Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with s... more Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with special needs in the elementary and high school. In the State of São Paulo, Brazil, visually impaired students, who attend public schools, receive books adapted for blind and low sighted individuals, so they can participate on Geography classes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the enlarged material adapted to braille used at the elementary school. The analysis was based on the principle of the graphical semiology developed by ALMEIDA (2015), which discusses the use of alternative materials in order to represent areas, lines and dots with different heights, textures and shapes. The results were obtained through interviews, surveys and evaluation of teachers and students, who somehow experience the specificities of the visually impaired students daily. We observed that the adapted books do not bring all information contained in the original versions of the books and some ...
The multi-tasking and technological phenomena of modern society form the basis for so-called acti... more The multi-tasking and technological phenomena of modern society form the basis for so-called active methodology options, which engage students through several different teaching strategies. Among these strategies is game-based learning, very appealing to the younger generation of students and with great didactic potential in the teaching of Cartography and Geography. With the increase in versions of games available on different platforms, their lower cost and the introduction of devices such as mobile telephones, smartphones, tablet computers and desk top computers into the school environment, it has been possible to introduce a sandbox-type game in the didactic approach to the teaching of Geography, which includes cartography content. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the potential of a methodology based on use of the digital game Minecraft for the learning of cartographic concepts related to geographical themes in primary education during the period of social isolation, in which schools remained closed in Brazil, due to the advancing COVID-19 pandemic. This didactic concept was applied to 178 students at a private school in the city of Ribeirão Preto/SP [São Paulo] in the context of remote learning, between the months of October and November 2020. The outcomes were assessed based on the students' comprehension of the different viewpoints and the function and importance of scale in representations they created using Minecraft. The study demonstrated that, by "constructing" their representations, students could become the protagonists of their own learning process, connecting theoretical concepts to everyday practice and, thus, giving meaning to what they were being taught.
This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children a... more This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children and young adults as well as the training of Geography teachers in Brazil. It´s necessary to clarify that one can`t assing to teachers the full responsibility for the problems that the school and the cartography teaching are facing. We agree with Souza and Katuta (2001), who affirm there is a relevant and complex group of political, social and economic elements that can help explaining the educational situation Brazil is facing, especially in public schools. However, these elements end up being concealed along the education process. Therefore, we will present only the part of the scenario that includes the practices of Geography teachers, since they are responsible for forming the future generation of map-readers and producers. When dealing with the subject of teaching the teachers, we researched the literature that covers the teaching of Geography and Cartography at school and we applied it to national scope and to our own experience as teachers and researchers.
Our discussions are based on a decade of experiences in teaching Geography and Tactile Cartograph... more Our discussions are based on a decade of experiences in teaching Geography and Tactile Cartography for people with visual impairment (V.V.), in which adapted didactic materials were used to accompany the classes. However, in these experiences, the absence of theoretical bases regarding spatial thinking opened a gap between practice and theory, giving rise to our research problem. We investigate how, as teachers, we can mobilize spatial thinking in visually impaired audiences through tactile maps, given their structuring characteristic for geographic science, and we discuss the importance of this cognitive process for the construction of geographic reasoning. For this, we analyze experiences with Tactile Cartography in basic education and relate them to the fields of spatial thinking: concepts, representations and skills. Our main hypothesis, created from empirical studies and theoretical support, believes that spatial thinking in visually impaired people presents itself as an element of autonomy and that these gains are related to the teaching of Geography for this audience. The research, whose approach is qualitative and whose perspective is historical and cultural, was based on two distinct but articulated moments.First, we paid attention to the selection of a bibliography in the field of School Cartography, Tactile Cartography, Spatial Thought linked to the teaching of Geography, which enabled the construction of an updated theoretical contribution on the relationship between Geography and Cartography in teaching , reaffirming the validity of both in the school context. In a second moment, there was an analysis of empirical activities prior to the pandemic period of 2020, in order to identify whether or not they mobilized spatial thinking and, based on that, to increase discussions on geographic education. The investigation showed that, although spatial thinking is not explicit in the bases of Tactile Cartography, it is possible, through tactile maps, that most of the concepts and spatial skills are mobilized for the development of geographical reasoning, allowing the student with DV learn, reflect and dialogue about space. Thus, in addition to contributing to a consistent geographic education, the use of tactile maps enables critical reading and action on the spatial dimension of reality. The limitations of this research are related to knowledge about cognition based on touch and the challenges that school education in Brazil faces. The context of this work consolidates the need for knowledge production in Universities, so that they can support a degree in Geography in a solid and current theoretical basis, and with interdisciplinary and inclusive practices.
Social inclusion is a global tendency that goes back to the 1960s and 1970s. The base is a new pa... more Social inclusion is a global tendency that goes back to the 1960s and 1970s. The base is a new paradigm built from the perspective that the society is responsible for providing means to insert the visual impaired individual to it. At the end of 2012, of the 700 million people with some disability, 285 million were visual
This paper approaches the Tactile Cartography as a viable option to the adaptation of material us... more This paper approaches the Tactile Cartography as a viable option to the adaptation of material used to the Teaching of Geography to visual impaired students who attend the public school in the State of Sao Paulo. It foccusses on the analisis of the Caderno do Aluno (Student's Workbook) adapted by the Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (Secretariat of Education of the State of Sao Paulo) in two versions: braille and enlarged pitures. In this study we present the most used techniques to the production of embossed materials, its pros and cons concerning the adaptation of Geography and Cartography contents. A study was included concerning patterns of tactile maps, nationally and internationally presented. We present and discuss the experiences of teachers and students who use the material given by the Government of the State, as well as the opinions of specialists on the subject. In order to stimulate not only the educational inclusion of those students, but also the social inclusion, eliminating the physical barrier and the barries of attitude, we have produced an adapted workbook making use of the precepts of this branch of Science and we have also elaborated a complementary exercise that encompasses this branch of knowledge and that can be implemented in a common classroom. Taking the specificities of the low sight impairment into account, we have produced an application system which assists students when using the workbooks, allowing the user to access tools of proper enlargement and contrast of the picture, as well as audiodescription according to his needs. The results were obtained through interviews and surveys with teachers and students who somehow live the daily confrontation between the use of a pedagogical material which is of common use in the classroon and the specificities of the visually impaired public. Therefore we have tried to base the adoption of a complementary material to the preexisting one supplied by the Government. As philosophical results we present the reflection about the reality of the use of maps and the policies adopted by the Government of the State concerning this matter. As practical results we have obtained a Teaching of Geography and Cartography that was representative to the visual impaired students, to the other students and to the teachers, besides the socialization of the knowledge they received. There is still a lot to be done and we hope this research can serve as an incentive so that the social inclusion can be perpetuated at the heart of society: the school.
Social inclusion is a global trend, which beginning dates from 1960s and 1970s, and it has as a b... more Social inclusion is a global trend, which beginning dates from 1960s and 1970s, and it has as a base a new paradigm of society which starts to build-up, counteracting the Aryan model, the hegemonic model, the Cartesian model and the positivist model hitherto prevailing. Since the last three decades school inclusion has been tried in Brazil. In this research, the focus were people with visual impairment who are about 35 millions of Brazilians, accordingly to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE, 2010), whose have any disability in the visual organ. How can we represent a content to an individual with visual impairment? Within the tactile cartography perspective, at first it was opted to produce a terrestrial globe adapted to this public. Although, as the feedbacks about the usage of the materials used in the making of the globe were given, the usage of the globe in the classroom confirmed that the Tactile Cartography should not stay confined only to specialized in...
Mudancas tecnologicas criaram possibilidades para representar a superficie terrestre em meio digi... more Mudancas tecnologicas criaram possibilidades para representar a superficie terrestre em meio digital. Novas perspectivas da Cartografia tem gerado o crescimento da producao de mapas fora dos limites academicos. Este artigo apresenta as contribuicoes do uso de imagens de satelites e de Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas como recursos didaticos em apoio ao ensino de Cartografia nas aulas de Geografia. Foram apresentadas metodologias relacionadas ao ensino de Cartografia no segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Medio. Os resultados indicaram que as geotecnologias despertam interesse e a motivacao no aluno para participar de atividades cartograficas em meio digital a partir do seu espaco vivido; entretanto, estes recursos precisam ser acompanhados de metodologias de ensino que considerem o nivel cognitivo e os conhecimentos geograficos do aluno.
As representacoes cartograficas constituem um conteudo indispensavel para o estudo da Geografia v... more As representacoes cartograficas constituem um conteudo indispensavel para o estudo da Geografia voltado para a formacao da cidadania e e notavel a quantidade de literatura no Brasil que aborda o ensino de Cartografia nas salas de aula, no entanto, as discussoes sobre o ensino desta disciplina dentro dos cursos de graduacao ainda sao insuficientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal destacar a importância de cursos para formacao continuada de professores que abordem temas como a espacialidade em suas multiplas dimensoes e representacoes. Destacamos uma experiencia com formacao continuada de professores que ocorreu no ano de 2012, curso realizado em uma parceria firmada entre a Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) e a Secretaria da Educacao do Estado de Sao Paulo. Nesta ocasiao, os professores participantes ao serem desafiados a elaborar um mapa tatil, expressaram dificuldades na leitura da informacao comunicada no mapa impresso a ser adaptado...
Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with s... more Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with special needs in the elementary and high school. In the State of São Paulo, Brazil, visually impaired students, who attend public schools, receive books adapted for blind and low sighted individuals, so they can participate on Geography classes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the enlarged material adapted to braille used at the elementary school. The analysis was based on the principle of the graphical semiology developed by ALMEIDA (2015), which discusses the use of alternative materials in order to represent areas, lines and dots with different heights, textures and shapes. The results were obtained through interviews, surveys and evaluation of teachers and students, who somehow experience the specificities of the visually impaired students daily. We observed that the adapted books do not bring all information contained in the original versions of the books and some of the exercises are not presented. Furthermore we could notice that the teachers and other students do not have any level of proficiency in understanding braille, which can hamper the interaction between visually impaired and the other students. After the observations, we adapted 22 maps using colored materials and handcraft techniques taking into account the different needs of the low sighted audience. The materials used are easy to be found and purchased, since they have a low cost. Using this alternative material we achieved a learning that was representative to all students and to the teachers, providing the socialization of the acquired knowledge.
This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children a... more This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children and young adults as well as the training of Geography teachers in Brazil. It´s necessary to clarify that one can`t assing to teachers the full responsibility for the problems that the school and the cartography teaching are facing. We agree with Souza and Katuta (2001), who affirm there is a relevant and complex group of political, social and economic elements that can help explaining the educational situation Brazil is facing, especially in public schools. However, these elements end up being concealed along the education process. Therefore, we will present only the part of the scenario that includes the practices of Geography teachers, since they are responsible for forming the future generation of map-readers and producers. When dealing with the subject of teaching the teachers, we researched the literature that covers the teaching of Geography and Cartography at school and we applied it to national scope and to our own experience as teachers and researchers.
Seja como área de pesquisa quanto como disciplina escolar, a Geografia está comumente ligada à pe... more Seja como área de pesquisa quanto como disciplina escolar, a Geografia está comumente ligada à percepção no campo da visão, portanto, as pessoas com deficiência visual encontram maiores obstáculos quando lidam com esta ciência. Neste trabalho optou-se pela produção de um globo terrestre adaptado para este público, que pudesse dar conta, sobretudo de temas abstratos da Geografia, como no caso as Coordenadas Geográficas. Pretende-se que esta pesquisa sirva de incentivo para amenizar o abismo
As representações cartográficas constituem um conteúdo indispensável para o estudo da Geografia v... more As representações cartográficas constituem um conteúdo indispensável para o estudo da Geografia voltado para a formação da cidadania e é notável a quantidade de literatura no Brasil que aborda o ensino de Cartografia nas salas de aula, no entanto, as discussões sobre o ensino desta disciplina dentro dos cursos de graduação ainda são insuficientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal destacar a importância de cursos para formação continuada de professores que abordem temas como a espacialidade em suas múltiplas dimensões e representações. Destacamos uma experiência com formação continuada de professores que
Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with s... more Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with special needs in the elementary and high school. In the State of São Paulo, Brazil, visually impaired students, who attend public schools, receive books adapted for blind and low sighted individuals, so they can participate on Geography classes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the enlarged material adapted to braille used at the elementary school. The analysis was based on the principle of the graphical semiology developed by ALMEIDA (2015), which discusses the use of alternative materials in order to represent areas, lines and dots with different heights, textures and shapes. The results were obtained through interviews, surveys and evaluation of teachers and students, who somehow experience the specificities of the visually impaired students daily. We observed that the adapted books do not bring all information contained in the original versions of the books and some ...
The multi-tasking and technological phenomena of modern society form the basis for so-called acti... more The multi-tasking and technological phenomena of modern society form the basis for so-called active methodology options, which engage students through several different teaching strategies. Among these strategies is game-based learning, very appealing to the younger generation of students and with great didactic potential in the teaching of Cartography and Geography. With the increase in versions of games available on different platforms, their lower cost and the introduction of devices such as mobile telephones, smartphones, tablet computers and desk top computers into the school environment, it has been possible to introduce a sandbox-type game in the didactic approach to the teaching of Geography, which includes cartography content. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the potential of a methodology based on use of the digital game Minecraft for the learning of cartographic concepts related to geographical themes in primary education during the period of social isolation, in which schools remained closed in Brazil, due to the advancing COVID-19 pandemic. This didactic concept was applied to 178 students at a private school in the city of Ribeirão Preto/SP [São Paulo] in the context of remote learning, between the months of October and November 2020. The outcomes were assessed based on the students' comprehension of the different viewpoints and the function and importance of scale in representations they created using Minecraft. The study demonstrated that, by "constructing" their representations, students could become the protagonists of their own learning process, connecting theoretical concepts to everyday practice and, thus, giving meaning to what they were being taught.
This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children a... more This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children and young adults as well as the training of Geography teachers in Brazil. It´s necessary to clarify that one can`t assing to teachers the full responsibility for the problems that the school and the cartography teaching are facing. We agree with Souza and Katuta (2001), who affirm there is a relevant and complex group of political, social and economic elements that can help explaining the educational situation Brazil is facing, especially in public schools. However, these elements end up being concealed along the education process. Therefore, we will present only the part of the scenario that includes the practices of Geography teachers, since they are responsible for forming the future generation of map-readers and producers. When dealing with the subject of teaching the teachers, we researched the literature that covers the teaching of Geography and Cartography at school and we applied it to national scope and to our own experience as teachers and researchers.
Our discussions are based on a decade of experiences in teaching Geography and Tactile Cartograph... more Our discussions are based on a decade of experiences in teaching Geography and Tactile Cartography for people with visual impairment (V.V.), in which adapted didactic materials were used to accompany the classes. However, in these experiences, the absence of theoretical bases regarding spatial thinking opened a gap between practice and theory, giving rise to our research problem. We investigate how, as teachers, we can mobilize spatial thinking in visually impaired audiences through tactile maps, given their structuring characteristic for geographic science, and we discuss the importance of this cognitive process for the construction of geographic reasoning. For this, we analyze experiences with Tactile Cartography in basic education and relate them to the fields of spatial thinking: concepts, representations and skills. Our main hypothesis, created from empirical studies and theoretical support, believes that spatial thinking in visually impaired people presents itself as an element of autonomy and that these gains are related to the teaching of Geography for this audience. The research, whose approach is qualitative and whose perspective is historical and cultural, was based on two distinct but articulated moments.First, we paid attention to the selection of a bibliography in the field of School Cartography, Tactile Cartography, Spatial Thought linked to the teaching of Geography, which enabled the construction of an updated theoretical contribution on the relationship between Geography and Cartography in teaching , reaffirming the validity of both in the school context. In a second moment, there was an analysis of empirical activities prior to the pandemic period of 2020, in order to identify whether or not they mobilized spatial thinking and, based on that, to increase discussions on geographic education. The investigation showed that, although spatial thinking is not explicit in the bases of Tactile Cartography, it is possible, through tactile maps, that most of the concepts and spatial skills are mobilized for the development of geographical reasoning, allowing the student with DV learn, reflect and dialogue about space. Thus, in addition to contributing to a consistent geographic education, the use of tactile maps enables critical reading and action on the spatial dimension of reality. The limitations of this research are related to knowledge about cognition based on touch and the challenges that school education in Brazil faces. The context of this work consolidates the need for knowledge production in Universities, so that they can support a degree in Geography in a solid and current theoretical basis, and with interdisciplinary and inclusive practices.
Social inclusion is a global tendency that goes back to the 1960s and 1970s. The base is a new pa... more Social inclusion is a global tendency that goes back to the 1960s and 1970s. The base is a new paradigm built from the perspective that the society is responsible for providing means to insert the visual impaired individual to it. At the end of 2012, of the 700 million people with some disability, 285 million were visual
This paper approaches the Tactile Cartography as a viable option to the adaptation of material us... more This paper approaches the Tactile Cartography as a viable option to the adaptation of material used to the Teaching of Geography to visual impaired students who attend the public school in the State of Sao Paulo. It foccusses on the analisis of the Caderno do Aluno (Student's Workbook) adapted by the Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (Secretariat of Education of the State of Sao Paulo) in two versions: braille and enlarged pitures. In this study we present the most used techniques to the production of embossed materials, its pros and cons concerning the adaptation of Geography and Cartography contents. A study was included concerning patterns of tactile maps, nationally and internationally presented. We present and discuss the experiences of teachers and students who use the material given by the Government of the State, as well as the opinions of specialists on the subject. In order to stimulate not only the educational inclusion of those students, but also the social inclusion, eliminating the physical barrier and the barries of attitude, we have produced an adapted workbook making use of the precepts of this branch of Science and we have also elaborated a complementary exercise that encompasses this branch of knowledge and that can be implemented in a common classroom. Taking the specificities of the low sight impairment into account, we have produced an application system which assists students when using the workbooks, allowing the user to access tools of proper enlargement and contrast of the picture, as well as audiodescription according to his needs. The results were obtained through interviews and surveys with teachers and students who somehow live the daily confrontation between the use of a pedagogical material which is of common use in the classroon and the specificities of the visually impaired public. Therefore we have tried to base the adoption of a complementary material to the preexisting one supplied by the Government. As philosophical results we present the reflection about the reality of the use of maps and the policies adopted by the Government of the State concerning this matter. As practical results we have obtained a Teaching of Geography and Cartography that was representative to the visual impaired students, to the other students and to the teachers, besides the socialization of the knowledge they received. There is still a lot to be done and we hope this research can serve as an incentive so that the social inclusion can be perpetuated at the heart of society: the school.
Social inclusion is a global trend, which beginning dates from 1960s and 1970s, and it has as a b... more Social inclusion is a global trend, which beginning dates from 1960s and 1970s, and it has as a base a new paradigm of society which starts to build-up, counteracting the Aryan model, the hegemonic model, the Cartesian model and the positivist model hitherto prevailing. Since the last three decades school inclusion has been tried in Brazil. In this research, the focus were people with visual impairment who are about 35 millions of Brazilians, accordingly to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE, 2010), whose have any disability in the visual organ. How can we represent a content to an individual with visual impairment? Within the tactile cartography perspective, at first it was opted to produce a terrestrial globe adapted to this public. Although, as the feedbacks about the usage of the materials used in the making of the globe were given, the usage of the globe in the classroom confirmed that the Tactile Cartography should not stay confined only to specialized in...
Mudancas tecnologicas criaram possibilidades para representar a superficie terrestre em meio digi... more Mudancas tecnologicas criaram possibilidades para representar a superficie terrestre em meio digital. Novas perspectivas da Cartografia tem gerado o crescimento da producao de mapas fora dos limites academicos. Este artigo apresenta as contribuicoes do uso de imagens de satelites e de Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas como recursos didaticos em apoio ao ensino de Cartografia nas aulas de Geografia. Foram apresentadas metodologias relacionadas ao ensino de Cartografia no segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Medio. Os resultados indicaram que as geotecnologias despertam interesse e a motivacao no aluno para participar de atividades cartograficas em meio digital a partir do seu espaco vivido; entretanto, estes recursos precisam ser acompanhados de metodologias de ensino que considerem o nivel cognitivo e os conhecimentos geograficos do aluno.
As representacoes cartograficas constituem um conteudo indispensavel para o estudo da Geografia v... more As representacoes cartograficas constituem um conteudo indispensavel para o estudo da Geografia voltado para a formacao da cidadania e e notavel a quantidade de literatura no Brasil que aborda o ensino de Cartografia nas salas de aula, no entanto, as discussoes sobre o ensino desta disciplina dentro dos cursos de graduacao ainda sao insuficientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal destacar a importância de cursos para formacao continuada de professores que abordem temas como a espacialidade em suas multiplas dimensoes e representacoes. Destacamos uma experiencia com formacao continuada de professores que ocorreu no ano de 2012, curso realizado em uma parceria firmada entre a Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) e a Secretaria da Educacao do Estado de Sao Paulo. Nesta ocasiao, os professores participantes ao serem desafiados a elaborar um mapa tatil, expressaram dificuldades na leitura da informacao comunicada no mapa impresso a ser adaptado...
Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with s... more Brazil adopts an educational inclusion policy, which is based on the insertion of students with special needs in the elementary and high school. In the State of São Paulo, Brazil, visually impaired students, who attend public schools, receive books adapted for blind and low sighted individuals, so they can participate on Geography classes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the enlarged material adapted to braille used at the elementary school. The analysis was based on the principle of the graphical semiology developed by ALMEIDA (2015), which discusses the use of alternative materials in order to represent areas, lines and dots with different heights, textures and shapes. The results were obtained through interviews, surveys and evaluation of teachers and students, who somehow experience the specificities of the visually impaired students daily. We observed that the adapted books do not bring all information contained in the original versions of the books and some of the exercises are not presented. Furthermore we could notice that the teachers and other students do not have any level of proficiency in understanding braille, which can hamper the interaction between visually impaired and the other students. After the observations, we adapted 22 maps using colored materials and handcraft techniques taking into account the different needs of the low sighted audience. The materials used are easy to be found and purchased, since they have a low cost. Using this alternative material we achieved a learning that was representative to all students and to the teachers, providing the socialization of the acquired knowledge.
This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children a... more This article raises a few discussion topics concerning the cartographical learning for children and young adults as well as the training of Geography teachers in Brazil. It´s necessary to clarify that one can`t assing to teachers the full responsibility for the problems that the school and the cartography teaching are facing. We agree with Souza and Katuta (2001), who affirm there is a relevant and complex group of political, social and economic elements that can help explaining the educational situation Brazil is facing, especially in public schools. However, these elements end up being concealed along the education process. Therefore, we will present only the part of the scenario that includes the practices of Geography teachers, since they are responsible for forming the future generation of map-readers and producers. When dealing with the subject of teaching the teachers, we researched the literature that covers the teaching of Geography and Cartography at school and we applied it to national scope and to our own experience as teachers and researchers.
Seja como área de pesquisa quanto como disciplina escolar, a Geografia está comumente ligada à pe... more Seja como área de pesquisa quanto como disciplina escolar, a Geografia está comumente ligada à percepção no campo da visão, portanto, as pessoas com deficiência visual encontram maiores obstáculos quando lidam com esta ciência. Neste trabalho optou-se pela produção de um globo terrestre adaptado para este público, que pudesse dar conta, sobretudo de temas abstratos da Geografia, como no caso as Coordenadas Geográficas. Pretende-se que esta pesquisa sirva de incentivo para amenizar o abismo
As representações cartográficas constituem um conteúdo indispensável para o estudo da Geografia v... more As representações cartográficas constituem um conteúdo indispensável para o estudo da Geografia voltado para a formação da cidadania e é notável a quantidade de literatura no Brasil que aborda o ensino de Cartografia nas salas de aula, no entanto, as discussões sobre o ensino desta disciplina dentro dos cursos de graduação ainda são insuficientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal destacar a importância de cursos para formação continuada de professores que abordem temas como a espacialidade em suas múltiplas dimensões e representações. Destacamos uma experiência com formação continuada de professores que
Papers by Barbara Jordão