Papers by Aleksandra Blatešić

Методички видици
Considering the significant changes that have occurred throughout the world due to the COVID-19 p... more Considering the significant changes that have occurred throughout the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the duration of the online teaching modality, we will investigate how university teachers of Language, Literature and Culture in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina responded to the biggest challenge of today’s education. For the purposes of the research, a Google Forms survey was conducted in which foreign and native language teachers from universities in Vojvodina participated. The aim of this research was to examine the ways of teaching in pandemic conditions, the difficulties faced by teachers and the solutions they found to overcome them. The results should offer to an insight into the main problems in conducting online classes, conditions and working methods, the use of the university platform Moodle and other most used e-platforms and digital tools, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages, along with (dis)satisfaction of teachers with the achieved teaching.
Методички видици
U radu smo istražili mišljenja studenata o značaju implementiranja književnog teksta kao važne ma... more U radu smo istražili mišljenja studenata o značaju implementiranja književnog teksta kao važne matrice za podizanje i jačanje motivacije pri usvajanju italijanskog jezika kao stranog (L3, L4) kod studenata Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Za potrebe ovog rada sproveli smo primarno istraživanje kvalitativnog tipa među studentima s ciljem da ustanovimo stepen njihove zainteresovanosti za italijansku književnost, italijanske klasike i savremene autore, kao i za jačanje jezičkih i interkulturnih kompetencija posredstvom rada na književnom tekstu. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja su veoma podsticajni i jasno ukazuju na važnost uvođenja književnog teksta kao neizostavnog didaktičkog materijala u univerzitetsku nastavu italijanskog jezika, ali i potrebu za njegovom didaktizacijom.

Quaestiones Romanicae VIII/II, 2020
Proverbi latini nell'italiano contemporaneo Abstract: (Latin Proverbs in Contemporary Italian) De... more Proverbi latini nell'italiano contemporaneo Abstract: (Latin Proverbs in Contemporary Italian) Despite the now widespread claim throughout the world "Latin is a dead language" this belief is not scientifically confirmed. Following the millennial life in antiquity this language is still able to give meaning to our identity and contemporary culture through many expressions, sayings and proverbs that reveal the wisdom of a great civilization. Latin in both original and modified form is still very much alive in contemporary Italian in many areas of use that are not strictly scientific (such as legal or medical-specialist). It is indeed the everyday use in the spoken language of modern Italian that rebels the Latin alive. In this contribution we intend to present the Latin expressions and sayings most present in the Italian language of the XXI century as well as the proverbs of Latin origin, which over time have taken on another meaning, maintaining the ancient and intellectual charm of the expressive force of Latin. The aim of our research, carried out on the paremiological and phraseological material of contemporary Italian, is to show the linguistic and socio-cultural modalities that ensure life in this "dead" language.

Прототипски ред речи ’субјекат–глагол–објекат’ у једној италијанској реченици исти је као у српск... more Прототипски ред речи ’субјекат–глагол–објекат’ у једној италијанској реченици исти је као у српском језику, с том разликом што реченица која почиње субјектом има и једну детерминанту, а то је најчешће члан као саставни део именичке синтагме. Истраживање овог рада спроведено је на италијанским пословицама, које имају све одлике реченице, али и посебне карактеристике захваљујући којима се разликују од реченица уобичајених у свакодневној комуникацији. У овом раду ћемо се бавити појавом нултог члана у именичкој синтагми у иницијалном положају пословица. Резултати истраживања ће показати да такве именичке синтагме немају увек функцију субјекта у пословицама, те да до изостављања члана у њима долази због разних промена у синтаксичкој структури, пермутација или изостављања реченичних конституената. Уочавање најважнијих законитости тих промена довешће нас до бољег разумевања појаве нултог члана у именичкој синтагми у инципиту пословица, али и до значајних запажања варијетета синтаксичке стр...
TEME, 2020
A critical and complete estimation and evaluation of educational work is a complex and accountabl... more A critical and complete estimation and evaluation of educational work is a complex and accountable process, but mostly it is the inevitable task of all participants in this process. The aim of this paper is to point out the significance of extensive social impact on foreign language selection and acquisition by using the method of theoretical analysis. In this paper we will present the importance of learning foreign languages (FL), their presence in the educational system of Republic Serbia, the position of the state language policy, as well as the current situation and the basic attitude of the society in the selection and study of FLs. The results of this analysis should contribute to a better insight into the nature of the factors that influence the acquisition and teaching of foreign languages.

Nasledje Kragujevac, 2021
In this paper we have analyzed and compared idioms and proverbs of Italian and Serbian, where fol... more In this paper we have analyzed and compared idioms and proverbs of Italian and Serbian, where folk performances and observations about the influence of celestial bodies on human life are present, relying on the theory of Polish ethnolinguistic school. Astronomical culture is one of the oldest, developing from prehistoric man to the modern age in various forms and under different influences, from the imaginary view of celestial bodies to nurturing of cults, and the creation of numerous myths and legends. Due to their physical distance from the man, the Moon and the Sun have often been a subject of fantasy, therefore being animized (receiving the features of a living being), personified (presented as human beings) and sometimes deified (the Sun ascribing divine qualities) in linguistic structures. Idioms and proverbs are an impor- tant linguistic heritage for their speakers, because they are formed based on common values accepted by both language speakers and users showing an anthropo...

The basic theme of this paper are bare noun phrases, which in the Italian language often appear i... more The basic theme of this paper are bare noun phrases, which in the Italian language often appear in reduced syntactic structures. Omitting redundant syntactic units is caused by several reasons, among which the most important are economy of language, emphasis and style. The occurrence of bare noun phrases in Italian often coincides with ellipsis, so we have paid special attention to the type of ellipsis (rhetorical and grammatical) where bare nouns appear, and to the types of verbs which is omitted in elliptical structure (verbal predicates, copulative verbs, semi-copulative verbs, existential verbs). We have analysed these reduced statements at the levels of surface as well as deep structures of sentences, relying on the principles of generative grammar and on modern structural methods. The survey results represent syntactic and semantic conditions as well as linguistic contexts, that cause SNØ in ellipsis.

Методички видици, 2011
Teletandem (TT) is as a computer assisted language learning environment<br />in which two s... more Teletandem (TT) is as a computer assisted language learning environment<br />in which two students communicate in order to learn<br />each other's native language. In the case of a program focused on<br />Language for Specifi c Purposes (LSP), TT offers the possibility of<br />putting into contact two people with interests in the same scientifi<br />c or professional areas, thus confi guring a symmetrical relationship<br />which allows mutual help in specialistic areas where access<br />to traditional language teaching may be problematic. In fact, the<br />competence of teachers does not necessarily extend to the highly<br />specialized fi elds of knowledge mastered by these learners. TT can<br />provide an environment where it is possible to overcome the gap<br />between meaning (which the learner can verbalize in his/her native<br />language) and the linguistic forms required for expression in the<br /&...
Tm-technisches Messen, 2020
A critical and complete estimation and evaluation of educational work is a complex and accountabl... more A critical and complete estimation and evaluation of educational work is a complex and accountable process, but mostly it is the inevitable task of all participants in this process. The aim of this paper is to point out the significance of extensive social impact on foreign language selection and acquisition by using the method of theoretical analysis. In this paper we will present the importance of learning foreign languages (FL), their presence in the educational system of Republic Serbia, the position of the state language policy, as well as the current situation and the basic attitude of the society in the selection and study of FLs. The results of this analysis should contribute to a better insight into the nature of the factors that influence the acquisition and teaching of foreign languages.

Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, Dec 17, 2014
Osnovnu temu ovog istraživačkog rada čini nulta imenička sintagma, koja se u italijanskom jeziku ... more Osnovnu temu ovog istraživačkog rada čini nulta imenička sintagma, koja se u italijanskom jeziku često pojavljuje u redukovanim sintaksičkim strukturama. Do izostavljanja sintaksički redundantnih jedinica iskaza dolazi iz nekoliko razloga, među kojima su za ovaj predmet istra živanja najbitniji ekonomija jezika, emfaza i stil. Pojava nulte imeničke sintagme u italijanskom jeziku vrlo često koincidira sa elipsom, te smo posebnu pažnju obratili na vrstu elipse u kojoj se pojavljuje nulta imenička sintagma (retorička i gramatička), ali i na vrstu gla gola koji se izostavlja u eliptičnoj strukturi. Ove redukovane strukture istražili smo na površinskom i dubinskom nivou iskaza, oslanjajući se na principe generativne gramatike i sa vremenog strukturalnog metoda. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju sintaksičko-semantičke uslove i jezičke kontekste koji dovode do pojave SNØ u elipsi. Ključne reči: italijanski jezik, imenička sintagma, nulti član, gramatička elipsa, retorička elipsa [email protected] Ovaj rad predstavlja proširenje osnovne teme obrađene u doktorskoj disertaciji "Nulti član u savremenom italijanskom jeziku", odbranjene na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu, 30. marta 2012. godine.

The aim of this paper is to present imaginary personalities from oral and written literature who ... more The aim of this paper is to present imaginary personalities from oral and written literature who have found their place in Italian fixed expressions due to their character, specific circumstances, events or the things they have done or said. Most of the analysed characters in this paper are fictional, while some are associated with the most diverse stories and legends, mostly of unclear origin. If the analysed characters have been taken from a literary work, their creator is an individual and therefore a known subject. The creator of these characters can also be a collective author, and therefore an unknown subject. The characteristics of the protagonists in folk fiction and folklore have been created for a long time and they have been constantly attributed new meanings and language varieties. Although the subject of research in this paper are phrases of the contemporary Italian language, when it comes to these language forms, we cannot talk about contemporaneity in a narrower sense...

Inovacije u nastavi
In this paper, we will demonstrate in what way and to what extent the university teaching of the ... more In this paper, we will demonstrate in what way and to what extent the university teaching of the Italian language as an elective and compulsory-elective academic course has changed in the online context imposed in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. The transition from classroom teaching to online teaching (pure e-learning, then blended learning) in synchronous and asynchronous form significantly influenced a number of factors important for the acquisition of the Italian language and introduction to the elements of Italian civilization and culture. The aim of the research was to examine the efficacy of organized (a)synchronous online teaching, to determine to what extent this second way of teaching affects students' academic motivation to learn Italian as an elective second foreign language, and to establish preconditions for achieving various aspects of motivation: experience with online teaching, achievement, technical difficulties, and attitudes about online teaching. Th...

The aim of this paper is to present imaginary personalities from oral and written literature who ... more The aim of this paper is to present imaginary personalities from oral and written literature who have found their place in Italian fixed expressions due to their character, specific circumstances, events or the things they have done or said. Most of the analysed characters in this paper are fictional, while some are associated with the most diverse stories and legends, mostly of unclear origin. If the analysed characters have been taken from a literary work, their creator is an individual and therefore a known subject. The creator of these characters can also be a collective author, and therefore an unknown subject. The characteristics of the protagonists in folk fiction and folklore have been created for a long time and they have been constantly attributed new meanings and language varieties. Although the subject of research in this paper are phrases of the contemporary Italian language, when it comes to these language forms, we cannot talk about contemporaneity in a narrower sense...
Research of this work was carried out on Italian proverbs, which have all the features of the sen... more Research of this work was carried out on Italian proverbs, which have all the features of the sentence, and some special features that make them different from the usual sentence in everyday communication. The bare nouns in the initial part of the proverbs occur because of the relocation of the informative focus into the initial position regardless of the function that later they carry out. Furthermore the omission of the article is due to various changes in syntactic structure, permutation or omission of sentence constituents, such as verbs and conjunctions. Realizing the most important principles of these changes led us to a better understanding of this phenomenon in Italian proverbs, but also to significant variety of their syntactic structures.

Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду
Osnovnu temu ovog istraživačkog rada čini nulta imenička sintagma, koja se u italijanskom jeziku ... more Osnovnu temu ovog istraživačkog rada čini nulta imenička sintagma, koja se u italijanskom jeziku često pojavljuje u redukovanim sintaksičkim strukturama. Do izostavljanja sintaksički redundantnih jedinica iskaza dolazi iz nekoliko razloga, među kojima su za ovaj predmet istra živanja najbitniji ekonomija jezika, emfaza i stil. Pojava nulte imeničke sintagme u italijanskom jeziku vrlo često koincidira sa elipsom, te smo posebnu pažnju obratili na vrstu elipse u kojoj se pojavljuje nulta imenička sintagma (retorička i gramatička), ali i na vrstu gla gola koji se izostavlja u eliptičnoj strukturi. Ove redukovane strukture istražili smo na površinskom i dubinskom nivou iskaza, oslanjajući se na principe generativne gramatike i sa vremenog strukturalnog metoda. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju sintaksičko-semantičke uslove i jezičke kontekste koji dovode do pojave SNØ u elipsi.
Филолог – часопис за језик, књижевност и културу, Jun 30, 2012
Филолог – часопис за језик књижевност и културу
Nel Teletandem (TT) due apprendenti comunicano in ambiente telematico per imparare l'uno la lingu... more Nel Teletandem (TT) due apprendenti comunicano in ambiente telematico per imparare l'uno la lingua madre dell'altro, in modo autonomo e secondo un progetto personalizzato di scambio linguistico-culturale. Nel caso di un TT con le microlingue, inoltre, è possibile configurare un rapporto di accentuata simmetria tra addetti di uno stesso settore scientifico-professionale e il superamento del modello che prevede la relazione tra un insegnante di microlingua, in genere non specialista della materia, possessore del significante, e un discente, possessore dei significati. Il presente lavoro intende illustrare le criticità e i punti di forza nell'ambiente di apprendimento TT quando in esso entrano in gioco i linguaggi settoriali.
Papers by Aleksandra Blatešić