Papers by Virginia Popovic
Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 2023

Studii de Stiinta si Cultura, 2011
Sayings and proverbs are the elements of spirit and wisdom of a people, represent the force of th... more Sayings and proverbs are the elements of spirit and wisdom of a people, represent the force of thought and metaphor, intelligence and spiritual wisdom, the power of observation, the truths of skills argumentation and to explore life, the power of language to express much in few words. From everything that exists in literary creation, a particular difficulty lies in translating sayings and proverbs from one language to another. From what has created in the whole literary work, a particular challenge is to translate the sayings and proverbs from one language to another. Romanian and Serbian reflects very well the virtues which are adapted to express sayings and proverbs, communicate more in a few words say more than what is said with words, if that partner has the satisfaction to decipher the intentions of the author. Both pickers' sayings, Vuk Karadzic and Anton Pann have desire as their collections through this remember the sayings and proverbs Serbian and Romanian, and contributed to their entry into our everyday language, and gave the magnitude and expressiveness.

Studii de Stiinta si Cultura, 2011
Romanian literature from Voivodina, conceived more than half century ago is a relatively young li... more Romanian literature from Voivodina, conceived more than half century ago is a relatively young literature, but through these years from first written texts on this teritories until the following days it marked true artistic development, esteticaly and towards searching national identity. Starting with 5th decade of the last century in Yugoslav literature writers more and more use ideas of traditonalism and realism in their works. Such Romanian poetry of traditionalism writes one of the most famous writer of the last century in Voivodina, Ion Balan. Entered on line of traditionalism and autochthonism, poetry and prose 50's tried to cover the interwar literary gap and open the door again to Romanian literary word. Now we face a crossroads between the Serbian and Romanian literature. Romanian Poetry of Vojvodina uses first classical methods, traditional and a modern poetic language.
Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 2021

Contemporary pedagogy strives to find educational solutions designed to avoid the conflict betwee... more Contemporary pedagogy strives to find educational solutions designed to avoid the conflict between teaching strategies used in education and the mentality of contemporary society, which requires new dimensions of children’s intellectual and moral abilities. Literature plays an important role in shaping children’s personality, causing them to manifest their consciousness and to acquire certain beneficial behaviors. Models presented in literary works ensure the acquisition of some concepts, which provide children with the opportunity to discover their own personality. Differentiating positive aspects from the negative ones, discovering the role they can play in children’s development, can be obtained only by teacher’s use of specific strategies and methods favorable for the development of critical thinking and formation of creative personality. The aim of this paper is to identify innovative teaching methods and procedures, suitable for analyzing children’s literary texts in Romanian language in the lower grades of primary school, in order to improve and optimize the teaching process.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2013
Literary language used in Vojvodina, in relation to the literary language spoken in Romania, has ... more Literary language used in Vojvodina, in relation to the literary language spoken in Romania, has its specificity due to dialectal base and the conditions under which formed. It is divided into regions and and includes local and regional lexical features, and idioms commonly used by locals. Writers of Vojvodina originating from different Romanian dialects presented in this space and the specifics of the language broadly occupied linguist Radu Flora. This research shows that the Romanian population from Banat is based on the three dialectal layers: Banat, Oltenia and Ardeal. In Transylvanian villages, dialect spoken by population is closer to Romanian literary language than the one used in authentic villages from Banat. Therefore, the language of artistic works, used by writers in Vojvodina is not uniform, it differs depending on the writer's origin. This paper draws attention towards possible division of the novels in Vojvodina, depending on the period of publication: the traditional, neotraditional and modern novel (this includes so-called "turning point" for modernism), explaining the language facts used in these novels.
Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 2021

The aim of the paper is to present an advantage of using internet library for students who study ... more The aim of the paper is to present an advantage of using internet library for students who study Romanian language and literature in Serbia. In fact, due to the lack of new modern books in Romanian language in Serbia which would get interested students to read, professors at the Faculty of Philosophy, from Department of Romanian Language and Literature have made a list of websites and databases where students can read books. The research showed that students increasingly less use reading room and library at the Faculty. Necessary literature they try to found on the Internet. The research results showed that two main reasons contribute to this. The first reason is that students rarely use the library because they cannot take books with them home (library has one copy of the book), and the second reason is that library does not have the necessary books. Desiring to as much as possible students read and use professional literature, professors tried to make a list of Web sites and datab...
Studii de Stiinta si Cultura, 2012
Female literature in Voivodina, by entering into the new millennium, turns towards another sphere... more Female literature in Voivodina, by entering into the new millennium, turns towards another sphere, to the modern world, the elite and postmodern poetry, running away from the great influence of Serbian literature and from Romanian literature on the other side, female voices have succeeded in bringing an original vision and to impose their own aesthetic programs in the lyrical spaces from Vojvodina.
Studii de Stiinta si Cultura, 2011
From the first poem written in Romanian in Vojvodina territory can meet an influence offolklore i... more From the first poem written in Romanian in Vojvodina territory can meet an influence offolklore in Romanian poetry. This influence started from fifth decade of last century. Even with thearticles regarding relationship between literature and gastronomy were multiplied during the lastyears, transforming into real trend, about traditional and (post)modern gastronomy in VojvodinianLiterature wasn't wrote at all. Therefore, such paper should bring a deeper incursion in Romanianpoetry from Vojvodina, which, surrounded by Serbian literature and the literature of minoritiescoexisting on this territory, has received a certain foreign influence and in the case of poetry butalso in the case of gastronomy.
This work deals with the translations of the well known Romanian literary works into Serbian lang... more This work deals with the translations of the well known Romanian literary works into Serbian language, as well as with the translations of Serbian works into Romanian language. Before nineteen sixties, Serbian literary circles were not familiar with the greatest literary works of Romanian literature. At the end of twentieth century, there were more and more translations of Romanian works, thus today, Serbian readers have a very rich collection of Romanian literature pieces translated into Serbian. Besides prose, poetry and theatre palys, Romanian literary critics and essays have been translated in recent years. This work deals with belletristic literature from its appearance in Serbia in 1940. until today.

Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду, 2018
Fiecare literatură are începuturile ei și cele mai importante perioade sau curente literare, care... more Fiecare literatură are începuturile ei și cele mai importante perioade sau curente literare, care vor reuni prozatori sau poeți în baza unor principii literare sau artistice. Fiecare curent se manifestă în baza unui program sau în baza unui manifest publicat în primul număr al revistei care face propagarea acestui curent literar. În literatura română din Voivodina acest lucru nu e valabil deoarece istoricii literari au fixat începutul literaturii române în deceniul cinci al secolului trecut prin apariția primelor reviste literare. La fel istoricii literare nu consemnează existența a unui roman înainte de 1945. Dacă plecăm de la ideea oamenilor competenți în domeniu, începutul romanului românesc din Voivodina se fixează abia în a doua parte a secolului trecut cu primele fragmente publicate în revistele de cultură de aici. În lucrarea de față încercăm pentru prima dată să facem o împărțire a romanului românesc din Voivodina și totodată să atragem atenția asupra temelor la care au apel...
VIVIANA MILIVOIEVICI VASILE MAN (coordonatori) Colocviul Internațional EUROPA: Centru și margine,... more VIVIANA MILIVOIEVICI VASILE MAN (coordonatori) Colocviul Internațional EUROPA: Centru și margine, cooperare culturală transfrontalieră, Ediția a VIII-a, 23 - 25 octombrie 2019, Arad – Timișoara CULTURĂ ȘI SPIRITUALITATE ÎN SPAȚIUL ROMÂNESC ȘI EUROPEAN
Irregular F is an open access online journal that publishes work from all areas and traditions of... more Irregular F is an open access online journal that publishes work from all areas and traditions of philosophy. High-quality theoretical research in social sciences and humanities may also be accepted. The journal focuses on research addressing novel or scarcely treated subject matter, remaining nevertheless faithful to the norms and standards of academic research. Irregular F promotes dialogues between various disciplines and the work of young researchers, but any valuable contribution from the aforementioned fields of study is welcome.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The twenty-first century is the century of tabloid journalism. In Serbia, the number of scientifi... more The twenty-first century is the century of tabloid journalism. In Serbia, the number of scientific papers on this type of journalism has recently increased. Investigators of media and media markets are confronted with constant changes of their object of study. Besides the media contents which change daily, media technology, legislation and the audience are also constantly changing. This happens due to complex demands of the modern world. Some authors define the tabloid press as a form of commercial media culture created for profit and distributed in the form of goods whose products are going to sell well because of their factual popularity. As part of popular journalism, tabloidisation means creating the product which attracts the maximum number of customers. The emergence of such products which shocked the world by breaking with the conventions led to the creation of a new form of media literacy, whose celebrities replaced the old values of life and way of thinking, creating new models of identification and resonant performances of style, fashion and behavior. Since profit and not ethics is the deepest motivations of tabloid journalism, some authors of tabloids do not consider them among traditional print media, rather placing them in a separate category defined as "consumerist magazines''. This subcategory develops rapidly and commercially, as this approach is based on the pursuit of erotic content, gossip and kitsch. As the topics of tabloids are processed, sensationalism is used: relevant contents, giving way to bizarre scandalous, or tabu subjects peek into people's privacy. The consequences are reflected in shaping the reader's view of world, entering virtual reality. Moving from a strictly populist media towards a completely different media, tabloid contents manipulate consciousness and create dependence. Since they have low professional level of journalistic processing, tabloid journalism unfavourably reflects on the promotion of genuine values.

In Romanian literature in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, poetry is the favourite genre of writers... more In Romanian literature in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, poetry is the favourite genre of writers, especially when it comes to the second half of the twentieth century. Among the lyrical themes often explored by the authors who wrote their texts in Romanian, the theme of the homeland of yesterday and today, occupied a privileged place. Natural beauty, childhood images, loved ones, customs and traditions, educational aspects, social coexistence, the multicultural specificity have also quite often become literary topics. This article reveals some lyrical experiences in which the homeland - Banat, is in the focus of some poets, belonging to different literary generations. Their writings are modelled according to the feelings of nostalgia, alienation, wanting to return to the past through recollection or dreams. On the other hand, in addition to daydreams of their home and self-searches, we are drawn to the approaches to these topics that place Romanian literature in its own right, at t...
Papers by Virginia Popovic
The Future Tense to Express the Present and the Past
Le futur pour exprimer le présent et le passé
Would the Future Disappear from Our Future? Contextual Description of the Future Tense Use and Its ‘Semantic Derivatives’ in Spoken French
Le futur disparaîtrait-il de notre avenir? Description contextuelle de l'emploi du futur et de ses «dérivés sémantiques» en français parlé
Tell the Tense that Will Do / Will Be Doing Tomorrow: Use of the Future Tense Simple and the Periphrastic Future in Expressing the Ulteriority in Nowadays French and Spanish
Dire le temps qu’il fera / va faire demain: analyse de l’emploi du futur simple et du futur périphrastique dans l’expression de l’ultériorité en français et en espagnol contemporains
Nabila MAMI 33
The Expression of the Future in Literary Arabic and Tunisian Arabic
L'expression du futur en arabe littéraire et en arabe tunisien
Salvatore Claudio SGROI 45
The Future in the Past in Ancient and Early-Twentieth-Century Italian (Condiz. Pres. vs Condiz. Pass.) and in Contemporary Italian (Condiz. Pass.)
Il futuro nel passato nell'italiano antico e primo-novecentesco (condiz. pres. vs condiz. pass.) e nell'italiano contemporaneo (condiz. pass.)
Mihai Eminescu in Italy. Eminescu and the Italian Culture
Mihai Eminescu en Italie. Eminescu et la culture italienne
Mihai Eminescu în Italia. Eminescu și cultura italiană
Laura ORBAN 65
Hypotheses of Humanity in the Era of the Great Classics
Hypostases de l'humanité à l'ère des Grands Classiques
Ipostaze ale umanității în Epoca Marilor Clasici
The Dissolution of Values in (Post)modernity. Emil Ivănescu's Theater between Harold S. Bucquet and Lars von Trier
La dissolution des valeurs dans la (post)modernité. Le théâtre d’Emil Ivănescu entre Harold S. Bucquet et Lars von Trier
Disoluţia valorilor în (post)modernitate. Teatrul lui Emil Ivănescu între Harold S. Bucquet şi Lars von Trier
Rodica BIRIȘ 79
Alexandra Denisa IGNA, Adina BANDICI 81
Pop Music as A Means of Teaching Vocabulary in Courses of German as a Foreign Language. Didactic Approaches
Popmusik als Mittel zur Wortschatzvermittlung im Daf-Unterricht. Didaktische Vorschläge
Muzica pop ca mijloc de predare a vocabularului la cursurile de limba germană ca limbă străină. Abordări didactice
Rodica Teodora BIRIȘ 95
The Expansion of the German Language in the World
Die Verbreitung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt
Răspândirea limbii germane în lume
Virginia POPOVIĆ 99
Virginia POPOVIĆ, Pavle SEKERUS 101
Translating and Interpretative Responses of the Romanian Poet Lucian Blaga’s Poetry in Serbian-Speaking Area
Réception de la traduction et de l’interprétation de la poésie du poète roumain Lucian Blaga dans la zone serbophone
Mirela KOZLOVSKY 109
Functional Mutations in the Winter Customs Repertoire of the Lipovian Russians from Sarichioi
Mutations fonctionnelles dans le répertoire des coutumes hivernales des Russes lipoviens de Sarichioi
Mutații funcționale în repertoriul obiceiurilor de iarnă la rușii lipoveni din Sarichioi
Ioana NISTOR, Mirel ANGHEL 119
Roxana BÎRSANU 121
Filip Florian’s Degete Mici – The Reception of a Romanian Novel through Translation
Degete Mici de Filip Florian – La réception d’un roman roumain en traduction
Degete Mici de Filip Florian – recepția unui roman românesc prin traducere
Eugen GAGEA 129
Vasile MAN 131
Culture, the Ambassador of Connecting People
La culture, l’ambassadeur de l'appropriation des personnes
Cultura, ambasador al apropierii dintre oameni
Sorin IVAN 135
Titu Maiorescu, 180 Years from Birth
Titu Maiorescu, 180 ans à partir de la naissance
Titu Maiorescu, 180 de ani de la naştere
Ramona Mirabela OPREA 137
Developing the Alternative Educational System – the Jena Plan, an Attempt to Reduce Functional Illiteracy
Le développement du système d’éducation alternative – le Plan Jena, une tentative de réduire l’analphabétisme fonctionnel
Desfășurarea sistemului alternativ de învățământ – Planul Jena, o încercare de diminuare a analfabetismului funcțional
Ioana NISTOR 145
A Diachronic Perspective on the History of the Book and Printing, in the Netherlands, in the 17th century. The Elsevier Dynasty – Printers, Publishers, Booksellers
Une perspective diachronique sur l’histoire du livre et du motif, aux Pays-Bas, au XVIIe siècle. Dynastie Elsevier – imprimeurs, éditeurs, libraires
O perspectivă diacronică asupra istoriei cărții și tiparului, în Țările de Jos, în secolul al XVII-lea. Dinastia Elsevier – tipografi, editori, librari
Lucian MARINA 151
New Words of the ‘Logos’ Journal
Nouveaux mots de la revue «Logos»
Noi râuri de cuvinte ale revistei ,,Logos”
Cultural Solidarities in Interwar Timisoara
Solidarités culturelles à Timişoara entre les Deux Guerres
Solidarităţi culturale în Timişoara interbelică
Delia BADEA 163
Bohemiam Way of Living
La bohème comme manière d’être
Boema ca mod de a fi
Lucian Costin, Founder of ‘The Literary Banat’ Publication
Lucian Costin, le fondateur de la publication «Le Banat littéraire»
Lucian Costin, fondatorul publicației „Banatul literar”
Emilia PARPALĂ 177
Dumitru MIHĂILESCU 179
Virgiliu Bradin, Rostirea poetică preeminesciană – inovații stilistice și lexicale – eseuri, Arad, Editura Promun, 2019, 527 p.
Brândușa JUICĂ 183
Viviana Milivoievici, Secvențe culturale din Banat. Studii și cercetări, Prefață de Thede Kahl, Postfață de Vasile Man, Arad, Editura Gutenberg Univers, 2019, 285 p., ISBN 978-606-675-197-1
Dumitru MIHĂILESCU 185
Viviana Milivoievici, Vasile Man (coord.), Colocviul Internațional „EUROPA: centru și margine, cooperare culturală transfrontalieră”, Ediția a VIII-a, 23-25 octombrie 2019. Cultură și spiritualitate în spațiul românesc și european, Arad, Editura Gutenberg Univers, 2020, 218 p., ISBN 978-606-675-227-5
Virginia POPOVIĆ 189
Ileana Ursu, Umbra și numele ei / Senka i njeno ime, cu o prefață în limbile sârbă și română de Virginia Popović, Zrenianin, Editura ICRV, 2019, 257 p.
Instructions for Authors 193
Instructions pour les auteurs 196
Instrucţiuni pentru autori 199
Grila de evaluare 202
Subscriptions 203
Abonnements 203
Abonamente 204