near American River College). The "anti-" part means we will *NOT* be watching the Superbowl. This party is for those of you, like me, who would rather watch *anything* but football, but still like the "getting-together-with-friends-and-eatin g-7-layer-dip-and-pizza" part. :) We'll watch a couple DVDs (TBD), either something from my collection or something someone brings. Again, we'll play it by ear, based on the interests of those who attend, but we'll definitely be watching something. (So those of you who've been desiring a Fantastic Frontiers movie night, here ya go, yay!!) New (& prospective) Fantastic Frontiers members are very welcome & encouraged! I'll provide the pizza & seven-layer dip (w/chips), you provide your favorite beverage(s). (Yes, alcohol allowed, but please be responsible.) Email me for directions. 4) Feb. 10 is a 2nd Saturday, and marks Fantastic Frontiers' 4-year anniversary! So what did we do to celebrate the last 3 years on the 2nd Saturday of February? We went glow bowling each time! So what are we going to do this time? You guessed it, glow bowling! Details to be announced, but mark your calendars. Thanks and hope to see you soon! --Steph [email protected] | Tuesday, August 29th, 2006 | 1:06 pm [frellingbored]
ConQuest San Fran Just a reminder, ConQuest San Francisco is this weekend! Sept. 1-4 (Labor Day Weekend, so you can even go Monday!) at the Airport Marriott San Francisco in California.
Four days of gaming: board games, card games, minatures, collectibles, RPGs, LARP, etc. Competitions/tournaments, open gaming, seminars, vendors, flea market, charity auction and special guests.
Four days of gaming for the unbelievable low price of $50 at the door! ($30 for one day, and $80 for family pass of 1 adult and 2 kids).
Trust me, if you like gaming, you don't want to miss it. So check out for all the pertinent details, like address/directions, hours, guest lists, etc. | Friday, July 7th, 2006 | 8:37 am [frellingbored]
BBQ Saturday
OK, I know this is really short notice, but for those of you current or potential Fantastic Frontiers members who aren't on the Yahoo Group (and thus would've missed the invite), there is a club gathering at my home (near ARC) tomorrow (Saturday, July 8) at 1 pm. It will be a hamburger/hotdog BBQ/potluck and we'll watch a movie, and then later in the evening is the option of going to the downtown Art Walk. You're all welcome, just call me at 530-417-3365 or email me at [email protected] if you need directions. --Steph | Friday, June 9th, 2006 | 8:29 pm [frellingbored]
Charity Serenity screening hosted by Sac Browncoats Serenity Now/Equality Now It's Joss Whedon's birthday and in honor of all he's done, the fans of his work all over the world are having screenings of his first Major Motion Picture, Serenity, on his birthday, June 23rd with all proceeds going to Equality Now. When, Location and time:June 23, 2006, Century Stadium 14 at Arden/Ethan inSacramento at 11:59pm
| Friday, May 5th, 2006 | 7:55 pm [frellingbored]
Another show just added
Warp 11 SAT. MAY 13 - SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA "Take Me to The River" Swabbie's 5871 Garden Highway 8:00 pm sharp | Saturday, April 29th, 2006 | 11:11 am [frellingbored]
Mark your calendars!
Saturday, June 17th is a Warp 11 show... but not just any show! They're playing with The Kimberly Trip !!!! Yay! Two great local geeky Sacramento bands in one fun night! JUNE 17 "Starfleet Graduation Bash" G Street Pub 228 G Street, Davis 10:00 pm - Ages 21+ with The Kimberly Trip other upcoming Warp 11 shows: FRI. JULY 14 - SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA "Friday Night Concerts in the Park" Cesar Chavez Park 10th and J Street with The Brodys Free admission - All Ages SAT. AUGUST 5 - SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA "Return to the Alpha Quadrant" Blue Lamp 1400 Alhambra Blvd. with Special Guest TBD 10:00 pm - Ages 21+ | Monday, April 24th, 2006 | 9:18 am [frellingbored]
| Sunday, April 23rd, 2006 | 11:32 pm [frellingbored]
Roller Skating gathering!
Join us for roller skating at Foothill Skate Inn on the 2nd Saturday of May! Followed by dinner after about 6 pm at Hing's Chinese Restaurant on Madison. Details: Date: Saturday May 13, 2006 Time: skating 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm, then dinner 6 pm-ish. Locations: Foothill Skate: 4700 Auburn Blvd. (cross street: Mrytle), Sacramento. (916) 488-4700 or check out Hing's restaurant: 5800 Madison Ave Ste Q, Sacramento. (916) 334-0760 Admission and schedule: Admission is $5 for one session, or $6.50 for 2 sessions. The sessions we'll be attending are 1 pm til 3:30 pm and 3 pm til 5:30 pm. So basically, for $6.50, you can skate from 1 pm til 5:30 pm. Oh, and skate rental is $2, or $3 for inline skates, or bring your own. Organizer's contact info: Steph: [email protected] or cell 530-417-3365. (Feel free to use my cell to find me in the rink or restaurant.) See ya there! All are welcome! Fantastic Frontiers membership or affiliation not required. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. :) | Friday, March 31st, 2006 | 1:37 pm [frellingbored]
updated schedule of things upcoming April 7-9: ConQuest Sac at the Red Lion Hotel by Adren Fair. Hands-on table-top/board/RPG/card games, tournaments, open-gaming, seminars, vendors, contests, flea market and more. Stop by the video room to visit me Saturday for the time travel marathon, or Sunday for the anime marathon! April 15: 1 PM @ Steph's home (near American River College), then 3 PM @ Swabbies At Metro Marina on Garden Hwy. First, a casual Fantastic Frontiers meeting startring 1 pm at Steph's, followed by a trip to Swabbies for the 3 pm Warp 11 fan club meeting to watch episodes of the hilarious Warp 11 internet series "Prime Directive," and then stay at Swabbies for the evening Warp 11 concert at 9 pm. Please carpool if you can (designated drivers / limited parking space, etc). Email [email protected] or call 530-417-3365 to RSVP or if you need directions. All are welcome May 26-29: KublaCon. Game con in Burlingame, which is San Fran-ish.
June 3: Warp 11 Concert: , 10 pm, at G Street Pub, 228 G Street, Davis. Ages 21+ with special guest TBA.
June 11: SAC-CON: Anime, comic book and collectors show. 10 AM-4 PM, at Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street (near CSUS in Sacramento). $5 admission.
July 19-23: ComicCon in San Diego. | Saturday, March 11th, 2006 | 10:43 am [frellingbored]
| Monday, February 27th, 2006 | 1:46 pm [frellingbored]
(edited due to a date mistake)
March Fantastic Frontiers meeting: Sunday, March 12, at 4 pm at my apartment:
Other fun March events:
This Saturday, March 4:
Board Games Club Day at Great Escape Games on Howe (near Arden), 1 pm to 8 pm
Also this Saturday, March 4:
WARP 11 CONCERT: 10 pm, at the Blue Lamp, 1400 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento. Ages 21+ with Special Guests TBA. (Cover charge unknown.)
Hope to see you at the above gatherings!
Fun Browncoat and Sac 'Scaper meetings are also in store, details will be announced on their groups or on FF when they are confirmed.
If you know of another March event that would likely be of interest to us, please share, thanks!
| Thursday, February 23rd, 2006 | 1:25 pm [frellingbored]
| Thursday, February 16th, 2006 | 10:55 am [frellingbored]
| 8:05 am [frellingbored]
Glow bowling invitation -- please RSVP
FANTASTIC FRONTIERS' THIRD ANNIVERSARY GLOW BOWLING!!! SUNDAY, FEB. 19, 9:30 PM: Everyone is welcome to come help Fantastic Frontiers celebrate its three-year-anniversary third-annual glow bowling outing at Country Club Lanes, this Sunday night! Sundays is when Country Club Lanes (on Watt Ave. near Arden) has a glow bowling session called "Beach Party, " 9:30 PM - 12:30 midnight. This one features bowling as many games as we want for $55 total for up to 6 people. (So, if we have 6 people in a lane, thats just $9.16 per person). SHOES ARE INCLUDED, plus there are one buck specials: $1 selected food, soda, Mai Tai's, & draft beer. Email [email protected] (or call 530-417-3365) to RSVP or for additional details. All are welcome, you don't have to be a member! Come play with us! Please RSVP, ASAP, so I can get an accurate count to make lane reservations, thanks! --Steph, moderator, (PS: sorry about the x-posting and for some of you re-posting, just wanted to make sure everyone is informed and knows to RSVP, thanks!) | Sunday, January 22nd, 2006 | 3:01 pm [frellingbored]
upcoming events
Next Saturday, Jan. 28: Sac 'Scapers meeting (contact Nora via [email protected] for details) Feb. 10-12: Wondercon at the Moscone Center in San Fran ( Feb. 12: Space Vacuum From Outer Space concert at the DNA Lounge in San Fran ( or Feb. 18 or 19: Glow Bowling with Fantastic Frontiers at Country Club Lanes, Sac, details to be announced ( March 4: Warp 11 concert at the Blue Lamp, Sac ( April 6-9: ConQuest Sac at the Red Lion Sac( *** Also, don't forget, every Tuesday, starting at 7 pm, is board game/card game night at Fox and Goose, downtown Sac! ( | 2:46 pm [frellingbored]
Glow bowling!
Thinking ahead to our Fantastic Frontiers third year anniversary glow bowling plans in the third weekend of Feb.... If you're considering going glow bowling with us, please review the choices below and give me feedback in the comments about which works best for you, thanks! Sacramento's Country Club Lanes ( has "Morning Glo" session on Saturdays, and we're talking Saturday Feb. 18. It would be 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon, and features bowling as many games as you want for $28 for up to 6 people. (So, if you have 6 people, thats just $4.70 per person). Yes, that's 9:30 in the morning; is that too early? Or, on Saturdays they also have "Full Mix," 5 :00 PM - 8:00 PM: unlimited bowling, shoes included, just $16 per person. My preference is to not go at this time because there is something else I was thinking of going to at 5 pm that day, but I am willing to skip it and go bowling at this time instead if this is the time that works best for everyone else. Or, we could go on Sunday, Feb. 19. Sundays is when they have "Beach Party, " 9:30 PM - 12:30 midnight (Remember, the next day is Washington's Bday, so many of you will have it off and not have to worry about staying out late Sunday night). This one features bowling as many games as you want for $55 total for up to 6 people. (So, if you have 6 people, thats just $9.16 per person). Shoes included, and there are one buck specials: $1 selected food, soda, Mai Tai's, & draft beer. So the downside is that it's more expensive, but the timing might be better. So, what works? Preferences? --Steph, F.F. moderator | Saturday, January 21st, 2006 | 7:36 pm [frellingbored]
| Tuesday, January 17th, 2006 | 7:21 pm [frellingbored]
Meeting Saturday!
There will be a Fantastic Frontiers meeting at my apartment this Saturday (Jan. 21), and we'll also be celebrating January birthdays. So if you have a Jan. birthday, you should come! And if you don't, you still should come for the cake and pizza and fun people and sci-fi-goodness. :) We'll meet at 1 pm -- feel free to bring DVDs or games or whatnot. If you can make it, please RSVP (to [email protected]), even if you don't need directions (but especially if you do!), so I know how many to expect and how much pizza to get, etc. Hope you can make it! | Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | 11:49 am [frellingbored]
upcoming: Anime Con, FF, and Warp 11
*SAC-ANIME 2006 JAPANESE COMICS, ANIME AND COLLECTORS SHOW: Saturday, Jan. 14, Vendor room, 10 AM-5 PM, & Cosplay Contest, 6 PM-8 PM, at Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street (near CSUS in Sacramento). Japanese anime, comics, toys and animated films. Contests, giveaways, vendors, charity auction, special guests, viewing room, panels. 916-607-1849 or website for details. $5-$8 registration. for details. *FANTASTIC FRONTIERS MEETING: Saturday, Jan. 21 at Steph's apartment. Email me or reply here if you need details, directions. *WARP 11 CONCERT: Saturday, March 4, 10 pm, at the Blue Lamp, 1400 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento. Ages 21+ with Special Guests TBA. (Cover charge unknown.) Info at :) Events page at has been updated. |
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